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8 Hour Maintenance with no patch insight!


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For the millionth time.... maintenance starts at 2am CST and goes to 10AM CST because THEIR DIRECT SERVER USE DATA SHOWS IT TO BE THE LOWEST PLAYTIME GLOBALLY.




wrong, the maint time was scheduled based on play-times during BETA testing before anyone from the EU had beta access


and to say its the lowest playtime is obviously also wrong as it may be the lowest playtime for the US but for EU/Asia/Aussies it is taking place during the day/afternoon/evening for all those players.


but this has been mentioned many many times in the 3k+ posted thread on EU maint times and everytime its always the americans coming in defending it because it doesnt effect them (even though there have been a vast amount of threads from US PST players complaining about maint start)


stop making sweeping statements that its the lowest populated time until BW/EA release hour by hour populations on ALL servers, because there maybe 100-200k EU players on during maint times and with the official aussie/asia release could push that number up to 500k players (those are numbers pulled out of my arse btw it maybe more or less)

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(those are numbers pulled out of my arse btw it maybe more or less)


Lets see some real numbers, then?



Otherwise, we have Bioware saying maintenance is done during the lowest weekly playtime globally, and YOU claiming that they are wrong.



I know who I believe...

Edited by Amulay
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wrong, the maint time was scheduled based on play-times during BETA testing before anyone from the EU had beta access


and to say its the lowest playtime is obviously also wrong as it may be the lowest playtime for the US but for EU/Asia/Aussies it is taking place during the day/afternoon/evening for all those players.


but this has been mentioned many many times in the 3k+ posted thread on EU maint times and everytime its always the americans coming in defending it because it doesnt effect them (even though there have been a vast amount of threads from US PST players complaining about maint start)


stop making sweeping statements that its the lowest populated time until BW/EA release hour by hour populations on ALL servers, because there maybe 100-200k EU players on during maint times and with the official aussie/asia release could push that number up to 500k players (those are numbers pulled out of my arse btw it maybe more or less)


Actually, wrong. The time was chosen based upon which would be the least inconveniencing to anyone. If you move it any way in any direction it would effect someone else. Like you said, you're pulling numbers out of your arse. BioWare actually has concrete numbers at which to base the maintenance time around.

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Actually, wrong. The time was chosen based upon which would be the least inconveniencing to anyone. If you move it any way in any direction it would effect someone else. Like you said, you're pulling numbers out of your arse. BioWare actually has concrete numbers at which to base the maintenance time around.


They've even adjusted the time since launch. It's an ever evolving schedule, and we'll see it change as they go.

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Yes software evolve like biology...


Get a grip.


You are joking right? So you are telling me that software doesn't evolve? Seriously? I am not whining about this 8 hrs downtime because I am at college all day long(5 days a week), but I am amazed at people bringing up WoW and EQ as an excuse to cover up for SWTOR. Compare WoW's client to the 'back in the day's' WoW client and you will see that it has, actually, evolved, but wait, that's impossible! Software can't evolve! :/


SWTOR might be new, but no one stopped them from taking notes from other successful MMOs and implement the things that actually worked for them. I am just saying because I have a feeling that Bioware has been working on this game in a cave for what? 5 years? And didn't notice other MMOs evolving.

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All I'm saying is holding the maintenance during prime time for Australia is a major inconvenience for us aussie players.


It might well be the lowest number of players online globally, and I understand that.


I also work for a global company (>100,000 employees across the world) and if I schedule down time during prime time for any corner of the world, I better have a damn good reason for it. In today's world of cloud computing and virtualisation there is no reason not to have a maintenance plan that caters to local time zones (especially since the servers are local).


This seems to be the norm for SWTOR, maintenance is during prime time for Australians (it's not a one off occurence).

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And? This is 2012, not your back in the days.


Yes, because everything these days is better than they used to be and continues to improve.


MMOs, the environment, the economy, population, Windows, crime rates, people in general......


I know I feel much safer driving around in a plasti-glass hybrid car than I ever would behind the wheel of my old bullet-proof tree-pullin 57 Chevy.


Ergo, any new MMOs made will be superior to ones made 5 years ago.


Therefore, they should no longer need to be maintained, updated, upgraded, patched, or improved in any way. All those improvements should have been added the day it started. This is the new MMO standard, according to everyone who has never made an MMO.


Oh, just to be clear, that was all sarcasm. :p

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All I'm saying is holding the maintenance during prime time for Australia is a major inconvenience for us aussie players.


It might well be the lowest number of players online globally, and I understand that.


I also work for a global company (>100,000 employees across the world) and if I schedule down time during prime time for any corner of the world, I better have a damn good reason for it. In today's world of cloud computing and virtualisation there is no reason not to have a maintenance plan that caters to local time zones (especially since the servers are local).


This seems to be the norm for SWTOR, maintenance is during prime time for Australians (it's not a one off occurence).


Sux to be Australian.


Solution, move Australia to a better time zone.


I'm sure if all you Aussies went to the coast and paddled hard, it could be done.


Make sure to drink lots of beer first, no idea is worth doing sober.


Of course, just ribbing you. :cool:

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I'm wondering if people even understand the meaning of the word 'maintenance'.


main·te·nance   [meyn-tuh-nuhns]



the act of maintaining.


the state of being maintained: the maintenance of friendly relations with England.


care or upkeep, as of machinery or property: With proper maintenance the car will last for many years.


means of upkeep, support, or subsistence; livelihood: to provide a comfortable maintenance.


alimony or child support.

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I'm wondering if people even understand the meaning of the word 'maintenance'.


main·te·nance   [meyn-tuh-nuhns]



the act of maintaining.


the state of being maintained: the maintenance of friendly relations with England.


care or upkeep, as of machinery or property: With proper maintenance the car will last for many years.


means of upkeep, support, or subsistence; livelihood: to provide a comfortable maintenance.


alimony or child support.


So, wait, Bioware has to pay child support, and has to take down the servers in order to do so!?

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You are joking right? So you are telling me that software doesn't evolve? Seriously?


Of course it evolves, but it doesn't evolve at the same rate across different engines and platforms, and lessons learned in one place do not always translate well into global advancement.


Shorter maintenance isn't a feature; it's something you develop over time as you work with your software running on your platform for your users. You figure out which processes run when, which ones have to wait for other ones to start, which ones are critical, which ones aren't, and you develop efficiencies over time. Comparing WoW and how maintenance worked there 3 months into its live-use cycle (basically, 3 months into their learning curve) is entirely relevant when discussing how TOR's maintenance is working 3 months into their own learning curve.


It's one thing to say "WoW developed a cross-server LFG tool years ago, so it should be standard for the industry in 2012" is one thing....i don't agree with the opinion, but it at least has some evolutionary basis.


It's entirely different to apply the same concept to maintenance time....they simply aren't even remotely the same concept.

Edited by Ardelia
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I work second shift and live in on the West Coast, so, yeah, the maintenance times suck for me. So, I have compiled a small list of things you can do with your time while you wait for SWTOR to come back on line . . .


read a book

go outside

clean your room

watch "Band of Brothers"

mow the lawn (you know, it's that green expanse outside your basement window)

head down to the pub for a pint

interact socially with your neighbors

take up knitting (this one can come in handy if your computer sucks and you have long load times)

update that resume and apply for a new job

take up yodeling

go on to a forum and gripe about the maintenance times


Those are just a few that come to mind. I'm sure you can think of more. Good luck.

Edited by grfu
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Of course it evolves, but it doesn't evolve at the same rate across different engines and platforms, and lessons learned in one place do not always translate well into global advancement.


Shorter maintenance isn't a feature; it's something you develop over time as you work with your software running on your platform for your users.


It's one thing to say "WoW developed a cross-server LFG tool years ago, so it should be standard for the industry in 2012" is one thing....i don't agree with the opinion, but it at least has some evolutionary basis.


Comparing WoW and how maintenance worked there 3 months into its live-use cycle is entirely relevant when discussing how TOR's maintenance is working 3 months into its live-use cycle. The lessons Blizzard learned about how to shorten WoW's maintenance do not have direct applicability to BioWare and this game.


Plus, this is Bioware's first MMO as well. Comparing SW:TOR 3 months into its running, to WoW 3 months into its running, Star Wars is doing way better. There have been few problems with servers crashing, sudden short-notice maintanence emergencies, or masses of people being unable to play.


And, they are working hard on 1.2, and go out of their way to advert what will be coming in it, instead of just telling us to "read the upcoming patch notes".


Curse you, Bioware, for trying to improve things. How dare you. You have ruined my new-found life in your game. You leave me no choice but to rant and rave in the hopes that it will somehow magically stave off the maintanence you do just to ruin everyone's day.


See? There I go again, slipping into sarcasm.


Sarcasm, its addictive.

Edited by CaptRavenous
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As an Aussie.. quit your ************ and get over it. It's how it's always been and how it always will be.


You want to know what would happen if we had a different maintenance window to the rest of the world? Our servers would get DESTROYED every Tuesday night. Flooded with so many people that you would be unable to play anyway, either due to absolutely ludicrous queues or to flat out server inability to handle the load.


And before you go 'block anyone not in Asia-Pacific then' - well, that's retarded too.

^In before anyone brings up the pre-launch IP block ********.

They made a point of allowing anyone to play on any server they liked, so it'd really be quite impossible to have a different maintenance window without making the servers basically inaccessible during that time period anyway.

Edited by Anthya
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I work second shift and live in on the West Coast, so, yeah, the maintenance times suck for me. So, I have compiled a small list of things you can do with your time while you wait for SWTOR to come back on line . . .


read a book

go outside

clean your room

watch "Band of Brothers"

mow the lawn (you know, it's that green expanse outside your basement window)

head down to the pub for a pint

interact socially with your neighbors

take up knitting (this one can come in handy if your computer sucks and you have long load times)

update that resume and apply for a new job

take up yodeling

go on to a forum and gripe about the maintenance times


Those are just a few that come to mind. I'm sure you can think of more. Good luck.


Reading makes me sleepy ( yawned while I read your post )

The sun can cause skin cancer.

I like my room kind of " looks like someone lives here" look.

I honor those who died for our freedom.

Still winter here.

I rather drink at home.

My neighbors are rather...not interested in what I like.

Knitting? You got to be kidding!


Yodeling? Once again...you got to be kidding.

I am here to say..I donot mind the times they pick to do maintenance sence I donot get up until it is allmost over anyway. :)

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um the patches arent consistent, they usually come up sooner, but even though its advantageous its still not consistent cause i've waited 4 hours and it be up and the sometimes i wait the full 8 hours and its not up. i'd rather them not give an eta if they cant at least get the ballpark figure right.
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BW can also consider a different maintenance schedule, though probably not until their servers stabilise and they work out all the inefficiencies first.


Take the example of Eve Online - the servers go down from 11 - 11.30 a.m. GMT daily - when there is a patch, then there is extended downtime - but only when there is a patch.


I'd rather have SWTOR go down for 30 mins a day instead of extended downtime during prime time every week. This forces people to take a break, go eat something or whatever.

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