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Please no more Warcraft terms.


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It can be utterly confusing. I ask you to please cut down on them, as they can be annoying. Some things I do and do not like are below-

Bad slang: :mad:

"Raids"- Why is it so hard to say Ops? It can be incredibly confusing to a new player.

"Taunts"- I am tank-specced and I had NO idea where "taunts" come from, and took forever for me to learn that it's just to grab the attention of the enemy.

"Mobs"- Where does this come from for NPCs? It's the most random name so far.

"Instance"- Don't really have a problem with this one, yet I'm not sure where it comes from, it seems just like an odd term.

"Dungeons"- I assume you mean Flashpoints, and you can not have a worse term. Since when is being in deep space, while being under attack by an enemy cruiser, a "dungeon"?

"Pets"- A companion is a NPC sidekick, not a pet. For pets, see mouse droids, and other droids. I WILL KILL ANYONE WHO CALLS MY COMPANION A PET!!

"Spells"- They are ENTIRELY unrelated to Force Powers. People consider Grenades spells!

"Adds"- I just don't like this one- I prefer to say "backup", for the boss.

"CC"- I understood it was for Crowd Control, but a more accurate term is stuns.

"DPS" (person)- That just doesn't make sense, how can a person be considered damage per second? Perhaps a better term is Damage Dealer.

Slang I'm fine with::)

"Aggro"- I don't like the term, but it's the only term i know of to get attention of NPCs.

"Tank"- Well, this is in any MMO, so, it's not really a problem.

"DPS" (damage)- Although we rarely mean "Damage Per SECOND", it is useful to understand.

"HP"- Hitpoints, or health. No problem here.


I wont lecture you, but, please, for other player's gaming experience, use standard terms to help people learn how the game works.:D



Alot of these terms are not just WoW Terms. they are generic MMO terms. its easy to find a list on the internet of MMO terminology and jargon.




my point proven.

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I'm sorry, but these are all generaly mmo terms and all predate wow (as you've admitted). To ask a culture (mmo players are a culture) to change its language to make it easier for new members 1) won't work and 2) is misguided. MMO is like any group activity; it has specialized language, and if you want to participate then you need to learn it. Also, since the average person you will run into in mmos is not a newbie, it does not make sense to expect us to assume or ask whether every person is new. We assume you know what you're doing, because usually that assumption is safe.


If you don't know, ask. It's that simple. As with all communities, it is the burden of the neophyte to learn how to fit in, not the job of the community to cater to the newb.



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People use DPS as a reference to a player because it is referencing their role in the group. There are three arc-type roles in most rpgs, tank, healer and dps, methods of delivery and style of play cause variance within each type. But a party member can simply be identified as a member of its role and the majority of concepts/tactics/strategy can be discussed and understood by all involved. You shouldn't take slang terms (from any source) as literal per words and definitions, but the intent behind the statement is what is important, and having to understand this is what trips some people up.

sorry if it came off as a little ranty but just my 2 :sy_auction:

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im not sure but i think DPS is faster easier typed than damage dealer =)


Before WoW we used to say DD for damage dealer. You hit the same letter twice, I don't care what kind of ultramutant you are, DPS isn't faster nor easier typed. People might've said DPS in EQ I guess, I didn't play that, but they sure as hell didn't say it anywhere else.

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"Raids" - Raids initially began in MUDs, and came into fruition in EverQuest.


"Taunts"- As many people have pointed out, taunt abilities in TOR even have the word taunt. The original ability again started with MUDs.


"Mobs"- As also stated repeatedly, this refers to a MobileOBject file. In fact, were you to edit the monsters in a DikuMUD, the file you edit would end in .MOB


"Instance"- The first instance was technically in Anarchy Online, but was probably most popularized in EverQuest's "Dungeons of Norrath" expansion, which spawned a private, randomly generated dungeon for a group rather than having to compete for space and the constant "camp check" of EverQuest.


"Dungeons"- Call it a flashpoint then. I don't recall seeing this referred to often.


"Pets"- If it attacks like a pet, uses abilities like a pet, and PATHS like a pet, it's a pet.


"Spells"- Call it spells, abilities, skills, whatever. How many times are you forced to endure someone referring to their abilities as "spells" (beyond whatever you call them). I don't think I can come up with 5 times I've seen someone even refer to their abilities as a whole since the game launched.


"Adds"- In EverQuest, if ADDitional MobileOBjects "added" to a fight, you were likely facing a "wipe". As VOIP did not exist in any function capacity yet, you typed "ADDS" in an effort to not lose hours worth of XP and a painful "corpse run".


"CC"- As stated by another, "stuns" is LESS accurate, as CC is any form of control applied to a MobileOBject, particularly with 30s+ durations.


"DPS" (person)- If you boil down the purest reason a "damage dealer" is in a group/operation, it's the Damage Per Second they are doing. So... DPS is an extremely accurate term, in truth.


Slang I'm fine with::)

"Aggro"- Aggro was the variable name for determining ones position on a "threat table" dating back to MUDs.


"Tank"- If you don't mind this one, why list it?


"DPS" (damage)- MMO veterans are pretty much ONLY care about DPS when it comes to PVE (player vs. environment) encounters. Success in PVE content is 95% about the DPS inflicting X damage on Y target before Z time passes and the Healers are no longer able to keep the Tank alive.


"HP"- Again, why mention it?


I think lots of people ARE lecturing you, for good reason.

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"Raids" - Raids initially began in MUDs, and came into fruition in EverQuest.


"Taunts"- As many people have pointed out, taunt abilities in TOR even have the word taunt. The original ability again started with MUDs.


"Mobs"- As also stated repeatedly, this refers to a MobileOBject file. In fact, were you to edit the monsters in a DikuMUD, the file you edit would end in .MOB


"Instance"- The first instance was technically in Anarchy Online, but was probably most popularized in EverQuest's "Dungeons of Norrath" expansion, which spawned a private, randomly generated dungeon for a group rather than having to compete for space and the constant "camp check" of EverQuest.


"Dungeons"- Call it a flashpoint then. I don't recall seeing this referred to often.


"Pets"- If it attacks like a pet, uses abilities like a pet, and PATHS like a pet, it's a pet.


"Spells"- Call it spells, abilities, skills, whatever. How many times are you forced to endure someone referring to their abilities as "spells" (beyond whatever you call them). I don't think I can come up with 5 times I've seen someone even refer to their abilities as a whole since the game launched.


"Adds"- In EverQuest, if ADDitional MobileOBjects "added" to a fight, you were likely facing a "wipe". As VOIP did not exist in any function capacity yet, you typed "ADDS" in an effort to not lose hours worth of XP and a painful "corpse run".


"CC"- As stated by another, "stuns" is LESS accurate, as CC is any form of control applied to a MobileOBject, particularly with 30s+ durations.


"DPS" (person)- If you boil down the purest reason a "damage dealer" is in a group/operation, it's the Damage Per Second they are doing. So... DPS is an extremely accurate term, in truth.


Slang I'm fine with::)

"Aggro"- Aggro was the variable name for determining ones position on a "threat table" dating back to MUDs.


"Tank"- If you don't mind this one, why list it?


"DPS" (damage)- MMO veterans are pretty much ONLY care about DPS when it comes to PVE (player vs. environment) encounters. Success in PVE content is 95% about the DPS inflicting X damage on Y target before Z time passes and the Healers are no longer able to keep the Tank alive.


"HP"- Again, why mention it?


I think lots of people ARE lecturing you, for good reason.


So whats a MUDs??

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"Raids" - Raids initially began in MUDs, and came into fruition in EverQuest.


"Taunts"- As many people have pointed out, taunt abilities in TOR even have the word taunt. The original ability again started with MUDs.


"Mobs"- As also stated repeatedly, this refers to a MobileOBject file. In fact, were you to edit the monsters in a DikuMUD, the file you edit would end in .MOB


"Instance"- The first instance was technically in Anarchy Online, but was probably most popularized in EverQuest's "Dungeons of Norrath" expansion, which spawned a private, randomly generated dungeon for a group rather than having to compete for space and the constant "camp check" of EverQuest.


"Dungeons"- Call it a flashpoint then. I don't recall seeing this referred to often.


"Pets"- If it attacks like a pet, uses abilities like a pet, and PATHS like a pet, it's a pet.


"Spells"- Call it spells, abilities, skills, whatever. How many times are you forced to endure someone referring to their abilities as "spells" (beyond whatever you call them). I don't think I can come up with 5 times I've seen someone even refer to their abilities as a whole since the game launched.


"Adds"- In EverQuest, if ADDitional MobileOBjects "added" to a fight, you were likely facing a "wipe". As VOIP did not exist in any function capacity yet, you typed "ADDS" in an effort to not lose hours worth of XP and a painful "corpse run".


"CC"- As stated by another, "stuns" is LESS accurate, as CC is any form of control applied to a MobileOBject, particularly with 30s+ durations.


"DPS" (person)- If you boil down the purest reason a "damage dealer" is in a group/operation, it's the Damage Per Second they are doing. So... DPS is an extremely accurate term, in truth.


Slang I'm fine with::)

"Aggro"- Aggro was the variable name for determining ones position on a "threat table" dating back to MUDs.


"Tank"- If you don't mind this one, why list it?


"DPS" (damage)- MMO veterans are pretty much ONLY care about DPS when it comes to PVE (player vs. environment) encounters. Success in PVE content is 95% about the DPS inflicting X damage on Y target before Z time passes and the Healers are no longer able to keep the Tank alive.


"HP"- Again, why mention it?


I think lots of people ARE lecturing you, for good reason.


They are NOT PETS!!


And just because 30 year old games say something, doesn't mean you need to as well.


And for all you other people- you don't understand- your WRONG. These arent raids, they arent pets, they arent dungeons. This is a new game, if you wanted to say raids and dungeons, go to all the medieval games.

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So much WoW hate in you... :D I'd say they're MMO terms and not just exclusively from WoW, but.... they all beat me to it ^_^


I'm not really sure why you're upset at this, just reading this thread alone is pretty informative for some newbies. People are feeding you information about terms you never knew about or initially understood.


I don't see anything wrong with using them. For people who don't understand them, there's always the option to ask. You'll learn something new.

Edited by lainewell
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They are NOT PETS!!


And just because 30 year old games say something, doesn't mean you need to as well.


And for all you other people- you don't understand- your WRONG. These arent raids, they arent pets, they arent dungeons. This is a new game, if you wanted to say raids and dungeons, go to all the medieval games.


Really guy? This is the battle you've picked to fight? It's all a matter of semantics.


Communication is about expressing yourself and being understood by your audience or listener. When people say "raid" or "dungeon" in this game, the vast majority (all?) of us understand it as "Operation" or "Flashpoint." People say both Battleground and Warzone, even though the latter is more accurate for this particular game.


These terms have a shared meaning. A Dungeon and a Flashpoint are essentially the same thing -- an instanced area for group content that typically includes multiple boss fights, culminating in a final boss. This makes these terms synonyms, and therefore interchangeable within the larger context of in-game communication.


Relax and let go of this fight. Specific terminology only matters when there are important or noteworthy differences -- such as the use of "class" and "Advanced Class" which are NOT interchangeable. Stop trying to control what people call things. As long as it does not obstruct meaning and communication, which it doesn't, then the use of these names is perfectly legitimate.

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It can be utterly confusing. I ask you to please cut down on them, as they can be annoying. Some things I do and do not like are below-

Bad slang: :mad:

"Raids"- Why is it so hard to say Ops? It can be incredibly confusing to a new player.

"Taunts"- I am tank-specced and I had NO idea where "taunts" come from, and took forever for me to learn that it's just to grab the attention of the enemy.

"Mobs"- Where does this come from for NPCs? It's the most random name so far.

"Instance"- Don't really have a problem with this one, yet I'm not sure where it comes from, it seems just like an odd term.

"Dungeons"- I assume you mean Flashpoints, and you can not have a worse term. Since when is being in deep space, while being under attack by an enemy cruiser, a "dungeon"?

"Pets"- A companion is a NPC sidekick, not a pet. For pets, see mouse droids, and other droids. I WILL KILL ANYONE WHO CALLS MY COMPANION A PET!!

"Spells"- They are ENTIRELY unrelated to Force Powers. People consider Grenades spells!

"Adds"- I just don't like this one- I prefer to say "backup", for the boss.

"CC"- I understood it was for Crowd Control, but a more accurate term is stuns.

"DPS" (person)- That just doesn't make sense, how can a person be considered damage per second? Perhaps a better term is Damage Dealer.

Slang I'm fine with::)

"Aggro"- I don't like the term, but it's the only term i know of to get attention of NPCs.

"Tank"- Well, this is in any MMO, so, it's not really a problem.

"DPS" (damage)- Although we rarely mean "Damage Per SECOND", it is useful to understand.

"HP"- Hitpoints, or health. No problem here.


I wont lecture you, but, please, for other player's gaming experience, use standard terms to help people learn how the game works.:D


wow, is that your 1st mmo? I'm on my 13 year of playing mmo and all of those where there before World of warcraft. It is not hard to say Ops, but after 13 years of saying Raid I will keep saying it. You should try to leave with it, they are mmo terms and SWTOR is one mmo, a lot of player think this is a single player on the net but no that realy is a mmorpg.


Sorry for my English, I'm French

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They are NOT PETS!!


And just because 30 year old games say something, doesn't mean you need to as well.


And for all you other people- you don't understand- your WRONG. These arent raids, they arent pets, they arent dungeons. This is a new game, if you wanted to say raids and dungeons, go to all the medieval games.


You are correct that this is a new game with new terms, but you are asking people to break a habit of using terms that have been in their gaming vocabulary for years.


If suddenly the "powers that be" declared that apples henceforth be call ramalamadingdongs, some people would still call them apples and people would still understand what they meant by it.


If a majority of the population in the game understands what you are saying, then what is the big deal?

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Maybe since this game is steard towards a more casual gamplay therefor having more new MMO players and shortterm MMO'ers some one should make a jargon Buster Thread..... Just a suggestion


Would do it my self.... but im too lazy..... and i dont know what half the jargon means myself and iv been playing MMO's for over a year now lol

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It can be utterly confusing. I ask you to please cut down on them, as they can be annoying. Some things I do and do not like are below-

Bad slang: :mad:

"Raids"- Well, this is in any MMO, so, it's not really a problem.

"Taunts"- Well, this is in any MMO, so, it's not really a problem.

"Mobs"- Well, this is in any MMO, so, it's not really a problem.

"Instance"- Well, this is in any MMO, so, it's not really a problem.

"Dungeons"- Well, this is in any MMO, so, it's not really a problem.

"Pets"- Well, this is in any MMO, so, it's not really a problem.

"Spells"- Well, this is in any MMO, so, it's not really a problem.

"Adds"- Well, this is in any MMO, so, it's not really a problem.

"CC"- Well, this is in any MMO, so, it's not really a problem.

"DPS" (person)- Well, this is in any MMO, so, it's not really a problem.

"Aggro"- Well, this is in any MMO, so, it's not really a problem.

"Tank"- Well, this is in any MMO, so, it's not really a problem.

"DPS" (damage)- Well, this is in any MMO, so, it's not really a problem.

"HP"- Well, this is in any MMO, so, it's not really a problem.


I wont lecture you, but, please, for other player's gaming experience, use standard terms to help people learn how the game works.:D


Fixed it for you.

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It can be utterly confusing. I ask you to please cut down on them, as they can be annoying. Some things I do and do not like are below-

Bad slang: :mad:

"Raids"- Why is it so hard to say Ops? It can be incredibly confusing to a new player.

I agree. Ops should be called Ops. However since "raids" came first people are going to refer to it like this. Sorry


"Taunts"- I am tank-specced and I had NO idea where "taunts" come from, and took forever for me to learn that it's just to grab the attention of the enemy.

Taunt is just what its called. This term existed LONG before MMOs became popular and existed in many single player RPGs like Final Fantasy


"Mobs"- Where does this come from for NPCs? It's the most random name so far.


MOBS simply describes an aggressive non-playable character. They can be and are referred to either NPC or MOB but in my experience from playing is that a MOB is a monster like the world bosses and NPCs are any aggressive humanoid type character whether attackable or unattackable.


"Instance"- Don't really have a problem with this one, yet I'm not sure where it comes from, it seems just like an odd term.


An "instance" is simply an area of the game you or your friends access that is not available to everyone at the same time. For example your ship is considered an instance. No one else has access to it (except your group members). In general it is not an area just anyone can go to like the fleet.


"Dungeons"- I assume you mean Flashpoints, and you can not have a worse term. Since when is being in deep space, while being under attack by an enemy cruiser, a "dungeon"?


This is one of those terms that was derived by old school RPGs and early MMOs. I actually honestly believe it originated in The Legend Of Zelda for the NES where all the places you went to retrieve pieces of the tri-force were referred to as dungeon areas


"Pets"- A companion is a NPC sidekick, not a pet. For pets, see mouse droids, and other droids. I WILL KILL ANYONE WHO CALLS MY COMPANION A PET!!


They are referred to as pets because you control their actions much in the same way like you tell your dog to go "fetch" or "roll over". You instruct them to go do missions, attack a target etc. Artificial Intelligence in games has increased dramatically since pets were first introduced into gaming but their function remains the same as the earliest pets in gaming.


"Spells"- They are ENTIRELY unrelated to Force Powers. People consider Grenades spells!


I can see how this would frustrate you. This is Star Wars not WoW. We don't use "magic" so to speak. However a spell is usually referenced as an ability that requires a casting time.


"Adds"- I just don't like this one- I prefer to say "backup", for the boss.


Adds are referred to as such because they are "added" to the content at specific times. Long saying would be "additional NPCs but it is easier for people to type out in chat "adds" as opposed to "backup" or anything else


"CC"- I understood it was for Crowd Control, but a more accurate term is stuns.


Again just another abbreviation commonly used in MMOs to prevent having to type the whole word out. Stuns is acceptable as well as mez.


"DPS" (person)- That just doesn't make sense, how can a person be considered damage per second? Perhaps a better term is Damage Dealer.


Once more just an abbreviation used to identify class roles. Tank, Healer, DPS are the 3 staples of any MMO.


Slang I'm fine with::)

"Aggro"- I don't like the term, but it's the only term i know of to get attention of NPCs.

"Tank"- Well, this is in any MMO, so, it's not really a problem.

"DPS" (damage)- Although we rarely mean "Damage Per SECOND", it is useful to understand.

"HP"- Hitpoints, or health. No problem here.


I wont lecture you, but, please, for other player's gaming experience, use standard terms to help people learn how the game works.:D


Answers are above after the questions however I want to answer this question specifically out of the quote...


I wont lecture you, but, please, for other player's gaming experience, use standard terms to help people learn how the game works


These ARE the standard terms adopted by MMO players to strengthen gaming experience. If you are just coming into the MMO world YOU need to learn the language. We are not going to make a new language for every single MMO that comes out. These will universally be used in each MMO that comes out long after this one.

Edited by Brittaany_Banks
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They are NOT PETS!!


And just because 30 year old games say something, doesn't mean you need to as well.


And for all you other people- you don't understand- your WRONG. These arent raids, they arent pets, they arent dungeons. This is a new game, if you wanted to say raids and dungeons, go to all the medieval games.


You cannot use the term medieval for something that is merely 30 years in the past. Not even 50 years. Not even 100 years.


People even seem to agree on the raid and dungeon part (some even on the pet part, although technically they are pets, albeit talking ones), not sure why you are so persistent calling everyone wrong.

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I think my favorite part was where he complained about "taunt" even though that term is used in the game itself (JK/SW, look it up and be amazed!)


It's real easy; if someone uses MMO slang you don't recognize, you say some permutation of "Sorry, I'm new; (insert term here)?" But you're not going to have much luck changing a vernacular that's spread throughout a community for more than a decade now with one forum post.

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They are NOT PETS!!


And just because 30 year old games say something, doesn't mean you need to as well.


And for all you other people- you don't understand- your WRONG. These arent raids, they arent pets, they arent dungeons. This is a new game, if you wanted to say raids and dungeons, go to all the medieval games.



Because the terms have been coined for 30 years you should be using them. Get with the times.



Operations are raids into areas. They are raids.

Companions follow you with unwavering devotion and act on your command. They are pets.

I've not seen anyone use dungeons. So seeing one person use it does not speak for the majority.


In other words: Deal with it.

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Some of these terms have been around since the inception of the modern MMO. This means that they have been around for about 14-16 years.


Some of these terms date all the way back to old text MUDs. Back when the terms "online" and "modem" were still new. Basically, we're talking the mid to late 80s. So, right around 23-27 years.


Some of these terms have been around since the inception of the table-top, pen-and-paper RPG. The first recognizable version of which came out in 1974. So that would be 38 years.


As you can see, this terminology far predates World of Warcraft. Complaining about a form of linguistic communication that you don't even know the proper origin of tends to kill your credibility. Blaming the language on a game that came into existence a minimum of 7-9 years after the terms were originally coined just makes you look ignorant. Declaring "I don't care what you say, you're all wrong because I say so!", make you look childish. Blatant refusal to accept others legitimate, fact-backed arguments because you want to stomp your feet and throw a tantrum relating to a subject you obviously know nothing about makes you look like a tool.


I understand that you don't like the lingo. The problem is, you seem to be hating on it for all the wrong reasons. This particular vernacular has existed for a very long time, and it isn't going to go away anytime soon. You're either gonna have to learn to deal, or you'll have to find something else to do with your free time. If you can't accept that, I can't help you. You're screwed, I tried, oh well.


Enjoy the rest of your day.

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