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  1. Good point, made me laugh a little. Actually how it is now you don't need to pres w. Just go outside the zone that gives the debuff die and stay death. (ok smash head on keybaord to stop the game when it tries to autolog you for being longer afk) In patch 1.2 those will have it more difficult. Since their gonna be a ability to kick people from WZ's
  2. Yes I am reading it. And again BM gear was also available for everyone, it just needed a surten ammount off time played. So any joe could still get it. I got full set BM long time before a lot off players got theirs. I will also get the new tier gear faster than the others who play pvp casual. And if you grinded and do it aswell next tier. You will also have it faster than most. It just won't mean having better gear than most for almost the whole 1.2 like what happened in 1.1 The only exception here is that with the rating you can show off with some different colour gears.
  3. Those people better not pay for any gear progressing game anymore than. Because this will happen in any game. The grind you done for the the highest gear will mean nothing when a content patch with even higher lvl gear comes out. The games that would make it so that when you grind and keep a permanent advantage over new players. Will stop exsisting because no new player can ever get on the same playing grounds with them. Even after new content patch. Thus they will not get new players and player base will dwindle.
  4. To be fair what would have happened if they kept valor requirement to new tier gear. They prob would have set all valor back for all to 0. Because in no game with progression for gear means the time you spend grinding in 1 tier. Will give you a significant advantage over other players when the next tier comes out. The grief I read most is that they gotten rank 70 and thought yay I can buy warlord gear when it comes out. And now are disappointed to see that won't happen. And if you say than they should have left us "unique" titles. You still have you're titles and you will even get faster to the title for rank 80 and 90 than others will. Becuase you grinded the valor in tier 1. That will be the only advantage you have over those that not grinded in 1st tier.
  5. A lot off people seem to think that all the time they spend grinding the valor. Automatically would give them the new tier of gear when the next tier comes out. It is actually normal that when new tier comes out the gear just before the best gear aka champ gear will be almost free to get. And it is also normal that with the new tier comming out you need to "grind" the new gear again. To be able to buy the gear. Those that grinded valor walked in BM gear the longest in 1st tiers. And the payment for the grind was just that. That you walked for a longer time in BM gear than someone not spending as much time. It is just now you will have to grind it again, and those grinding will have a full set warlord gear faster than those not grinding. Warning Spoiler: The grind you gonna do now for warlord gear will mean nothing anymore when 1.3 comes out with new tier gear.
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