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You did the right thing in creating PVP, RP-PVP, PVE and RP PVE server's...But


What on earth possessed you to put EXPERTISE gear on PVE server's...It is completely destroying End Game for a lot of player's....


I myself like a bit of PVP now and again, but I am radically excluded from doing it simply because I have done my grind to 50, and completed my Instance's for Columi Gear, I don't fancy doing a bigger one just to be competitive in PVP...


The issue's have already arisen, as to many player's were aware of the system when the game launched, and IMHO the carebears of the game leveled there Toons Solely in PVP on PVE server's, suffering no Armour degeneration and being rewarded regardless of win or loss all the way to 50, and having a Ton of Champ bag's waiting to open at the End of it, then rolling any 50 that hadnt done the grind that dared enter a Warzone.


Now the server's are full of Valour 60 players with full BM gear and the average joe who want's to go have a bit of fun, HAS NO FUN AT ALL.....Owned all over the place because of this Gear...


PVP is not a grind, its a battle between the REB's and IMP's that is supposed to be fun on one hand, and competitive the other, but with a level playing field....


Having 2 completely separate sets, alienates player's who want to PVP on a casual basis, which is what PVE server's are for....


Now if you are a dedicated PVP'er, there is absolutely no reason what so ever why you should be on a PVE server...End of story.


Please remove the Expertise Gear from PVE server's, stop wasting our time and money trying to balance this out with more gear, and simply do what should be done, and have players on PVE server's use PVE Armour to PVP in...


EXPERTISE should only exist on PVP server's, Where the real PVPers are supposed to be, and the battlemaster system is fine for that type of server.

Edited by Nippon
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And all those people doing Flashpoints and Operations on my server, then coming into warzones with that gear on because they cannot be bothered grinding another set up...PREPOSTEROUS!!! PvP players have NO RIGHT to experience half the endgame they payed for just because they picked a server on day 1
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And all those people doing Flashpoints and Operations on my server, then coming into warzones with that gear on because they cannot be bothered grinding another set up...PREPOSTEROUS!!! PvP players have NO RIGHT to experience half the endgame they payed for just because they picked a server on day 1


SO you picked a PVE server and decided to dedicate your time to PVP on it....


Your telling me you didnt know you logged to a PVE server...???


Are you gonna tell me you are some sort of serious PVPer on a PVE server...???

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So then the raiders will have the huge advantage?




Again, did you Level in PVP on a PVE server, you and the 2nd poster are the exact problem with the entire system....Are you going to tell me that a player who levels in PVE and has acquired Columi Gear should be at a disadvantage in PVP....ROFL

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Again, did you Level in PVP on a PVE server, you and the 2nd poster are the exact problem with the entire system....Are you going to tell me that a player who levels in PVE and has acquired Columi Gear should be at a disadvantage in PVP....ROFL


Yes because columi is pve gear not pvp gear. What is so hard to understand about that?

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SO you picked a PVE server and decided to dedicate your time to PVP on it....


Your telling me you didnt know you logged to a PVE server...???


Are you gonna tell me you are some sort of serious PVPer on a PVE server...???


Maybe he loathes the idea of World PvP and loves Warzones? :p


Bioware's not just going to "take out" bits and pieces of the game depending on the server type :rolleyes:

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SO you picked a PVE server and decided to dedicate your time to PVP on it....


Your telling me you didnt know you logged to a PVE server...???


Are you gonna tell me you are some sort of serious PVPer on a PVE server...???



I guess you didn't put points into your talent tree for the sarcasm line?

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Again, did you Level in PVP on a PVE server, you and the 2nd poster are the exact problem with the entire system....Are you going to tell me that a player who levels in PVE and has acquired Columi Gear should be at a disadvantage in PVP....ROFL


Take a deeeeep breath, Nippon, it's not that hard to get geared, and they're working on making it easier (see guild summit). Now relax, rising sun.

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SO you picked a PVE server and decided to dedicate your time to PVP on it....


Your telling me you didnt know you logged to a PVE server...???


Are you gonna tell me you are some sort of serious PVPer on a PVE server...???


PvP people on a PvE server just don't want to be ganked as they level. That is the only difference between a PvE and a PvP server is ganking. They are EXACTLY the same otherwise.

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You do realize PVP and PVE generally just have to do with world PVP, like people not wanting to be ganked all day while leveling. They don't have anything to do with warzones and the like.


Saying hardcore PVPers have no business on PVE servers is just preposterous. Plus using PVE gear to PVP just means the people who raid, aka PVE players, have an advantage because they have better gear. I fail to see how that's any better.

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If a PvE server is all you want then that is all you should get by your definition. No PvP at all on PvE servers. None, no warzones etc. Yeah right....like that will ever happen




OP, you make a some what valid argument, but if you're just jealous because some people pvp level, or you just can't compete at all...then you should just not PvP. PvE servers are there so you don't get gank'd while questing.




Leveling full time PvP does not net you a "ton" of Champion bags when you hit 50. It nets you 5 bags if you saved a 1000 merc/warzone comms. Whoopty do. You just want gear handed to you same way PvE content hands it to you, but you're dying to real PvPers and it makes you sad.

Edited by Sunsoar
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Madness? THIS_IS_SWTOOOOR! /force kick


PvP people on a PvE server just don't want to be ganked as they level. That is the only difference between a PvE and a PvP server is ganking. They are EXACTLY the same otherwise.

Also, this.


P.S. Also, 8\10, I did actually bite.


Besides, in 1.2 you'll be able to get Champ gear easily, without grinding WZs and getting steamrolled.

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so the counter-argument is "Don't punish PvPers by reducing the PvE stats on PvP gear so they can play the full game and not half"?.


By your own logic, bioware is then doing that very thing to people who are more PvE oriented.


WoW has it right on this one.

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Maybe he loathes the idea of World PvP and loves Warzones? :p


Bioware's not just going to "take out" bits and pieces of the game depending on the server type :rolleyes:


Erm no actually I love REAL world PVP, hate warzones, cant stand this system, and tbh would rather know i was part of a win because of skill and tactics, as opposed to, I leveled my entire toon getting Champ bags that give me an advantage..


Any real PVPer would welcome the idea to at least remove expertise.....!!!

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Again, did you Level in PVP on a PVE server, you and the 2nd poster are the exact problem with the entire system....Are you going to tell me that a player who levels in PVE and has acquired Columi Gear should be at a disadvantage in PVP....ROFL


Absolutely. PvE is NOT PvP. Are you alright in the head?


Serious question.

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SO you picked a PVE server and decided to dedicate your time to PVP on it....


Your telling me you didnt know you logged to a PVE server...???


Are you gonna tell me you are some sort of serious PVPer on a PVE server...???



No man, hardcore or casual, no man threatens a PvPer.

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You do realize PVP and PVE generally just have to do with world PVP, like people not wanting to be ganked all day while leveling. They don't have anything to do with warzones and the like.


Saying hardcore PVPers have no business on PVE servers is just preposterous. Plus using PVE gear to PVP just means the people who raid, aka PVE players, have an advantage because they have better gear. I fail to see how that's any better.


If your on a PVE server why would you feel the need to gear up in PVP.....I can think of a reason...


Let me get it straight....You want a PVP advantage based on BM gear....But don't want PVE'ers on a PVE server to have an advantage....Would in fact would not be an advantage because you would be able to obtain the exact same Gear.


POT and KETTLE much ????

Edited by Nippon
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Erm no actually I love REAL world PVP, hate warzones, cant stand this system, and tbh would rather know i was part of a win because of skill and tactics, as opposed to, I leveled my entire toon getting Champ bags that give me an advantage..


Any real PVPer would welcome the idea to at least remove expertise.....!!!


Leveling does not net you Champ bags. Stop making **** up. You can only hold ONE bag at a time in your inventory that you bought from the PvP vendor. ONE BAG.


At 50 with max commendations you can buy FIVE BAGS. That's SIX BAGS......with a very very very low chance of a gear token in there.


Stop over exaggerating and go work to get your PvP gear like everyone else.

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Again, did you Level in PVP on a PVE server, you and the 2nd poster are the exact problem with the entire system....Are you going to tell me that a player who levels in PVE and has acquired Columi Gear should be at a disadvantage in PVP....ROFL


Im all for even playing field, but with how Bioware designed the game yes. Gear for PvP should be earned doing PvP. Do you want Crystal Alloys for crafting end game stuff do be buyable with WZ comms?

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Leveling does not net you Champ bags. Stop making **** up. You can only hold ONE bag at a time in your inventory that you bought from the PvP vendor. ONE BAG.


At 50 with max commendations you can buy FIVE BAGS. That's SIX BAGS......with a very very very low chance of a gear token in there.


Stop over exaggerating and go work to get your PvP gear like everyone else.


Sorry i thought i paid for a GAME, not a Job....!!

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Erm no actually I love REAL world PVP, hate warzones, cant stand this system, and tbh would rather know i was part of a win because of skill and tactics, as opposed to, I leveled my entire toon getting Champ bags that give me an advantage..


Any real PVPer would welcome the idea to at least remove expertise.....!!!


Please see previous response.

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