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SW:TOR PVP=unbalanced, BIG TIME


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You know, I'm very much aware that many of you have heard this 1000X, and that me adding to the obvious discussion that Imperials have a CLEAR advantage over Republic will most likely be of no help, but rather, I want to express my feelings towards Bioware for not considering the utter mess that has become Warzones.


Let me tell you something Bioware, I DO NOT appreciate having to log in my character and spending practically ALL DAY just to get my dailies done. I have a life and want to do other things then frustrate my self to death just to get that last and final win to complete my dailies.


By the end of dailies I seriously want to smack the persons face who had absolutely NO CONSIDERATION to the amount of trouble one needs to go through just to get them completed.


I understand 1.2 will fix a lot of this problem, but the problem stems beyond just creating a premade in 1.2, but problem lies in the fact that, to me, and I could be wrong, but I judge with my eyes, the Sith are a much more diverse and powerful faction. That's just me.


I judge myself as a pretty dam good player. On my Scoundrel I usually always top the charts in heals and sometimes even kills, funny as that may sound. I know when I roll with my premade group, we're all pretty good, leaving just 4 others as pups, but the fact that we still lose; that tells me something is very, VERY wrong.


I don't care what anyone says, but losing 90% of the times in Warzones, with the skill lvl of my premade/or not, tells me that Bioware instinctively and deliberately made Sith a more powerful faction in their sick and twisted brains of theirs.


Why? I don't know, maybe cause they're such geeks in real life that they wanted to fulfill their fantasies of being bad boys knowing well they'll never be in real life, haha, I don't know. Just sayin'. I know this may sound stupid, but you'll be surprised at how this can actually make sense.


All I know is Bioware is very much AWARE of this problem and are doing NOTHING about it. This should've been addressed months ago, even during beta, but did nothing. Nothing destroys a pvp game then unbalanced issues.


Now I'm NOT expecting to win EVERY match, no, but when my faction is consistently losing 90% of the matches, something is wrong. I feel it in my bones. And honestly speaking, it's just a matter of time before players, such as myself, will leave and never look back.


Bioware, you fail at pvp. Period.

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it might be your server i know alot of them are very one sided and a few are slightly one sided i play on grand master zim and i have 2 50's on both sides i do nothing but pvp class quests and a fp every once in a while its empire heavy but not too bad we seem to win a little under or over 50% depending on what time of day it is. sometimes you have a bad day (3w-12L) sometimes you have good days where we'll go 7 to 9 wins in a row. i think alot of it comes from the fact 3 of our pvp guilds have guilds on both sides. if your servers really bad i know it sucks giving up on a character but with how easy it is to get to 50 it might be worth it to just go to a server that will make you happy with playing.
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u dont know that all classes have a mirror one and a nemesis one

practice will help u


Omg, dude, I'm a near BM on my Scoundrel/Healer, don't you think I know this? I'm telling you, why can't you guys get it through your heads, something is wrong. I'm not the only one saying this. Many, many players say this, so I'm not the only one frustrated with this problem. Believe me. I don't like wasting my times on these message boards cause I have a life, but when a problem seems obvious, I want it addressed cause now it affects me.

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I don't care what anyone says, but losing 90% of the times in Warzones, with the skill lvl of my premade/or not, tells me that Bioware instinctively and deliberately made Sith a more powerful faction in their sick and twisted brains of theirs.


Funny, as Sith, most of my voidstar and alderaan's are losses to republic teams.


Seems like all the pubs are running premades or their mains, and the Imps are all alts on my team cause most games, half the team has 12k HP only.


But whatever... its actually Huttball and knockbacks that played a big part of my decision to not renew my subscription as it runs out soon. For Imp side, most pvp is huttball, and all i do is get sent flying over and over, back to back. I dont' care how people defend knockbacks by saying you can position yourself to prevent it...so can they. I see them move and use the instant knockback to get me off the catwalks when I tried to position to not get knocked off.


I dont' think my class will be a wanted class in rated warzones cause all we do is run back alot, and I'm not re-rolling.

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Omg, dude, I'm a near BM on my Scoundrel/Healer, don't you think I know this? I'm telling you, why can't you guys get it through your heads, something is wrong. I'm not the only one saying this. Many, many players say this, so I'm not the only one frustrated with this problem. Believe me. I don't like wasting my times on these message boards cause I have a life, but when a problem seems obvious, I want it addressed cause now it affects me.


I cant find the difference

i play sniper/gunslinger




is the same, different animations but just the same

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the person who said that winning is different on different servers is right. I see the Imperials get ROFLstomped most of the time on my server. I'm gonna guess that the Sith are more organized on your server than on mine. Either that or you're only playing Huttball against groups consisting entirely of Inquisitors and BH. Edited by Meluna
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Nowhere in your post do you provide an argument as to why you think PvP is imbalanced in the Empire's favour. The whole original post is just one big opinion.


If you want your post to be taken seriously by any intelligent person over the age of 18 you need to throw in a rational argument to inform us how you have drawn your opinion.


I personally get really annoyed when people start talking about balance on MMO forums without first stating some criteria about what their personal idea of balance is.

Edited by Haldern
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If you read through the OPs posts you will see that he enjoys whining and has already threatened to quit a few times and cried for nerfs and for many different things. You should take your own threats seriously and just quit.
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As a fresh 50 and currently at a gear disadvantage I can easily say it's you that is the problem if you belive that imperial forces is stronger.


I queue solo, but always end up with a premade on my side and atleast one on repub side. Depending on wich people I get on my team and its a fight vs repub team I would say the win/loss ratio is about 50/50.


The repub team tends to win huttball most of the times but voidstar and civil war it evens out.


Regardless of what you and other people think the Empire is not stronger in PvP. Sorc is not more powerful then sage etc.


You just need to learn how to utilize your abilities, play with your team and talk through tactics before the game starts. Who goes where, who carries the ball and so on.


I play sorc, when I hit 50 I was using the hybrid build 0/13/28 but without expertise and low hp it was pretty useless. After some experimenting I found a build that works and when I get up to champion gear level I'll try my old spec again to see how it pans out.


Just so you know, Battlemaster rank/gear does not equal skill in this game. 75% of the players at that rank or higher explioted their way to get it. I'm not the best pvp'er, I would place myself on slightly higher then averege scale. I've faced several BM geared players and it's mostly their gear that saves them in a 1 on 1 battle.


Like I said in another thread, when I come face to face with someone actually worthy of wearing the gear and have 60+ valor rank they totally obliterate me.


It's quite easy to spot the difference in skill level and it has nothing to do with wich faction you play...

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I cant find the difference

i play sniper/gunslinger




is the same, different animations but just the same


sniper/gunslinger:the gunslinger stun have a 0.3 cast or so because animation and u cant cast it if u are runnign where the sniper can.the probe is instant on the sniper where the gunslinger have travel time.


sorc/sage:the project have travel time where the sorc version havent.


comando/merc: the death from avobe have damage at the tie taht u cast it where the comando have to wait 1.5 sec to see damage,full auto have pushback where merc havent,grav round have longer animation so it have 0,5 more cast time



so imp fanboys shut up or post numbers and fact because the fact is that every mirror class does the same damage but imp side have better animations so same class played by the same guy gonna be better at imp side.


i wont say that it is a BIG umbalance and pvp is broken because this but u cant say that both sides are mirror because it isnt true

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Stop being childish and telling me to learn to play loser. Like I said, you don't know me and my game style. I'm a good player, I know what I'm capable of. Are you that ignorant as to answer with "learn to play the game" along with the other trolls? Grow up.





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i like to think of it as


sith = unstoppable horde

republic = special forces.


all in all (in ilum) sith will win. the question is how many sith ops can you take on before they finally overwhelm you.


and im not trying to insult people but as sith you can be lazy and do whatever you please. as a republic you team up and work together or ****. excluding the stealth people that complain when it takes 10 hours to do the daily.


in wz's i would actually say republic has the advantage. as republic you can make 2, 4 man op ques and get in the same wz alot of the time.


granted i havnt played 1.5 thanks to ME3 but i imagine it hasnt changed much

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Oh, please! I hardly think BioWare intentionally and maliciously gave the Empire some very slight advantages over the Republic. The classes are all mirrors of each other and are essentially the exact same things. Sure, there are a couple of discrepancies (the delay on Mortar Volley compared to Death From Above for example), but I'm pretty darn sure that was not intentional. Furthermore, BioWare has said that they are aware of those issues and they are going to fix them! Sheesh!


Also, simply having a premade does not automatically make you better at PvP. I have no idea why you seem to think that. I don't really know if you are actually losing 90% of your matches, but even if you are that tells that you and your group really don't know what they're doing. Making a lot of kills and healing does NOT equal winning. Playing for the objectives does. If you lose that often you have no one to blame but yourself. It seems to me that you fail at PvP. Period.


Do you really think BioWare would intentionally create imbalances? Do you think they would screw themselves out of money by deliberately making one faction more powerful than the other? Do you really think that? You "feel it" in your "bones"? Puh-lease! Get over yourself!


P.S. Is your pantry stocked full of tin foil, by any chance?

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Stop being childish and telling me to learn to play loser. Like I said, you don't know me and my game style. I'm a good player, I know what I'm capable of. Are you that ignorant as to answer with "learn to play the game" along with the other trolls? Grow up.


But your entire thread makes no sense. You're frame your post with the complaint that you can't finish your dailies, yet you admit that they're solving this issue in 1.2. So, what's the point of bringing this up at all?


Then you say (in a nutshell) that Imperials have an advantage. Well, aside from a couple animation and skill activation issues (which isn't what you're talking about), this statement is completely invalid. As many other people have said, it's certainly possible that the Imperial players on your server are just simply better and therefore win more often.


I understand that you think you're good, but if your 4-man premade regularly loses (I think you said 90% of the time), you're not as good as you think you are. I mean that just makes me shake my head and lol.

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Let me tell you something Bioware, I DO NOT appreciate having to log in my character and spending practically ALL DAY just to get my dailies done. I have a life and want to do other things then frustrate my self to death just to get that last and final win to complete my dailies.


By the end of dailies I seriously want to smack the persons face who had absolutely NO CONSIDERATION to the amount of trouble one needs to go through just to get them completed.


I judge myself as a pretty dam good player. On my Scoundrel I usually always top the charts in heals and sometimes even kills, funny as that may sound. I know when I roll with my premade group, we're all pretty good, leaving just 4 others as pups, but the fact that we still lose; that tells me something is very, VERY wrong.


I don't care what anyone says, but losing 90% of the times in Warzones, with the skill lvl of my premade/or not, tells me that Bioware instinctively and deliberately made Sith a more powerful faction in their sick and twisted brains of theirs.


Why? I don't know, maybe cause they're such geeks in real life that they wanted to fulfill their fantasies of being bad boys knowing well they'll never be in real life, haha, I don't know. Just sayin'. I know this may sound stupid, but you'll be surprised at how this can actually make sense.


All I know is Bioware is very much AWARE of this problem and are doing NOTHING about it. This should've been addressed months ago, even during beta, but did nothing. Nothing destroys a pvp game then unbalanced issues.


Now I'm NOT expecting to win EVERY match, no, but when my faction is consistently losing 90% of the matches, something is wrong. I feel it in my bones. And honestly speaking, it's just a matter of time before players, such as myself, will leave and never look back.


Bioware, you fail at pvp. Period.


You do realize while being so amazing and great player and topping the healing list and getting alot of kills have nothing to do with winning a WZ match so capping nodes and planting bombs or carrying huttball or healing the carrier is more contributing to the victory than farming kills.


I consider myself a little above average player i don´t keybind all my "spells" and do some clicking but i still manage to cap nodes and ninja plant bombs while others keep the opponents busy and now and then even score in huttball with the worst carrier class ever pyromerc. And i usually win around 70% of same faction WZ´s and 50/50 against reps with +300k dmg done and around 7-10 medals. And i solo que.... So if your awesome premade can´t win more than 10% of your matches you´re just bad thinking of being good and even so delusinal that you claim to be good player wake up honestly.


Really geeks ... and fantasies that´s the best you got for people who are wiping the floor with you "premade" maybe bioware tracks whenever you que up in WZ and with cunning and manipulation they give the other team an I WIN BUTTON just to mess with you ...good luck in the next game you´re gonna fail in.

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