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Free transfers in the future?


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LOL BW closed a thread about low population and directed people to a thread that is closed.


My server is empy anymore during the week and on weekends not really busy.


Only 14 republic on Fleet atm and no WZs.


This game is pratically dead IMO.


300 million LOL!


14 on fleet on 1 server = game is dead?


Quite the leap in logic, don't you think?

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So is there any timeline on when the transfers will begin?


If so, I will definitely keep subscribing.


No Bioware isn't talking about it. They are acting like it is not a problem.

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I would love a free server transfer, but for those on heavy populated servers to move to lesser populated servers. I play on The Fatman, and often have a 15min wait to log on during night hours. Offering free transfers off of these high pop servers would balance out the server population a little more.
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I would love a free server transfer, but for those on heavy populated servers to move to lesser populated servers. I play on The Fatman, and often have a 15min wait to log on during night hours. Offering free transfers off of these high pop servers would balance out the server population a little more.


Dude, u are so lucky even for the wait.


I am unable to do any sort of Heroic quests of FP because there are not enough people. Most worlds have 0 population and the game feels like a single player game and not an mmo. The worst was on hoth when I was the only person on for 2hrs, so cold, big and empty.

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I would love a free server transfer, but for those on heavy populated servers to move to lesser populated servers. I play on The Fatman, and often have a 15min wait to log on during night hours. Offering free transfers off of these high pop servers would balance out the server population a little more.


No one playing on the Fatman is going to transfer out. We have what you may call "native population" , that was there since early acess and now you a ridiculously high influx of "immigrants" starting from scratch over there. And it's only going to get worse , trust me.


I'm also from Kinrath Spider , and I guarantee you that everyone on the server who considers starting a new toon on another server (Imp and Rep) has the same idea "reroll on Fatman" , and I would bet that everyone on a low pop server has a similar idea.

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long worthless story...


well, I have been on 3 servers now... I was assigned one with my guild at launch... leveled not too quickly... and did the OPS, pvp'd, etc.


Leveled an alt between gearing and other stuff.


Guild split as people slowly stopped logging in... then the fleet itself went to very small in numbers.


Left to a new server after looking around for a couple days and looking into people on it.


Hit 50 and started gearing... leveling an alt between that...


Later, that server seems to have less and less people on. Where people used to jump to do Heroics and FPs, now you can spam for about an hour before you find people to get it done... and worlds themselves have 10-20 folks on them when you level there...


Located the only server on east coast (pvp) that seems to be filled with 'refugees' as we call ourselves there. Moved there, and am starting to level a character...


Now.. the kicker. I am trying to not level the same character class on the servers... since I am hoping that they do server transfers and I can bring my 2 50's, one 45, and a 30ish to the populated server... so now I am into the 'dregs' of classes I wanted to play.


so either i have really bad luck getting a server assigned then picking one, or something is up.


COMEON!! Bring the transfers!

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I posted this same reply in another thread as well. Sorry for the repeat but just want to emphasize the need for transfers as much as possible.


I have a level 50 BH on the Lord Ieldis server, I have had since release. This server has dropped in population drastically. There have been times I have noticed the pop on a planet is myself and one or two other people. Even fleet is only at 10 people sometimes it gets up to 30 or so... But this still is not enough to provide the community needed to enjoy the game content. Because of this I have stopped trying to do any Heroics, FP's, or warzones just due to the fact that the wait times are insane! I would really like to transfer this character to another server where I have another higher level character I have been working on. I'm not so worried about transferring the guild with him but that would be nice as well since I did have to pay 5000 credits to establish the guild and credits don't come easy.


I think Server transfers are a Huge deal that desperately need to be addressed by Bioware and not just tucked away with a suggestion to re-roll on another server. Starting over with a re-roll is not an option for me as I would lose all my affection with my companions, all my Crafting and Gathering, not to mention all my other progress on my Character. I also have a guild I started about 2 months ago and can't even get people to join because the pop is so low.


Another issue with transfers are the other Characters I have on this same server. They are lower levels and I am reluctant to play any of them as I don't want to run into the same issues I have on my main. These I would be willing to re-roll on the other server but am just looking for some definitive response to transfers.


Bioware... you have a great thing going here! I haven't enjoyed an MMO like this in a long time. Please don't let something like transfers and Server Populations ruin such a great game!


This is exactly how i feel, I have a level 30 toon and i feel like it will take so much work to reroll. Really it would be amazing for server trannsfers! My friend chose a west coast server when he bought the game and we both live in the east coast. So when i bought the game i decided I would join his server. I really wish that I knew better before doing this. Today I was playing at 9 a clock eastern. Now sadly this is only 6 a clock western so not many people are on. Tatooine only had 3 people on it! On the weekend i played at 1 a clock in the morning so this I would say would be considered peak time since in the west it would be 10 a clock. There was only 30 people at fleet!

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I believe they know they launched with a butt ton (Yes that's metric) of servers for launch because face it, for launch they needed them. Now we're a few months past launch and I also believe they expected drop off, because in this industry you have to it's pretty much fact that it's going to happen.


Now at this point I'd like them to react to that drop off. Shutting down some servers wouldn't hurt anything. Everyone playing is an MMO player either from before or hell they are now, they understand that the heart of an MMO is people to play with, if that's hard to find, then you don't have an MMO.


I doubt however that they'll offer free transfers to any server you like. What I'd wager happens is that they'll take X amount of the lowest performing servers and fold them into X amount of medium ones. So server Alphabob gets merged into Betabob and the two communities integrate from there.


If they do decide to offer transfers to any server you want, I bet you end up having to pay for it. We're talking EA here after all.


I can only imagine the reason that this hasn't really been discussed or done yet is because of the naming system right now. Each player has a unique Surname + How many alts worth of unique names. Bound to be some name crossover, at this point you just have to bite the bullet and say some people are going to loose their name, sorry.

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I believe they know they launched with a butt ton (Yes that's metric) of servers for launch because face it, for launch they needed them. Now we're a few months past launch and I also believe they expected drop off, because in this industry you have to it's pretty much fact that it's going to happen.


Now at this point I'd like them to react to that drop off. Shutting down some servers wouldn't hurt anything. Everyone playing is an MMO player either from before or hell they are now, they understand that the heart of an MMO is people to play with, if that's hard to find, then you don't have an MMO.


I doubt however that they'll offer free transfers to any server you like. What I'd wager happens is that they'll take X amount of the lowest performing servers and fold them into X amount of medium ones. So server Alphabob gets merged into Betabob and the two communities integrate from there.


If they do decide to offer transfers to any server you want, I bet you end up having to pay for it. We're talking EA here after all.


I can only imagine the reason that this hasn't really been discussed or done yet is because of the naming system right now. Each player has a unique Surname + How many alts worth of unique names. Bound to be some name crossover, at this point you just have to bite the bullet and say some people are going to loose their name, sorry.


:/ It really stinks cause im in a westcoast server when I live in the eastcoast.


Do you think its worth it to reroll a level 30 toon on a high populated server? I also have some more friends who are buying the game so I guess I can have fun leveling with them.


God thinking about leveling on koriban again all the way up to Alderaan makes my stomach hurt lol

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:/ It really stinks cause im in a westcoast server when I live in the eastcoast.


Do you think its worth it to reroll a level 30 toon on a high populated server? I also have some more friends who are buying the game so I guess I can have fun leveling with them.


God thinking about leveling on koriban again all the way up to Alderaan makes my stomach hurt lol


I duno what to tell you, I'm not an alt sort of guy so when I roll a toon I like to stick with it, especially if I've put time into it. I guess I'm lucky tho because the server I'm on is decent on the pop issue. Not super awesome,but decent.


I guess if I were in your shoes I'd reroll on a heavier server and play a class you hadn't tried yet, maybe even the other faction. That's just what I'd do tho, can't say what's guna work for you.

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I can only imagine the reason that this hasn't really been discussed or done yet is because of the naming system right now. Each player has a unique Surname + How many alts worth of unique names. Bound to be some name crossover, at this point you just have to bite the bullet and say some people are going to loose their name, sorry.


Actually simple way around this is open up the name to be the character name PLUS the legacy name... they could even allow you to pick a legacy name from the start of a server, rather than level 30ish....or at least reserve it.. or something....


cause let's face it... how many names AND legacy names will be the same across servers? Some, maybe... but not as many as regular names.

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I duno what to tell you, I'm not an alt sort of guy so when I roll a toon I like to stick with it, especially if I've put time into it. I guess I'm lucky tho because the server I'm on is decent on the pop issue. Not super awesome,but decent.


I guess if I were in your shoes I'd reroll on a heavier server and play a class you hadn't tried yet, maybe even the other faction. That's just what I'd do tho, can't say what's guna work for you.



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Transfer, theres no legacy problems, no legacy on the new server... make a new one, start at legacy lvl 1.

And watch the forums lite up with the "I don't want to start my legacy over!"

transfer, Already unlocked a legacy? join it put your three lvl 50's into a lvl 5 legacy

again posts of "I already have my legacy at 35"

Transfer, someone got your name? pick a new one.

again posts of "Why do I have to change my name? I started in early access to get this name!!!!"


See my comments in red.


i agree that will become a problem with server mergees is that names will be crossed, for example i got Nick on nightmare lands in early acess and would hate to be forced to change it to something else simply cause someone who is merged on the server has it.


but transfers are not enougth server merges are needed, bioware can allways reactivate the old ones if the population grows large again, but it wont while people are struggleing to find anyone to group with.

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If they acknowledge that a server has a population problem they should merge, what is the point of having a server so quiet it needs transfers then leaving it open for new players or the ones left behind in a dead server.


Show some leadership and get 4 quiet servers, shove them into a healthy population.

Transfers smacks of "its too hard for BW to do" "we are scared of what people will say"


Transfer, theres no legacy problems, no legacy on the new server... make a new one, start at legacy lvl 1.

transfer, Already unlocked a legacy? join it put your three lvl 50's into a lvl 5 legacy

Transfer, someone got your name? pick a new one.


All nice and easy for BW but I want a company that will go the extra bit, do some extra work to make things better.


I dont have all the answers, I know my server is desperately quiet and I dont want to log in one day and see half them transferred out to unknown servers.


Quoted for truth. Exactly my thought on Legacy. It'd obviously sucks for people with high legacy level but you need to be realistic and you might have to give up on time spent on legacy to have transfer.


And to be honest... Knowing what happened with Star Wars Galaxy... I can understand why they are scared of what could happen...


But on a positive note... In their FAQ, they confirmed caracter transfer in "future".. And it was in February.. And I remember reading something from a dev "near future".


And when you type "Swtor caracter" in google, result suggestion is "swtor caracter transfer".. Can you deny google? Yeah, exactly. :p

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OK, this is a point that frustrates me to no end!





Well, I for one do care about FREE transfers!


Transfers should be free!


Why pay for Character transfers and spend more of your hard earned money in order to get game play where it should be in the first place?


I'll quote my previous post:




Come on people, I know we all want this fixed, but to just say "I'll pay you more money if you fix it so it works the way it should." is like asking a mugger "Can you shoot me again so I'll give you the rest of the money I have?".


Transfers should be free!


I agree It should be free! there are Dead Servers all over the Game and its due to the Lack of CS and P.V Player Value! I feel they are doing a good job in Advertising the Game but there needs to be more to draw the people to play!. and more reasons to play. Like 100% operational Customer Service and Tech Support team 24/7 would make people Say will if something happens I'm good just "Call" them and talk it out. but they don't even have a Phone Service. this in it self is a big turn off for most players. and I'm on the Dead-wight server and that is just what it is Dead Wight! there are maybe only 18 people on at a time in the Republic Fleet and Whats the most populated Place in the game That is BAD!!!!!! they need to Shut Down about 5 or 6 Servers that have no Population and transfer those people and guilds to a more populated server and then people will be happier. This must Change.

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lol some people actually complain about having to reroll a lvl 30 toon /facepalm


What about us that have a toon since prelaunch?


I support the server transfer, don't get me wrong on this!But 30 lvls is nothing :p


I just started to lvl a new toon in another server since my first one is becoming a "bit" quiet!

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A paid server transfer has merit, but free transfers are a massively bad idea.


If one is to switch servers, it should be infrequent and have some meaning.


If people could switch anytime, for free, at will anytime they please, they would and it would be absolute mayhem for constantly in flux server communities.


Free transfers CAN NOT happen.

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Yeah, I dont really care if the transfers are free or not.

In fact, ill pay 100 € right now to get my characters out of Ula Wii server.

Population at Fleet caps at around 20 on peak hours, barely can get a warzone together anymore...

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Yeah, I dont really care if the transfers are free or not.

In fact, ill pay 100 € right now to get my characters out of Ula Wii server.

Population at Fleet caps at around 20 on peak hours, barely can get a warzone together anymore...


I suspect some transfers will be free and others will not. For example, Bioware might have select low populated servers free for transfers. Whereas transfers from normal or high populated servers would be paid.


But.... I'm just guessing...

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I suspect some transfers will be free and others will not. For example, Bioware might have select low populated servers free for transfers. Whereas transfers from normal or high populated servers would be paid.


But.... I'm just guessing...


Honestly if anything it should be the other way around... People need to be staying on lower pop servers to increase the population, there should not be an ability to get off those free. If it was free, those servers would tank in a day guaranteed.


Also, if there are any free transfers at all, it should be to selected lower pop servers to balance things out. If there were free transfers, they should be limited and not be to high pop servers.

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You do know EA's name is on this game, right?


Free transfers will never, ever happen.


Honestly, you'll most likely see this game go Free2Play with a Cash-shop before that.


And I don't think F2P is far off. Once EA sees the money GW2/Diablo etc. make, they won't be able to control their desire to micro-transaction their customers to death.

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