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The question of the month: Will you keep your subscription up? and why?


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Well, I just got back into the game after taking a break for a while and it's already annoying me. They haven't owned up to many of their promises and their server populations are dropping without mergers taking place.


As much as I used to love Bioware until Mass Effect 3's ending, they're not very deserving of my money lately. So I re-cancelled my subscription.

Edited by Hibillymayshere
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Unsubbed both my accounts.


This game over promised and under delivered. They had the time, money, and resources to deliver something extraordinary and all they could come up with was a basic mmo with minor improvements.

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Yes. Why?


1) It's only been out for a few months and has already released more content in that period that the competition has in a 6 month period.


2) They seem to genuinely care about roleplayers and each player's personal experience, unlike other MMOs.


With that said, is the game perfect? Definitely not, but as far as newly released MMOs go, SWTOR has performed incredibly admirably and I can't wait to see what additions, improvements, and innovations they release in the future.


Also a personal note to anyone quitting over really silly reasons: I feel most are comparing SWTOR to a certain other MMO very unfairly. That certain other MMO has been around for the better part of a decade, where as SWTOR is a mere infant in comparison. Yet, even in its infancy, it has already shown that it can do things better than its elder and wants to continue proving it can do things better. That certain other MMO has had plenty of time to polish and refine its formula, where as you're harping on SWTOR for not doing the same in a hundredth of the time.

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The Macro, User based Addons was and still is pretty amazing. Anyone who played WOW using the default UI missed out on a ton of player made goodies via, Healbot, Grid, Gearscore, Recount, Auctioneer, Titanbar, Gathermate, etc etc

And every one of those I can do without. I find it funny people complain about how easy the game is yet they want things to make the game... easier... !?!?!?


Unsubbed both my accounts.


This game over promised and under delivered. They had the time, money, and resources to deliver something extraordinary and all they could come up with was a basic mmo with minor improvements.

And what did it promise that it didn't deliver? Please elaborate after making a statement like this.

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Unsubbed both my accounts.


This game over promised and under delivered. They had the time, money, and resources to deliver something extraordinary and all they could come up with was a basic mmo with minor improvements.


I would like to hear this as well. What exactly did they promise that wasn't delivered upon? If anything everything they promised we got, plus we're getting a bunch of goodies that they didn't promise as icing on the cake.

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Cancelled as of 3/22 , 117 days remaining. Doubt i will play much after 1.2 .. while i realize the nerf trend is more and more often used by lazy designers.. i just do not feel the desire to sit through it yet again.


The medpack nerf was pretty much it for me.


Enjoy the game y'all

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I would like to hear this as well. What exactly did they promise that wasn't delivered upon? If anything everything they promised we got, plus we're getting a bunch of goodies that they didn't promise as icing on the cake.


People seem to keep reading "we might do such-and-such, and right now we're thinking about so-and-so, and we'd like to try this'n'that, and we're currently testing tentativeness, but as always, these are subject to change" as "We hereby promise and commit to bring these things at this precise time, no ifs, ands, or buts!"

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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I'll keep my sub active until something new (either FPS or MMO) comes out.


TOR has no real hold on me since...


A) there is no appearance tab


B) Bioware refuses to consider an appearance tab (which may be fine sometime in a year or two when they perfect their orange mod system).


C) My server is pretty much dead


D) I can not get groups for flashpoints unless I pay a high level 50k to run me through a low or mid level instance


E) where is the fun in TOR? Where are the seasonal events, where is the non combative events? You know where? about 2 years away.

Edited by illgot
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I've Unsubbed today, after not logging in for a week and finding it hard to get back into it. I wrote down a lot of reasons and the page refreshed and lost it when submitting my cancellation, I summed it up and wrote this instead.


Overall I feel its more of a single player game not an MMO and not worth paying a monthly subscription to play. Its too instanced, companions make team play not really needed, Hardly anyone wants to team unless they are in the same area then its goodbye once the quest is done.


I recently logged back in lotro and the differences are huge in terms of environment and the amount of things to actually do.


I really wanted this game to succeed and star wars is such an amazing universe but atm to me the game is to linear and the voice acting, albeit amazing for the first time is mainly skipped over now apart from the main arcs.


I may be back in the future and will try and play out my game time but I feel myself no longer wanting to log in at times as its becoming a chore to see the instanced areas time and time again with no need to just explore and see whats about in the world.


I wanted to explore the star wars universe but instead I got to go down a path predetermined by the story with no need to explore, I did try but found nothing there.


I wanted to stand on a mountain and see the land below me in all its glory, take my speeder and ride out into tatooine and come across an outpost un discovered by the republic or imperials, go into a town which is neutral to republic and imperials and have places to spar etc.


Some of the artwork is truly amazing but sadly I feel its wasted. Thanks for the effort but overall as I said before I feel this game is geared for single players with some team elements on the side.

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I've Unsubbed today, after not logging in for a week and finding it hard to get back into it. I wrote down a lot of reasons and the page refreshed and lost it when submitting my cancellation, I summed it up and wrote this instead.


Overall I feel its more of a single player game not an MMO and not worth paying a monthly subscription to play. Its too instanced, companions make team play not really needed, Hardly anyone wants to team unless they are in the same area then its goodbye once the quest is done.


I recently logged back in lotro and the differences are huge in terms of environment and the amount of things to actually do.


I really wanted this game to succeed and star wars is such an amazing universe but atm to me the game is to linear and the voice acting, albeit amazing for the first time is mainly skipped over now apart from the main arcs.


I may be back in the future and will try and play out my game time but I feel myself no longer wanting to log in at times as its becoming a chore to see the instanced areas time and time again with no need to just explore and see whats about in the world.


I wanted to explore the star wars universe but instead I got to go down a path predetermined by the story with no need to explore, I did try but found nothing there.


I wanted to stand on a mountain and see the land below me in all its glory, take my speeder and ride out into tatooine and come across an outpost un discovered by the republic or imperials, go into a town which is neutral to republic and imperials and have places to spar etc.


Some of the artwork is truly amazing but sadly I feel its wasted. Thanks for the effort but overall as I said before I feel this game is geared for single players with some team elements on the side.



What server you on in LOTRO?

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People seem to keep reading "we might do such-and-such, and right now we're thinking about so-and-so, and we'd like to try this'n'that, and we're currently testing tentativeness, but as always, these are subject to change" as "We hereby promise and commit to bring these things at this precise time, no ifs, ands, or buts!"


You say you love the game and hate negitivity, but you seem to spend more time on the forums refuting people's logical reasons as to why they are leaving, thus creating more negativity. Let them go and enjoy your gametime.


Practice what you preach and go love your game and get off the negative forums. (after all you hate the forum negativity, right?)

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Same as twistedmonk, composed a large comment on the unsub form, had the server eat it in a session timeout.


Summary: Shockingly poor performance, tired of lagging, staring at loading screens and running back and forth (and back and forth and back and forth) through spacedocks.


I've only had the game a month, unsubbed today.


If there are major performance improvements before my subscription time runs out, I'll likely re-sub so I can go through the story on all the classes, if not I'll find something less frustrating to do in my spare time than sit through a slideshow whenever someone passes on a speeder taxi or some random asset has to load.

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Same as twistedmonk, composed a large comment on the unsub form, had the server eat it in a session timeout.


Summary: Shockingly poor performance, tired of lagging, staring at loading screens and running back and forth (and back and forth and back and forth) through spacedocks.


I've only had the game a month, unsubbed today.


If there are major performance improvements before my subscription time runs out, I'll likely re-sub so I can go through the story on all the classes, if not I'll find something less frustrating to do in my spare time than sit through a slideshow whenever someone passes on a speeder taxi or some random asset has to load.


Cancelling over performance issues is a bit extreme, it's not Bioware's fault that your computer can't handle the game well. This is one thing that irks me.

What are you computer specs? I get about 100fps average maxed out.

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Cancelling over performance issues is a bit extreme, it's not Bioware's fault that your computer can't handle the game well. This is one thing that irks me.

What are you computer specs? I get about 100fps average maxed out.


I disagree. If the game is frustrating to play when you are at the recommended specs (or even anywhere between minimum and recommended), then it's a valid reason to unsub.

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Cancelling over performance issues is a bit extreme, it's not Bioware's fault that your computer can't handle the game well. This is one thing that irks me.

What are you computer specs? I get about 100fps average maxed out.


Next time tell us your name is John Holmes and that you are an actor. It's considerably more believable.

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Kept my subscription up for 3 months, but now if I renew it this time around is kind of up in the air.



Am I enjoying playing? Yes, when I feel driven to bother to log-in any more and deal with still existing holes and niggles that have been there for many many months.


Why doubts about renewal? Honestly, I have little interest in retaining a subscription to an MMO where even little improvements to improve the quality of my experience playing are held back even after being mentioned as ready in developer talks, all for the sake of being another notch on a over marketed update bundle.


I am happy to wait for things to take as long as they take to get fixed or polished, and have the small contribution that is my subscription fee help toward keeping things worked on....


I am however not willing to wait for things to take longer they they actually took to go live, and being left with outstanding bugs, flaws and a reduction in the quality of my play sessions purely because the interests of the powers that be are not on current players but just making as much noise about themselves to other people as possible.



Subscription ends on the 18th, if 1.2 is live by then and Bioware show signs of focusing more on regular smaller updates to add polish when the polish is ready and not hold it back, then I'll renew.


If not, I'll unsub and honestly probably forget about ToR for the next year or two, as once I unsubscribe from an MMO I tend to remember the reasons that made me do so over the latest promotional buzz words thrown out.

Edited by Tikigit
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I disagree. If the game is frustrating to play when you are at the recommended specs (or even anywhere between minimum and recommended), then it's a valid reason to unsub.


Not me, I'd rather check over my machine and see what's causing it.


250GTS on a dual-core Intel with 8GB RAM, have never seen below 25fps during 16-mans, average is 60fps everywhere else. Everything on high except antialiasing, which is "Off".


That's well good enough for me. Never understood people who demanded more than that.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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Good luck. ;)


My experience with games that have no monthly sub is that people tend to spend MUCH more than $15 per month trying to get all the content. After all, if that didn't happen, then it wouldn't be a very good choice for the developer, would it? The fact is that non-sub games bring in more revenue than set monthly subs.


The average monthly expenditure on those games is actually $28 per month per player.


Let me see: $15 firm for ALL content, or much much more for all content.


I know what I choose. :p


Maybe you are taking about games like RoM, free to download and play but then you buy content/items as you go. Your experience might be way different than mine, but even on RoM my total expenditure in two years has been... $25. A lot of the stuff they sell are NOT required to play and thus my only purchase was a permanent mount.


And thats not the case with GW. I have not bought a single thing, not a single $ besides buying the games. They do sell a couple of things at the store (more char slots, storage space) but again, you don't need it to play, and all the content/areas are included. AND, I have to say, with MUCH better graphics (IMHO) than other games.


I don't expect GW2 to change the universe of MMOs. But, with new content and a familiar interface, I might be drawn to it vs paying monthly at TOR. All the years I was in GW my brothers where into AoC, paying 2 or 3 accounts each. I can assure you they spent waaaayyyy more than I did. :)

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Not me, I'd rather check over my machine and see what's causing it.


250GTS on a dual-core Intel with 8GB RAM, have never seen below 25fps during 16-mans, average is 60fps everywhere else. Everything on high except antialiasing, which is "Off".


That's well good enough for me. Never understood people who demanded more than that.


Unlike you, I am not going to spend a penny upgrading my PC just for TOR while every other game in existence runs perfect on my machine, at least on High settings.


And TOR runs faster on High than on LOW, so I'd say it's BS.

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