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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Such an under used class.


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Why is the imperial agent such a under used class? I was on dromund kaas today with about 50 people on the planet and I was one of the 2 imperial agents on the entire planet.Theirs nothing bad about the agent it has a good story and being a sniper is fun just taking people out from a far. Yes it is a more difficult class to play and might not be as good in pvp but im more of a PVE person and i think this is my favorite class after the Trooper. When this game came out everyone went for the guy with the lightsaber,The dude that can shoot lighting or the BH cause they are cool no one ever went for the IA even tho its a great class.
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Yes, lightsabers plays a part but it also has to do with the fact that snipers/Ops are poorly designed, full of bugs and not as strong as other classes. Only thing we have going for us right now is that we are fun to play. Which is nice, but it doesn't help at all in endgame content.
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Yup. Least played on my server, and it's a very well populated server (usually reads "Heavy" population during peak hours). Sniper is especially unpopular. I did a "who" test for each spec on a number of occasions and got similar results every time during peak hours. Edited by ProsaicProse
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Because they are the worst class in the game. Operative DPS is the worst in the game, their Healing, whilst still viable, is the worst of the 3. Sniper DPS is viable, not brilliant, but hardly under-powered. Edited by stephenjohnp
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I can't see myself rolling another character. The IA story line is fantastic! I'm afraid I'll be disappointed with other classes. :)


My IA is awesome at PVP. I heal and rouge stab everyone. No complaints!


I enjoy playing a class many aren't. It's my own little secret. :D

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Yes, we are.


Even if you were ignorant enough to not see how good operative healing was or sniper dps you still got the buff.


True. Snipers take a lot of more effort to play than BH or Sorcs. And OP, while lacking sustainable DPS capabilities, are great healers for nightmare.

We currently have 2 OP healers, 1 OP dd and are looking for Snipers and just can't find any ... right now I'm even tempted to switch from Merc main to my Sniper, but I'm still not sold on that idea.


Agent's are just underplayed because they're not Sith, they are their servants and they're not Mandalorians in thick armor with more guns and rockets than you can count.

They're just normal people who are good at shooting things.

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Ops get insane once they get to lvl 50. In hard modes I was taking out my strong mob faster than the other three people in the flashpoint were taking out their strong mob.


Playing an op takes a lot more thought and practice to use because it's not just button mashing or mob taunting. You actually have to think a lot about the type of group you are fighting and your team/operation has to know that your CC's for humans only work in stealth.


A well played operative in a well directed team can be amazing, and an operative makes any team better by far. Any operations leader that goes in without at least one sniper or op is an idiot, as the crit buff alone will help you beat the enrage timer and help the healers crit their heals.


In a mix of tionese and columi gear, I can dish out about 15k damage in under 8 seconds. Which on a guy like Soa, on stage 3, that becomes crucial to freeing your team and dropping him once his shield is down.


Operatives and snipers are both amazing, and I see a lot of them currently being rolled up. Our class story is superb, our versatility second to none, and we dominate in PVP. It's just that because we have so many utility skills, we don't have a single simple task that people can recognize them with (i.e. tanks or healers). As people see more of us playing, their opinions of the class are definitely changing though.

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Yes, we are.


Even if you were ignorant enough to not see how good operative healing was or sniper dps you still got the buff.


You can bring a sniper for the buff. Don't need to bring an operative. And no, operative healing is not sought-after by anyone who knows anything.


A well played operative in a well directed team can be amazing, and an operative makes any team better by far. Any operations leader that goes in without at least one sniper or op is an idiot, as the crit buff alone will help you beat the enrage timer and help the healers crit their heals.

Can't wait to see your reaction when in 1.2 every class can cast that buff.


Ops get insane once they get to lvl 50. In hard modes I was taking out my strong mob faster than the other three people in the flashpoint were taking out their strong mob.

You think you're awesome because you, a DPS, killed your mob faster than the healer and tank? Go you!


In a mix of tionese and columi gear, I can dish out about 15k damage in under 8 seconds. Which on a guy like Soa, on stage 3, that becomes crucial to freeing your team and dropping him once his shield is down.

And after that 8 seconds you deal less DPS than a heal-specced sorc. Again, go you!


That's 1875 DPS. People doing parses with fraps and a stopwatch are finding that a marauder or hybrid sorc can put out 1700-1800 DPS FOREVER.


You blew your entire wad to match what they can do indefinitely. Go you!

Edited by Caelrie
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Yes, we are.


Even if you were ignorant enough to not see how good operative healing was or sniper dps you still got the buff.


I'm dying of laughter here...


Operative healer by far is the worst healer in the game. Bar none.

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From what i can tell, the reason most people don't play Sniper is simply due to cover mechanics. Most people that I've run across really cant stand the cover mechanic, the lack of good defensive cool-downs (Shield Probes inconsistent damage absorption, Evasion's grand whopping 3 seconds of 100% dodge vs melee and ranged), an no self heal regardless of how minor. In PVP, correct me if I'm wrong, most, if not all, of our attacks go through all the damage mitigates in the game and if your on a 1v1 vs a tank. it's a sad story often times. i personally don't play PVP much but being a support role generally isn't what a lot of people love.

I personally love my Sniper, i bring amazing damage to our NMM Operations, i piss people off who want to kill me in PVP and overall enjoying taking out things at range without a glow-stick or force lightning.


just my 2 cents.

Edited by aesirize
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You can bring a sniper for the buff. Don't need to bring an operative. And no, operative healing is not sought-after by anyone who knows anything.



Can't wait to see your reaction when in 1.2 every class can cast that buff.



You think you're awesome because you, a DPS, killed your mob faster than the healer and tank? Go you!



And after that 8 seconds you deal less DPS than a heal-specced sorc. Again, go you!


That's 1875 DPS. People doing parses with fraps and a stopwatch are finding that a marauder or hybrid sorc can put out 1700-1800 DPS FOREVER.


You blew your entire wad to match what they can do indefinitely. Go you!


And yet our class got nerf'd 4 freaking times.


Go you seeing as you are obviously a sorc.


And you tools wonder why we have no DPS.


It's a mystery.


2 words


Wow carebears

Edited by Ahebish
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Spec'd as lvl 50 full healer I have a love/hate relationship with my agent. I love him for pve 100% of the time, and hate him for PvP about 75% of the time. I can go from having a match with 250k heals to a match where I have 40k heals. I find that against the right people, I can be shut down way too easy. I just wish I had picked Sorcerer as my main first. :(
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That's 1875 DPS. People doing parses with fraps and a stopwatch are finding that a marauder or hybrid sorc can put out 1700-1800 DPS FOREVER.


You blew your entire wad to match what they can do indefinitely. Go you!


funny theres videos of snipers doing 1700-1800 dps, and ive had the same results...

Edited by Paralassa
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Being the only melee without a gapcloser and a knockback sure isn't adding in our favour. Also being the only healer who actually has to manage the resources isn't a positive thing, either. Nor having to manage resources as a dps is a good thing when everyone else can go all-out from start to finish.


The class is just very, very badly designed. It's like Paladin/Shaman all over again even if not as bad.

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And yet our class got nerf'd 4 freaking times.


Go you seeing as you are obviously a sorc.


And you tools wonder why we have no DPS.


It's a mystery.


2 words


Wow carebears


Did you misunderstand my post? I'm an Operative.


funny theres videos of snipers doing 1700-1800 dps, and ive had the same results...you are perfect troll :).


Who cares? We're talking about operatives. Nobody said snipers are low DPS.

Edited by Caelrie
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I play an Operative healer in both pve and pvp. I have 3 pieces of rakata, and 5 pieces of champion, and I find myself doing better than everyone "says" an operative can do. I enjoy the class, I enjoy my build, and I enjoy the gameplay all around.


Whoever says agents are terrible hasn't played an agent much.

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