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its funny i suppose, what are they doing?




they are glitching/bug abusing


if you look at around 1:30 in the vid they are o nthe other side of the door or inside the door you can see the person planting trying to attack with his lightsabre lol



this is a new one even for me ive never seen this bug/glitch before unless its a wall hack.



report this vid directly to bioware for inspection if people start doing this then you can kiss warzones good bye if they are going this far to cheat to win.

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Its a bug. I first had it happen to a team I was on when 1.1.3 was released. Hardly an exploit. When we we died, we were ported to the next spawn point but were unable to access the bridge and any bombs we attempted to plant on the doors were instantly disarmed. I submitted a ticket and I got a standard protocol droid canned response saying "ty and we're working on it."
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Its a bug. I first had it happen to a team I was on when 1.1.3 was released. Hardly an exploit. When we we died, we were ported to the next spawn point but were unable to access the bridge and any bombs we attempted to plant on the doors were instantly disarmed. I submitted a ticket and I got a standard protocol droid canned response saying "ty and we're working on it."


ah ty

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Maybe the specific video shows a bug (because nobody was there to stop defuse the bombs) but unfortunately it happened to me twice when I was looking at the door, no enemy, bomb was placed and then of course the whole enemy team came to defend.


Bug or exploit? No difference to me, destroyed the game anyway.

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My guild and myself witnessed this the other night. However, to us it looked like they simply instahacked the door...


I have seen the same thing a couple of times. It seemed as if all the doors opened all at once.


It was the same group of pubs that did it each time....Imps would never cheat like that :rolleyes:


Reported it both times and got the usual cut and paste reply :(

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Kind of easy to defuse though lol


yeah in that situation but not when you are still fighting the rest of the team while 1 or 2 of them start planting bombs on other side, you may not know that it even happend when the door blows. then when it does they plant on next door before you can even get close to it.

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More people are hacking exploiting each day and nothing from BW.


They knew the game was hackable in Beta yet released the game without a way to stop it.


Lag switching is happening in almost every WZ and by people belonging to some well know guilds and these guilds are the people that BW is catering too with their Guild Summit?




Things that make you go hmmmmmm.

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