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Is there an actual reason for Republic numbers being so low?


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I am 100% convinced that a lot of the imbalance comes from the nature of the lack of consequences for actions that the internet seems to breed. So, to the person that gets on the internet and acts like a fool in ways that they would never act in front of other people, the dark side is a natural choice.


I agree. I think we have all had conversations with people on the internet that would not happen that way in real life. It's that anonymity that allows people to act in a slightly different matter.

Could mainly be slightly more meek people that feel they can be more bold because of this.

As I said in a previous post, I often play "evil" roles in games. However I would never consider doing these awful things, not because there are consequences in real life. But because they are wrong.

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I often take the "evil" choice in games. Not because I am a sociopath, but because that is the way I choose to play my character. I have been playing ME3 this week and have chosen mostly the "good" choices, or things that would be for the greater good.


It seems like you are suggesting people are physiologicaly evil due to playing the game a certain way. So I say again, it's just a game, nothing more.

It doesn't mean people are strange or mentally ill in real life, it just means they wish to play the game that way. To suggest otherwise, I personally find ridiculous and somewhat offensive.

To put it another way, you are reading waaaaaay too much in to such a simple statistic.


Why? Why do you usually choose evil options? Please explain. I don't. I'm a good guy irl. I help people. I get helped in return. I love my friends and family. I do the right thing, even when not being watched (for the most part, I'm not a saint). So honestly, explain please. If you aren't at least slightly 'intrigued' by the thought of torture and brutality, why choose dark options?


There is an underlying reason behind virtually EVERYTHING a person does. I choose light options, because I'm a good person and the thought of using a shock collar, or cutting somebodies head off etc, physically turns me off. You are obviously different, or you too would have difficulty choosing dark options. The entire reason you get into a story is to relate to the main character, or in this case, you. So please, explain, I'm dying to hear what you have to say on the subject.

Edited by Paralassa
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Well summed up. The douchebags who would get Jay and Silent Bob'd for their foul behavior online are the same ones who end up going Empire (and being evil on top of it all, since there are light-side Empire players).


I'd like to add on top that some kids even consider Dark Side to be the norm in Imperial side. Either you are Dark Side, or you're a reject.


You're a Light-Side imperial player.


Try going in a Flashpoint where everyone wants Dark Side story only.


You might :


A. if you're the party leader, get flamed.

B. get kicked out of the group.

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On Bergeren Colony server , if you pug for PvP on the empire side you will get lots of trash talkers while at the same time winning most matches . The republic side on the other hand tends to lose a lot of matches in PvP but is a lot more nicer when it comes to pugs . This why I rolled republic , don't get me wrong each side has douchebags but the empire on my server has more of them . Edited by powergirl
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I often take the "evil" choice in games. Not because I am a sociopath, but because that is the way I choose to play my character.




i played darkside SW.

i'm playing neutral BH

i'm going to play lightside IA

and darkside SI


these choice's i make because i think it fits with the character


i'm not a bad person in real life, i'm nice, honest, helpful and happy. sure every1 has a day where they hate their boss. and i'm no different. but that don't mean i want to cut off his head and give it to a hutt. i know the difference between reality and a game

Edited by Paralassa
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I'd like to add on top that some kids even consider Dark Side to be the norm in Imperial side. Either you are Dark Side, or you're a reject.


You're a Light-Side imperial player.


Try going in a Flashpoint where everyone wants Dark Side story only.


You might :


A. if you're the party leader, get flamed.

B. get kicked out of the group.


Yep, very true words. I haven't been kicked but I have been flamed.


The problem is that people think in absolutes (wasn't that Palpatine's lecture to young Anakin?). My moral compass is a bit more hazy with my SI. I tend to be compassionate however I will make a dark side choice if it is for the greater good. Some characters that you run across are just too evil to go free. Each scenario is quite fun and I have a mixture of light/dark points although I'm mostly 90% light.

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Why? Why do you usually choose evil options? Please explain. I don't. I'm a good guy irl. I help people. I get helped in return. I love my friends and family. I do the right thing, even when not being watched (for the most part, I'm not a saint). So honestly, explain please. If you aren't at least slightly 'intrigued' by the thought of torture and brutality, why choose dark options?


There is an underlying reason behind virtually EVERYTHING a person does. I choose light options, because I'm a good person and the thought of using a shock collar, or cutting somebodies head off etc, physically turns me off. You are obviously different, or you too would have difficulty choosing dark options. The entire reason you get into a story is to relate to the main character, or in this case, you. So please, explain, I'm dying to hear what you have to say on the subject.


Because it is a role playing game. And I am playing the character, not myself. I do not associate myself with anything they do.

I am a good person in real life. I am always pleasant to people, I don't cause trouble. I even volunteer as a policeman. I never wish anyone harm.


I will give an example.

I played a Sith Inquisitor. I wanted him to be a very independant character. Someone who despised slavery (as you start out as one) but still had no love for the Republic. So my choices were based on this character. Not because I have any emotional attachment to these choices. But because I was playing a role. That is what RPG's are for.

This has no bearing on my real life personaliy.

If the "evil" options disturb you then that's fine. I would think you must be very easily offended by things but I wouldn't say it was a character flaw.

As I said, it's just a game. It should be meaningless to someones real life character.

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Wasn't intended to be a blanket reference. There are nice Imps, I've met them (not even talking dark/light orientation). There are no absolutes in life, beyond death and taxes. But it's probably true of a large chunk of the Imp population. I've run into some real ******s on the Imp side, where as I've run into relatively few on Republic (they exist, don't think I'm nieve).


Personally I find it very even. I have met unsavory people playing both sides. It may be that there are a lot younger people playing Imperial, for reason I am sure we can all see.

But I honestly think I have seen a balance of nice/not so nice people on both sides.


For instance, I used to play WoW. I used to find Horde was better for nicer people. mainly as it seemed a lot more of the younger folk (that hung around Lolshire) played alliance. I found the attitude to be lacking on Alliance for the most part. But there were still plenty of nice people.

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according to the guild summit. rep numbers arn't as low a you think, the problem with war zones, is, the sort of ppl that are attracted to playing PVP happen to be the same sort of ppl that like to go empire. i can see the connection


It's not just warzones.... i was making that point to ensure people are aware that getting WZ's that are not Huttball is VERY easy as a Rep.


In some cases I switch back to my Sorc just to get some Huttball games!

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I've rolled a few Imps before and am now 28 levels through my Sentinel and am just wondering where are all my fellow Republicans?


The Reps numbers seem incredibly low and the market is pretty much non-existant.


That doesnt bother me to much, but i was just wondering if there is an actual reason for this?




Rep storylines, if you choose the good "lightside" options, are beyond campy.


Seriously, beyond Adam West Batman campy. It's campy like M1-4X, but at least 4X makes campy cool.


I've played through all the act 1's for the rep side, and the sheer 'goody-goody most bestest goodliest saint' attitude on the majority of quests makes me gag.


Imperial ftw.

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Personally I find it very even. I have met unsavory people playing both sides. It may be that there are a lot younger people playing Imperial, for reason I am sure we can all see.

But I honestly think I have seen a balance of nice/not so nice people on both sides.


For instance, I used to play WoW. I used to find Horde was better for nicer people. mainly as it seemed a lot more of the younger folk (that hung around Lolshire) played alliance. I found the attitude to be lacking on Alliance for the most part. But there were still plenty of nice people.


I came to this conclusion while waiting for your response. The only real reason (other than being twisted) for going with dark-side options is in fact role play. I get it, honest. You play a Sith Warrior, and it wouldn't make sense for him to stop and smell a flower, or pet a bunny. It would make sense for him to kill anybody in his way. So that has opened my eyes.


I'm prior military, two tours in Iraq (no PTSD that I'm aware of). I'd say it truly has influenced my tolerance of senseless violence. **** I witnessed over there, and I didn't see the worst parts, was enough to leave a lifelong impression. I can 'handle' just about anything, but actively going out of my way to act evil in a game just rubs me raw. So thanks for your candid responses, I was genuinely curious, and I think I understand a bit better now.

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according to the guild summit. rep numbers arn't as low a you think, the problem with war zones, is, the sort of ppl that are attracted to playing PVP happen to be the same sort of ppl that like to go empire. i can see the connection


Pick a random server and get a toon to the station on the Empire and note the numbers.


Do the same thing with a Republic toon.


Now don't effing try to tell us that the faction balance "isn't as bad as I think." I see the numbers everytime I log in, thanks.

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Sorry, I wasn't clear, I just meant dark-side Imps. You're basically the same as me. I have a Sorc and a Merc, just below 20. Both are good people, get the job done, without the unnecessary cruelty. I can actually get into that, while being evil for evil's sake turns me off. But I'm willing to go out on a limb and bet that at least...perhaps 75% of Imps go dark-side, for various reasons. They think it's expected of them, or they just want the evil look, or my theory, they like to role play (even if they aren't actual RP) the whole 'I'll kill you while chuckling evilly and not give it a second thought, because I'd never get away with this in real life'.


I could be completely wrong, on the number of evil Imps and their reasons for doing it. I can't wrap my head around anything else though.


Instead of Re-rolling, you could have just raised your Lightside points. It doesn't take long, especially if you do quick runs of Black Talon.

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It's probably more complicated than throwing people in 1 box or the other.


A lot of people do the same things in life for different reasons.


I'm not the RP kinda person but I can understand them wanting to play roles and not associating their own morals too much with their characters, same as many actors will get a kick out of playing a totally twisted character for a change. Nothing to it, and acting can be a lot of fun.


Not being an RP'er myself, I have several sith (mainss are Reps) and they're all light too, I'm not playing different roles and my morals apply to them.


The reason I made and started out as sith before switching to reps mostly, was that they get all the cooler looking gear and I liked some of the more vibrant skin colors and tattoos on that side.


Then while I was okay with the light side choices as you kinda feel like a good soul among nazis, saving whoever you could from the worst, I got bored with the Imp planets and looks... all depressing grays and metals.


I just felt more comfortable staring at greens and pastel colors :)

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Pick a random server and get a toon to the station on the Empire and note the numbers.


Do the same thing with a Republic toon.


Now don't effing try to tell us that the faction balance "isn't as bad as I think." I see the numbers everytime I log in, thanks.


I agree with this.


I normally log in my Sorc first to ensure I got some nice biochem, dipo and bioanalysis going on, then I switch to my Sent......


Sorc = around 200-250 in station

Sent = 50 at best.


Now, this doesnt mean that the ratio is automatically 4/5:1 as it could simply be a case of mabny many Reps out on missions.


Then you look at the market....... it's shocking Rep side.


All that said........ the only real reasons given thus far, aside from the usual sniping in the forums, is Reps throw rocks, Imps throw lightning.


Do we then beleive that it is down to one mirror class?????


Consulars vs Inquisitors????


and because the Inquisitors throw Rocks, Imps have superior numbers?


Please please tell me that is not the case?!?!?!?!?!



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Just wondering, so please choose not to flame me (can't tell you not to can I?), if a possible soloution to this would be to boost XP gain when numbers favour a particular side?


They'd have to test how many chars logged in for more than 20 mins each week or something to ensure numbers aren't screwed by non playing characters.


Whatchya think?

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Pick a random server and get a toon to the station on the Empire and note the numbers.


Do the same thing with a Republic toon.


Now don't effing try to tell us that the faction balance "isn't as bad as I think." I see the numbers everytime I log in, thanks.


i think you misread my post, re-read it. it started like this:


"according to the guild summit"


don't direct your anger to me, i never said this was what i think, i left my thoughts out of it. and i am still leaving my thoughts out of it. i was mearly passing along information

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Rep storylines, if you choose the good "lightside" options, are beyond campy.


Seriously, beyond Adam West Batman campy. It's campy like M1-4X, but at least 4X makes campy cool.


I've played through all the act 1's for the rep side, and the sheer 'goody-goody most bestest goodliest saint' attitude on the majority of quests makes me gag.


Imperial ftw.


What are you going to ask your weekend-dad to get you for your 13th birthday?


I've been RPG'ing for going on 35 years, starting with PnP RPGs back in the '70s and moving on to MMOs. And in 35 years nothing has really changed much.


Why are the "bad guys" more popular? The same reason all the "cool kids" stood seven inches off school property and smoked cigeretts before class each morning. The same reason they all played Paladins, but didn't understand that torturing the Kobold NPCs wasn't "in character."


One of the posters hit it right on the head -Anonymity plus lack of consequences = Empire by 5:1. The only thing I don't understand is why anyone expected anything otherwise.

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What are you going to ask your weekend-dad to get you for your 13th birthday?


I've been RPG'ing for going on 35 years, starting with PnP RPGs back in the '70s and moving on to MMOs. And in 35 years nothing has really changed much.


Why are the "bad guys" more popular? The same reason all the "cool kids" stood seven inches off school property and smoked cigeretts before class each morning. The same reason they all played Paladins, but didn't understand that torturing the Kobold NPCs wasn't "in character."


One of the posters hit it right on the head -Anonymity plus lack of consequences = Empire by 5:1. The only thing I don't understand is why anyone expected anything otherwise.


The bad guys were not big in Wow becuase ppl did not want to play a "ugly" race.Only when blood elves came out did the game start to even out.


If they made the sith empire REALLY sith and maybe left the humans on the jedi side I think there would be more even numbers.


As a Pure Blood sith even I noice I am very rare on my side I would say most ppl are humans.

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I am 100% convinced that a lot of the imbalance comes from the nature of the lack of consequences for actions that the internet seems to breed. So, to the person that gets on the internet and acts like a fool in ways that they would never act in front of other people, the dark side is a natural choice.


And you would be wrong because the game doesn't exist in a vacuum bereft of literally tons of SW Lore, iconic characters, stories etc that people who play this game know about.

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I wanted to be a BH to start with. Then I rolled a sorc.... at the time I had no idea that the Reps numbers were so low.


Does strike me as odd though. There are so many complaints about the war zones.... if people knew that on the Rep side you only queue for a short period of time and (based on my experience) you only get 1 in 20 huttball games...........




I roll a JK and every time i get on pvp its damn huttball lol

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I agree with this.


I normally log in my Sorc first to ensure I got some nice biochem, dipo and bioanalysis going on, then I switch to my Sent......


Sorc = around 200-250 in station

Sent = 50 at best.


Now, this doesnt mean that the ratio is automatically 4/5:1 as it could simply be a case of mabny many Reps out on missions.


Then you look at the market....... it's shocking Rep side.


All that said........ the only real reasons given thus far, aside from the usual sniping in the forums, is Reps throw rocks, Imps throw lightning.


Do we then beleive that it is down to one mirror class?????


Consulars vs Inquisitors????


and because the Inquisitors throw Rocks, Imps have superior numbers?


Please please tell me that is not the case?!?!?!?!?!




Take a look at the number of saber swingers to trigger pullers - That ratio is also ~4:1.


Now let's look at core classes:


Jedi vs Sith - Sith get Force Choke


Consulars vs Inquisitors - Inquisitors get Force Lightning


Empire get red lightsabers.


Empire get British voice acting


All that plus lack of consequences for your actions brings all the cool kids, even the ones in their 30s & 40s, to Empire.

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