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The question of the month: Will you keep your subscription up? and why?


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I've never played WoW so the clone thing doesn't apply to me. I'm enjoying the story a lot, and while the mechanics may not be perfect, they'll surely improve over time. My free 30 days are nearly over, and I can see myself playing for several more months at least. By that time there'll hopefully be new content.


Diablo 3 will surely put a dent in my SW:TOR time, but probably not enough to cancel my subscription even temporarily.

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A perfect example of this is that whomever approved the leveling curve on release should be reprimanded. To be able to out-level entire planets worth of content through simply completing a world?


I have yet to hit Taris or Nar Shadaa without the entire planet being green/grey simply by being efficient on Coruscant with any alt or my main character. And yet I still have to then travel throughout both for my class quest and make every effort not to touch the un-abandon-able core planetary quest line just to stop from cluttering my mission log with grey quests of no value.

I'd have to disagree with you here. I never understood the need to complete every single quest on a planet then complain that either A) "I'm doing the same quests when I make an alt why can't we have different planets with different quests." or B) "I now out level the next planet I have to go to." You don't HAVE to do EVERY single quest on the planet with EVERY single character. Unless ofcourse you're a completionist then you wouldn't really be complaining.


Say you could level from 20-25 on 2 different planets you don't try to do the quests on both planets you pick one. The other quests are left to rot. Why can't you just do the same here. There's more than enough quests on a single planet to level to the needed level for the next one. Do some leave some for an alt. Simple. You don't end up out leveling the next planet AND you don't have to do the exact same quests on an alt.


It's a win/win... Unless you're a completionist then you wouldn't really be complaining.

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It is only worth leveling in TOR once... potentially twice if you are absolutely desperate to see the other faction's take on things. But beyond that, no, I don't find the C-movie-grade storytelling in this game profound enough to justify dumping 100+ hours into dragging a character through a nearly-identical slog of boring dialogue and dead planets. Next.


But dragging yourself through the same old zones in WoW, albeit changed a little bit, is more interesting? You consider 2/3rds of the zones in WoW as "fresh content", when they look the same with just some minor changes?


"Nearly-identical slog of boring dialogue and dead planets" is more boring than nearly-identical slog of boring quest texts and the same old zones in 6 years?


How does TOR change that formula? And how does TOR improve upon it? I mean, not only is it the same grind here, it's done badly. At least in WoW I can hop on flying mount and go harrass some people in world PvP, or speed on over to another capital city. In TOR, I'm stuck on the same, tiny spacestation, and -- even worse -- it's the same thing on the opposite faction! And if I want to get away from it? I have to queue through like 5 loading screens and two spaceports/stations to just to load into the glitchy, stuttering world.


How does TOR being the same grindy thing done badly, make the same old stuff in WoW "better"? It's still the same old stuff. You are going from one "same old stuff" to another "same old stuff".


Pretty sure if you want to fly to Ogrimmar/Thunderbluffs from Stormwind, you will encounter cutscenes.


Stormwind's harbour to Kalimdor - Loading screen, as it loads you going to the kalimdor area.


And besides, you really exaggerate this. Most people just stay in Stormwind, and the zones in WoW are just as dead due to almost everyone being in their respective major cities.


World PvP in WoW? That hasn't existed since vanilla.


The same tiny spacestation is somehow worse than the same old Stormwind trade district for 6 years?


1) Battles are bigger and don't grind my machine to a halt.


2) Objectives are more interesting (compare Arathi Basin to Alderaan -- I don't want to go into detail, but when you hold 3 nodes in AB, there is generally a weak point in your defense, but this weak point is unpredictable [it can be anywhere]. On Alderaan, because there are only 3 nodes, the weak point is always obvious to both the defense and the offense. This essentially negates the potential for a team with 1 node to outfox their enemy and hit a vulnerable point, because enemy always knows where the attack is going to land in advance).


3) The PvP gear system doesn't change with every patch, and actually rewards effort rather than randomness.


1. For which BG? AV? Tol Barad? Same AV for 6 years. Tol Barad is new but there are performance issues for people with poor internet connection. This thing subjective and can happen to anyone.


2. The same 6 years of Arathi Basin is more interesting? It's the same old stuff for 6 years. You can't stand 3 months of SWTOR PvP, which at least gives the interesting Huttball, but you are perfectly content with the same old stuff for 6 years.


Makes perfect sense.


3. You mean it rewards grinding.


See the above about a seamless world.


No point if you stay in Stormwind all the time, along with everyone else. If you're telling me that you roam around, please, don't kid yourself.


Go to Tol Barad/Twilight Highlands/Deepholm to do dailies? Loading screen per different area.

Go to Tol Barad for PvP? Loading screen.

Doing a random BG? Loading screen.

Doing a raid? Loading screen.

Doing a heroic? Loading screen.


So correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems like WoW has a lot of loading screens as well, and is not as seamless as you like it to be.


The seamlessness is only for Stormwind to low level areas on the Eastern Kingdoms which barely anyone goes to anyway since they only stay in Stormwind. And when it comes to relevant high level content, you do have to pass through loading screens.


That loading screen takes all of about 3 seconds in WoW. And, what's more, I don't have to see it every time I go somewhere -- only to a location that's instanced.


See above for loading screens which happen almost as much.


It is as bad as I made it out to be because it precludes movement. To put that succinctly: the loadscreens make travelling painful. As a result, I don't travel. In TOR, an idle 'hey, I think I'll swoop over to STV and cause some trouble' becomes 'hey, I think I'll head to Tat and cause some trouble... oh... gotta load the ship hangar... oh... gotta load the ship interior... oh... gotta go through the star map... oh... gotta load the planet... oh... gotta run through the incredibly large starport... oh... there are only 15 people on the planet, I WONDER WHY?'


And there are more people in WoW leveling zones?


I still don't understand how going to STV is considered more fun than experiencing new zones in SW:TOR.


Nothing to do with anything. Now you're going to put words in my mouth because other people are talking about this?


But, if you want to mention it, fine. When was the last time you saw a fox NPC kill a rabbit creep in TOR? Or, when was the last time you saw a bear fishing for salmon in a river, or a wolf attacking a deer? In fact, when was the last time you saw an NPC in TOR do anything?


I saw a guard shoot a thief when exiting the spaceport on Tatooine.


When was the last time in a WoW dungeon, you see a mob kill another mob? How come I don't see you complaining that WoW dungeons are so lifeless and unrealistic? They all just stand there and do nothing?


Or is it acceptable for mobs to be lifeless if they are indoors?


Stale air is stale. At least the air in WoW is populated with flying mounts and rain and day/night cycles. In TOR, it's an endless succession of capital ship spawns outside a circular space station.


Pretty sure the air of 6 WoW years is more stale than the air of 3 ToR months, no matter how many bells and whistles you add to it.


In the end AJediKnight, the explanation is very simple. You are used to WoW. You are used to everything in WoW, and any game that isn't WoW will fall short of your standards. You don't like SW:TOR simply because it is NOT WoW.


You make the claim that you expect something different and revolutionary in SW:TOR because they had a budget of 200 million. So you made the implication that you wanted something different. But because SW:TOR didn't offer much different content to you, you then happily go back to the same old stuff of 6 years?


No AJediKnight, I've just carefully dissected your arguments. You make too many contradictions, and in order to win an argument, you nitpick the differences between SW:TOR and WoW as the reason why SW:TOR is bad.

Edited by ConradLionhart
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I decided to unsubscribe but not for a dislike of the game itself so to speak. Honestly it just boils down to the lack of opportunities to do the things I enjoy. I've always been more of a PvE person than a PvP person and because I figure someone had to represent the minority side, I decided to roll republic.


While there is absolutely nothing wrong with republic, the fact that on my server there seemed to be few people that did end game content except for a one guild. I ended up joining the guild and I liked the people in it, but the day they set to raid that worked out for just about everyone in the guild but me was on Sunday afternoon and I work a job that weekdays I'm scheduled very randomly but almost always work weekends. So because it did work out for everyone else in the guild I wasn't about to QQ to them that they should change their scheduled day to accommodate me, especially when I couldn't even give a day that I would be consistently available, but because of that, I wasn't able to participate with them very often.


So with farming out dailies becoming somewhat tedious, it taking at least 2-3 times as long to find 3 other people to do a HM flashpoint as it does to do the run the flashpoint itself due to the lack of people doing end game content, and the one guild that actually does ops on my server I can't join up with too often and I just concluded for me it wasn't worth the sub fee. If they were balance issues or anything that had to do with the game itself I might have just taken a temp break, but these aren't issues that can be addressed in a patch.


That's why I'm kinda waiting for GW2. I liked GW1 a lot, for anyone who played GW1 and goes to the Hall of monument calculator, type in "da sad panda" and that should speak for itself. However half the reason I stayed with GW1 is that when I had issues similar to what I have with SWTOR, I could just log on and play on the few days I had the time to devote to it and not loose money. Now that I think about it, the game is still installed even though the last time I logged on was 3 months ago, all because I don't have to pay a monthly fee during the time that I either can't log on too frequently or just am taking a break from it until new content is released. /end rant and shameless plug :p

Edited by Rhata
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i just unsubbed 2 days left on account. told my 2 friends I'd come back for 1.2 but not seeing the fixes in that patch that apply to helping me.


That person talking about levelling curve/exp curve is correct they got the exp curve horribly wrong. Far to easy to level up and supass planets.


Zero difference between pvp and pve servers since there really is no real open world pvp


my god the loadtimes just annoy me far to long.

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In the end AJediKnight, the explanation is very simple. You are used to WoW. You are used to everything in WoW, and any game that isn't WoW will fall short of your standards. You don't like SW:TOR simply because it is NOT WoW.


Completely untrue. You've utilized exageration and outright hyperbole throughout this thread, and the above is no exception. You're not scoring points; you are erecting strawmen and then laying into them with a vengeance, hoping nobody will notice that your arguments are absolutely translucent. There is no more substance to your replies than much screaming and flailing of the arms, all of which can be summed up in one sentence: 'TOR is new, so it must be good.' That's it. Your entire frame of mind is new = better.


You make the claim that you expect something different and revolutionary in SW:TOR because they had a budget of 200 million.


Absolutely. You didn't? W... why not?


So you made the implication that you wanted something different. But because SW:TOR didn't offer much different content to you, you then happily go back to the same old stuff of 6 years?


Again, why not? You have yet to offer any significant argument as to why anyone -- you, me, the dude down the street who steals Walmart shopping carts -- should remain with TOR. In fact, the entirety of your case is based on the fact that TOR is new, and ergo better. But if the experience in TOR is not actually better (and it isn't. The game has attrocious engine issues, eats way too much CPU for its paltry graphics, and features a hollow and shockingly shallow endgame), why should I, or anyone else, stay? I am choosing to go back to game that is six years old because that game is the superior product.


No AJediKnight, I've just carefully dissected your arguments.


Not really. But do keep patting yourself on the back. That's definitely the way to 'win a thread.' :rolleyes: Bad troll is bad.


You make too many contradictions,


You haven't caught me in a single one yet.


and in order to win an argument, you nitpick the differences between SW:TOR and WoW as the reason why SW:TOR is bad.


I'm only interesting in playing good games. I'm sorry this game isn't any good; certainly, my checkbook is extra sorry. I've chosen to vote with my wallet, and -- shocker -- so have a lot of other people. I'll be blown away if your revolutionary pet isn't F2P in under 12 months. Or perhaps EA will choose to hemorrhage cash on this puppy until the entire, festering mass goes under.


We can only hope.

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As a 46 yr old casual player - absolutely sticking around.


Finally a game that us old guys with career's, family & life's can enjoy an hour here, hour their. I play only about 8-10 hrs combined each week & I am really enjoying the game.


I have played every MMO since Ultima Online, so I have had my "up all night" raid days - which are no more. This game is exactly what the Dr ordered - great cinematic's, story & ZERO bugs (at least for me).


My work can take me away from logging in for weeks, so my toon is still only 25. But I have enjoyed every minute - being a huge SW fan helps as well (saw "A New Hope" in theaters when I was 13 - summer of 77).


Keep the updates & contents coming Bioware & you have my monthly game dollar!

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Yeah, though the 1.2 nerfing has put a nail in the coffin for my interest in pvp, as BW clearly has no clue what they're doing and so have taken the easy 'let's just listen to the loudest people on the forum' route.


Luckily, I haven't done any pve yet- have yet to do a hardmode or even half the normal mode FPs, since until these nerfs I was only doing pvp. Figure I'll keep giving the pve a try- gonna respec my sorc to healing now that dps specs are gone and heal me some flashpoints.


Other than the brutal nerfs- most of the stuff in 1.2 looks good... I like the story still, I still have classes to play through, and BW has been making good progress with adding things. I don't like having to shelve my sorc, as it's my favourite class, but I do have high levels pyrotech and marauder, and both are top dog in pvp so I can get my pvp kicks from them instead.

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They must fix the bugs.


What I have seen so far.


Knock down effect stuck and keep my character on the ground.


Fire from Huttball keep on burning on my character when I get back from death.


Force shoke get stuck in the air and stay there until I reload the instance.


Mobs die and don't fall to the ground.


Mobs die and keep moving around on the ground like a "miffo"...


Falling down in the floor at the robot boss doing the Rep first Flashpoint.


Mobs stuck in the air... or roof and walls.


Mobs have 2% HP and then go up to 100% HP for no reason.


Random crashing.


Random horrible lag.


NPC keep talking even if I'm far away...


Companion can't pick up the material and then they crash...


Companion return after mission and say something like "this was bad" and still have something with them and when they fail the mission they say something like "Better thank me for this"... what?


I send away my companions on missions still they are in my ship...(?)


I lose WZ and still get award for victory...(?)


Character get stuck in a animation like jump and keep on having that look until they jump again.


Lightsaber at on when they are not being used.


My character hold his arms in the air like if he has a rifle, yet it's on the back.


My character has his rifle in his arms and the compaions rifle on the back..(?)


And so on... so many bugs...

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Im still boggled at where the 300 million dollars went.



300 Million to BW/LA-


||||||| ~15% to salaries, shares/dividends, acct books, etc

||| ~7% to game updates/patches

|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ~78% tucked in dat G-string and snorted thru a tube. And thousands of implants and surgery
















Jk BW/LA we cool

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I'm waiting till 1.2 hits to see the details of the changes. But, given what we know already, I'm not holding out much hope that I will continue subbing beyond that. I've hit max, done the FP's and some Ops. Crafting changes are coming but don't appear to be much of worth.


After reading the details now that the embargo has been lifted, I might be curious to try MoP. But until then I've got my eye on other games, both ones I already own and new ones coming soon, which appear to be able to hold my interest for longer than SWTOR seems to be doing right now (I only log into the game now to play an FP with friends, that's it).


Of course, those other games aren't necessarily MMO's.


Bioware, your launch was good, but you appear to be too busy with housekeeping and are obsessed with the Legacy system and adding an FP, Warzone and Op right now to do anything about "fleshing out" this game any further than the obligatory "WoW formula".

Edited by Tarka
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I didn't keep mine. Today is the last day I believe. My two best friends quit and just stop playing. For ME it was and is the lack of people in game. Again for ME when I did play World of Warcraft you got the FEELING people where there. Here ME I feel I just bought a game and playing.. It never FEELS like a MMO. When you see 12-150 and yet only see 1-8 people ever running around 1/2 the time.. just no fun for ME.


Awesome game.. and patch 1.2 does brings nothing for ME. And I am not playing any other mmo at this time.

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My last day, I think. I have to agree with the other people who said it's mainly the PVP that let me down. In Beta we could literally -level- in PVP at the same rate as people in PVE. We wouldn't get crafting supplies or crew skills, or hell, even companions, but we could level and it was fun. I would pop out from time to time and do a class quest then go back to killin. That was a great time. I enjoyed it. Then they nerfed the returns on PVP and that, to me, was the beginning of the end. I knew then that they were going to fail at every single thing they promised us about PVP. I knew they had lied through their collective teeth to get people to buy the game then once the game started they neutered PVP like a pocket-book-poodle. If there was a legal way for me to get my money back from bioware I would take it in a heart beat. They lied to us from the get-go knowing that they had no intentions of lettering PVP be a rout for leveling. They advertised a product they knew they were never going to produce, a game where PVPers could level doing what we enjoy, pwning noobs.
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Im carrying on with my sub for now. I consider myself as a casual player that doesn't manage to play every single day.


I'm still enjoying the content and the story. My only niggle is the lack of players,The fleet is the busiest place that I've seen so far. Shame really, there are so many planets with so much potential.


Let's see what 1.2 brings...

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I'm not sure. I unsubbed last week then renewed today so I could play. But I'm lvl 47 on Voss and can't beat the friggin' class quests unless I recruit someone to help -- which has become next to impossible since there are only 20 ppl on planet at a time. Impossible to find a good guild in the forums (serious, Bioware, who thot of *that*?)


When I play my favorite character I get frustrated because of the above limitations. So I go to my alt, which is ok, but not as great as my primary. It's keeping me busy while I wait for people to catch up so i can play with people again.


However, if as many people drop SWTOR as are saying they will (just as a percentage), I suspect that the servers will see even less users at any given time. That's going to suck.


From the complete silence on Bioware's end, I suspect they are doing one of the following:


1. Confident sales/users will increase as content gets better (haven't seen better content or game play yet)


2. Scrambling trying to figure out how to pull this out and hope they can salvage enough users to limp through until they *can* get their better content/game play going.


3. Completely clueless.


Not sure which one it is tho. C'mon Bioware, get your act together.

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3. Completely clueless.


It was evident at the guild summit that this is where this development team stands right now. And, I might add, I think they've been in that spot for a good 12 months (at least).


The game lacks direction. What is the point of a 'great galactic war' when the only time we see the opposing faction is a couple of tiny WZs (one of which is just some sport played for the enjoyment of a Hutt)? What is the point of introducing interesting characters like Malgus and Moff Kilran when they're going to be eliminated spectacularly early-on in the tale, without ever having been given a chance to build the story arcs they were deserving of?


The problem with TOR isn't just that the endgame is composed largely of camping out on a tiny space station, waiting for a queue to pop; the problem is that we've received absolutely no indication that this status quo is going to change any time soon. Where are the big plans for RvR, world PvP, or -- God help us -- real space combat? Aside from the occasional 'oh, we're definitely thinking about that' from Bioware's end, the future of this game holds absolutely no promise, largely because the design team doesn't seem to have a clue where to go from here.


This isn't just a bad game, its an ongoing and evolving failure, fed singularly by the mismanagement of those in charge at Bioware and EA. I don't care if this game was released too early; too late; still in beta -- the problem, right now, is that there is no plan to get it out of the quagmire that it is bogged down in.


That is why I am unwilling to stick around.


That is why I have cancelled.

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