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1.2 = best pvp gear for free, and no reason to play rated. people are quitting


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I agree, it is unfortunate, how ever thats what motivates me, and the competitive side of me urges to grind so I can be the best in terms of gear and skills. Even though the gear upgrade might just be 1% or maybe just better looking, cant say for sure yet.


I just know that if I only played pvp to have fun it wouldnt be a lot compared to what I do now.


This is where we differ. Somehow, MMOs have turned their PvP into a PvE grind.


Grind, grind, grind, 1% more.. Try to find the BiS, THEN i can PvP. Its all about the individual, or mostly so. My armor is 2.3% better than yours, you suxxor newb... L2P!!11!


Not saying this is your attitude, but just something that makes me slightly nauseous. As i said many pages back, a few years ago, i would have sworn this to be a PvE thread.


Maybe i'm getting too old for AAA MMOs.. Though it seems Bioware does somewhat agree, and thats why i still have my sub going, as it was on the verge of being cancelled.

Edited by Tic-
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I still see alot of people in here comparing PvE gearing to PvP gearing. There is a huge problem with this that makes those arguments invalid by a longshot.


In PvE you have set difficulties, each different difficulty rewards different tiers of gear. From lowbie flashpoints to hardmode operations, its all in connection with the difficulty of the content, this gear then lets you tackle the next tier for new items and so on.


In PvP you have no set difficulty, its all about player skill vs player skill that sets the difficulty.


IMO, if a guy spends 200 hours during a month to obtain PvP gear and another guy spends 200 hours spread out over 3 months, both should have the same right to the same PvP gear in the end. Even if it takes them different amounts of time they have still put 200 hours into the game doing what they enjoy.


Why should the guy who cant spend as much time in game be punished? This is exactly the reason why ratings should have no impact on what gear you can get, since it cripples progression for some, just because they might have a life outside the game.


And why do the "hardcores" (are there even any such left in todays MMOs?) fear people with equal gear if they are just casual no-skill gamers? Hmm odd indeed.




Amen Brother

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You seem to fail to understand that these things change based on our feedback. So stop trying to make me shut up because you don't like what I have to say.


You're pretty pathetic really, can't win against players with even odds, and then downtalk everyone who wants to take away your advantage.


and you seem to fail to realise that there are different opinions/feedback.


Fyi I am geared in Champion gear so you should have equal gear. And yes I will rofl stomp your face should we ever square off, even if my stats were worse than yours.


My only advantage in PvP is that I have experience, cause I have invested time in it, because I like it.


You how ever, is more than likely a casual gimp that just got bored of doing what ever, joined pvp and got ripped to pieces and then you go to forums and cry about it.


Sure make it equal gear and only vanity upgrades, I hope it will be just as much a carrot on a stick as gear improvement is either way I will still steamroll players like you, and I will be on the forums to witness your new excuse as to why you cant beat people.

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A lot of people need a carrot on a stick to play MMO, you being the special case that dont. How much time do you invest in PvP pr week if I may ask? Im not implying anything, just wondering


Invest? This is a game is only a part of ur life, maybe a hobbie

Tbqh, im tired of facing guys that with all respect even if they are skilled crashes against my sniper-marauder or sorcerer for only 1 reasson, they are undergeared.

Is not funny to put a 5k crit on someone in the middle of a fight just like drinking a glass of water, at least for me, i dont fell any challenge in that.

The real challenge is making this competitive, and gear, macros, grinding is not the way for it.

I play ------PLAY!....again PLAY!!!!!!

And the game is good, is only 3 months old, and ppl like u that maybe are at the same level of gear than me ask for more gear....there is no need for more ubber gear...there is an URGENT need for competitive PvP. That is what atracts Pvper's....if u want to handle some vanity stuff...ok no problem...

I have only read a couple of constructive post in this forums with the intention of moving forward and enhance the game with nore Warzones and a twist for World PvP

The rest of them (99% ) is ppl CRYING and calling nerfs

Changes are good, more thatn that ...are part of the game progression.

The only thing that is a fail in this game are the driver given to build a community.

But tbqh with the level of nonsense exposed in this forums is understandable

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This is where we differ. Somehow, MMOs have turned their PvP into a PvE grind.


Grind, grind, grind, 1% more.. Try to find the BiS, THEN i can PvP. Its all about the individual, or mostly so. My armor is 2.3% better than yours, you suxxor newb... L2P!!11!


Not saying this is your attitude, but just something that makes me slightly nauseous. As i said many pages back, a few years ago, i would have sworn this to be a PvE thread.


Maybe i'm getting too old for AAA MMOs.. Though it seems Bioware does somewhat agree, and thats why i still have my sub going, as it was on the verge of being cancelled.


Like Ive tried to illustrate, maybe poorly so, it has turned into PvE grind because pve grind is often time consuming, the more time you spend in the game the better for BW (you like the game you feel like sub.. yada yada)


I dont believe there should be a major bridge (other than skill) between players, but I do feel like people who invest more time should get some kind of reward, and I truely hope that vanity rewards will be well accepted for ''hardcore'' pvp'ers, but right now it seems that some of them are skeptical

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Like Ive tried to illustrate, maybe poorly so, it has turned into PvE grind because pve grind is often time consuming, the more time you spend in the game the better for BW (you like the game you feel like sub.. yada yada)


I dont believe there should be a major bridge (other than skill) between players, but I do feel like people who invest more time should get some kind of reward, and I truely hope that vanity rewards will be well accepted for ''hardcore'' pvp'ers, but right now it seems that some of them are skeptical

They are getting a reward they've said higher Valor ranked players will get different coloured PVP gear, as to what colours, well we shall see.

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Like Ive tried to illustrate, maybe poorly so, it has turned into PvE grind because pve grind is often time consuming, the more time you spend in the game the better for BW (you like the game you feel like sub.. yada yada)


I dont believe there should be a major bridge (other than skill) between players, but I do feel like people who invest more time should get some kind of reward, and I truely hope that vanity rewards will be well accepted for ''hardcore'' pvp'ers, but right now it seems that some of them are skeptical


I know a lot of really good players in many servers and guilds...trust me

the only thing that motivates them is to wipe another good team

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Invest? This is a game is only a part of ur life, maybe a hobbie

Tbqh, im tired of facing guys that with all respect even if they are skilled crashes against my sniper-marauder or sorcerer for only 1 reasson, they are undergeared.

Is not funny to put a 5k crit on someone in the middle of a fight just like drinking a glass of water, at least for me, i dont fell any challenge in that.

The real challenge is making this competitive, and gear, macros, grinding is not the way for it.

I play ------PLAY!....again PLAY!!!!!!

And the game is good, is only 3 months old, and ppl like u that maybe are at the same level of gear than me ask for more gear....there is no need for more ubber gear...there is an URGENT need for competitive PvP. That is what atracts Pvper's....if u want to handle some vanity stuff...ok no problem...

I have only read a couple of constructive post in this forums with the intention of moving forward and enhance the game with nore Warzones and a twist for World PvP

The rest of them (99% ) is ppl CRYING and calling nerfs

Changes are good, more thatn that ...are part of the game progression.

The only thing that is a fail in this game are the driver given to build a community.

But tbqh with the level of nonsense exposed in this forums is understandable


Like im trying to say, I'd prefere that everyone have equal gear to some extent, cause I know I am pretty good at pvp so I will still beat casual players quite easily.


My point is, there has to be a good reason to do PvP it has been gear upgrade so far, almost no matter how minor they are, hardcore players will pursue them.


I hope vanity rewards will be enough to keep people playing but we dont know yet.

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But the sense of accomplishment is similar in PvP as it is in PvE.


I dont know why you think that a guy who doesnt spend equal amount of time is being punished? It's their own choice. Like, if you don't want to take a long education, odds are that those who do make more money than you and then you feel punished? No, you made a choice. Its unfortunate, but its reality.


Fyi most of us dont fear that casual gamers will have equal gear, cause we will still beat you. We do how ever fear, that it will be pointless to spend as much time on PvP as we might like, as rewards might not seem sufficient as any person could obtain it without effort.


Wouldn't you agree that its awesome to grind a boss to get gear? and if not, say they didnt drop gear, you'd probably still kill him to say you did it, but would you do it every week for a month? I know I wouldnt


You should really read my post better. Both guys spend the exact same amount of time, just over a different period of time. So in the end they should have the same gear because they spend the exact same hours.


The guy spending 200h in one month will progress faster, but when guy two is up in 200h he will have the same gear guy one had after 200h. At this point maybe guy one is up in 400h or more and a new set is out he can get which guy two still needs to grind for. You see, the guy that cant spend tons of time at once will still be behind and punished. No need for the game to add yet another obstacle.


And if you fear it will get pointless then whoopdidoo, have BW add gear at the same pace for PvE and PvP... No way, that was hard to come up with that idea.


Plus you said "still beat you", who said I was a casual? I cant think of the casuals just because I play alot? Some people prefer a leveled playing field where everyone has a shot.


And regarding bosses, I dont PvE very much because I'm not into scripted fights when I can fight players. Still, PvE isnt dynamic enough to be interesting without loot, because its always the same mechanic, the same boss, the same tactic, the same everything. PvP isnt, its dynamic, every player is different, every team is different. After a while PvE is just routine, PvP isnt. You cant go "farm" a WZ in the sense you "farm" PvE content.


So bad example comparing PvE and PvP, again.

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They are getting a reward they've said higher Valor ranked players will get different coloured PVP gear, as to what colours, well we shall see.


And Im hoping that will keep, people who pvp alot, interested, I have my doubts how ever.

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And Im hoping that will keep, people who pvp alot, interested, I have my doubts how ever.

It worked in Guild Wars- That game you could start at max level with equal stat gear to everyone else, it was still great fun, however it did have a lot more teamsize options and warzones. Also League of Legends - but then again that is a completely different genre.


The main thing my guild and many others are waiting for is full premades, we have pretty much best gear we can get but we want to face strong opposition, it happens now and then on our server but we want challenge more often.

Edited by Manigma
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And Im hoping that will keep, people who pvp alot, interested, I have my doubts how ever.


It's not something I will need to keep me interested in PvP, because I wont use PvP gear looks when 1.2 goes live. I will be modding my own sets and PvP just because I love to do it.

Edited by SneakyErvin
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Like Ive tried to illustrate, maybe poorly so, it has turned into PvE grind because pve grind is often time consuming, the more time you spend in the game the better for BW (you like the game you feel like sub.. yada yada)


I dont believe there should be a major bridge (other than skill) between players, but I do feel like people who invest more time should get some kind of reward, and I truely hope that vanity rewards will be well accepted for ''hardcore'' pvp'ers, but right now it seems that some of them are skeptical


I spent a lot more time in games in years past that didnt have a PvE grind, thats a poor excuse, imo.


The problem is, the make the PvP very PvE like as well. Its easy, cost effective, and folks gobble it up.


What can be easier to make than three nodes in room that have to be guarded by eight people? Add some type of reward and VIOLA! pvp.


Little effort, just copy and paste what we have been playing for the last 8 years and you too can sell 2 million copies (an exageration, thats not the only reason they sold so many, i know). "The most experienced PvP developers in the world", eh?


Ilum? The PvP land thats going to "blow us away"? Yea, we'll get back to that...


I'm not here for the long term without some major changes to the PvP content (that i dont think will happen) This is an old and tired form of PvP for me.


and its an awful lot like PvE.

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OMG we do not need better gear in order to stroke our epeens. It just has to be hella rare and hard to gear. Whether it's titles, speeders (faster version), diff armor sets (cosmetically), pets, whatever. It just has to be RARE and HARD TO GET.



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You should really read my post better. Both guys spend the exact same amount of time, just over a different period of time. So in the end they should have the same gear because they spend the exact same hours.


The guy spending 200h in one month will progress faster, but when guy two is up in 200h he will have the same gear guy one had after 200h. At this point maybe guy one is up in 400h or more and a new set is out he can get which guy two still needs to grind for. You see, the guy that cant spend tons of time at once will still be behind and punished. No need for the game to add yet another obstacle.


And if you fear it will get pointless then whoopdidoo, have BW add gear at the same pace for PvE and PvP... No way, that was hard to come up with that idea.


Plus you said "still beat you", who said I was a casual? I cant think of the casuals just because I play alot? Some people prefer a leveled playing field where everyone has a shot.


And regarding bosses, I dont PvE very much because I'm not into scripted fights when I can fight players. Still, PvE isnt dynamic enough to be interesting without loot, because its always the same mechanic, the same boss, the same tactic, the same everything. PvP isnt, its dynamic, every player is different, every team is different. After a while PvE is just routine, PvP isnt. You cant go "farm" a WZ in the sense you "farm" PvE content.


So bad example comparing PvE and PvP, again.


Hmm I dont think I labeled you as being casual, if so that wasn't my intend.


Sure the guy who doesnt invest hours at the same rate will be behind, but im not saying it has to be by a lot, I mean they can continue to build on same upgrade from Champion to BM cause its quite minor, and for my sake make it even smaller - I just want the sense of accomplishment.


And no my example isn't bad. PvP will get repetitive in time as well, not as fast as PvE, but it will - eventually good players will know what to do in say 90% of each situation. I jump sorc, stun lock, and blow resilience when stuns end as I anticipate knockback etc. In that sense pvp will get quite repetitive.


Obviously there are more parameters to PvP, but after 5-6 you might not be as intrigued as when you started if you see what I mean.

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It worked in Guild Wars- That game you could start at max level with equal stat gear to everyone else, it was still great fun, however it did have a lot more teamsize options and warzones. Also League of Legends - but then again that is a completely different genre.


The main thing my guild and many others are waiting for is full premades, we have pretty much best gear we can get but we want to face strong opposition, it happens now and then on our server but we want challenge more often.


It is not in my place to comment a lot about GW cause I didnt play it, but to my knowledge it wasnt a part of esport and obviously wasnt as big as WoW - these are basic assumption but you'd think that if GW pvp was so great people would go there

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and you seem to fail to realise that there are different opinions/feedback.


Fyi I am geared in Champion gear so you should have equal gear. And yes I will rofl stomp your face should we ever square off, even if my stats were worse than yours.


My only advantage in PvP is that I have experience, cause I have invested time in it, because I like it.


You how ever, is more than likely a casual gimp that just got bored of doing what ever, joined pvp and got ripped to pieces and then you go to forums and cry about it.


Sure make it equal gear and only vanity upgrades, I hope it will be just as much a carrot on a stick as gear improvement is either way I will still steamroll players like you, and I will be on the forums to witness your new excuse as to why you cant beat people.


You're talking nonsense the whole thread long. YOU told me to go away when I expressed my opinion, and now you're whining about you having different opinions. Nice double standards


And now you're claiming that you're better than someone you've never even met without the stat difference. Then why do you defend the stat difference???


I also never said anything about not being able to beat people. I was complaining about the term "time invested" in a game meant for entertainment. Especially in a mode where you shouldn't have to invest time at all to get an edge(training/practice not included).

Edited by Sharangir
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A lot off people seem to think that all the time they spend grinding the valor.

Automatically would give them the new tier of gear when the next tier comes out.


It is actually normal that when new tier comes out the gear just before the best gear aka

champ gear will be almost free to get.


And it is also normal that with the new tier comming out you need to "grind" the new gear again. To be able to buy the gear.


Those that grinded valor walked in BM gear the longest in 1st tiers.

And the payment for the grind was just that. That you walked for a longer time in BM gear than someone not spending as much time.


It is just now you will have to grind it again,

and those grinding will have a full set warlord gear faster than those not grinding.


Warning Spoiler:

The grind you gonna do now for warlord gear will mean nothing anymore when 1.3 comes out with new tier gear.

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But the sense of accomplishment is similar in PvP as it is in PvE.


I dont know why you think that a guy who doesnt spend equal amount of time is being punished? It's their own choice. Like, if you don't want to take a long education, odds are that those who do make more money than you and then you feel punished? No, you made a choice. Its unfortunate, but its reality.


Fyi most of us dont fear that casual gamers will have equal gear, cause we will still beat you. We do how ever fear, that it will be pointless to spend as much time on PvP as we might like, as rewards might not seem sufficient as any person could obtain it without effort.


Wouldn't you agree that its awesome to grind a boss to get gear? and if not, say they didnt drop gear, you'd probably still kill him to say you did it, but would you do it every week for a month? I know I wouldnt

No for pvpers beating other pvpers is a much greats sense of accomplishment then beating a raid boss.

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A lot off people seem to think that all the time they spend grinding the valor.

Automatically would give them the new tier of gear when the next tier comes out.


It is actually normal that when new tier comes out the gear just before the best gear aka

champ gear will be almost free to get.


And it is also normal that with the new tier comming out you need to "grind" the new gear again. To be able to buy the gear.


Those that grinded valor walked in BM gear the longest in 1st tiers.

And the payment for the grind was just that. That you walked for a longer time in BM gear than someone not spending as much time.


It is just now you will have to grind it again,

and those grinding will have a full set warlord gear faster than those not grinding.


Warning Spoiler:

The grind you gonna do now for warlord gear will mean nothing anymore when 1.3 comes out with new tier gear.

Peoples over all problem is that the new War Hero gear requires no valor rank. You can turn a fresh 50, and go right into rated Warzones and win or loose start earning comms for the new gear, and wear it right away. I suspect most of us will all have full sets within a couple weeks, maybe less.


It will get uber boring really fast with no gear progression to grind. You can only play "for the fun of playing" the same 4 warzones only so long with no incentive outside of colored gear.


As a result those of us PVPers who haven't given up on this game yet will for the most part, finally do so once the shiny 1.2 changes grow stale. I give it two months maybe less after 1.2 for mass PVP exodus.

Edited by Dego_Locc
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OP translation: people who want to be carried by their gear are sad that they can't continue to do so.


Somehow the lack of this nonsense hasn't much hurt LoL and that entire genre.

Whats good for one F2P genre is not good for one that is subscription based.....

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You're talking nonsense the whole thread long. YOU told me to go away when I expressed my opinion, and now you're whining about you having different opinions. Nice double standards


And now you're claiming that you're better than someone you've never even met without the stat difference. Then why do you defend the stat difference???


I also never said anything about not being able to beat people. I was complaining about the term "time invested" in a game meant for entertainment. Especially in a mode where you shouldn't have to invest time at all to get an edge(training/practice not included).


I told you to go away cause you raged over terminology, assuming the role of ''im almost too awesome to even touch this game''


Im sorry but your opinion gave you away, thats why im 100% sure that I will beat you, bold and kinda childish statement - but true nonetheless .


It entertains me to pursue gear/upgrades, so if I choose to INVEST time in this game, cause I like it, instead of going out as much as you or watch Tv - then what is it to you? Its not like im the distributor of your life or in anyway claim my life is more meaningful.


I have highlighted the fact that effort should yield reward - thats what many believe is true. And I have stated that Im not sure the majority of people against this change will be satisfied with vanity upgrades.


As I've said before, to meet in the middle, you can have gear upgrades similar to the difference between Champion gear and BM gear, skill would still be the determining factor AS IT SHOULD, and you will still keep people occupied grinding gear.

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