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Do you feel that there is just "something" that is missing?


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Easy is one problem - how about some wandering mobs?


I had a quest to find a Courier droid - guess what he was standing next to a wall off the walking path in the starting area of Coruscant.


I mean really - he's just standing there still waiting for the quest. Have the guy move around, make me go find him. Have him on a randomized path moving around interacting with other NPC's doing his deliveries.


Just seeing a courier droid standing there motionless really hit home about how this game feels soulless.

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At first, I thought there was something about SWTOR 'end-game' that was missing but after taking a look at things some more I have realized that its just me.......more specifically ...I am just not interested in the "MMO" genre as it is today. I think what made SWTOR stand out or perhaps bring this to light faster was that the leveling up experience was different and the best of any MMO I have ever played ......but then after hitting level cap I was left with pretty much the exact same thing that every other MMO has at end-game. Not really BWs fault, they are simply trying to compete in a market that doesn't adopt change or new ideas very well or quickly. Edited by Draylore
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agreed paying monthly for this game is pathetic!


it should be a F2P!!


I dont think thats the solution to this equazion. If any new mmorpg will go f2p then this genre will never evolve to the next level. This 'architecture' over mmorpg is geting really burned out


A strong competiton on the market will only benefit us, the player base. I'll like to see 4-5 mmorpgs on the market 'battling' to gain more players each one coming with its most original ideas and improvements over the game play and experience


A fair example look at video cards market between ATi and NVidia or Intel or AMD is not like you have to 'stuck' with X product cos there is nothing better then that.

Edited by Phenyr
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In my case, I think with all the over-hype since it was known the game was in the making my expectations for this game were maybe too much above what it is. Not saying this is necessarily a bad game, but I'm afraid I expected too much of it and now I feel disappointed.-
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Not really, I know exactly what is missing for me. World PvP where people attack each others bases like TM v SS in WOW. Before Blizzard ruined WOW by expanding the world with endless addons they had a thriving Azeroth that was alive and kicking. You would meet large numbers of people either questing, ganking or raiding. SWTOR is a ghost town simply because Bioware have made sure that world pvp won't happen by placing as many obsticles as possible between the factions, this is a carebear mmo.
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i see a lot of people completely trashing this game....Forum Trolling running wild here. The game has been out for what 3 and a half months and everyone expects it to have the same amount of content as every other MMO that has years under it's belt. Take it easy ladies...all this stuff you want comes with time and you know it. I for one don't feel this game is missing anything. It has also released more content in 3-4 months than other MMO's out there. Relax roll another one and get your game on.
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Yup, its missing people/players. Left a low pop server to roll on a more pouplated server and just as expected, the further I move up in level the less crowded the planets are getting.


This is the first MMO I have seen where people level to level 30 or so and then re-roll. That is why the higher level planets are so dead.

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i see a lot of people completely trashing this game....Forum Trolling running wild here. The game has been out for what 3 and a half months and everyone expects it to have the same amount of content as every other MMO that has years under it's belt. Take it easy ladies...all this stuff you want comes with time and you know it. I for one don't feel this game is missing anything. It has also released more content in 3-4 months than other MMO's out there. Relax roll another one and get your game on.


lol Mate your Dreaming


Released more content? You need to see what RIFT produced in it's first few months, and it worked lol.


Bioware is competing with established MMO's, what you are actually saying is that we have to wait for a few years so Bioware can catch up to the others? It doesn't work like that lol.


This game lacks even basic features. There is another MMO in Developement thats in Beta stage atm that has MORE basic content than SWTOR.

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I really miss the vibrant worlds which both Rift and WoW have. I feel basically that I am moving from one rather dismal and depressing planet to the next, with only an occasional exception.


I love alting, so decided I would try the other classes to see if that would bring a bit more excitement, but in fact that made it worse. I realised it was just following the same path (with an added bit of class story) - there are absolutely no alternative planets to level in. One path and thats it.


Next I tried some exploring and hunting for Datacrons - that became annoying very quickly as I ended up typing /stuck every 15 minutes. I can't understand why Bioware would create an 'open' world, but then basically discourage people from exploring (the 'exhaustion' message only adds to the frustration as well)


Crafting also seems a bit of a credits/time sink for Missions and all the gear/weapon crafting ones I tried were disappointing. By the time I had the level to wear most crafted items, I already had better from quest rewards.


You've captured many of my feelings with the game. The art work is well done but everything seems bland and the same looking. Once you've been in one factory, warehouse, they all seem to look the same. I also don't have that sense of exploration that I've had in some other games. Everything seems to be canyons, walls and at times, I feel a bit like a rat in a corridor. Also agree with you on the leveling process. Aside from the class stories, it all seems to be one linear path.


My biggest beef right now is the lack of other activities to do. My fear is once that I actually do hit 50, all that is left is dailies to do (boring), PvP and flashpoint/operations. At least in some other MMOs, you had a variety of little side hobbies like fishing, cooking, housing, gambling, collections, etc. Heck, in Rift I spent many a play sessions looking for artifacts. In WoW, I loved to fish and do some archeology and work on achievements. In EQ2 I loved to customize my house and collect my shinies. Not sure what little diverting activities there are to do in SWTOR other than hunt for datacrons and master my jumping. There is even a lack of a good achievement system.


I'm willing to wait it out and still have much to see and do in SWTOR. If other interesting features are added at some point, my sub will be longer lived.

Edited by Florial
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This game is missing soul as others have said.


Here's my list.



2. Ability to interact with friends of the other faction via mail or private messages.

3. Ability to send/receive ingame mail without having to run to a mailbox. (Hello, we have portable holocoms. Basically the SW version of our smart phones that can send and receive email)

4. A real meaningful 3D Space game. Not this kindergarten rail shooter junk from the 80's. I don't get the epic movie feeling that the devs were shooting for here, like I did in the player made Saturday night space pvp events we had on Starsider in SWG.


I was on Tython a couple weekends ago, the 2 main topics in general chat were, having rolled a new toon on the server I'm on, and the need for server mergers. Not a good sign for a game hyped as much as this one has been, less than 3 months after it was released.


I came from SWG and quite frankly, even with all it's flaws, it was a better game at launch. As such, I don't see this game keeping me interested 5+ years like SWG did. However, I am going to give it a

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Yeah something is missing - the things fans of SWG begged for that are GREAT game systems that developers seem to ignore:


- Non-instanced housing with the ability to drop anything in our inventory in the house. Yep, that means as you run to your missions you would be running through actual neighborhoods.


- A working, functional, realistic Industry/Crafting/Commerce system. SWG again, nailed it.


Basically, there are accepted and universal game systems ALL MMO's share. Such as questing, crafting etc. The two things above SHOULD also be universal as well. Why won't devs accept this?!


Yeah something is missing - my house and my vendors.

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This game lacks rare spawns/named mobs that drop loot unique to them. Give me a reason to hunt a specific type of mob. This type of mob drops a bit more cash, jawas drop a rarecrafting mat. Universal loot tables are mind numbingly dull and lazy.


You said it


Give me a reason to craft something (collect schems)

Give me a reason to travel to a lower level planet to kill certain mobs - for example a quest chain for crafting items.

I want to look unique not like all the other Rakata / Columi crap.


They are fixing some issues.


Why not have Legendary items - with different visual effects.


Do I have to keep doing those dailies - its turning in a chore....

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There is a TON missing from this game, depending on what you like. There is also a TON wrong with the game, technically speaking. The focus on story has turned out to be a very bad decision. Maybe in a year BW will have pulled it out of gutter. On to Rift...
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Soul is missing.


Very true, me like so many came to SWTOR for the star wars experience.

But we got another MMO nothing more.I have little to no star wars feeling while playing.

Hardly even any star wars music while playing. And not to mantion you cant look like a real jedi or sith.You can look like Han Solo or Boba Fett etc etc. Gear in the game looks like crap.

Raids have some fun to them, like when you fight the Rancor with cantina band playing, that was fun.Planets have to many mobs, little exploration because if one goes outside the "world" map one dies. I coulds go on about this for hours. Thats what i mean by soul, the

star wars experience is missing.

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I been playing SWTOR since right after launch. I came to it from RIFT. At that point we were kind of stuck in Hammerknell and a bunch of people left for SWTOR so I went as well. And I will say leveling in SWTOR was a BLAST, I enjoyed it alot. I didn't like having no combat logs, or /rolls and in some ways i missed macros and something was just weird about combat but all in all I have had alot of fun.


I have been through all of the endgame content at this point. I tank for a top guild on Empire side Jedi Covenant and we have done all the Nightmare 8 man stuff we are now working on 16m just for something to do. Anyways don't want to make this too long, it just feels like "something" is missing. I have never once got that heart pounding adrenalin rush from killing a boss, where everyone just screams and cheers when that boss hits 0% after a bunch of attempts.


I don't know if its just the raiding isn't as difficult or involved in this game but something just is not there. Don't know if I like the way gearing is either but that beside the point. I recently went back to RIFT along with a few others and I will say I appreciate a few things about that game now after SWTOR (especially raiding) but I will indeed give SWTOR more time with 1.2 around the corner.


TL: DR - Does anyone else feel that something is just plain missing from this game but its tough to put your finger on?


I posted this on a different thread but it fits here just as well. Whats missing is the socialization, interaction, community of your typical MMORPG. This is a grand and Epic single player RPG with limited multiplayer and a subscription fee.


Here is what I wrote elsewhere


I agree the music is sparatic at best!


sometimes you have it blarring and then its dead quiet for some reason.


But the lack of immersion and all that is the lack of socialization, interaction, community.


During Beta and for 2 months after release I begged EA RPG division to add required content, gave them fully fleshed out concepts and ideas. Watched hundreads of other posters agree (in beta, out here its just not worth the effort to make real suggestions with the fantical fandoms and what not and then when you do post constructive suggestions they end up magically disappearing ... ).


And nada


Patch 1.2 announced.


I like some of it, I think much of it should have been at release. Others cool fluff. NONE of it addresses the real issue of no interaction, no socialization, no community.


At around the 60 day mark I just had enough and started treating SW:TOR as a Off line Single player game with limited multiplayer. Like a Diablo game where you load up the game and can play solo or with a couple buddies.


And I gotta admit Im having more fun now then I ever have, now Ive stopped worrying about community, making a positive influence on those around me.


Heck ive even set Auto reject group invites on a couple alts (for that 1 a month interaction with a stranger).


This game is AMAZING as a single player RPG.

Its everything I been asking for in a single player RPG for gawd knows how long now.


But if your trying to put your finger on why it fails as a MMORPG.


Its because its got no community, no socialization, no interaction.


Heck even in RIFT you got to join public Rift chasing groups and play with outers and interact. Here you just do youre thang, once a week get togather with a buddy or 2 for a flashpoint or 2, maybe a couple 4 man heroics (as 2 man heroics are soloable).


Not complaining, its all just perspective though.


If your looking for a MMORPG, this not the game and the finger part is the lack of socialization.


If your looking for a fully developers single player RPG however.

TOR delivers in every way!


Yeah a monthly sub for a single player game sucks but its only $15.00/month and that does include content updates so far that would cost you money under the more standard single player RPG designs.

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You said it


Give me a reason to craft something (collect schems)

Give me a reason to travel to a lower level planet to kill certain mobs - for example a quest chain for crafting items.

I want to look unique not like all the other Rakata / Columi crap.


They are fixing some issues.


Why not have Legendary items - with different visual effects.


Do I have to keep doing those dailies - its turning in a chore....




Customization. It's on its way and I hope they just open the doors to us and let us go wild with cusomtization period.

Exploration. I have said this in several threads, heres the short version. Open up these worlds, give rewards for open world pvp. Put a few nodes on each planet that when under a factions control give a buff or bonus to said faction. If all the planets are controled by one faction then bigger reward (of some sort ).


Quest chain successions that chance a unique/very rare drop. Dont give up the goods so easy.


Space flight/combat/ Starport security issues (pending your faction alignment).


Bounties (not everyones cup of tea but I'd like em).


These ofcourse are components of gameplay....and everyones got their own ideas....I like all you gys have said so far =).


The feeling....yes, yes...I cannot put my fingure on it either, I dunno what it is or is missing.....


FYI, I love the game and play daily...but its becoming a chore in some aspects.

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i see a lot of people completely trashing this game....Forum Trolling running wild here. The game has been out for what 3 and a half months and everyone expects it to have the same amount of content as every other MMO that has years under it's belt. Take it easy ladies...all this stuff you want comes with time and you know it. I for one don't feel this game is missing anything. It has also released more content in 3-4 months than other MMO's out there. Relax roll another one and get your game on.


Man, you need to stop drinking the Bioware kool-aid. This game lacks so much of the important stuff under the hood, it's not even funny. The core systems, it seems, were built for a SPG instead of a mmorpg. The SW IP is much to deep and rich, to be setup on the hard rails that plagues this game. With Devs that actually worked on the original SWG, you would think that they would have incorporated more social/community building systems, since that and the very deep crafting, kept that game alive for 8 yrs, even after the NGE debacle. I keep saying it and will not shy away from it. If they would have taken the social, the crafting and the overt/covert pvp systems, tweaked them and implemented them into huge open planets, that feel alive and are really immersive, this game would have been a homerun on many levels.

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The only guy I really remember was a guy named Skavik from the Smuggler story and when i finally did kill him it was like...was that it?


The whole game kind of feels like that...It seems like pretty much everything is a bit of a let down when it finally happens and maybe that is because the story aspect is so engaging that unless they made it so that you take down a world boss as the end of each quest it would pretty much always seem like a let down when you finally get to the end.


There needs to be way more epic moments where that moment is burned into your mind and there is really no need to look it up in the codex cause you lived it...there is none of that.

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Among many other things, the lack of 'soul', the lack of immersive background music, the lack of world/server-wide events (e.g. Gates of AQ), the lack of end-game epic quest-chains, the fact that entry into these end-game operations consists of nothing more than a single quest u pick up at the entrance, and let's face it...how epic can a 8-man be compared to a 40/25 man?


As it currently stands - for me at least - lv50 consists of doing dailies (Ilum/WZs and Belsavis etc.) over and over and over and over and over, which I find a chore; and the other end-game part is doing these raids, but instead of getting to 'new' content, you get the same bosses, just a different difficultly level.

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There's a ton of stuff mising like:


1. Truly open worlds


2. Player Housing


3. Custom slider bars to customize our avatars


4. Interactible furniture


5. Emotes that work/animate


6. Cross faction emotes and chat channels


7. Chat bubbles


8. Custom colors for ships, clothing and mounts


9. Biography section for character sheets


10. Role-play areas


You know, all the things that Make anMMORPG an actual RPG.

Edited by Damon_Mott
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