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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The question of the month: Will you keep your subscription up? and why?


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I un-subbed today.


Zero days left, this will be my last post.


I was no longer having fun, I will move on try some F2P games (have an STO, DCUO, and LOTRO account) until Diablo and Guild Wars 2 comes out, may even flirt with Secret World or Tera.


If you are still loving the game, go a head and have fun, don't let anyone tell you diffrent.


Just not enough unique for me, see you all in a year or two.


May the Force be with you and Good Luck.




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Unsubbed and won't come back if 1.2 healer changes go as is.


^^^ this is shaping up to be my plan as well.


I might put up with this kind of customer abuse with a life time subscription, but paying a monthly fee to suffer both the spoon feeding of game updates and class assassination? Sorry but it won't be fun.

Edited by ShadowAxx
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Dude your sig

You must be really angry lol


Bioware's customer service has consistently treated us like this is Soviet Russia and censored everything we wright so in my last few days here I am making my feelings for them very, very clear. They claim they want feedback but they remove anything they don't like, they claim they want communication but they never actually post anything other than robotic responses.


The greatest irony is that the customer service reps are robots because that's exactly what they act like. Bioware treats the customer like we are radioactive mutants. If the developers would just make posts and talk like HUMANS people wouldn't be half as pissed and ready to jump ship as they are.


As a funny side note I would like to add: They deleted my signature again because "Die in a fire" was inappropriate and they manually unchecked the "Display my signature" option so when I made a new one it wouldn't show up.


Oh no! A checkbox! How ever will I overcome this action of oppression?! Yeah...

Edited by Coyotecalls
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Yes, I will keep my sub up, because it beats playing World of Casualcraft, World of Queuecraft, World of NoWorldPvPCraft, and World of LevelingTooFastCraft.


Wait, SWTOR isn't casual, has world PvP, and takes longer than 3 days played to hit max?

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Wait, SWTOR isn't casual, has world PvP, and takes longer than 3 days played to hit max?


Actually, its pretty casual, world pvp is pretty dead on pvp servers, and it takes about 3-5 days played depending on the player it seems. But on the plus side, no pandas.

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Actually, its pretty casual, world pvp is pretty dead on pvp servers, and it takes about 3-5 days played depending on the player it seems. But on the plus side, no pandas.


I guess sarcasm doesn't translate into text.


I knew (and if you read my post in a sarcastic voice) already agreed with these points.


No desire to go back to Pandas, but no desire to pay for beta (swtor).

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Wait, SWTOR isn't casual, has world PvP, and takes longer than 3 days played to hit max?


Less casual then WoW at the moment, I will admit world PvP seems to have died down for the time being, but at the launch there was more then the past 4 years i've played of WoW, and not if you don't space bar through everything and do all the bonus series.

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I greatly enjoyed this game.


I put a lot of time and dedication into the Healing community and providing constructive feedback on Healing issues.


Then they released the Patch Notes.


I have unsubscribed. My time runs out in July.


If they revert this idiocy I will probably remain. If not, I will pursue other gaming options, and likely avoid future Bioware releases.

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I already capped 50 and finished one of the 16-man raids and got the full tier pvp. I do not like this MMO it's another wow (here's how i exactly think http://i.imgur.com/UmcMV.jpg) and i already bored that kind of game, doesn't give anything new except a story that ends in 1 week with voiceovers. Is a good game to play 1 month, after that not enough subscription.


Expose your opinions






If you're bored then leave. I don't understand wny people choose to do as this person above.


No one cares if you leave. Only care about the ones who stay.

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I just unsubscribed as well.


If the proposed nerf to BH/Merc healers remains, I will not resubscribe.


I/we have put up with:


- poor customer service

- arrogant forum moderators who close threads asking fair questions

- class skill assassination is the final straw.


I have invested a great deal of time building my BH/Merc to run dual spec healer/DPS, including fully gearing for both skill sets. When I posted a thread about getting my Champion coms back for the Medic gear I have purchased, my thread was closed.


Very well.


I wish you all the best in the game. I have had enough.





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No, I have already cancelled my subscription and am going back to playing EVE Online.


To keep it simple, Bioware, or Mythic or Bioware Mythic.. whatever you want to call them these days have continuously shown that they do not learn from past mistakes.


I truly believe that SWTOR is going to suffer the same fate that Warhammer Online suffered... unless some drastic changes are made.... and patch 1.2 isn't it.


Speaking of patch 1.2... advertising it as the largest free game update to date means absolutely nothing when the patch as a whole shows just how badly you are making the same mistakes that you've been making since 2001 when you were called Mythic Entertainment. The same mistakes that effectively killed DAoC and always kept it from being more popular... the same mistakes that killed Warhammer Online...


When are you guys going to learn that unless you actually listen to your customers - those who provide real and true feedback - you will lose those customers?


If SWTOR turns into another Warhammer Online failure then I highly suggest you lot stick to console type single player game development because your current business model does not work for games that require constant updates and content.

Edited by MCAMCJ
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Waiting on 1.2 to get out, and see whats up with the old issues. I know this game have potential, but being with EA is a bad thing, I just hope Bioware will add more personality and feeling in this empty shell copy of WoW. My guess is if the game dont die, in maybe a year or so, the game will be a lot better. I totally agree with that http://i.imgur.com/UmcMV.jpg, dev made a lot of great promises but they couldnt hold most of them, like most of the game dev. these days.


Im looking foward for GW2 and TSW, which seem to have a lot more content and sandbox features.

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No, I have already cancelled my subscription and am going back to playing EVE Online.


To keep it simple, Bioware, or Mythic or Bioware Mythic.. whatever you want to call them these days have continuously shown that they do not learn from past mistakes.


I truly believe that SWTOR is going to suffer the same fate that Warhammer Online suffered... unless some drastic changes are made.... and patch 1.2 isn't it.


Speaking of patch 1.2... advertising it as the largest free game update to date means absolutely nothing when the patch as a whole shows just how badly you are making the same mistakes that you've been making since 2001 when you were called Mythic Entertainment. The same mistakes that effectively killed DAoC and always kept it from being more popular... the same mistakes that killed Warhammer Online...


When are you guys going to learn that unless you actually listen to your customers - those who provide real and true feedback - you will lose those customers?


If SWTOR turns into another Warhammer Online failure then I highly suggest you lot stick to console type single player game development because your current business model does not work for games that require constant updates and content.


I totally agree!

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Nope, not re-subbing.


Everyone in my guild quit the game! We beat everything in EV and KP hardmode, then fell victim to getting locked out for an hour one raid night on the columns bugging in EV. People were livid. (this is after Bioware claimed in 2 separate patch notes to have fixed the bug)


This esentially precipitated a mass exodus from my guild to the new MMO coming out, Tera. Which is much better than this game, btw.


Really sucks too, this game had so much potential - but it really seems like they squandered the $200million used to build this game.


The extremely poor engine this game uses is the real deal-breaker for me. And seeing the interview on Darthhater where the incredibly pompous and patronizing developer essentially tells Darthhater that poor performance is "his fault", and "nobody else is having that problem", was simply beyond the pale. That man should be fired. It is the height of arrogance to simply deny a WIDELY known issue, and turn the victims (the players) into the accused. Hopefully people at Bioware and EA lose their jobs over this game.


And i'm OUT.

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The extremely poor engine this game uses is the real deal-breaker for me. And seeing the interview on Darthhater where the incredibly pompous and patronizing developer essentially tells Darthhater that poor performance is "his fault", and "nobody else is having that problem", was simply beyond the pale. That man should be fired. It is the height of arrogance to simply deny a WIDELY known issue, and turn the victims (the players) into the accused. Hopefully people at Bioware and EA lose their jobs over this game.


And i'm OUT.


This pretty much. And he is not going to be fired as he was probably just following an internal instruction.


Not to mention that the big man himself, was the first one to blame it on our rigs.


Admitting the fault with the engine is a terrible decision business-wise.


But yeah, I would not go as far as to call the man himself arrogant. I would just say that Bioware's strategy on this is not going to keep me subbed.


As to the whole Mythic stuff - if I ever worked at Mythic I would make sure it would not be highlighted in my resume. Unless I was a CG artist or something.

Edited by Rogoo
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Nope, not re-subbing.


Everyone in my guild quit the game! We beat everything in EV and KP hardmode, then fell victim to getting locked out for an hour one raid night on the columns bugging in EV. People were livid. (this is after Bioware claimed in 2 separate patch notes to have fixed the bug)


This esentially precipitated a mass exodus from my guild to the new MMO coming out, Tera. Which is much better than this game, btw.


Really sucks too, this game had so much potential - but it really seems like they squandered the $200million used to build this game.


The extremely poor engine this game uses is the real deal-breaker for me. And seeing the interview on Darthhater where the incredibly pompous and patronizing developer essentially tells Darthhater that poor performance is "his fault", and "nobody else is having that problem", was simply beyond the pale. That man should be fired. It is the height of arrogance to simply deny a WIDELY known issue, and turn the victims (the players) into the accused. Hopefully people at Bioware and EA lose their jobs over this game.


And i'm OUT.


I totally agree with you!

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Nope, not re-subbing.


Everyone in my guild quit the game! We beat everything in EV and KP hardmode, then fell victim to getting locked out for an hour one raid night on the columns bugging in EV. People were livid. (this is after Bioware claimed in 2 separate patch notes to have fixed the bug)


This esentially precipitated a mass exodus from my guild to the new MMO coming out, Tera. Which is much better than this game, btw.


Really sucks too, this game had so much potential - but it really seems like they squandered the $200million used to build this game.


The extremely poor engine this game uses is the real deal-breaker for me. And seeing the interview on Darthhater where the incredibly pompous and patronizing developer essentially tells Darthhater that poor performance is "his fault", and "nobody else is having that problem", was simply beyond the pale. That man should be fired. It is the height of arrogance to simply deny a WIDELY known issue, and turn the victims (the players) into the accused. Hopefully people at Bioware and EA lose their jobs over this game.


And i'm OUT.


I quit reading at "Tera, which is a much better game"


Tera is just another pretty game like Aion, which sucks, but is pretty, and so the western community is like "oooo shiny", but eventually get bored of shiny and go back to fun.

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I greatly enjoyed this game.


I put a lot of time and dedication into the Healing community and providing constructive feedback on Healing issues.


Then they released the Patch Notes.


I have unsubscribed. My time runs out in July.


If they revert this idiocy I will probably remain. If not, I will pursue other gaming options, and likely avoid future Bioware releases.


Good players can adept. I don't see how it is any worse than the change to healing from WotLK to Cata.

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Nope, not re-subbing.


Everyone in my guild quit the game! We beat everything in EV and KP hardmode, then fell victim to getting locked out for an hour one raid night on the columns bugging in EV. People were livid. (this is after Bioware claimed in 2 separate patch notes to have fixed the bug)


This esentially precipitated a mass exodus from my guild to the new MMO coming out, Tera. Which is much better than this game, btw.


Really sucks too, this game had so much potential - but it really seems like they squandered the $200million used to build this game.


The extremely poor engine this game uses is the real deal-breaker for me. And seeing the interview on Darthhater where the incredibly pompous and patronizing developer essentially tells Darthhater that poor performance is "his fault", and "nobody else is having that problem", was simply beyond the pale. That man should be fired. It is the height of arrogance to simply deny a WIDELY known issue, and turn the victims (the players) into the accused. Hopefully people at Bioware and EA lose their jobs over this game.


And i'm OUT.


Yup. Pretty much this. Already resubbed to WoW myself. I hadn't played Blizzard's game in over a year, but TOR actually made me want to play again. It's that bad, Bio.


Also, sub runs out tomorrow, so this will be one of my last posts. I've acquired something of a following on these forums, mostly composed of people who hate me (which I find absolutely wonderful), so I'm sure they'll be quite sad to see me go. I was once a rather devout fan of this game, but I can only stomach so much silliness from Bioware's end.


These people either don't know how to design MMOs or are trying to fail. Either way, you wind up in the same place. This is an unforgiving genre, and I am an impatient old man. And, really, the one thing I cannot overlook is lacking desire to make this game the best that's out there. Not only are these designers in over their heads and completely lost, they aren't even exerting that much effort.


Were I EA, after the disaster that was the end of ME3 and the unfolding catastrophe that is TOR, I'd shut Bioware down. But, hey, EA's so screwed up, they'll probably give these jackals promotions or something. In the least, I expect the same human dregs that make up Mythic to move on to making their next failed MMO shortly. Be sure to tune in in 2016 for the next awful game by these people, folks!

Edited by AJediKnight
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Yes for one more month, than no. Just bored, not blaming bioware, I've always started playing mmo's a year or two after they came out so there was tons to do. Two months into this, everything feels like a grind. I find myself running operations for crap I don't care about(like another level 3 speeder woopity doo)


The nerfs to my class are extremely annoying in 1.2 are extremely bad


Theres no reason to do anything as a community


I didn't run too many fp's leveling up so I lose all rolls in hm's now. I'm social rank one, with full rakata, and almost all my companions are sporting columni(minus one in champion), not that it matters as theres no real perk to social ranks, but still annoying.


Warzones where fun, but now repetitive, and the new one sounds exactly like alderaan(capture 2 of 3 points)


Space-after month one, what the hells the point to them? I do the ascendency barrier mission for the two daily comms, that I don't need anymore as there is nothing to buy with them anymore. The way they made space, they should have many many more missions for endgame. They do not. Hell you can't even change the difficulty on the lower level ones?


no where to go as a guild, nothing to do


-why I subbed, I like starwars, was very excited, now I would have rather had kotor 3, battlefront 3, republic commando 2


I feel like I played a solo player game, and now I'm just playing it out of boredom waiting for a sequel. Not sure if that makes sense to anyone else.


I'm not going to guildwars 2, or tera. I'll more than likely try planetside 2 out of curiousity, but man, Honestly I'm just thinking MMO's suck in general now'adays

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Yup. Pretty much this. Already resubbed to WoW myself. I hadn't played Blizzard's game in over a year, but TOR actually made me want to play again. It's that bad, Bio.


I know right


After wasting 60 bucks in this game I felt that I had to buy something from blizzard-activision just to spite EA/bioware for trying to make me stay subbed to this mockery of a MMO.


and to know that they spent that much money in voice acting... and they are losing subs like hemophiliacs lose blood when bleeding...

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