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Leveling does not net you Champ bags. Stop making **** up. You can only hold ONE bag at a time in your inventory that you bought from the PvP vendor. ONE BAG.


At 50 with max commendations you can buy FIVE BAGS. That's SIX BAGS......with a very very very low chance of a gear token in there.


Stop over exaggerating and go work to get your PvP gear like everyone else.


On top of this - Don't use Columi gear as the example. I PVP in Rakata gear and do just as much damage, get just as many kills as those in BM gear.


Sometimes, skill trumps gear. Just saying.

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If your on a PVE server why would you feel the need to gear up in PVP.....I can think of a reason...


Let me get it straight....You want a PVP advantage based on BM gear....But don't want PVE'ers on a PVE server to have an advantage....Would in fact would not be an advantage because you would be able to obtain the exact same Gear.


POT and KETTLE much ????


"You there, PvEer, what is your profession?"

"Biochemist, sir."

"And you, Commando, what is your profession?"

"Armormech, sir."

"Armormech... You?"



"P! V! P!"

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I hate PvP. So I chose a PvE server. Then I ended up with a quest on my log to join a warzone. "I don't have to win," I said to myself, "Just do it and get it done and over with, quest done." So I did. Lo and behold, I LIKED it.


For whatever reason, in this game, I love PvP. I hated it in the other games I played. Would I play on a PvP server? Hell no. I still hate, despite, detest, always-on, open world PvP. I still enjoy PvE. And when I want to PvE, I turn my flag off and don't worry about some ***-hat ganking me while I am questing, just because he can.


But that doesn't mean I don't like PvP. So I stay on a PvE server, and I hope they fix PvP so that it is more enjoyable, because I like it and think it could be even better.


What is wrong with that?


That said, I like keeping them separate. My gear in PvP reflects the fact that I enjoy it (I have some champion gear) but I am not totally dedicated to it (I don't have BM gear). It reflects that I like PvE more (Rakata and Columi gear) and you know what? I totally expect a dedicated PvPer to be better geared than me.


Of course by the same token, those PvPers that want Rakata but don't want to PvE? I'll tell em to suck it up.

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If your on a PVE server why would you feel the need to gear up in PVP.....I can think of a reason...


Let me get it straight....You want a PVP advantage based on BM gear....But don't want PVE'ers on a PVE server to have an advantage....Would in fact would not be an advantage because you would be able to obtain the exact same Gear.


POT and KETTLE much ????


.....What in the heck are you talking about?


You say advantage with BM gear in PVP is bad, so they should get rid of expertise on PVE labeled servers. Which we've already established has absolutely nothing to do with warzones or PVP in specific, just not being able to gank people.

Your solution was to remove expertise on said server, which I said would result in the exact same situation just with BM swapped out for raid gear.


I never once said I wanted anything from PVP either way, in fact I don't even PVP at all. Can't stand that aspect of the game.


Do you even understand what the pot and kettle saying means? Doesn't seem like you do.

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I'm lol'ing so hard IRL right now! Is this guy actually serious?!




IMO just go back to WoW.


About what removing Expertise....Er yes.


BTW I never played WOW....DID you.


I have some taste thank's !!

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Eh, really doesn't matter does it?


We'll tbh not really....


Its funny how you make a quite simple and straight forward suggestion here, and get shot down like the plague by people that supposedly WORKED so hard for there gear in a GAME...


The same people that no doubt complain there is no PVP, that Ilum is empty, who are all no doubt on PVE server's and sit here wondering why...!!!


I give up to be honest, Some guy suggested here that i want everything handed to me...LOL...When the reality is to make the game better for EVERYONE IMO, something needs to be taken away...Which is exactly what i suggested..


All i can say is let it go on, Bioware have and will continue to change the system over and over and over, to get some balance, that anybody who has ever PVPed in an MMO knows, will never happen...


Im also guessing that the majority in this thread no nothing about the Coming PVP change in 1.2, where there is another set of Armour (war hero i believe) that can be purchased with CREDIT's and is border line equal to BM gear... :)

Edited by Nippon
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Erm no actually I love REAL world PVP, hate warzones, cant stand this system, and tbh would rather know i was part of a win because of skill and tactics, as opposed to, I leveled my entire toon getting Champ bags that give me an advantage..


Any real PVPer would welcome the idea to at least remove expertise.....!!!


Not gonna say you rolled on the wrong server. . .buuuut it's just starting to sound like you dont like the game in general. . .or you're wanting something different out of this game. Then again maybe it was your friends that convinced you to play the game(or play on that specific server).


There will be 'entry level' pvp gear for fresh 50s soon enough. Not much else you can hope for, other than stripping everyone of their gear, or giving everyone top tier pvp gear free when you hit 50. Both of which sound silly.

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Well I am one of those ppl that PvP on a PvE server.

Why? Because I like a mix or things.


I had done a bit of PvP here nad there on my way to 50 but I had no idea what a difference expertise would make. I arrived in 50 PvP and while I could still contribute I was absolutely obliterated by anyone in full PvP gear. Trying to do anything was a nightmare.

So I should welcome the OPs suggestion, right?


Well I don't. I was getting obliterated because I hadn't put in the time to get ready for it, just like I cant go into a hard mode Op when I first ding and do well in my greens.


I went and did dailies and got a few armoring mods, I spent a bit on GTN and got a better weapon, then I bit the bullet and took the licks, even a few insults for daring not to be fully geared. It was a MASSIVE challenge but you know what? I learned a hell of alot. I am a better player all round as I had to learn to play my class on the very edge.


Now on our server the PvP can be pretty much ruled by the fully BM'd ppl and to make matters worse they are on the other faction so it was grinding alot of loses, etc.

But now I am getting a bit of gear, full Teir 1 and riseing, others are gearing to. We are closeing the gap and we know each other pretty well as we have had to fight some damn tough fights, pugs verse the closest you get to premades in this game atm.


The problem is not the expertise stat, the problem is that it doesnt exist prior to 50. A little more info in game on it would have been a good plan. Other then that if you hit 50 and want to PvP in PvE gear? Come on in you can do reasonably well, if your raid geared very well.


My name is Trix, I am a Powertech and my gear is growing and we will come for you Wookies Gone Wild :)

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Im also guessing that the majority in this thread no nothing about the Coming PVP change in 1.2, where there is another set of Armour (war hero i believe) that can be purchased with CREDIT's and is border line equal to BM gear... :)


Do YOU know about the upcoming changes in 1.2?


War Hero gear will NOT be purchasable with credits.


You will need to queue for ranked warzones to get ranked commendations. You can then use those ranked commendations to purchase your War Hero gear.


Dunno where you got this idea that you could buy them with credits(maybe the entry level pvp gear you're thinking of).

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Im also guessing that the majority in this thread no nothing about the Coming PVP change in 1.2, where there is another set of Armour (war hero i believe) that can be purchased with CREDIT's and is border line equal to BM gear... :)


Comedy GOLD!

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You did the right thing in creating PVP, RP-PVP, PVE and RP PVE server's...But


What on earth possessed you to put EXPERTISE gear on PVE server's...It is completely destroying End Game for a lot of player's....


I myself like a bit of PVP now and again, but I am radically excluded from doing it simply because I have done my grind to 50, and completed my Instance's for Columi Gear, I don't fancy doing a bigger one just to be competitive in PVP...


The issue's have already arisen, as to many player's were aware of the system when the game launched, and IMHO the carebears of the game leveled there Toons Solely in PVP on PVE server's, suffering no Armour degeneration and being rewarded regardless of win or loss all the way to 50, and having a Ton of Champ bag's waiting to open at the End of it, then rolling any 50 that hadnt done the grind that dared enter a Warzone.


Now the server's are full of Valour 60 players with full BM gear and the average joe who want's to go have a bit of fun, HAS NO FUN AT ALL.....Owned all over the place because of this Gear...


PVP is not a grind, its a battle between the REB's and IMP's that is supposed to be fun on one hand, and competitive the other, but with a level playing field....


Having 2 completely separate sets, alienates player's who want to PVP on a casual basis, which is what PVE server's are for....


Now if you are a dedicated PVP'er, there is absolutely no reason what so ever why you should be on a PVE server...End of story.


Please remove the Expertise Gear from PVE server's, stop wasting our time and money trying to balance this out with more gear, and simply do what should be done, and have players on PVE server's use PVE Armour to PVP in...


EXPERTISE should only exist on PVP server's, Where the real PVPers are supposed to be, and the battlemaster system is fine for that type of server.


I blame "resilience" in WoW for pretty much the same reasons.


I guess they wanted a way for pvp'ers to get gear without having to do non-pvp content? (so if you wanted to do BOTH pvp and pve, you would have to spend more time, which means more subscriptions)


(personally i prefered the time in WoW where gear with pvp-ish stats (e.g. crit gear) dropped from specific pve instances/raids/bosses so you still had to do pve content to get geared; this was when pvp and pve gear could still be differentiated based on the normal stats alone, no expertise/resilience was required for people to know what was pvp gear or what wasn't)

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I will assume the OP isnt blatantly trolling and honestly has no clue why there is PvP gear and PvE gear.


The short answer is BW learned from WoW.


Back in Season 1 in WoW, Blizzard added arena's and made top end PvP gear, for the most part, available to everyone, because they felt people should be able to PvP to get the gear they needed to be successful in PvP. They made the gear even with The T4 raid gear, which was the end game raid the time.


Blizzard learned really fast that it was a mistake to not have them itemized differently. Players wanted to gain an advantage for doing PvE content by getting PvE gear. what happened was people would grind for PvP gear then go do the PvE content with their PvP gear. Well this was bad, so Blizzard made PvP gear have to waste item points on PvP stats, they added resilience.


In short the reason the PvP gear is better for PvP than PvE gear, is so that the PvP gear isn't just as good as the PvE gear for PvE.


This is a great model, and owrks perfectly fine, hence why BW is using it.


If I am a PvPer, I don't want to have to raid to get the best PvP gear, and if I am a PvEr, I want to have an advantage in PvE over someone in PvP gear.

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I will assume the OP isnt blatantly trolling and honestly has no clue why there is PvP gear and PvE gear.


You are talking to a person who said: "Im also guessing that the majority in this thread no nothing about the Coming PVP change in 1.2, where there is another set of Armour (war hero i believe) that can be purchased with CREDIT's and is border line equal to BM gear..."



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I will assume the OP isnt blatantly trolling and honestly has no clue why there is PvP gear and PvE gear.


The short answer is BW learned from WoW.


Back in Season 1 in WoW, Blizzard added arena's and made top end PvP gear, for the most part, available to everyone, because they felt people should be able to PvP to get the gear they needed to be successful in PvP. They made the gear even with The T4 raid gear, which was the end game raid the time.


Blizzard learned really fast that it was a mistake to not have them itemized differently. Players wanted to gain an advantage for doing PvE content by getting PvE gear. what happened was people would grind for PvP gear then go do the PvE content with their PvP gear. Well this was bad, so Blizzard made PvP gear have to waste item points on PvP stats, they added resilience.


In short the reason the PvP gear is better for PvP than PvE gear, is so that the PvP gear isn't just as good as the PvE gear for PvE.


This is a great model, and owrks perfectly fine, hence why BW is using it.


If I am a PvPer, I don't want to have to raid to get the best PvP gear, and if I am a PvEr, I want to have an advantage in PvE over someone in PvP gear.


As I mentioned in my earlier post, you don't NEED expertise/resilience to make 'pvp-gear' better than 'pve-gear' in pvp.

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You are talking to a person who said: "Im also guessing that the majority in this thread no nothing about the Coming PVP change in 1.2, where there is another set of Armour (war hero i believe) that can be purchased with CREDIT's and is border line equal to BM gear..."




I think the War Hero is the tier 2 pvp gear set, so I don't think that's the right name. In any case you are right. There is also going to a set available for creds which is the same level as BM roughly.

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As I mentioned in my earlier post, you don't NEED expertise/resilience to make 'pvp-gear' better than 'pve-gear' in pvp.


you said that crit gear isnt good for PvE, which is blatantly false.


Crit gear is perfectly fine for PvE, unless you are capped. Then again the same can be siad for PvP.

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you said that crit gear isnt good for PvE, which is blatantly false.


Crit gear is perfectly fine for PvE, unless you are capped. Then again the same can be siad for PvP.


You thus take away crit in 'pve-gear' and put in its place power; replace power in 'pvp-gear' with crit. Now that swtor has surge, it's even better - replace all instances of 'crit' in the previous sentence with 'surge'.


EDIT: WoW's resilience had only affected crit-chances originally, so crit is a fairly legit 'pvp' stat.


Also, pvp-ers usually don't need that much accuracy/hit... the list goes on

Edited by RabidPopcorn
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You thus take away crit in 'pve-gear' and put in its place power; replace power in 'pvp-gear' with crit. Now that swtor has surge, it's even better - replace all instances of 'crit' in the previous sentence with 'surge'.


EDIT: WoW's resilience had only affected crit-chances originally, so crit is a fairly legit 'pvp' stat.


Also, pvp-ers usually don't need that much accuracy/hit... the list goes on


How will that make the individual pieces of PvP gear any worse for PvE than PvP gear?


Reslience was chosen, becuase they wanted to put a stat on PvP gear that was terrible for PvE and good for PvP. Redcueing your chance to be crit in PvP is pretty worthless for all roles but tanks, and tanks got easily crit immune from defense, aside from druids.

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You are talking to a person who said: "Im also guessing that the majority in this thread no nothing about the Coming PVP change in 1.2, where there is another set of Armour (war hero i believe) that can be purchased with CREDIT's and is border line equal to BM gear..."




Yeah so what, exactly.....


Is is not blatantly obvious what my point is...


Another change, now purchasable by Credits, Who out of the BM grinders is gonna complain about that...Err everyone...


Stop it now and have 1 set of Armour for EVERYTHING....


There is no need for 2 sets of different Armour, there shouldn't even be Armour rewards for PVP...Or Comms...Since when did PVP become a way to level. Let alone the fact, half the people in this thread are saying PVE, should have separate Armour..


Then in the next sentence, complain that PVEers should not be able to compete in PVP by using PVE gear ....LOL...do you realize how ridiculous that is. Considering any CHampion/BM wearing PVPer can do any Flashpoint or OP...


Its a complete contradiction of the entire argument.


I was under the impression it was End Game content about Skill and Tactics, Not bags and Comms.


But tbh i couldn't care less, if that's what floats your boat.....Have a grind for PVP....Im campaigning for fun, that EVERYONE CAN enjoy...


What makes it even funnier is about 2 people have actually made suggestion, and the cry babies have all shot it down cos you might lose a stat..:rolleyes:

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I think the War Hero is the tier 2 pvp gear set, so I don't think that's the right name. In any case you are right. There is also going to a set available for creds which is the same level as BM roughly.


What? Do you have a link where anyone said the entry level pvp gear would be comparable to BM gear in any way?


If anything I think it would be comparable to Centurion gear. . .not even Champion gear.

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