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The question of the month: Will you keep your subscription up? and why?


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Well I mean the propaganda side not the horror side.


Hmm, I think my post was misleading. When I read that I got a great laugh, very clever how it was just thrown in there. Posts like that keep me around here.

Edited by InspeckdaDeck
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This pvp sniper is done. Amazing buffs to the marauders and even more nerfs to the operatives (concealment). NO utility changes to the class I love to play, so we'll be useless in games like huttball still. I wanted to like this game, just like I wanted to like warhammer, it's a shame.


I guess if I want competitive play in an mmo I'll have to go back to wow arena or wait for gw2...

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I thought you meant the way they delete any post that makes them look bad or demands that they actually act like customer service then threaten people with "Warnings".


I had a signature which was from a reply an admin sent me about how me saying, "That is technically impossible to do, computers are not capable of doing what you are asking." where he said that "Posting that something is impossible, even if it is true, is not allowed because it restricts the flow of feedback. " To which my reply was, "I want SWTOR to add '****** dressed as a Twi'lek slave to come to my house IRL' added to the things you can earn with PVP marks." Strangely, they deleted that post as well.

Edited by Coyotecalls
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I thought you meant the way they delete any post that makes them look bad or demands that they actually act like customer service then threaten people with "Warnings".


I had a signature which was from a reply an admin sent me about how me saying, "That is technically impossible to do, computers are not capable of doing what you are asking." where he said that "Posting that something is impossible, even if it is true, is not allowed because it restricts the flow of feedback. " To which my reply was, "I want SWTOR to add '****** dressed as a Twi'lek slave to come to my house IRL' added to the things you can earn with PVP marks." Strangely, they deleted that post as well.


Yeah it's embarrasing, I got my m8 to call me a troll after I called him a fan boy, we did it as an experement, I got a warning he never. Basically if you slag off the game you get punnished.

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Same here .. will after I see D3 and whether or not it has massive replay value


massive replay value psh diablo 2 lasted 10 years and when there was no bots you would get one high rune from mfing in hell mode farming bosses(not like farmville)it is very hard to get loot,to get tryeals might it takes roughly 100 high runes for a perfect one yes if you do find a godly item you identify it and if it has low stats it is junk and you farm again for 1 year diablo 2 is my fave game and the game has a good economy but....bots ruined it :( then there is magic items which is the best of them all becuz of there prefixes and suffix I once got a trapclaw off a noob that had 3 to all skills+3 to lightning sentry+1 to mind blast and I cant remember the stats complete but one guy offered me on d2jsp 10000 high runes for it or 1000$ and I said NO. and then there is rare,sets and unique!

Edited by iloveicarly
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massive replay value psh diablo 2 lasted 10 years and when there was no bots you would get one high rune from mfing in hell mode farming bosses(not like farmville)it is very hard to get loot,to get tryeals might it takes roughly 100 high runes for a perfect one yes if you do find a godly item you identify it and if it has low stats it is junk and you farm again for 1 year diablo 2 is my fave game and the game has a good economy but....bots ruined it :( then there is magic items which is the best of them all becuz of there prefixes and suffix I once got a trapclaw off a noob that had 3 to all skills+3 to lightning sentry+1 to mind blast and I cant remember the stats complete but one guy offered me on d2jsp 10000 high runes for it or 1000$ and I said NO. and then there is rare,sets and unique!


That was the meaning of my post .. I wanted to see if D3 had the same replay value as D2 .. from what I saw beta testing .. it will.

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Yep, staying. This game is great and will only get better. The folks that are leaving now for similar reasons as the OP are unable to be pleased by any game and will continue to 'content locust' their way through games and whine on forums.

The rest of us will be here having a blast! :D


I've gotta say the term 'content locust' should really define players in general, not just the groups of hardcore players.


Honestly, no MMO developer should ever create a game, and not say to themselves "Guys what are we going to do? We all know there's going to be a part of the player base who's going to hit 50 in 2 days of play time, do all the ops, hit BM, then quit." The guild summit made me laugh for that exact reason, because they announced they didn't expect us to hit 50 so fast. I can barely believe that they were actually surprised, and not just pretending for our sake. MMO's have been about end game for a while now, and there was going to be a crowd that only wanted to play end game content, and that's what happened. They're not locusts, they just know what they want, and BW isn't catering to them. The players aren't at fault here, it's just how things happened.

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Sub ends today doubt I will ever be back.


Pish poor PVP, Open world PVP outright given up on as the team is to stupid to come up with something decent.


The ugliest gear I have seen in any MMO with very little means of individuality even post 1.2.


Rail shooter space keep dangling a space carrot but wont confirm if its free flight (FFS just tell us is it really that hard)


Lack of actual feedback etc from developers with zero actual answers to anything of any importance without running it past 600 people editing and re-editing then finally getting an answer when its no longer an actual issue.



Legacy features in 1.2 just screams of more kiddifying oh booo hooo your agent cant use the force oh wait now he can, way to ruin immersion.


Anywhoo I hope those who play it enjoy it, i hope it continues to do well as a number of friends enjoy it and work on it but not WOW figure well, the industry has to learn the genre needs innovation not cloning.


I may just may one day return if free flight and proper PVP is ever introduced until then toons deleted and SWTOR box consigned to the MMO box graveyard.


Heres hoping for TSW or Archeage.

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Top 10 reasons why i'm not resubbing


Number 10:"If anything bioware should charge more per month"


Number 9:"WoW was unplayable when it first came out"


Number 8:"This doesn't look like wow at all"


Number 7:"If you want open world pvp go play mw3"


Number 6:"Thought it was a good idea,till you mentioned WoW"


Number 5:"Why would a jedi want to pvp,it goes against the jedi code"


Number 4:"I now its a mmo,but why cant we have single player flash points"


Number 3:"Ilum doesn't lag...go buy yourself a real computer"


Nunber 2:"Stop complaining about bugs...you should be grateful that we get the chance to play swtor"


And the number One reason why i'm not resubbing."What's Guild Wars 2?"


See you all in the Beta:D

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its been another week and im still going to have to say no.


ive only logged in to a play a couple times all week and was preferring to watch a sit-com or movie instead most nights.




for me its not just 1 thing in particular, its a lot of little things.


things like not leaving footprints when you walk in sand even though there are trails of footprints to follow.


things like not having any control over what companions you get stuck with forever.


things like i have over 100 levels between 3 characters and have never been asked to group.





the game just does not grip you and compel you to keep logging to play, instead it feels like a cheap copy of an old outdated mmo.


I have no doubt that if this game would have been released back in 2000 or so it would have been the best thing since sliced bread.


that was over 10 years ago now though.






edit - though i am baffled that the above poster thinks his PC that is not good enough to handle TOR is magically going to be good enough for an even newer game in GW2.


your hardware is not going to magically update itself

Edited by -Fritz-
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Top 10 reasons why i'm not resubbing


Number 10:"If anything bioware should charge more per month"


Number 9:"WoW was unplayable when it first came out"


Number 8:"This doesn't look like wow at all"


Number 7:"If you want open world pvp go play mw3"


Number 6:"Thought it was a good idea,till you mentioned WoW"


Number 5:"Why would a jedi want to pvp,it goes against the jedi code"


Number 4:"I now its a mmo,but why cant we have single player flash points"


Number 3:"Ilum doesn't lag...go buy yourself a real computer"


Nunber 2:"Stop complaining about bugs...you should be grateful that we get the chance to play swtor"


And the number One reason why i'm not resubbing."What's Guild Wars 2?"


See you all in the Beta:D




EDIT: Also No on the Resubbing thing.


Frack, someone reported my sig ... what was wrong with "No we aren't nerfing Sodomy, we find it a clever use of anatomical mechanics"

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There is a movie that just came out called Indie Game: The movie. The developers should go watch it. We caught it when it played a few nights ago and it really spoke to what developers have forgotten. They can make amazingly visually stunning games with great stories and then somehow forget that once the story is over you still want to have fun.


I think the problem with most MMO PVP is an issue of the definition of "Balance"


Balance is not everyone being exactly the same, nor is it every class having a fair chance of killing every other class. This is an impossible dream. Balance should be about creating a cycle of pwnage. Like casters kill healers, Melee kills casters, Healers heal and are hard as trig to kill but trade being almost unkillable for the fact they do almost no damage.


Rogues stunlock, Warriors Charge people and bleed them out, Mages explode in a glorious death of fire and frost, Warlocks dot and run while laughing, while druids and shamans do everything just not as well. This was how WoW was in the beginning and it was FUN.


Then they "Fixed" things and it became really boring. Having advantages over some classes and weaknesses against others makes the game more interesting. Yes, you'll die but you know what? You'll have more fun than trading blows with someone for 3 minutes until one of your health bars finally crawls down to it's last %.

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edit - though i am baffled that the above poster thinks his PC that is not good enough to handle TOR is magically going to be good enough for an even newer game in GW2.


your hardware is not going to magically update itself


Is your computer monitor in braille? There dumb swtor website quotes from other players;)

Edited by WayCoolJr
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Subscription expires tomorrow. I'm not interesting in a game without open world PvP.


Also server population dropped dramatically from 350 in the fleet station in mid-January to 100-120 max now - and I don't like to be the last person leaving party.

Edited by Pashgan
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I thought you meant the way they delete any post that makes them look bad or demands that they actually act like customer service then threaten people with "Warnings".


That is not the case at all. The reasons for deleting posts is always explained, and it has nothing to do with constructive criticisms. This is just the typical type of conjecture we see here. Basically unfounded, inflated complaints. If this is typical of how this poster writes, then I would assume that he has had posts removed. LOL

Edited by Blackardin
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My sub ends in 4 days and I will not be resubscribing. They nerfed the already-lacking merc healing (in pve) into the ground and killed the carolina parakeet spec for my powertech. I will still be keeping an eye open to see how things develop so I might resubscribe when the final patch notes are in but until then, I'll save 15$.
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I think the problem with most MMO PVP is an issue of the definition of "Balance"


Balance is not everyone being exactly the same, nor is it every class having a fair chance of killing every other class. This is an impossible dream. Balance should be about creating a cycle of pwnage. Like casters kill healers, Melee kills casters, Healers heal and are hard as trig to kill but trade being almost unkillable for the fact they do almost no damage.


Rogues stunlock, Warriors Charge people and bleed them out, Mages explode in a glorious death of fire and frost, Warlocks dot and run while laughing, while druids and shamans do everything just not as well. This was how WoW was in the beginning and it was FUN.


Then they "Fixed" things and it became really boring. Having advantages over some classes and weaknesses against others makes the game more interesting. Yes, you'll die but you know what? You'll have more fun than trading blows with someone for 3 minutes until one of your health bars finally crawls down to it's last %.


Do you believe that if they formulate your personal idea of "balance" just for you that there will not be other's complaining that their idea of "balance" is not being met?


Its really easy to be an arm-chair developer and tell them what they should or should not do based on our personal belief of what a game should be, but "we" do not have an active game with almost 2 million subscribers, the majority of which are very happy with the game.


There is a movie that just came out called Indie Game: The movie. The developers should go watch it. We caught it when it played a few nights ago and it really spoke to what developers have forgotten. They can make amazingly visually stunning games with great stories and then somehow forget that once the story is over you still want to have fun.


This is a fine example of the type of logical fallacies we see right here. The poster decides that the end game is not fun for them so they extrapolate out to the entire player base and assume the same for everyone else. It is simply not the case.


Their story line has gone a long way not only making leveling less painful, but to the point of making it actually fun and enjoyable. However, that is only the beginning. I, personally, am having just as much fun as we move into end game, gearing, raiding.


Two months in and they are already releasing end game content in the form of new ops, flashpoints, daily content, trade skills etc. We did not rush to 50 in the first week and are right on the bubble. As we move through the current end game, new end game is about to be released and will be ready when we are. I'd say that's pretty perfect.

Edited by Blackardin
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I'll keep my subscription going.


I'm quite a casual player so I still feel like I've got a lot to see, haven't gotten any characters to 50 yet and I got a friend into the game via the trial so I'm having fun playing through an alt with him.

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I'm on the fence. Commando healing nerf was a big blow. I've not logged on since that was announced. Hopefully it won't go live. But seeing how I just rerolled from a low pop server where I left two 50's to a high pop server so I could see some action, and my Commando Healer is now within reach of 50 on my new server.....all that cumulatively has really taken the wind out of my sails.
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