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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

1.2 = best pvp gear for free, and no reason to play rated. people are quitting


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i mean it dosent eavan feel like star wars.


Oh...it feels like Star Wars alright.


Big, vast, HUGE, empty worlds.... :(


Looks? +10

Environment? +10

Population? -10

Civil War? -10


Feels like a single player game levels 1 though 50 with no faction strife at all. Everything is golden bombs of light and love.


Just for a joke the other night those of us with remaining time made 6 imperial sorcs on our server. Pretty damn funny I have to say - we just destroy stuff. PvE and PvP - just nothing can stand in your way when you are all on skype talking.


Voice target, select target, press 1 button, dead. :(

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Oh...it feels like Star Wars alright.


Big, vast, HUGE, empty worlds.... :(


Looks? +10

Environment? +10

Population? -10

Civil War? -10


Feels like a single player game levels 1 though 50 with no faction strife at all. Everything is golden bombs of light and love.


Just for a joke the other night those of us with remaining time made 6 imperial sorcs on our server. Pretty damn funny I have to say - we just destroy stuff. PvE and PvP - just nothing can stand in your way when you are all on skype talking.


Voice target, select target, press 1 button, dead. :(

The worlds are too small and linear, just as I like to call them "Glorified Hallways", the ONLY things huge about SWTOR, was the budget, and hype.


Small game is easymode carebear is small.

Edited by Dego_Locc
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Everyone should have easy access to gear when the point is to have skill. Trust me as soon as everyone gets BM gear it will be SO much easier to balance the classes. Then you will have a " street fighter" based PvP system where you pretty much know your opponent's strengths and weaknesses per class, instead of per outfit. Then it's all about when and how you use your abilities, not what color the other person's +morethanyoudmg lightsaber is. Edited by Wrenthirtysix
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Everyone should have easy access to gear when the point is to have skill. Trust me as soon as everyone gets BM gear it will be SO much easier to balance the classes. Then you will have a " street fighter" based PvP system.




Between this post, the "why bother with having mailbox" thread, and" make my class more dumbed down with less abilities pls" threads,............


Yep, the iceberg has hit, and we are halfway submerged.


Abandon ship!

Edited by Dego_Locc
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Actually the way you got gear in WAR was a total luck factor, and ONLY if you won the a city siege, if you lost, you got nothing worth a crap.


And you could win 10 city sieges and still not get any warlord or sovergn gear. It was so bad on the RNG that the only way guilds would take any pubs into a city instance was if they agreed to not roll on sovergn if they were below a certain rank. Seeing how it takes months to even have a high enough rank, the attitude was "why should they get a chance to roll on something they will prolly never even get to use"


I loved War PVP btw, gear progression was a bit too brutal in that game for latecomers though. Still SWTOR is straight care bear easy mode on all fronts, gear if you win or lose, within a month or two at the most for most players. Yuck.


Exactly.why I say why bother with the stats anyway, its not like its going to be exclusive.


But I liked WAR pvp too except there were some serious class balance issues, and the gear. Swtor has no variety and weak incentives, but the balance is pretty damn good.

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Everyone should have easy access to gear when the point is to have skill. Trust me as soon as everyone gets BM gear it will be SO much easier to balance the classes. Then you will have a " street fighter" based PvP system where you pretty much know your opponent's strengths and weaknesses per class, instead of per outfit. Then it's all about when and how you use your abilities, not what color the other person's +morethanyoudmg lightsaber is.


i don't know what kind of mmo backgrund you have but this game is not going to be balanced that easy it is going to take years for them to fix this, they areonly giving away the pvp gear couse all the pvp guilds left/are leaving. the only way to fill up this pvp slots is to have guys like you to think that this is a good system, but in the end time will tell you what im trying to explain here, the game is over

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Everyone should have easy access to gear when the point is to have skill. Trust me as soon as everyone gets BM gear it will be SO much easier to balance the classes. Then you will have a " street fighter" based PvP system where you pretty much know your opponent's strengths and weaknesses per class, instead of per outfit. Then it's all about when and how you use your abilities, not what color the other person's +morethanyoudmg lightsaber is.


You should already know this regardless of gear. Before you PvP you should know what your class is better against. Nothing is more stupid than watching someone try to dps down a tank....yet the healer is over a few feet away just healing away laughing.


Yeah - go for him. Keep on it - we'll wait until you either: A. get bored and leave or B. figure out he is getting heals and switch targets /palm of hand to forehead

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The only thing about PvP that upsets me are capped players running around the world proving their "studly" qualities by kicking the crap out of players 20-25 levels below them.


Heroes are not in short supply I s'pose. As to the OP, I don't get it, probably never will. I need to stick to my rule.... don't visit an MMO forum.


Nothing but doom and gloom, ************ and whining.

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The only thing about PvP that upsets me are capped players running around the world proving their "studly" qualities by kicking the crap out of players 20-25 levels below them.


Heroes are not in short supply I s'pose. As to the OP, I don't get it, probably never will. I need to stick to my rule.... don't visit an MMO forum.


Nothing but doom and gloom, ************ and whining.

PVP servers are not for you then. In an MMO when you select PVP server, you should expect to get ganked. Period.


I never ganked anyone, but I can see why ppl do, what else is there to do in this game?


This games PVP servers are not even PVP servers anyway so............


I wish I would have gotten ganked at least once in this game. Its a ghosttown.

Edited by Dego_Locc
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Clickers and backpeddalers that run around playing rambo in pvp with no tactics in their head should NOT be awarded 100% as much as those who put more effort in it and play organized.

Just like hardmodes gives better rewards than story mode in pve.


Though I don't share the same sentiment as this individual I do share concern, I play on Prophecy of the Five and i rerolled from a 50 sith jugg to a now 40 jedi sentinal, not because i like the rebuplic, strictly because i was tiered of people running around not playing the objectives. i feel if your going to reward people for playing Swtor you need to actually reward the people who "play" the way it was meant to be played.

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Your're mad that people can buy with credits the cheapest dirtiest pvp gear available just so they have a chance when they enter warzones the first time? Commendations and Rated commendations are still needed for the best gear.

You only think pvp is worthwhile if you can severely outgear your opponents? Dont like PVP for PVP sake? Dont like facing off against opponents of equal stats and relying on skill? Are you sure you even like PVP?


Good riddance to bad rubbish

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Do you do this when you aren't on the internet? Do you walk down the street pointing at people and say things like, "that woman has blonde hair must be a ****"? According to you there are two types of pvpers, hardcore, everyone's else. Is that how you go through your normal day?


Considering the original poster is probably some sloppy, skank *** geek that doesn't bathe and has no muscle mass to speak of, I seriously doubt it.

Edited by Stoutlager
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This games PVP servers are not even PVP servers anyway so.............


This is so true.


Last night I spent close to two hours flying around various planets to find someone, anyone, to murder. Finally found a lvl 47 sorc on Voss that I let me companion kill. Ironically, this is the same sorc I found a few days prior on a different planet.


This tells me one or two things. Even though I'm on the lower end of the ratio I would expect to see more of the other side with larger numbers. I.e. imperials. I didn't. It also tells me that this game is still instanced / sharded to hellnback or that the server I'm playing on is dead. Dead during early morning hours and dead during the prime time.


In order to gank you have to actually see someone :(

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I'm looking forward to 1.2, however I think they should institute some sort of Arena type like in WOW. There should be separate brackets and separate gear for the different brackets. If you're a 3,000 rating then you simply wouldn't get paired against a 1,000 rating person. Makes sense and keeps the progression and ladder mentality. Edited by Disinvolto
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I love it, people complain there is no rated warzones so they can't get good matches and there is no challenge. Then they cry when they get rated warzones because it won't give them an advantage over players they are better than. pvpers in this game are stupid.
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Let them quit. I'd rather those type of people were not in the game to start with. Warzones need to be competitive and not all about geeks who play 24/7 and have the best gear.


qq, "I'm using gear as an excuse for my badness"


grow a pair.


so you're out geared, play the game the best you can. If you get beat then get better don't blame the system for your fails.

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To all you people who think he wants to stomp fresh 50s, I do not think that is the point at all. I believe its more of the fact he wants something thats hard to get that has to be worked for and not handed to him so easily. Bioware is making it way to easy for people to get pvp gear. It should take alot more time than it does to acquire good gear.
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When I first dinged 50, there was someone raging at me for having no expertise rating. I'm currently a BM with over 670 expertise, and I regularly make short work of them whenever we come across each other in Huttball, so I guess the joke is on him. It's a game. I play it to have fun. Nerd-ragers can either cope with that on their own terms, or rage-quit if someone's presence really bothers them. The rest of us will have fun together, win or lose.


In every MMO you always get these really hardcore players, who care about gear and stats more than vitamins and sunshine. It's best to just ignore them. They contribute literally nothing of value to the game whatsoever. When they take a break to help a lowbie level up, with a polite and courteous tone, offering genuinely well-mannered advice with patience and care, I'll give a shovel's worth of bantha fodder what they have say about this or that.


The real problem is when games start catering to these hardcore end-gamers and completely ignoring the other players. I won't say the name of the game, but I left one game last year because that's exactly what they did, with an expansion pack called... uh... let's just call it "Shmatashmlysm." Hardcore gamers shouldn't be ignored, but they most certainly should not be focused on. Ever.

Edited by Mattroc
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When I first dinged 50, there was someone raging at me for having no expertise rating. I'm currently a BM with over 670 expertise, and I regularly make short work of them whenever we come across each other in Huttball, so I guess the joke is on him. It's a game. I play it to have fun. Nerd-ragers can either cope with that on their own terms, or rage-quit if someone's presence really bothers them. The rest of us will have fun together, win or lose.


In every MMO you always get these really hardcore players, who care about gear and stats more than vitamins and sunshine. It's best to just ignore them. They contribute literally nothing of value to the game whatsoever. When they take a break to help a lowbie level up, with a polite and courteous tone, offering genuinely well-mannered advice with patience and care, I'll give a shovel's worth of bantha fodder what they have say about this or that.


The real problem is when games start catering to these hardcore end-gamers and completely ignoring the other players. I won't say the name of the game, but I left one game last year because that's exactly what they did, with an expansion pack called... uh... let's just call it "Shmatashmlysm." Hardcore gamers shouldn't be ignored, but they most certainly should not be focused on. Ever.


My man Mat...you play a MMO for dynamic content. Not static.


IF you want static characters then you should play a console game or fps. MMO's have a form of progression regardless of what side of the fence you are on. People play for many reasons besides fun. They want to brag, they want to gain power, influence, etc.


Like I said - how do you think the raiding community would feel if all they got for completing a nightmare level fight is a item that has a different color???


Yeah - went there again because it matters. People play mmo's for countless hours paying the publisher 14 bucks a month to grow their avatar. For Pete's sake. Look at Farmville - can't believe I"m even saying this but do you think it would be as widely popular as it is now if all they got was a different color chicken?


Hell no.

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I dont understand why people say the new system is removing the pvp goals. It is just transferring them away from the gear which ANY player can currently achieve, even by losing every single warzone they participate in. Can you people not see that? The current system with gear progression is NOT A FREAKING REWARD FOR GOOD PLAYERS! It is simply a milestone for time spent playing pvp! What is not clear about that?


The new system (which is not tied to valor in any way because valor != pvp skill folks, it simply == time spent) will allow those people who ARE skilled at pvp to rise to the top of the ranking system, which is a reward in itself. People at the top of the ranking system get cosmetic perks THAT NO ONE ELSE HAS. There is the PvP reward. It's right here, clear in purple crayon! Not only that but more depth is being added to the meta-game by allowing all purple gear to have mods extracted so that YOU and YOUR RANKED TEAM can modify your builds and gear to suit your tactics and playstyle... Can anyone who is playing the current pvp say that the current gear sets allow that? Of *********** course not, because they dont. The current pvp meta-game is so mind numbingly simple that anyone can do it.


This whole argument is a obvious troll and people buying into it just feeds it. Seriously, when will the madness end!


This pretty much sums up my thoughts. Watching the basement monsters complain that people who have jobs, families, and other things that take up the majority of their time are going to be getting the gear is just amusing. Get out of mommy's basement and find a life and then tell me if you have 20 hours a day to slurp mountain dew and eat doritos and stab pixels and watch **** because you can't actually go out into society and find someone of the opposite sex that isn't just completely disgusted by you.

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