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I wanna know who the heck thought cover preventing interrupts was a good idea.


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Yes yes, I know... snipers/gunslingers are gimps and all (*cough*) and they're like the last class that needs a nerf (*cough*). I also know that using the right tool for the job is key, but honestly - cover preventing interrupts?


Follow the toolchain here for a sec:

#1 - Sniper goes into cover against melee

- Melee can no longer use gap closers like force leap as cover prevents them.


#2 - Sniper snares melee as melee tries to close gap on foot

- Melee can break CC here, which is foolish especially since snare does NOT go against resolve.


#3 - Now in melee range, the sniper can

A : Stun and reposition

B : Knockback root (better choice generally)

- The melee can either CC here (which will likely happen) and try to waddle back into range or take it up the but for the duration of the root. For most melees that have short "ranged" attacks (10m), you've just been knocked OUTSIDE of that range as well.


#4 - Melee now can walk back to melee range, but at this point really has no counter to the sniper because he can't interrupt the god damn cast that's coming.


The point of a sniper is to stay out of harm's way. They get the tools to do it, yes. But why is it that the counter to this should be them getting treated like a ragdoll once a melee DOES get ahold of them actually isn't remotely possible? I can't hope to defend against a covered sniper/gunslinger even in melee. I cringe when I see that cast bar pop up because I know that I'm likely to watch 1/3 my HP disappear, which by the time I get close enough might be all I have left.


What am I missing here?

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with what ability is the sniper snaring?


cover is broken, 50% of the time an interupt will to through, even entrench wont work much


so i have no idea how you work out snipers are so deadly, we are dps machines that is a snipers job... if you get in to mele range after our defence combos 1/3 of your hp i all you need to destroy a sniper

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I think good solution for this might be to reduce from total immunity to positional immunity.


Example - You can't interrupt if Sniper/Gunslinger is standing with his cover in front of him and is pointing to you but you can interrupt if you get behind him where cover is less effective.


My two cents. :)

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well as sentinel/marauder you can atleast use camo if its not on CD if he roots you...he cannot shot a target he cant see.that will buy you as few secs :p tbh snipers are not OP at all..sure they have tools...but without them they way 2 easy to kill for melee, would be like kicking a drunk lying on the pavement puking...
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Truth. Any good sniper decimates any class 1v1.


You either use your cc as interrupts and hope the sniper sucks or get burned down in about 5-8s.


Snipers/GS is fine.


Man you are hilarious.


It doesn't even take a player to beat a sniper, we lose fights versus the environment more than we lose to other players simply due to the existence of pillars around every single objective in every single warzone.


If you cannot beat a sniper 1v1, you're basically terrible, unless you're a mara/jugg. Then you might have an excuse *IF* you are playing against a truly skilled sniper/gs. Otherwise, yes, you are bad.


As any class other than jugg/mara you should never lose to a sniper.

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Truth. Any good sniper decimates any class 1v1.


You either use your cc as interrupts and hope the sniper sucks or get burned down in about 5-8s.


Snipers/GS is fine.


Tank specced assassins will 1v1 you to death and not even lose 20% of their HP. Marauders will close you out in 3-5 globals. Operatives are a 50/50 fight - if you manage to deny them a restealth and can get some distance, you will win, if you dont deny them a restealth, you lose. The only melee class i can 1v1 with any reliability as a sniper is a juggernaught. This is more a sign of.. Juggs need some love (and their mirror, of course) than anything else.


Of the four primarily melee dps classes - Operative, Juggernaut, Marauder, and Assassin - three of them can close on you with 100% reliability by stealthing. Again, Juggs get singled out. Less of a Snipers are OP p roblem than Juggs sorta blow problem.


Cover prevents interrupts but not CC - unless Entrenched - and Entrench is so easy to see that if you continue trying to CC someone who has it active the problem is you, not the sniper class.


If he hits Entrench - LoS him. he can either move and lose Entrench or sit there rooted doing no DPS to you. Not hard, guys.


Not that it matters that much, anyway - Sniper dps isn't exactly fearsome against anyone with a pulse and an evading or parrying type cooldown. Almost all of our damage (and all of our big-ticket damage other than Orbital Strike) is ranged-attack, kinetic-damage, meaning it can be Parried/Dodged, Shielded, AND gets mitigated by armor.

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Every time I 1v1 a Sniper with my Scoundrel I tend to dominate pretty thoroughly. It could be that the Snipers I have killed so far do not fully use their class's mechanics as they should, but my personal nonpositivistic data implies that it is in fact possible.


Scrapper Scoundrels have all kinds of tools to deal with a Sniper.

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If we didn't have the no jump/pull/interrupt, we would have to get actual defenses to compensate. We're already to best target to tunnel down, and when we have to reposition we're already vulnerable to the jump/pull/interrupt as well as not having access to any good dps options.


Every time I 1v1 a Sniper with my Scoundrel I tend to dominate pretty thoroughly. It could be that the Snipers I have killed so far do not fully use their class's mechanics as they should, but my personal nonpositivistic data implies that it is in fact possible.


Scrapper Scoundrels have all kinds of tools to deal with a Sniper.


If you don't decimate a sniper when you have the jump on him as a scrapper, you're really really, really, really bad or undergeared. Like level 40 greens vs. bm undergeared. I'm full BM with 650 expertise and against equally geared ops I'm usually sub 20% before i even get back up.

Edited by durvas
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The only time I have problem with 1on1 against Snipers is if I have to go through 3 other red names to get to them. Those 3 guys usually jump me too.


In ranged versus melee it often feels melee are disadvantaged because you really have to go through 3-4 guys who may all at least assist somewhat when they see a guy trying to run past them to pick off another ranged DPS.

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