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Mara/Pally Bubble needs to be looked at(Undying Rage)


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I havent read through everything but I agree this does need to be looked at. Others posting should know that the mara/sentinel using this wont be stupid enough to use this knowing that they can be ccd. All the other posters saying that ppl should learn to play to counter this must know that the mara/sentinel knows how to play and when to pop this (i.e. full resolve, pocket healer, etc.). All other posters saying that 99% isnt immunity is trolling and a mara/sent that doesnt pop a medpack or calls for a heal while popping this doesnt know how to play OR just needs the 3 GCDs to kill someone.


Here are some things that god mode can do in the current wzs:




5-6 secs is enough time for the mara/sentinel to defend the turret even alone until help arrives even if the speeders for grass and snow were given 3 secs activation




Same as above where in this case the mara/sentinel is either stopping the enemy team from planting or defusing a bomb. 5-6 secs is enough time for help to arrive.




I dont think I need to explain what god mode can do in huttball.


Frankly this should be a jugg tanking skill why is it with a pure dps? it looks like maras have better defensive cooldowns than jugg tanks but thats a whole other discussion. They already have other defensive cooldowns wouldnt an additional burst be better for a dps class rather than an immunity?

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I havent read through everything but I agree this does need to be looked at. Others posting should know that the mara/sentinel using this wont be stupid enough to use this knowing that they can be ccd. All the other posters saying that ppl should learn to play to counter this must know that the mara/sentinel knows how to play and when to pop this (i.e. full resolve, pocket healer, etc.). All other posters saying that 99% isnt immunity is trolling and a mara/sent that doesnt pop a medpack or calls for a heal while popping this doesnt know how to play OR just needs the 3 GCDs to kill someone.


Here are some things that god mode can do in the current wzs:




5-6 secs is enough time for the mara/sentinel to defend the turret even alone until help arrives even if the speeders for grass and snow were given 3 secs activation




Same as above where in this case the mara/sentinel is either stopping the enemy team from planting or defusing a bomb. 5-6 secs is enough time for help to arrive.




I dont think I need to explain what god mode can do in huttball.


Frankly this should be a jugg tanking skill why is it with a pure dps? it looks like maras have better defensive cooldowns than jugg tanks but thats a whole other discussion. They already have other defensive cooldowns wouldnt an additional burst be better for a dps class rather than an immunity?


Those situations are no different than another class using stuns/roots/knockbacks to slow a player down.


Also, just because a player can use an ability wisely does not dictate it to being OP. There are counters to the ability. For something to be overpowered it would have no counters to stop it. Simply put, the people complaining about the ability are bad players.


Would you rather us have a hard stun where we can burst on you while you sit there and take it? Or us having a 99% damage reduction for 5 seconds where you can still stop us with roots/stuns/knockbacks?

Edited by Raansu
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Those situations are no different than another class using stuns/roots/knockbacks to slow a player down.


Also, just because a player can use an ability wisely does not dictate it to being OP. There are counters to the ability. For something to be overpowered it would have no counters to stop it. Simply put, the people complaining about the ability are bad players.


Would you rather us have a hard stun where we can burst on you while you sit there and take it? Or us having a 99% damage reduction for 5 seconds where you can still stop us with roots/stuns/knockbacks?


Yeah. The only difference is that other players die when focused by 8 people. A mara/sent doesn't. Who woulda thunk it.

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Yeah. The only difference is that other players die when focused by 8 people. A mara/sent doesn't. Who woulda thunk it.


Great Googily Moogily, not this again. 8 people focusing a Mara under UR will kill said Mara quicker than you can blink.


It's not 100% damage reduction,it's 99%. Doesn't seem like the 1% makes a big difference, but you still get shredded by the stuff that gets through.


Trust me, I have been CCed by the enemy goal after scoring in Huttball, surrounded by the team, popped UR, killed in a second by the angry mob,multiple times.


If you want to continue to believe you are right in calling for the nerf and stubbornly refusing to listen to the overwhelming majority, go ahead but at least don't load down your rhetoric with hyperbole.

Edited by Temeluchus
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lets take their light sabers and make them fight with blaster rifles also. I dont know anyone who pops undying rage then killes more than 1 person. It just isnt viable unless u have a dedicated healer or its 1v1 and ur both almost dead. We are already by far one of the weakest class and you just want to remove one of the only abilities that make the class not complete fubar.
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You do something wrong when 8 ppl are going to focus mara. Somebody from 8 ppl must heal. And problem vanishes. Mara will die alone and his victim will be healed. Organised pvp?

5 seconds is not enough to defend turret alone. 3 seconds to ride a bike only.

But stealthed sin could do it forever just spamming mind trap from the behind. We need to look at stealth?)

Edited by artemsilenkov
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ok. youre wrong. just because bioware made it so all of my damage abilities while the bubble is up say 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1. Does not mean its not an immunity. If they have 100hp left and pop this bubble it will literally take 60-70 attacks to kill them. Thats not an immunity? Popping all cooldowns and hitting them with my biggest hitting ability produces a whopping 4 dmg. lol.


GCD are 1.5 secs combined with the 5 secs mara/sent dmg immunity thats 3-4 attacks you get debuffed.

I can not take nerf whine serious from people who didnt play the class.

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LOL at anyone in this game who thinks resolve works properly. I'm stunned, knocked back, snared, rooted and all around cc'd with full resolve on a daily basis. Not to mention killed by operatives before their stuns are even up if I don't have break up. Fix the system before you fix classes. Don't bandaid a core problem. Edited by JediKlick
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Force Camouflage now additionally reduces all damage taken by 50% while active


yeah coz Dmg classes needs better protection than tanks

what dmg taken when they are invisible ?


this is actually a nerf as almost all Marauders had the 100% damage reduction talent when force camo is active (this talent is now gone). Allowing us to walk trough fire and stuff.


So yeah, don't complain if you don't know

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this is actually a nerf as almost all Marauders had the 100% damage reduction talent when force camo is active (this talent is now gone). Allowing us to walk trough fire and stuff.


So yeah, don't complain if you don't know


What dmg taken when ur invisible ? thats the main question

if u had 100% it only shows how bad its been till now and compared yes u can call it nerf :rolleyes:

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Force Camouflage now additionally reduces all damage taken by 50% while active


yeah coz Dmg classes needs better protection than tanks

what dmg taken when they are invisible ?


Why would I need damage reduction when I'm invisible bro? This is a nerf from the phantom talent that granted us 100% damage resistance allowing us to combine undying rage with vanish for a quick escape.

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Where's GrandMike? LOL


On the way to GW2.


Playing some Lineage 2 for the kicks and good ol' times in meantime.


Cyas in GW2 for some real PvP instead of this catastrophy...ilum...1.2...it doesnt get any worse than that



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