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Free transfers in the future?


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I think a paid transfer is going to be a mistake. There are a lot of servers that are so dead, Bioware should be apologizing for it, never mind trying to make a buck off of it in the process.



We all know this game had a bottomless budget. A lot of us are mystified by some of the really odd things that are obviously needed in games such as this, that are totally absent.


I can see the Legacy system adding a degree of difficulty to transfers. sure. But guess what, thats what you pay software engineers to do - to figure crap like that out. people solve problems like that for a living. With Biowares money, there is little excuse for the delay we are seeing.


Actualy, we don't have a delay, we have nothing really for anyone other than AUS players. Does anyone even work in the public relations department that has the backbone to make any sort of meaningful comment about this? Or are they going to hide in their office until this hits critical mass and people leave for games that have more then 100 people on an entire server?


Im an Aussie Player on The Swiftsure, and since the SEA servers came up ive seen a noticible difference in player pop. I dont even want to play the game atm due to the fact that there isnt really anyone on that US server at peak aussie hours. I dont want t reroll on the SEA either as my legacy xp wont be granted. They needed xfers before 1.2 in my opinion!

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I play on the only european english RP-PvP server and am fed up with the lack of players. I tried to hold on to see what happens, then my RL friends moved to another server because it had high population. This made a huge difference in their gameplay experience. Now, I am conflicted. I have a lvl 37, two level 20s, and a level 50. I don't want to roll again and lose all the progress I made in the couple of months since the game released (yes, I took my time).


Without character transfers, without being able to transfer my whole legacy, it is going to hurt so much to reroll. I'm pretty sure a lot of people have the same problem. I know a lot of people are looking for character transfer to be allowed soon.


I just don't understand why it is taking so long. Sure they have bugs and other priorities to fix. However, isn't giving the player the most important thing in an mmo, interaction with community, more important? I'm sure a dedicated team plus an OK from the department head would get things going. I just don't get the logic.

Edited by Zortezurtek
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It takes so long to implement because of the legacy system and und unique names. BW could have given some explenation about this but i hope its comming after 1.2. Im on Tassaa Bareesh and on peak time there are about 140 reps on. We demand server transfers or server merges!
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Well I play On a pvp sever,(bloodworthy) Been hard to get FP last 6 weeks, Now hard to get a pop for WZ.

I do play From 11pm till 4am. All left to do is LVL alts.


Dont think i can,( whats the point, See how 1.2 does, Hopefully Bring them Back.

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It takes so long to implement because of the legacy system and und unique names. BW could have given some explenation about this but i hope its comming after 1.2. Im on Tassaa Bareesh and on peak time there are about 140 reps on. We demand server transfers or server merges!


Sir, respectfully I think you are drinking the cool-aid. Like I said in other posts, Bioware has people on its staff whos career it is to solve problems like this. They can fix the code. They can figure things out. They can make modifications and workarounds. People do database/software engineering as a life long career.


But I think the biggest problem is the Public Relations department. The mouth piece of Bioware is very quiet about this. That is VERY BAD in my eyes as it obviously implies that Bioware does not know what to do about the problem in terms of how to approach it from a marketing and PR stand point.


BW could just hulk smash the problem and piss everyone off by resetting legacy names, or removing them entirely. I wouldn't care at all if I lost my legacy name, its a gimmick in the 1st place. The other problems would be names being duplicates when a player tries to transfer. BW could warn the player the the server they are trying to move to already has that name taken, and if they choose to move there they will have to choose another name. Thats a solution for that. If i lost my name, yes I would be bummed out, but I wouldnt be nearly as bummed out as having 10 people on Hutta at prime time.


When it gets down to brass tacks, us as gamers will never be happy, or at least most of us. I like this game, but i dislike the typical corporate smoke and mirrors crap that BW puts on with its PR to the community.


I just want answers. What is biowares current options that they have on the table? we dont even know. they wont say anything.



Once again, people came on my server last night from slower servers complaining about it. these people gave days invested in toons that are essentially in DEAD servers. Why would that person want to put any more effort into the game when their server died in 3 months after release with Bioware apparently AFK on vacation in the meantime.


This is why I left BF3. DICE F'd that game over so hard from its release to a patch in December that I quit. I had a 64 slot ranked server that cost me $99 per month to rent, a large portion of that going to EA. EA lost me as a customer, because they completely abandoned their player base for months. I think BF3 was FINALLY patched again this week, but its way to late for me to come back to that. DICE showed me that all they care about is $, and to hell with legit problems in game as long as they can still make a quick buck.


Newsflash Bioware, LOTS of people are quiting this game due to dead servers. And a lot of us are less than impressed (im disgusted) by the lack of communication in regards to the issue.


Man up, do the right thing, and open your mouth and speak to us.


My last job was an IT consultant. If I treated my clients like Bioware treats us, I would of instantly been out of business. Paying customers want answers, and they want them fast. The problem we have here is Bioware is almost to big to fail, ergo they dont care if they piss off the people who are on dead servers.

Edited by -Dench
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Of all the above, I agree that if this needs a major reset of something to get it done, this is the time. Come up with a solution, and if a reset of names is necessary, then so be it.


Server merges should happen before enabling transfers. This will cut down on the server hoping searching for population.


Silence and hope ain't going to do it. Action is required. BW does have (I hope) professionals that can do this. Just design it, shut down the game (if necessary) for 24 hrs, and implement, reset whatever, and lets get on with it.

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I think a paid transfer is going to be a mistake. There are a lot of servers that are so dead, Bioware should be apologizing for it, never mind trying to make a buck off of it in the process.



We all know this game had a bottomless budget. A lot of us are mystified by some of the really odd things that are obviously needed in games such as this, that are totally absent.


I can see the Legacy system adding a degree of difficulty to transfers. sure. But guess what, thats what you pay software engineers to do - to figure crap like that out. people solve problems like that for a living. With Biowares money, there is little excuse for the delay we are seeing.


Actualy, we don't have a delay, we have nothing really for anyone other than AUS players. Does anyone even work in the public relations department that has the backbone to make any sort of meaningful comment about this? Or are they going to hide in their office until this hits critical mass and people leave for games that have more then 100 people on an entire server?


I'm not disagreeing with you, just saying that they won't be pulling their hair out over this

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I can't help but feel that EA's arrogance has gotten them backed into a corner--they were so confident that the game was going to be a raging success (which it was) and continue to be a raging success (which is clearly not the case) that they neglected to address something that is incredibly important to the longevity of a NEW MMO. There NEEDED to be a plan in place for when server populations began to fade, yet it seems that this was all an afterthought by Bioware and EA.


I find it completely unacceptable that they launched the game in Austrailia/Asia without the means for current players in those regions to transfer their characters. It was such a bad business decision that it's disgusting. History has told us time and time again that the most important months for a new MMO in a post-WoW world are the first 3 months. EA/Bioware needs to man up and take responsibility for their inability to facilitate something that, at its core, is the foundation of an MMO—community.


It’s tough for anyone to admit defeat, but sometimes you just have to roll with the punches and make a comeback. Here is what I see happening if something doesn’t happen FAST:


1. 1.2 is released and a number of excited customers come back to check out the new content.

2. Said customers realize that 1.2 lacks substance. It has fantastic features, but not much that really adds longevity to the endgame. Players unsubscribe within a month

3. Bioware is back at square one AND STILL left scrambling to get character transfers up and running.

4. They finally get server transfers up and running by the time Diablo 3 is released. Players are already over TOR and move on to the next best thing.

5. TOR is left to wallow in a perpetually mediocre state. I’ll be surprised if the game can keep 500,000 subscribers after Diablo 3 and GW2 are released.


Sad, but I fear that this is the reality of the matter. I hope I’m wrong. I want to be able to come back, but there is just too many issues that the game needs to address before I can even think about playing it again. Good luck Bioware, you have your work cut out for you.

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I see BW mysteriously decided not to answer any questions about server populations or transfers, and even got out of it next week by saying it will be another 1.2 Q&A continuation. Edited by -Dench
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I see BW mysteriously decided not to answer any questions about server populations or transfers, and even got out of it next week by saying it will be another 1.2 Q&A continuation.


What's your point?


They said they will have free transfers for AP folks over to the Aussie servers in late April, followed by other server transfers after that. They have not formally communicated their release plan yet, but hey... they have not communicated their release plan for 1.2 yet... so I don't see the problem.

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I see BW mysteriously decided not to answer any questions about server populations or transfers, and even got out of it next week by saying it will be another 1.2 Q&A continuation.
They've already begun testing character transfers by transferring live guilds onto the PTS. As for answering to server population specifics ... they don't have to because they are meeting their projected goals. If they weren't then there'd be a lot more sweat coming from their PR department.


EA in particular is tight lipped about releasing specifics regarding anything. They are from the old school of "loose lips sink ships" and have been since their first exclusive licenses with F1 and NASCAR. Those franchises were the technical racing simulator marvels of their day, and drew a lot of reverse engineers into its playing ranks.


A current example is TOR's legacy system. There are a lot of game developers out there paying real close attention to what Bioware is not only doing - but how they are doing it. This is no longer an open mic night experiment. The game is a legit target now and its owners have to protect their assets. Character transfer complications derived from the legacy system isn't as simple as connecting dots in a database flow chart. They are working on it and learned from launch not to rush stuff.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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11am. There are 5 people in the Imperial Fleet on Veela server.


I will quit before I level a character on a different server when I get no legacy points. However there is also no one to play with....




I dont care if I have to pay to transfer servers or not, I just want someone to play with again.

Edited by DoomProphet
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It was just reported that legacy will not be transferable if changing servers.

Your legacy will be reset.


Does this mean that if I transfer over a lvl 50 who has a legacy on one server to an Asia-pacific server which has another legacy (both empire) that the one I originally had on my level will over ride (albeit be reset as well) the other legacy?


Also has there been an updated on the free transfers for Asia-Pacific players yet? (I got my email early March telling me I was eligible for it so thats not a problem.)

Edited by SmileMoar
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It was just reported that legacy will not be transferable if changing servers.

Your legacy will be reset.


I have absolutely no interest in alts, Legacy, Non-canon race/class combinations, or using force lightning as a Bounty Hunter... So for the love of God get me some Server Transfers! :)

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