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Guild Summit Day 2 NDA Lifted! Brand New 1.2 Info!


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Not a fanboi, but I found this quote from the Massively article to be interesting:


"SWTOR currently stands as the fastest-growing MMO ever and retains the second largest subscription base, according to Electronic Arts' investor calls."


Good sign for the future of the game. Hopefully, 1.2 delivers big. I really want it to, especially in endgame, or I will be gone.

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I'm sorry, but I'm strongly against being able to purchase these features with credits!!!

This to me is a horrible idea and will hinder any viability the Legacy system will have now and in the future.


Unless the legacy, valor, and social ranks only unlock these features, then they much be purchased. I really would NOT like to see this as a purchase "or" unlock.


i think some items to be bought is fair, i ymself not a huge PVP player, jsut got 50 little over w eek ago. yes i know it was slow, and yes i did takes my time and cleared every planet on teh way up, including all quest,missions and bonus form korriban to llum(llum work in progress now) but seem a few items are valor related with i fairly sure PVP based, as it is now i likely enver unlock any of those. now if tehy want to charge me a hefty sum to unlock since i'm lasy/ unable to do it, i have no problems. this also help takes some of the credits out of the ecom.

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For the Races, I agree/wish having currently unplayable humanoid species that are already in the game become playable (especially Togruta!!) It is a bit disappointing that we are just seeing 'recycled' species. It kind of sucks being forced to play a class you may have no interest in, just to be able to unlock a specific species (ie: Miraluka can only be Jedi classes)
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For the Races, I agree/wish having currently unplayable humanoid species that are already in the game become playable (especially Togruta!!) It is a bit disappointing that we are just seeing 'recycled' species. It kind of sucks being forced to play a class you may have no interest in, just to be able to unlock a specific species (ie: Miraluka can only be Jedi classes)


You're not forced -- you can unlock races with credits.


This information is cunningly hidden behind a locked door in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door reading "Beware of the leopard", so it's understandable you didn't see it.


Oh, wait. It's not. It's in the first post of this thread.


Hm. Well, it's generally considered a good idea to get upset about something before researching it or finding out all the facts.


Hm. No, wait again. It's a BAD idea to do that. Damn, I'm 0 for 2 here, aren't I? I'd better stop now.

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Can someone clarify?


When it says you have to pay X credits, then it says you need to have X legacy level, does it mean that you can only buy it when you're at X legacy, or is it that once you've hit X legacy level it is unlocked automatically?


For the races, as an example, if I was level 22 legacy (which I am), would I automatically unlock all those races and be able to play them? Or do I just unlock the capability of buying them? Any hard info would be nice.

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Can someone clarify?


When it says you have to pay X credits, then it says you need to have X legacy level, does it mean that you can only buy it when you're at X legacy, or is it that once you've hit X legacy level it is unlocked automatically?


For the races, as an example, if I was level 22 legacy (which I am), would I automatically unlock all those races and be able to play them? Or do I just unlock the capability of buying them? Any hard info would be nice.


I believe the options are to achieve the stated requirements, IE be legacy level 8 valor level 10 for the unarmed ability or purchase said ability with credits. You don't need to achieve the legacy requirements and additionally use credits to purchase.


For your race example in particular, there are other conditions that need to be met I believe before they unlock at legacy level 22, but you wouldn't need to pay the credits in addition.

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Can someone clarify?


When it says you have to pay X credits, then it says you need to have X legacy level, does it mean that you can only buy it when you're at X legacy, or is it that once you've hit X legacy level it is unlocked automatically?


For the races, as an example, if I was level 22 legacy (which I am), would I automatically unlock all those races and be able to play them? Or do I just unlock the capability of buying them? Any hard info would be nice.


I think the issue is the vagueness on which items have which requirement.


Some require an in game achievement. Some require only legacy. Some require legacy OR credits, some require legacy AND credits. I'm just not clear which is which (other than Heroic Abilities are ONLY in game achievement)

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I believe the options are to achieve the stated requirements, IE be legacy level 8 valor level 10 for the unarmed ability or purchase said ability with credits. You don't need to achieve the legacy requirements and additionally use credits to purchase.


For your race example in particular, there are other conditions that need to be met I believe before they unlock at legacy level 22, but you wouldn't need to pay the credits in addition.


I thought for the races it was either get a character to level 50 with it, buy it with credits, or get to the appropriate legacy level.


If you don't unlock the races automatically at the required legacy level, then what else do you have to do? Where does it say there's more requirements? Does no one have facts?

Edited by AkilZodiac
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Can someone clarify?


When it says you have to pay X credits, then it says you need to have X legacy level, does it mean that you can only buy it when you're at X legacy, or is it that once you've hit X legacy level it is unlocked automatically?


For the races, as an example, if I was level 22 legacy (which I am), would I automatically unlock all those races and be able to play them? Or do I just unlock the capability of buying them? Any hard info would be nice.


This is where it gets tricky... early (much earlier) in this thread a Dev posted a clarification.


Some items will unlock at X Legacy Level


Some items can be bought for X number of credits


and some items you will need X Legacy level to buy for X number of credits.


When it comes to the Races, if you level a character that is X race to lvl 50 and complete your story, you can now use that race for all classes. However if you want to buy the ability to use that race, you must be legacy level stated and pay the credits.




The main issue here IMO is that different parts of the legacy have different rules and will most likely be confusing until its release.

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This is where it gets tricky... early (much earlier) in this thread a Dev posted a clarification.


Some items will unlock at X Legacy Level


Some items can be bought for X number of credits


and some items you will need X Legacy level to buy for X number of credits.


When it comes to the Races, if you level a character that is X race to lvl 50 and complete your story, you can now use that race for all classes. However if you want to buy the ability to use that race, you must be legacy level stated and pay the credits.




The main issue here IMO is that different parts of the legacy have different rules and will most likely be confusing until its release.


So I was right. Getting to the required legacy level just unlocks the capability of buying the race. Ick, I don't like that one bit. Thanks for the clarification.

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So I was right. Getting to the required legacy level just unlocks the capability of buying the race. Ick, I don't like that one bit. Thanks for the clarification.




But the work around is to level the preferred race to 50... which can be annoying if you are going to level something you have no interest in.

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But the work around is to level the preferred race to 50... which can be annoying if you are going to level something you have no interest in.


I was planning on making a Rattataki sith warrior first but if I want to make a chiss inquisitor I'm going to have to level an imperial agent or bounty hunter, which I really don't feel like doing. Le sigh.

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Why would people rather make stuff up than actually READ THE FACTS?


Oh, yeah, now I remember. It's because the human race is a vile infestation on the planet. This is why I majored in Misanthropology, with a minor in Anti-Social Science.


From the designer. I've added some highlights to aid those with serious reading comprehension issues.


"You're not likely to have any significant legacy levels if you just play characters in the 20 to 30 range. You only unlock legacy levels once you finish chapter 1 ( ~ level 30) with a character in the first place.


And let me make this clear
, since there's some
about it:


The system allows you to unlock things
via achieving the unlock condition (e.g. reaching chapter 2 in a specific class, reaching a specific PvP rank, etc)
by paying credits.
It is not both.


The credit option exists so players can enjoy content that they know they would never unlock in regular play (e.g. 'I'd love a pureblood Smuggler, but no way I'll level a Sith Warrior just for that').


Some things (like legacy class abilities) cannot be purchased with credits while other things can only be purchased (not unlocked) but are gated by
legacy level
(e.g. the GTN for your ship requires you to have a high legacy level before you can purchase it)."


And from http://www.darthhater.com/articles/swtor-news/19982-guild-summit-patch-1-2-hands-on-highlights , which is ALSO cunningly hidden on the first page of this thread:




Note: All of the values will likely be retooled or changed before the 1.2 patch roll out. Everything here should be treated as such until the final values are updated. Values with * may be incorrect. All species unlocks can be unlocked by getting to 50 with a character of that species.


Chiss – Unlockable for 1.5 million credits, legacy level 8

Cyborg – Unlockable for 500,000* credits, legacy level 8

Human – Unlockable for 500,000* credits, legacy level 8

Miraluka – Unlockable for 1.5 million credits, legacy level 8

Mirialan – Unlockable for 1.5 million credits , legacy level 8

Rattataki – Unlockable for 1.5 million credits , legacy level 8

Sith Pureblood – Unlockable for 1.5 million credits , legacy level 8

Twilek – Unlockable for 1.5 million credits , legacy level 8

Zabrak – Unlockable for 500,000* credits , legacy level 8


Please note: You only need Legacy Level 8 to start shelling out credits to unlock a race.


So, far, I believe the only confirmed thing you need to have a level 50 character to unlock is legacy powers for that class, which makes sense. There may be others; there may not be; until we have facts, why waste time angsting over it?

Edited by LizardSF
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Please note: You only need Legacy Level 8 to start shelling out credits to unlock a race.


So, far, I believe the only confirmed thing you need to have a level 50 character to unlock is legacy powers for that class, which makes sense. There may be others; there may not be; until we have facts, why waste time angsting over it?


Relax, no one is angsting. I simply don't like the idea of getting to a legacy level only to unlock the ability to buy something.


In any case, your post didn't explain anything I didn't already know. Because the devs didn't include needing to be level 50 with a certain race before unlocking it. From the live stream, it was confirmed by Erickson that yes, once you get to level 50 with X race you unlock it for all your characters.


In light of that, neither the OP or the dev stated where that criteria falls. Do you need to have legacy level 8 AND be level 50 with that race? Or is it that you can either be legacy level 8 or level 50 with that race to unlock it? If it's the former then, again, ick, I don't like that one bit.

Edited by AkilZodiac
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I really dont like the race unlocks. Or at least keep some purely Empire or Republic. I mean really? Sith Pureblood Jedi?


Unlocking new races with Legacy would have been great, but unlocking opposing faction is bad. I am even surprised Lucas as approved on this. I thought they would keep a thighter leach on their IP.


Giving more options through legacy is great, but they seem to tend to mix what they already have. They are mixing Red and Blue, which will more likely become a bland grey at the end.


I really wonder what it will eventually become, who knows? Doesn't bode well i think...

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I really dont like the race unlocks. Or at least keep some purely Empire or Republic. I mean really? Sith Pureblood Jedi?


Unlocking new races with Legacy would have been great, but unlocking opposing faction is bad. I am even surprised Lucas as approved on this. I thought they would keep a thighter leach on their IP.


Giving more options through legacy is great, but they seem to tend to mix what they already have. They are mixing Red and Blue, which will more likely become a bland grey at the end.


I really wonder what it will eventually become, who knows? Doesn't bode well i think...


Red + Blue does not = Grey.

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Relax, no one is angsting. I simply don't like the idea of getting to a legacy level only to unlock the ability to buy something.


In any case, your post didn't explain anything I didn't already know. Because the devs didn't include needing to be level 50 with a certain race before unlocking it. From the live stream, it was confirmed by Erickson that yes, once you get to level 50 with X race you unlock it for all your characters.


In light of that, neither the OP or the dev stated where that criteria falls. Do you need to have legacy level 8 AND be level 50 with that race? Or is it that you can either be legacy level 8 or level 50 with that race to unlock it? If it's the former then, again, ick, I don't like that one bit.


I fail to see how it can possibly be more clear. The quote from the developer is pretty darn explicit.


There are TWO ways to unlock a race.

a)Get to level 50 with that race.

b)Get to legacy level 8 with any character of any race and fork over the credits.


I mean, he even SAYS, the reason for the purchase option is *explicitly* to allow people who don't want to level a character of that race to 50 to unlock the race. It's the EXACT EXAMPLE HE GIVES!




You know, when I went to college, I originally majored in biochemistry. I wanted to be a genetic engineer. I gave it up when it turned out to require actual work and switched to English Literature, as anyone who can't graduate with a liberal arts degree, no matter how lazy they are, probably has trouble walking and breathing at the same time. I spent most of my college years playing Wizardry[1] and just filling blue books up with whatever ******** came to mind at the time, which is all anyone with a liberal arts degree ever does; do it enough and they give you a PhD. Unfortunately, if I'd stuck with biochem, I would, even know, be brewing up a super-plague to destroy humanity. What am I supposed to do with a writing degree? "Deconstruction" sounds like it should be a useful offensive tool, but in reality, it's hard to weaponize.


[1]And teaching myself enough programming that I'd have an actual job after graduation, of course. I'm lazy, not stupid.

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I fail to see how it can possibly be more clear. The quote from the developer is pretty darn explicit.


There are TWO ways to unlock a race.

a)Get to level 50 with that race.

b)Get to legacy level 8 with any character of any race and fork over the credits.


I mean, he even SAYS, the reason for the purchase option is *explicitly* to allow people who don't want to level a character of that race to 50 to unlock the race. It's the EXACT EXAMPLE HE GIVES!




Alright, then I was correct the first time. Yep, don't like that one bit. Oh well.

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Is the legacy gtn really only a nuetral gtn?? There is no way in hell im paying for an empty pos gtn. Not even one credit. If it were truly a nlack market gtn, that was only linked to other black market gtns and to some new select locations like having a black market gtn in the vip area; yeah you know that empty hole in the top of fleet? Give our exclusivity some function and meaning. Use those DevRy brains to actually take my ideas and steal them. Go on, you can dooo it!
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