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How are people becoming immune to interrupt?


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Just right now i saw a sorc that all the time he cast he become immune, the spell to interrupt is up when he begin to cast it get dark as he's immune. Will bioware do something about it? And roots too, sometimes you cant root a plauyer no matter what.
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Just right now i saw a sorc that all the time he cast he become immune, the spell to interrupt is up when he begin to cast it get dark as he's immune. Will bioware do something about it? And roots too, sometimes you cant root a plauyer no matter what.


Some Sith have a skill that makes Force Lightning immune to 'soft' interrupts, but you can still stun them. Several classes have a movement ability that makes them temporarily immune to movement-imparing effects. No hacks here.

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  • 6 months later...

What the freaking point in reporting cheaters , they just crate a new account and do it all over , and thats if Biow and ea even gonna do something about it. and i have my doubts about that , becouse that means they lose coins on it . :mad::mad:


i been reported a few cheaters and they are still in the game , im pretty sure they cheat , so its just the bioware thats does nothing to stop them , i even linked in a private mail to bioware where they could get cheats from websites so they could put a stop for them , but have anything happent no . personaly i think cheaters are people / kids that dont like the game or cant figure out how to play the game fair , becouse they get theire butt kicked in pvp , so they go for cheats , ive seen bots in cluster on the swtor servers and ive reported them , i seen imunity hacks , speed hacks , bug abuses and nothing been done to stop thease sinners .


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Does Bioware confirm that those are cheats?


i've encounter this thing lately aswell. not a specific class but yeah i've figure that this is a bug that you can't interupt someone. as it is also the resolve bar that doesn't charge when you CC someone. this is something it happens to find on some players but i was hoping to be a bug.


The answer is no.


We are not supposed to talk about hacks or cheaters - EAware's official policy is that cheaters do not exist.

This thread might get removed by a moderator, but EAware will never read it, respond to it or act upon it.

You can only report cheaters in-game and, at best, they get a (historically documented) 1-week suspension.


EAware - "Supressing the truth about cheaters since December 2011!"

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Sadly, since the arrival of f2p, the number of players using hacks has increased exponentially, and like many said before, they don't even bother creating another account, since the "harshest" punishment is just 1 week suspension (very few cases).


Immunity to stuns, speeding rushs and no-cooldown abilities timers are the most common. The worst part, there aren't any comments or solutions mentioned from BW.

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known hack.


please report these people. Takes about a week for them to fully investigate, but things do get done.




create a help ticket.


Select report player


Type in player name, server they are on, and what you encountered.


Now I'm not going to name names, but someone who's name rhymes with 'Jingers' has been hacking for the past Month or 2, with about 50K people reporting him, and he has not been banned as far as I know.


So I laugh at your statement of 'things do get done'.

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basacly its a thing like this:

its a cheat



but on the site elitpvpers you can find al sorts of bots cheats and exploits sadly the forum wount let me show the internetadress and no im not one of the loosers that cheat


it works ppl are proud of using it we all know it and bioware will not do anything about it

Edited by Lord-Tiger
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I hope you realize that the lightning tree has "polarity shift" it is an alacrity buff and temporarily makes the Sorc/Sage immune to interrupts for 10 seconds. This is far from hacking and you still have every other cc option to stop casts. If it was long than about 10 seconds every 2 minutes than he was probably hacking.


Has it been so long since Sage/Sorc dps was used people don't even know their cooldowns?

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Sadly, since the arrival of f2p, the number of players using hacks has increased exponentially


According to what information? None. The only thing I've seen is lag, and the possibility of a lag switch, but I doubt even that, as I just think the server tech is bad. There has been some exploits, yes, but they have been fixed rather quickly.


Sadly, since the arrival of f2p, the number of players using hacks has increased exponentially, and like many said before, they don't even bother creating another account, since the "harshest" punishment is just 1 week suspension (very few cases).


Again, do your homework. Hacking (if/when there is proof) is a GUARANTEED instant PERMABAN.


Try this: A bunch of people reports a player (your guild f.e). There is a good chance the player will get a 1 week ban, but will get unbanned when they go '*** is this', because of an ACTUAL INVESTIGATION. The reason you might see the people you have reported still playing, is the fact that there is NO PROOF that they have been hacking (this does not mean that they have not done it, but you cannot punish them if there is no proof. And I prefer it that way.)


So, to all of you people reporting 'hackers': sod off and LEARN TO PLAY.


Immunity to stuns, speeding rushs and no-cooldown abilities timers are the most common. The worst part, there aren't any comments or solutions mentioned from BW.


...Again, all these are abilities/talents from talent trees:


Immunity to stuns and/or all CC effects: Force Shroud/Entrench/Unstoppable...OR FULL RESOLVE. (ever heard of resolve? ...Didn't think so.)


'Speeding rushs': Force Speed, Predation (especially carnage tree).


-> And their republic counterparts.


'No-cooldown' abilities: Flame Burst, Tracer Missile, Power Shot....Blah I can't be bothered. There are tons.


You sir, are a prime example of what is wrong with SWTOR and its players: Totally unaware of a concept called GAME MECHANICS.



I don't mean to be rude, but you are either a troll, or need to seriously start spending more time learning the game, than make up stuff on the forums.




...It's best for the game, and the players. For everyone's sake, I beg you.

Edited by SneiK
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According to what information? None. The only thing I've seen is lag, and the possibility of a lag switch, but I doubt even that, as I just think the server tech is bad. There has been some exploits, yes, but they have been fixed rather quickly.




Again, do your homework. Hacking (if/when there is proof) is a GUARANTEED instant PERMABAN.


Try this: A bunch of people reports a player (your guild f.e). There is a good chance the player will get a 1 week ban, but will get unbanned when they go '*** is this', because of an ACTUAL INVESTIGATION. The reason you might see the people you have reported still playing, is the fact that there is NO PROOF that they have been hacking (this does not mean that they have not done it, but you cannot punish them if there is no proof. And I prefer it that way.)


So, to all of you people reporting 'hackers': sod off and LEARN TO PLAY.




...Again, all these are abilities/talents from talent trees:


Immunity to stuns and/or all CC effects: Force Shroud/Entrench/Unstoppable...OR FULL RESOLVE. (ever heard of resolve? ...Didn't think so.)


'Speeding rushs': Force Speed, Predation (especially carnage tree).


-> And their republic counterparts.


'No-cooldown' abilities: Flame Burst, Tracer Missile, Power Shot....Blah I can't be bothered. There are tons.


You sir, are a prime example of what is wrong with SWTOR and its players: Totally unaware of a concept called GAME MECHANICS.



I don't mean to be rude, but you are either a troll, or need to seriously start spending more time learning the game, than make up stuff on this forums.




...It's best for the game, and the players. For everyone's sake, I beg you.


Nice post and sadly its true. The horrible 1.2 patch never would have occurred if people had learned how to not only play their own class, but learned at least a little about other classes rather than just complaining.

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Just wanted to point out that whatever issue with interrupt had the OP has nothing to do with the actual situation, since this thread has been necroed.


heh, yeah this thread is from march when the silence immunity on mental alacrity wasn't even in the game.

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So, to all of you people reporting 'hackers': sod off and LEARN TO PLAY.


Cool story bro.


Video proof of Gingers the speedhacker on POT5:


There have been many long threads about this person, most of which have been deleted by BioWare. Here is one of the threads which is still up:



Me posting this here is probably going to get this thread deleted as well, but it's definitely worth it to shut up ignorant people like you.

Edited by Rassuro
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Again, do your homework. Hacking (if/when there is proof) is a GUARANTEED instant PERMABAN.


That is simply a blatant lie!

1.1.5 saw hundreds of speedhackers/maphackers suspended for ONE WEEK ONLY, with no other repercussions.

That's a fact you can look up!


You sir, are a prime example of what is wrong with SWTOR and its players: Totally unaware of a concept called GAME MECHANICS.


Right back at you!

I suspect that you don't understand what is and what is not possible in PVP by natural means.

Alternatively, you might not pay enough attention to what is really going on in warzones.




Funny, that sounds just like what all the cheaters say when they want to diffuse the issue.

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are you saying i dont know my class ?

are you saying i have to learn how to play ?

are you saying i dont know the game mechanics ?


ill anser it like this


1. iv been playing Sith inquisitor sorc.. since i was allowed in to the beta , long before the game release

2. well i can pretty much say to you Sneik , learn how to play is pretty much what people that dont use hack is

doing , we even fight the ones that do use hack , so try and find another remark instead.

3. i got sith and reps toons on the server i play, and i know about the game mechanics, that is all so why i can see when people are not playing the game clean, so again Sniek , find a new excuse, instead of using old remarks like that some of us have more than a year in this game allready.


So sniek , if you think people with more than a year in this dont know the game mechanics and they dont know how to spot a cheater then you are very much wrong. i suspect you one of thouse young kids that think its very cool to use bugs and cheats to get easy access to best gear in the game, and people like that is bad apples and should be kicked out of the game forever !



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According to what information? None. The only thing I've seen is lag, and the possibility of a lag switch, but I doubt even that, as I just think the server tech is bad. There has been some exploits, yes, but they have been fixed rather quickly.




Again, do your homework. Hacking (if/when there is proof) is a GUARANTEED instant PERMABAN.


Try this: A bunch of people reports a player (your guild f.e). There is a good chance the player will get a 1 week ban, but will get unbanned when they go '*** is this', because of an ACTUAL INVESTIGATION. The reason you might see the people you have reported still playing, is the fact that there is NO PROOF that they have been hacking (this does not mean that they have not done it, but you cannot punish them if there is no proof. And I prefer it that way.)


So, to all of you people reporting 'hackers': sod off and LEARN TO PLAY.




...Again, all these are abilities/talents from talent trees:


Immunity to stuns and/or all CC effects: Force Shroud/Entrench/Unstoppable...OR FULL RESOLVE. (ever heard of resolve? ...Didn't think so.)


'Speeding rushs': Force Speed, Predation (especially carnage tree).


-> And their republic counterparts.


'No-cooldown' abilities: Flame Burst, Tracer Missile, Power Shot....Blah I can't be bothered. There are tons.


You sir, are a prime example of what is wrong with SWTOR and its players: Totally unaware of a concept called GAME MECHANICS.



I don't mean to be rude, but you are either a troll, or need to seriously start spending more time learning the game, than make up stuff on the forums.




...It's best for the game, and the players. For everyone's sake, I beg you.


Shroud/resilience doesn't make people immune to CC's, it provides a high chance to resist force/tech based attacks (force/tech attacks can still hit). More importantly there are plenty of CC's that aren't force/tech.


You forgot about the global cool-down.


btw I love necro threads

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known hack.


please report these people. Takes about a week for them to fully investigate, but things do get done.




create a help ticket.


Select report player


Type in player name, server they are on, and what you encountered.


tell that to the speedy Gonzalez i have to deal with in warzones every day.

Edited by MindgameZ
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According to what information? None. The only thing I've seen is lag, and the possibility of a lag switch, but I doubt even that, as I just think the server tech is bad. There has been some exploits, yes, but they have been fixed rather quickly.




Again, do your homework. Hacking (if/when there is proof) is a GUARANTEED instant PERMABAN.


Try this: A bunch of people reports a player (your guild f.e). There is a good chance the player will get a 1 week ban, but will get unbanned when they go '*** is this', because of an ACTUAL INVESTIGATION. The reason you might see the people you have reported still playing, is the fact that there is NO PROOF that they have been hacking (this does not mean that they have not done it, but you cannot punish them if there is no proof. And I prefer it that way.)


So, to all of you people reporting 'hackers': sod off and LEARN TO PLAY.




...Again, all these are abilities/talents from talent trees:


Immunity to stuns and/or all CC effects: Force Shroud/Entrench/Unstoppable...OR FULL RESOLVE. (ever heard of resolve? ...Didn't think so.)


'Speeding rushs': Force Speed, Predation (especially carnage tree).


-> And their republic counterparts.


'No-cooldown' abilities: Flame Burst, Tracer Missile, Power Shot....Blah I can't be bothered. There are tons.


You sir, are a prime example of what is wrong with SWTOR and its players: Totally unaware of a concept called GAME MECHANICS.



I don't mean to be rude, but you are either a troll, or need to seriously start spending more time learning the game, than make up stuff on the forums.




...It's best for the game, and the players. For everyone's sake, I beg you.


Hacker I assume?!

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We had 3 People on this sage we all had a form of interrupt and we could not interrupt 1 heal or attack. He seemed to be immune to them. What the heck is going on with that? We all were on vent at the time. We all are over valor 65 and pvp all the time. First time i have seen this.


Good old necro threads... here's what got sage's their big nerf- idiots.

Edited by fungihoujo
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