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I wanna know who the heck thought cover preventing interrupts was a good idea.


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As a powertech a well specced one annoys the hell out of me (cover blocking CC, leap, grapple, etc) because they are my perfect counter.


But to be fair, I expect that's what mercs feel like when I go at them with an interrupt as well as 2 gap closers and 2 stuns which also interupt without locking out.


So overall I have no problem with it.

Edited by Jestunhi
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Attack em from behind!


I noticed that if a sniper sees and targets me from a long distance, I will just avoid him. However most of the time kill the snipers very quickly, like when the camp the doors in voidstar, its fun, its like a free kill.


I can not charge you but I can sure as well choke you still!!

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Wait, you have problem with snipers/gunslingers in pvp?


You really should reroll companion and let someone competent play you.


Only the good ones, which are really rare in the first place. Still, I think the ability to negate interrupts is just one tick too much. All in all, everything else about the class is, in my opinion, fine. I have a mid-level gunslinger, actually enjoyed him a good bit and found a lot of utility out of him. I'll admit I do like other classes better overall.


And yes, snipers/gs's in one tree do have a snare.

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Yes yes, I know... snipers/gunslingers are gimps and all (*cough*) and they're like the last class that needs a nerf (*cough*). I also know that using the right tool for the job is key, but honestly - cover preventing interrupts?


Follow the toolchain here for a sec:

#1 - Sniper goes into cover against melee

- Melee can no longer use gap closers like force leap as cover prevents them.


#2 - Sniper snares melee as melee tries to close gap on foot

- Melee can break CC here, which is foolish especially since snare does NOT go against resolve.


#3 - Now in melee range, the sniper can

A : Stun and reposition

B : Knockback root (better choice generally)

- The melee can either CC here (which will likely happen) and try to waddle back into range or take it up the but for the duration of the root. For most melees that have short "ranged" attacks (10m), you've just been knocked OUTSIDE of that range as well.


#4 - Melee now can walk back to melee range, but at this point really has no counter to the sniper because he can't interrupt the gosh darn cast that's coming.


The point of a sniper is to stay out of harm's way. They get the tools to do it, yes. But why is it that the counter to this should be them getting treated like a ragdoll once a melee DOES get ahold of them actually isn't remotely possible? I can't hope to defend against a covered sniper/gunslinger even in melee. I cringe when I see that cast bar pop up because I know that I'm likely to watch 1/3 my HP disappear, which by the time I get close enough might be all I have left.


What am I missing here?


Someone get this baby a bottle lol your the type of player that wants a class that easily beats every other class out there. Every class has a bad match up. If snipers are beating you senseless wait for back up or let another class/player that is competent take them out.

Ask a sniper how he does against a good pyrotech/assault van pretty much goes something like this "vanguard uses incidiary round, throws assault plastique, high impact bolt LOS rinse an repeat your options as a sniper chase him down an die or stay behind cover an hope he trys to come in for a stock strike (LOL)

Sorry you can't play a class that is good at everything an has no weakness

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When are they unint?


they get a cooldown that they can burn that isnt even on a long CD that renders them completely immune to interrupts. Trying to burn down a healer who can just spam heals with 5 people on him is frustrating, to say the least.

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Only the good ones, which are really rare in the first place. Still, I think the ability to negate interrupts is just one tick too much. All in all, everything else about the class is, in my opinion, fine. I have a mid-level gunslinger, actually enjoyed him a good bit and found a lot of utility out of him. I'll admit I do like other classes better overall.


And yes, snipers/gs's in one tree do have a snare.


And if they are that tree - they aren't blowing you away any time soon. Those trees are slow DoT types.

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they get a cooldown that they can burn that isnt even on a long CD that renders them completely immune to interrupts. Trying to burn down a healer who can just spam heals with 5 people on him is frustrating, to say the least.


That's a commando/mercenary healer, on a 2-minute cooldown, with a 12-second duration.


He said vanguards/powertechs.

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Man you are hilarious.


It doesn't even take a player to beat a sniper, we lose fights versus the environment more than we lose to other players simply due to the existence of pillars around every single objective in every single warzone.


If you cannot beat a sniper 1v1, you're basically terrible, unless you're a mara/jugg. Then you might have an excuse *IF* you are playing against a truly skilled sniper/gs. Otherwise, yes, you are bad.


As any class other than jugg/mara you should never lose to a sniper.


And you obviously dont know how to play a SS. I feel they are one of the best 1v1. I definitely have never had a problem in pvp as a sniper. I've played since beta and have loved the class since day 1. Then I come to the forums and see all the people complaining about the class. I just dont get it.

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And you obviously dont know how to play a SS. I feel they are one of the best 1v1. I definitely have never had a problem in pvp as a sniper. I've played since beta and have loved the class since day 1. Then I come to the forums and see all the people complaining about the class. I just dont get it.


Don't feel bad... it takes a skilled player to understand that not all classes are force lighting/tracer spam wonders.


As I said, I don't generally have problems with snipers/gs as most don't understand the full scope of their utility skills. I do use LOS to my advantage, but sometimes it just isn't possible, especially when you engage a sniper and get locked down repeatedly. This is particularly troublesome with my sentinel as watchman spec since I literally have next to no CC. My lifeblood at that point is interrupts. Yes, this is one class. The option to "run away" isn't really a viable tactic at times, especially when the sniper needs to be killed.


Just sayin. All other aspects aside, I think the class is fine.

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That's a commando/mercenary healer, on a 2-minute cooldown, with a 12-second duration.


He said vanguards/powertechs.


Im pretty sure its base-class, since i see the EXACT same graphic used by PTs and Vanguards that lowers damage recieved and my Interrupt button goes dark/unusable when targeting them with it active. What the ability is called, i couldnt tell you.

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Im pretty sure its base-class, since i see the EXACT same graphic used by PTs and Vanguards that lowers damage recieved and my Interrupt button goes dark/unusable when targeting them with it active. What the ability is called, i couldnt tell you.


The interrupt immunity is a talent in the Commando/Merc healing tree. Its an effect added to the damage shield that all Troopers/BH's get.

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Tip- you can deflect sniper root, on top of most other attacks. You can CC them then leap to them, or, you can be crazy and just not stand in their shooting range, like, try a pillar or something.


Frankly, if you're close enough to interrupt them, you're close enough to own them in three seconds with your OP burst.

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There's just one thing that makes me wonder...


Why do snipers/GS get the only specifically cover breaking ability in the game?


I mean yeah, there's plenty of things that break cover, but theirs is the only one that breaks cover (and gives a pretty cool debuff) but nothing else. Wouldn't it make more sense to give this to any of the other classes instead?

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#4 - Melee now can walk back to melee range, but at this point really has no counter to the sniper because he can't interrupt the gosh darn cast that's coming.

Despite all the "lol, you QQ about a sniper l2p" posts, i believe that the TE actually has a point here.


Snipers/Gunslingers are Ranged/Casters. They should deal their damage on range. If someone gets close enough to hit them in melee, they should reposition themselfs and start kiting.

Right now they can just keep casting and snipe someone from 1m distance, which is just plain stupid. If a Sage/Inqui or a Commando/Merc tries this, they'll get kicked on their main dps ability, cutting their dmg which gives a melee the edge he needs to win.

However, a Sniper/GS does not suffer from staying in meleerange because they are immune against CCs (Entrench - 33% uptime, ***!?) and interrupts.


I believe it would be better to give them some more mobility (maybe a sprint to follow up LoS or w/e) and compensate this buff by taking the interrupt-immunity.

Edited by Lidasel
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What am I missing here?


The roots break on damage. The roots have a cooldown. You can LoS the sniper. Once YOU root the sniper he can't enter cover.


Sidenote, cybertech grenades on a sentinel/marauder makes cover useless - wait for entrench visual to go down, pop grenade to stun and immediately charge - the root will prevent going into cover to knock you back. Or just dot them and LoS.

Edited by dcgregorya
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