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Merc Interrupt?


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Hello all. I was wondering if anything has been said about Merc ever getting an interrupt. I've looked pretty deep into and I just can't find anything on it so I figured I'd post here. Perhaps someone has seen, read, or heard something I haven't :p


I'm sure I understand WHY we don't have one given that we have heals, 60 sec cc, nice aoe, 4 sec stun, etc. (basically a bit of all the classes) but I'm an interrupt monster and I feel so naked without it. This isn't a "gimmie gimmie gimmie!" post either, I'd just like to know if anyone has heard anything on it. I'd honestly trade one of those things above for an interrupt :p



Thanks all!

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Well duoed Red Reaper FP with another BH yesterday got to the end boss and forgot we had no Interrupt power to knock out the Add's Shields, so yeah with no one else wanting to help us out we were screwed, please tell we forgot something and that BH's are able to knock out their shields if not my aim of being able to solo this just went down the drain and BH's are in fact at a disadvantage
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Well i think a nice power to have for our BH's could be something like a sonic grenade, it could be a purely inturrupt power that last 4 seconds and could be obtained either through the Skill trees or as a lvl up power.

As far as I'm aware BHs (most notably Jedi Hunters) use such a device in SW lore to disrupt jedi's and Sith's link to the force for a moment, so it would be keeping in with what a BH would do.

Just a thought.

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Well duoed Red Reaper FP with another BH yesterday got to the end boss and forgot we had no Interrupt power to knock out the Add's Shields, so yeah with no one else wanting to help us out we were screwed, please tell we forgot something and that BH's are able to knock out their shields if not my aim of being able to solo this just went down the drain and BH's are in fact at a disadvantage


Stand behind the shielders and the boss will zap them for you.

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