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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Admit it: EGA handled brilliantly.


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You know I supported this launch right up until last night when they went home and left the last few out in the cold.

And today, 1 wave of a few people and no updates or communication for 2.5 hours.

Leaving the last few sitting around for nothing.

I know we ordered late, but damn you are treating us like smelly hobos.

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So your standard is you should've been given more than what they promised you?


I should've been given the same as the guy who paid the same as me. Infact, i've paid more than most of those that paid in USD, because i paid in euros, which made my pre-order worth over 90USD (digital deluxe).

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I agree with the OP. Well done Bioware. I knew they would let people play in order of preorder registration, they announced each wave, and I was able to determine through that which day I would get to play with my November registration. All I had to do was wait patiently with anticipation.


Log in was smooth. My server hasn't crashed. Lag is minimal outside of battlegrounds. And there hasn't been a line for any quest objectives. Again, very well done.

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My issue is not with the EGA it is with the way the EGA order was determined.


By going off of the date that the code was redeemed this alienated people who had pre-ordered but had issues. Due to the huge number of issues with the pre-order codes (with problems related to everyone from Best Buy, to Gamestop, to Origin itself) people who pre-ordered on time, but did not recieve a code for whatever reason, are left out in cold.


I agree I pre-ordered on Dec 5th and gamestop forgot to give me the card with my code on it and I couldn't get back to the store due to exams until Dec. 10th so I should have been on yesterday but because of the screw up I didn't get in yesterdays waves where I would have been if gamestop had have given me my card in the first place.

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Far better to have posted a loose baseline for when you would get in based on your code entry date. Then i would have had at least a rough estimate for when i would be in game. As it stand now, I stare at twitter waiting for the next wave to be sent, and then drool over my email until I realize that this wave wasn't my magic number.


TL; DR: Better info in the future BioWare. Ty^


I disagree. The devs even said why they didn't do that. It was all based on how the servers were reacting and handling the load. Sure they had internal rough estimates, but say they released them and something happened that set them back a day or two. The flaming in this forum would have been off the charts at how bioware "lied" and they are awful and yadda yadda yadda.


Its all about perspective. 2 years from now when this game is on its 5th expansion pack and everyone has bee playing for a long time, we'll look back and think "god remember when we thought the world was ending because we had to wait 2 days longer than we thought to play this game BEFORE the release date?"

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Now that all of the trolls and whiners are in game, it's time to admit the truth: The Early Game Access program was a HUGE success.


what did they promise in the beginning? Up to 5 days of early game access depending on when you preorder. Then they made it even better by giving us up to SEVEN days of EGA. And then, when everyone who preordered late were bemoaning how "unfair " it would be if they only got a day (even though it would've been their own fault), it looks like almost EVERYONE will get 4 days of EGA, and the vast majority getting five OR MORE.


All of this was done with precision, with no major screw ups other than the occasionally full server when accessing (to be expected).


If any devs read this, THANK YOU for handling the trolls with grace and aplomb and putting up with their petulance and childish behavior, THANK YOU for letting us in early to play, and most of all THANK YOU for making what I think is the best MMO I've ever played.



ya such a huge succes they havent let me and completely skipped my november entry date...


HUGE SUCCESS. its not like they are still having long queues or crashes. i mean. nope.. support forum is empty..


not like it takes 3+ hours on the phone to talk to summon that tells you to email them every hour and then wait 24 hours for an autoreply that tells you to wait longer.

nope, perfect.

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I totally agree OP. This was a very smooth launch (yes it was a soft launch, not really an EGA since you can STILL pre-order the game and probably get into it early). I myself am still waiting for my invite (ordered Sunday 12/11), and of course I'm checking Twitter, Facebook, and the forums every 20 seconds for updates. The communication has been open and direct, explanations were given throughout about why things were being done a certain way. Really, amazing job.
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Dec 12th still not in, however my buddy who was late Dec 11th got in yesterday...


If you think the EGA was a success then you have never seen a successful MMO launch.


Odd, I'm Dec 11... either a unique case, your friend is a liar, or confused. If he's in though, good for him :)

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No it wasn't. They should have said 'Ok with this wave everyone who registered before x date/time should have received an email and next wave should be y date/time' This way people knew how close they were to their date without trying to parse posts about who got in while ignoring trolls.
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Sorry OP...can't agree with you. I'm still out in the cold waiting to get in. Should i be penalized for making sure this was something that i would enjoy before i spend my hard earned money on it? no.


My biggest frustration with EGA is the horrific lack of communication with the player base. Sure they send out tweets and eventually updated their forums with "wave" information, but what did that tell us? Not a whole lot.


Far better to have posted a loose baseline for when you would get in based on your code entry date. Then i would have had at least a rough estimate for when i would be in game. As it stand now, I stare at twitter waiting for the next wave to be sent, and then drool over my email until I realize that this wave wasn't my magic number.


TL; DR: Better info in the future BioWare. Ty^


^^ this

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For all of you saying the launch was fail and horrible, how so?


Almost eveyone is in, with 4-5 days of access, and the remainder should be in shortly.


Servers have been relatively stable.


Queues are showing up, but that was to be expected


Grace period from EGA to release has been instituted


So, please, explain yourselves rather than shouting it's fail

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So you consider 'fans', so much so that they create guilds prior to launch and BW assign them to a server, whose members suddenly discover (for those lucky enough to have access so far) a 2 hour queue to get on the server that BW put their guild on, a success?


What's the CSR answer to solve this problem - roll elsewhere...kind of undermines the whole guild early deployment point :rolleyes:


Why not launch new servers with capped populations, at each wave invite, deploy new servers whilst simultaneously increase existing server caps to allow a balanced spread of new players across servers, which also provides headroom to allow players to actually join their guildmates.


It just doesnt feel like that's being done. It feels painfull to see (and experience) in the afternoon (in EU) 25 full servers and many more showing a very heavy load. Not that smooth to be fair.

Edited by LaucianNailor
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My issue is not with the EGA it is with the way the EGA order was determined.


By going off of the date that the code was redeemed this alienated people who had pre-ordered but had issues. Due to the huge number of issues with the pre-order codes (with problems related to everyone from Best Buy, to Gamestop, to Origin itself) people who pre-ordered on time, but did not recieve a code for whatever reason, are left out in cold.


I agree.. I pre-ordered on July 22 and I'm still not in the game. I didn't receive a code till the 11th

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Frankly, all this whining and angst from the very vocal complainers is rather disgusting. And actually, I don't blame you... I blame this ridiculous ideology where "the customer is always right"...


Whoever coined that, should get a shotgun to the back of the throat. Because it spawned this incredible phenomenon of self-righteous scrubs. Just because you threw down $5-$60, doesn't entitle you to disgrace mankind with your very own brand of nonsense.


You're not happy with the product?.. Fine! Speak with your money. and most importantly, don't tell me about it.


I dream of a world without individual rights and freedoms, a world where people who ***** about things get recycled as soylent green.

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I just find it funny that the rage posts went from "OMG let me in, I'd rather sit in a que than wait for an e-mail" to "OMG why is there a que?"


Bioware was damned from the start either way.


heh. I noticed that too.

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My issue is not with the EGA it is with the way the EGA order was determined.


By going off of the date that the code was redeemed this alienated people who had pre-ordered but had issues. Due to the huge number of issues with the pre-order codes (with problems related to everyone from Best Buy, to Gamestop, to Origin itself) people who pre-ordered on time, but did not recieve a code for whatever reason, are left out in cold.


I agree I pre-ordered on Dec 5th and gamestop forgot to give me the card with my code on it and I couldn't get back to the store due to exams until Dec. 10th so I should have been on yesterday but because of the screw up I didn't get in yesterdays waves where I would have been if gamestop had have given me my card in the first place.

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