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The question of the month: Will you keep your subscription up? and why?


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You just gotta know where to look. I have already come across two farming bots using a speed hack on Nar Shadaa. This would be less of a problem if this game actually had active GM's on the servers.

Positive spin:


At least people bother to bot and gold farm

When a mmo lacks botters and gold farmers it's time to worry:p

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I purchased the game for about 20$ last week, just to see if there had been any improvements since the beta.


There had been a few, but ultimately the game is still stale and dull.


The worst offender is the writing. Characters are one-dimensional. Companions rarely have anything to say. All plots are same. Dialogue is tedious to listen to and the stale, monotonous acting only makes it worse. I enjoy reading quest logs in other MMORPGs a lot more.


There's also the matter of the social aspect of SWTOR, or rather: the lack of.

All servers, but one, in EU are pretty much dead. I have never felt so alone in an MMORPG as I have in this game, even when playing on the populated server. And the lack of a dungeon finder only makes is even harder to gather groups for flashpoints. Which is a shame, 'cause I really enjoyed the few flashpoints I managed to get groups for.


Orbital stations are utterly useless. They serve no purpose but to add more loading screens. As if there already isn't enough of them in the game.


Questing, or should I say "Walking"? You walk so much in this game that it almost makes me wish I was playing a Korean grindfest. And there's absolutely no scenery to witness, it's all so boring. And when you arrive at a quest point, then what is it? It's the exact same encounter you had twenty levels ago.


PvP is fun. Yes, it's fun. But the lack of abilities at low levels makes it boring and repetitive as I press the same three buttons over and over 'cause I have no other buttons to press. I wish I had every single ability my AC could get at level 10.


Needless to say, subscription cancelled.

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After looking at Guild Wars 2, I think I am going to go there when it comes out. At least they have dynamic events (and skies too), they still have guns and it's no subscription.


This game is lacking a lot even though I do enjoy playing the classes we have and while I do enjoy them I do not enjoy the world we have to play them in. (Lifeless, linear, static worlds and dead servers).

Edited by Aramyth
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I love PVP but warzones and Ilum become kind of pointless once you realize that there are no real stakes apart from gaining commendations and valor.


Hate to be the bearer of bad news... but even if they had open world pvp, and it involved faction control of an area... there would still be no REAL stakes... it will still be a game...


besides if that is the kind of gameplay you want then try GW2 or a console pvp game like Black OPS... this game is a PVE game in which they threw pvp just to advertize pvp and get pvp shmucks to sub...

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I cancelled my sub last week. My 3 major reasons are:


-not enough content/things to do compared to other games at launch.

-leveling is too linear and way too fast. This cannot be improved upon with patches/expansions or they will lose the people who like it and are still playing.

-horrible customer service compounded by the fact that statements made by bioware before release are misleading and contradictory to what actually transpired.


Its really too bad, I had nothing but the highest hopes for this game.

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I cancelled yesterday, i log in twice a week for OP´s.


Not worth it..


And not to mention the bugs still in op´s just drives me crazy!


Thats odd... we no longer get bugs on pylons and SOA just isnt optimised for the skills to interact between each other (or maybe that was the design to make it harder)... the rest of the bugs were sorted though. My guild clears the operations on hard mode weekly.


For the topic, i just bought a new card with 2 more months. I love the game. Just want Bioware to make the content a bit harder so it lasts longer and we see less QQ.

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gonna subscribe for another 3 month, wonder if they introduce more open world pvp. just suck to wait in the station queued for warzones.


Cross-server queuing for PvP is coming. I doubt that'd result in any more wait. Also, when the cross-server comes, you'll be able to pick which warzone to queue up for.

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Well congrats on expereincing all the game has to offer, but you need to understand that this game has a ton of casual player who just dont have the time to grind through the game. Most servers dont have the bodies to fill 5 mans let alone operations. Ive never been into the pvp grind, and swtor grind is very tedious. Most of the FP's that i have seen the loot drops focus way too much on AIM gear. Working for your upgrades I can definitely understand, but most will not or have time for insane amounts of grinding to see a single upgrade from PVP, the same thing goes for Flashpoints. I myself have 3 50's ( close to my 4th ) And the reason ikeep leveling is because I could never get into the pvp grind because of that fact, and FP Groups are so hard to make without a guild or something.


Am I resubscribing, I don't know at this time. I just find myself with nothing to do at 50 and leveling other characters is just starting to feel so much like WOW. I just wish there was a game out there that balanced between the casual and the hardcore.....

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I have 30 days left and will not continue to play if "server merge" or something similar does not happens.


When i left server couple of minutes ago, there was only 6 people. So %90 of gameplay for me is single player, so it is useless to pay & play on a server.


I can go back to Kotor 2 :)

This doesnt even make any sense?? you say it is too quiet yet if it gets busier you will stop playing? Bit of a contradiction there

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Undecided, but leaning towards cancellation.


My main reason is all the cheating, scripting, hacking and exploiting.

It's an epidemic, both in pve and pvp!





Also, I don't think I have ever seen an instance of cheating, what are you talking about? I've seen people play well in PVP but I've never seen anyone just blatantly cheat. What are they doing that it's cheating? Hacking? What kind of hacks? I always thought they did a fairly good job of keeping things clean.

Edited by Coyotecalls
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Will continue to pay for the coming months.


I'm just having too much fun to stop and with the way content seems to be coming out I'm more than impressed.


As long as BW does a better job at fixing bugs as the game grows, I'll be here a while.

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Errr I haven't seen any botting, hacking, cheating of any kind in any way yet. The most I have seen as far as underworld behaviour goes is one single gold farming mail sent to me ingame, with a single credit attached.


Thats all I have seen, and all my friends have seen too.


Sometimes I think you people have drama goggles or something.


Yeah, I was wondering about that statement, as well. I realize there are always things going on of which I'm not aware, but in my experience, I haven't seen any of it anywhere. Actually, Age of Conan was the only game where I remember definitely seeing cases of speed hacking, but from what I've seen in SWTOR, most players seem to be playing above board in PvP. And if they're cheating in PvE, then...well...it doesn't tremendously affect me, anyway.

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Errr I haven't seen any botting, hacking, cheating of any kind in any way yet. The most I have seen as far as underworld behaviour goes is one single gold farming mail sent to me ingame, with a single credit attached.


Thats all I have seen, and all my friends have seen too.


Sometimes I think you people have drama goggles or something.


I've seen low teens speedhacking on Corellia twice. I've spent ~10 hours on Corellia, tops.

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Staying, playing and paying. I love Star Wars genre and I stayed with SWG and the myriad of bugs in that game. If I can do that, I can weather any storm that this game throws at me.


Oh, and I still have fun.


QTFE, imo.

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This is my first MMO and so I have very little to compare it to.


That being said, I will be continuing my sub as I do enjoy the game experience. I did have expectations that were not met however.


One of the major ones was exploration and having a character that is unique. Not knowing MMOs I had thought it was going to be sandbox and that it would facilitate character customization on a level where you look vastly different from one another. I imagined a universe where one type of player could exist "in the wild" and come to poplulated areas once in awhile where others could wonder about that persons journey through the game. In this way, its a much smaller game universe to be sure.


I came from the KOTOR experience so I had hopes for Bioware as well and they have delivered. Interestingly, in many ways, this game is single player. This was one of the draws because I did not know if I would meld well with the online community. To my surprise, I now crave and enjoy working with others on quests and being in guilds. This brings me to another concern that will have a bearing on whether or not I keep my sub - server population. At the beginning on my main, the server was well populated in my opinion. Now that I am working on three other alts, I have experienced a change. Heroics are harder to group up in and fleet population has dropped. It is way much more enjoyable with more people as this ramps up grouping, the player economy and the feeling that there is energy in the game.


All this being said, I am please with the game and remain hopeful it continues to grow and be responsive to player feedback.

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