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Everything posted by DarthMalies

  1. that sucks they need to fix it...
  2. Can you guys please make the head piece Kallig's Countenance be able to go under hoods. On the codex in the game he is wearing it under a hood and it looks better that way.
  3. Well if you like sith lore. Names and meanings go to wookieepedia and look there.
  4. Are we ever going to get more class story content? I mean I know I'm not the only one wanting this. Would love to see if my jedi becomes a dark jedi and join the emps or my light sided sith joins the jedi!!
  5. So.. We need more story for our classes.. Idk whats so hard about that.... That's what most of us play this game for.. I'm sure there's lots of ideas for it.. But I really want to know what my story does in the long run.. I'm sure there's lots of others out there who would agree.. We need a dark jedi/sith witch class in the game also.. A defect to the empire.. I mean my jedi is my assassins ally/apprentice. Idk why there isn't a apprentice in the family tree either.. That doesn't make since if there no story to back that up.. It would make a lot of since to add this. NOT SAYING WHY!! for the people who haven't played all the classes. This is me vent for lack of more story for the classes and stuff. Don't get me wrong I love this game and its my favorite MMO.. I'm a huge star wars fan and I just would love to see this.
  6. Would love to have some more races.. Yes i know they said they wouldn't but... I for one would love to have a Selkath for a race and some others!! Maybe in the next ex-pak play as a Rakata!!!! Makes since to add both of them imo...
  7. All im saying is it would be a nice thing to add in the game imo.
  8. Idk why it says he is a sith lord he was a jedi. So that makes him dark jedi. But if he was dubbed a sith idk.
  9. I have 4 siths id like them ti put them in as like a hero class...
  10. We need a Dark Jedi class, hero class or something.. People say well that is what the lightside, darkside scale is for. But that's not what I mean... I mean a Dark Jedi you can play as or can just switch your Jedi to Sith or something like that or give the title of dark Jedi for if bio decides to to do just throwing this out there.. Or make a story in this ex pac the tale of a Jedi or Sith who wants to be a Jedi OR Fallen Jedi. I think it would be an awsome story and I bet hardcore SW fans would to ..
  11. He was an awesome guy. He was always there to help me.. I will miss you man. Mal
  12. I would like a Apprentice rank for my sith legacy and a Padawan for my republic legacy in the family tree imo there should be one. unless that is what the ally/rival is all about imo this should be in the tree for the sith and jedis. imo is would be a good idea because it could build story and there for be nice for someday the toons can use each other. maybe even bio will make it to where we can have the toons as companions imo this would be an awsome idea.
  13. Still tho it would make a good story imo.
  14. they could make a good story with that imo.
  15. I think bio should make a dark side and light side quest line.. What i mean by that is your imp toons can go to the rep side and rep toons can go to the imp side.. The game is built todo this imo..
  16. Are there going to be free server transfers? i just want to go to my friends server they just started playing and i dont feel like rerolling 3 toons..
  17. Heres a thought think bio might make it to where we can make the toons we made go to the imp side if there father was on the imp side.
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