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For those that want a night and day cycle


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Nice program.


Not really that helpful for a night and day cycle though, I similar effect can be had by just turning your monitor off or wearing a blindfold. :D


The way some people pvp i believe they use the blindfold method lol.


It's also useful for the brightness of the monitor not keeping you awake after you've been on it at night.

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I don't understand the need for day/night cycles. Some planets such as coruscant operate in daylight. Since you want it for realism, if they implement it, then I would hope for realism, they make quest givers unavailable at night. What senator is in their office at 3 am without an intern present?
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I don't understand the need for day/night cycles. Some planets such as coruscant operate in daylight. Since you want it for realism, if they implement it, then I would hope for realism, they make quest givers unavailable at night. What senator is in their office at 3 am without an intern present?


They really add to the ambiance of a game. You do have a point though. Chalk it up to overtime! :D

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Even if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it isn't a duck?
it doesn't walk like a duck or quack like a duck; from a distance, in bad light, it looks a little like a duck ... at best. Edited by ferroz
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It would be very interesting to see night time on Tatooine with the twin suns still high in the sky.


You could just pretend one is a sun and one a moon since we can see both during the day sometimes :)


Actually never played an mmo with a cycle(dont remember if SWG had one) but something is better than nothing.

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I would think that different planets would have different day/night cycles anyway. It's not like it would be daytime on Coruscant the same time that it is on Hoth. It *may* be, but it's possible it wouldn't be. It could be daytime on one planet and nighttime on others. Plus, different areas of the planet might be in daytime while other areas are in night (depending on where you are on a planet).


However, I don't really see the need for it unless there's going to be special events that occur occasionally at night (parties hosted by BW online) or special quest givers, quests, or monsters that are only out at night.

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