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Is there an actual reason for Republic numbers being so low?


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Actually this is very true.At late nights all week long there is way more huttball

rep vs rep. This is for one reason only.Momy says it's sleepy time.


i remember in wow it was kids rolled alliance because they wanted to be the good guys! now they wanna be the bad guys?



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My first 50 was Assassin which took about 3 weeks to level. Than few weeks later I


rolled Sage which is level 50 now on the same server. I 've never looked back, I like


the Republic alot better.Yes finding people for hard modes can be challenging at times,


but in general everyone seems to be nicer and its older crowd/ population.




anyways just my input ;)

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4. Perception that Republic = Alliance 2.0 (carebear faction)


With upwards of 90% of SWTOR players being ex-WoW players many people entered the game expecting the Republic to be overrun with "wannabe Jedis", "Mary-Sues" etc. while all the "cool kids" are hanging out with the "oh so evil" Empire. They imagined things would be just like they were for the early Horde in WoW, when they attracted the more able, more ambitious and simply better gamers on most part. However this effect is so pronounced that it actually reversed itself into the opposite.


Yeah i had fears this might happen, it happened in aion and rift, however i managed to roll both times on heavy "light" side servers in those games.


but then again I've always been on the darker faction though since wow that's mainly been because of friends, however in ToR i can actually be the light-sided guy working inside it.

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My first 50 was Assassin which took about 3 weeks to level. Than few weeks later I


rolled Sage which is level 50 now on the same server. I 've never looked back, I like


the Republic alot better.Yes finding people for hard modes can be challenging at times,


but in general everyone seems to be nicer and its older crowd/ population.




anyways just my input ;)


I've learned that whatever side you're on seems more mature, till you're on the other side and then you realize they were all kids!

seriously though polls before the game came out lead with a more older empire base then republic, though i will admit that could easily have changed and vary's server to server, anyways glad you're having fun on republic, we shall soon end this pitiable war and then you can serve the empire once again!!


My imperial agent doesn't believe in waste full killing.

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Because more people are concerned with looking good and having numbers on their side than they are with playing what they truly want to.


Wrong. Republic is bland, boring and overdone. It didn't speak to me as a person at all. I was going to be a republic trooper going in, but once I saw the "Deceived" trailer, I knew I just HAD to be a Sith. It was just so damn cool. People tell me I'm a saint irl. I'm patient, I'm understanding, I put others before myself, but I don't play games to be the good guy. I play games to have fun, and sometimes, being the bad guy is fun!


Guess what? People really like to shoot lightning. They also like wielding double lightsabers. They like doing both at once! They also really like being a Bounty Hunter! People like you like to blame some sheep mentality that just isn't there. Republic is the underdog, because people are sick and tired of being Jedi Knights. I was. That's why I went Juggernaut and loved every minute of it.

Edited by Vid-szhite
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I've played completely the following class stories, not skipping any dialogues or cutscenes:


Jedi Consular

Jedi Knight


Bounty Hunter

Sith Warrior


(and currently leveling up a Trooper)


I've enjoyed them all.


So I don't agree that Empire class stories are better than Republic ones.

It's really just about taste, and maybe more people prefers the Empire style, but I think for the four I have finished, that they about match each other quality wise.

Edited by Elysith
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That mind set has always struggled to be accepted here. Even with an alignment section and the devs stating that both sides have good and bad in them, many still feel Empire = all dark/evil Republic = all light/good. No exceptions.


Having played both... The Republic dark side choice are usually not as evil or dark as the Empire ones. Many times they are just the "non pure jedi" choice. Like letting two Padawans be lovers or telling a kid to go home to his parents. Giving someone money is a light side option and the dark option is telling them to beat it.


Whereas on the Empire you kill a child's father in front of him. Murder a mother and her son. There are really terribly dark choices on Empire that just don't appear on the Republic side as often.


Also many times I make dark choices on Republic characters it's not like they are really enjoying it. In the Esseles when you launch the engineers from the airlock your character turns away. An evil character would watch in enjoyment.


Same thing with Imperial light side options. You DONT KILL SOMEONE instead of killing him. How nice of you...


Point is. I want really super light side options for my Empire characters. Also, really super dark options for my Republic and I want my Republic character to relish the choice like my Sith does.

Edited by fadingdimension
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Oh this is easy...


1. Being an evil person is "cooler"

2. Adding "Shade" "Shadow" or "Dark" to your name makes you stronger.

3. You can't be bada ss unless you're a bad guy.

4. It's much easier to be a DCKhead to people and blame it on the fact you're supposed to because you're sith.


BTW I play a vanguard, I PVP all the time, and I can tell you for sure that on Naddist Rebels the REP community is better. There's plenty of IMPS that have rerolled REP. There's also some people that come to rep fleet every so often and say "WTT 10 bad imp players for 1 good rep." Baddies and people who think "evil is cool" flock to the "dark side" in search of power but all they find is company among other baddies.

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Why? Why do you usually choose evil options? Please explain. I don't. I'm a good guy irl. I help people. I get helped in return. I love my friends and family. I do the right thing, even when not being watched (for the most part, I'm not a saint). So honestly, explain please. If you aren't at least slightly 'intrigued' by the thought of torture and brutality, why choose dark options?


There is an underlying reason behind virtually EVERYTHING a person does. I choose light options, because I'm a good person and the thought of using a shock collar, or cutting somebodies head off etc, physically turns me off. You are obviously different, or you too would have difficulty choosing dark options. The entire reason you get into a story is to relate to the main character, or in this case, you. So please, explain, I'm dying to hear what you have to say on the subject.


I like how you seem to imply that anyone who picks dark side must be a bad person, not someone who's trying to tell a story about a character. People watched Scarface and loved it, but Scarface was a bad guy, and in the end, his whole life came crashing down and he went out with a bang. Does that mean people want to be Scarface? No, it means they want to watch a movie about an interesting character.


That's really it at the end of the day - we're playing a character. A character has to be interesting. I don't find pure good any more interesting than pure evil. In my Juggernaut's case, he STARTED as pure evil. Over time, he evolved and grew and became darkness tinged with light. He developed as a character. He started gaining so many good, likable qualities that he had trouble maintaining his dark side points. He married Vette, the companion that hates Dark Side options, and he has trouble relating to his apprentice, Jaesa, because she believes in purity even to the detriment of logic.


You seem to think that dark side = torture and mutilation for fun. Sometimes, it's taking the shortcut that kills people but is more effective and gets the job done. Sometimes, it's killing someone who badly deserves it rather than spare them. Sometimes, it's paying someone back for betraying you. Sometimes, it's following orders.


Sometimes the people you torture or harm are just annoying characters that you would like to get rid of. Some people genuinely hate Vette and shock her for that reason. My Warrior took Vette's collar off immediately, because he rewards good work. However, on one of his missions, he was sent to assassinate a captured son who could expose his father as an imperial agent. Guess what? The son DID expose his father, because the son was a coward who was trying to save his own skin, and his own skin was barely even in danger - he'd maybe face jail time if he didn't talk, that's it. My warrior choked him to death and sliced him in two for good measure. Cowardice was one thing, but betrayal of your own family? Unforgivable. On the other hand, he fought a Republic general who offered to confess the Republic's involvement on Balmorra if I treated him and his men fairly. My warrior agreed, because that's exactly what was needed. My warrior spared the lives of republic soldiers in return for them owing their loyalty - he called in their favor later and let them go as promised once they finished.


That's my character's moral compass - he rewards good work, elevates you for excellence, appreciates small gestures, and is loyal to his friends and his country. If you cooperate with him, he will spare your life. He would never torture for fun unless it was his most hated enemy, but if you are, he will destroy you. He punishes cowardice, he loathes betrayal, and if you try to deceive him or question his judgment, he will put you in your place. He makes allies and keeps his word, he admires dedication and honor, but if you deserve it, you will die.


Is this so difficult to understand? Playing a character doesn't mean you do what you would in real life, it means you're playing a game that isn't real, you're making a story. Sometimes, dark side is fun. Sometimes it's needed. Get off your high horse, you aren't perfect, and neither are we - that's why our characters aren't perfect either.

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A big part of it for me was because, since the empire is prejudiced against aliens, most of the people you encounter speak English (or your native tongue). A huge draw to this game for me was voiceover questing. Having an alien say "gobblety gobble goo" and reading it in subtitles does not constitute as a voiced quest.


This is part of the reason I love Empire so much - I can't understand the aliens, and the conversation hangs are annoying. Worse, just like in KoTOR, they all use the same recycled lines that don't actually mean what is on the screen, and they can get away with it because no one speaks those languages. At least on the Empire, most of the aliens are either not present or can speak English. Republic coddles the aliens regardless of whether they're annoying or not.

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Well Just IMO, SI is cooler than JC, IA cooler than Smuggler, SW cooler than JK, and BH much cooler then boring Trooper, again all just my opinion and i don't hate the Republic side i just find the Empire classes more aesthetically pleasing. Edited by deags
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The funny thing i found was, i was quite bored with the game at a point, i had a level 50 sith warrior, and a level 43 operative.


I seldom played the game for a while, and logged in to see how my guild was doing every now and then.


I then decided to roll a republic trooper and now im absolutely loving it.

I've tried rolling other imperial classes but there was something different and exciting about being on the other side, and to be honest i found it far more entertaining on the republic side.


There is something about being on a less populated side that makes it more interesting.

More world pvp for example.

The feeling of little vs many and fighting for the right cause even when outnumbered was encouraging.


Not only that but the trooper, even if its supposed to be a mirrored class to the bounty hunter, is way more fun.


You just can't beat toting a stupid big gun around like arnie in terminator 2 with the minigun.


To add to the pvp.

Republic players also seem to actually use teamwork in warzones.

Constantly calling out tactics which has yet to provide me with a loss in a warzone and im currently level 24.


So, i urge any Imperial player to give Republic a go, especially if you havent got any or many friends and commitments on the Imperial side, its a much different flavour, not to mention the fact that their home planet destroys drummund kaas.


I am so gutted that i never started out as a Republic.

Edited by Rhymez
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I think a number of factors contribute to the imbalance.


1. The Empire just looks better, it feels as if more work and thought has gone into the empire look, gear and abilities. story, voice-acting. Everything.


2. Sorcerors are OP and everyone knows it. It's not a coincidence that it's the most played class by a mile.


3. Force-lightning.


4. Personality does play a factor. I am not suggesting all empire playes are obnoxious people, but if the forums are any indicator. Then the vast majority of obnoxious, immature, people play empire. Look through the forums. All the insulting, rude, nasty posts seem to have come from posters with empire sigs.


5. Force-lightning.

Edited by damolawler
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And I don't see how allowing every Imp class to be able to have force-lighting, when legacy kicks in with patch 1.2, is going to help population balance in any way.


Stupis stupid decision.


the very idea that BHs and IAs will get to use lighting really really bugs the crap out of me, bioware says they respect star wars lore and turn around and pull this crap..., force users shooting lightning out of their fingertips great job there...


Maybe lucas will see this and decide to add force lightning to Bobba's abilities, oh the thought makes me sick :(

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Im on a High population server. I tried rolling two Republic characters. I now play a Sith Marauder....here is why.


You get your republic character to a point to where they can start queuing for Flashpoints. You head over to the fleet and you are standing in a empty room. You look up at the player count for the fleet. Looks like there's about 45 to 50 players. So you send out a LFG message in general...........wait 5 minutes...........nothing. Ok so you wait for a little while and try again. You post your LFG message again...........nothing.


Then you notice another player coming out of the elevator and heading your way. You send a friendly greeting in hopes he or she will join your party that consists of just you at the moment. They refuse, stand there for a while and then go back to the elevator, and you are left alone.



OK Now try this same scenario on the Empire side.



I get to the fleet, you see players everywhere around the main ring. You head down the elevator to the Flashpoint terminals, and you see a few players, but not a lot. You look at the player count 80 or 90...hmmm much better. You send out a message of LFG....... about 10 seconds go by, then someone says "Ill help". You realize you need a healer now. So you ask for a healer. A couple of minutes later BOOM you have a healer. You ask for one more and you get it pretty soon.


THIS is why I and most people went Empire. It is nearly impossible to get groups for flashpoints or even some heroics on the Republic side. At least on my server.


What would you do? Join a side with half the players, and a slim chance of seeing some of the group content, or join a side that has many more players.

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Soon as we can change gear colors I won't care which side I'm on, but I can't take the brownness of the republic at the moment. I have a lowbie rep that I can't wait to change her gear into a dark midnight blue if possible, it'll be lovely. (She's in full terracotta, now :S)
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My opinion on the server imbalance stems from a few observations;


1. PvPeens: The flood of PvPers with such stylish names as Masta'slaya, Ipwnjoo, or Jediseckz (all real, BTW) who aren't doing it for any kind of lore or story. Most of them don't know any of the story, having madly spacebarred to 50 fast as they could. They're Empire because 'bad guyz r cool'. They want to pwn face with l33t lightning d00dz.

As a caveat, this refers to a small, but vocal, minority of PvPers, not PvPers as a whole.


2. Mini-maxers: These are the players that must have the most efficient, even if it's by 1 second, characters. Republic classes has mechanical, animation related, or both differences and slight imbalances compared to Empire. Example: SI instant-cast Shock against the not-even-close-to instant Project is a more efficient power.

For them to be the most efficient number cruncher, they play Empire.


3. The Hardcore: These are the Raid Like A Job players. The ones that rush to 50 fast as they can, maybe skip the story, maybe not, all so they can raid non-stop and beat the game.

If you want to raid hardcore, you need people, preferably a lot of them. That way if someone cancels for whatever reason the raid can still go on on schedule. As a rule the first two categories will be the first in on a server. Thus, for the hardcore to fill their ranks they need to go where the population is. Not to mention the mini-maxers tend to make outstanding hardcore raiders.


It has next to nothing to do with "being bad" or Dark side over Light. It's been my observation Light or Dark doesn't matter to the above groups other if it nets them better gear to go one way or another. It has everything to do with "winning", just like COD or BF3 have to do with winning.


Get out of my head man. GET OUT!! Couldn't have put it into better words myself.

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It might be because the Jedi are portrayed in the movies as monkish people who are required to supress their emotions to achieve power...kinda like priests.


Ummm, no thanks! Humans want romance, and emotion. Why would I play a game to become a monk? I would think that most folks want larger than life experiences in their games, not repressive denial of basic human emotions?


If you were a nearly ommipotent user of the force would you want to be able to use that power or would you want to repress that power as if it's too dangerous to use? That's like being Superman and being too repressed to ever fly.

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