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I for one really enjoy SWTOR and look forward to its growth.


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I like to read the forums,....a lot of great info and insight into play style. I have however, become frustrated with all the negativity.


I would just like to see a few players admit that even with all the flaws and "in process fixes" , over all bioware has done a great job and the games is just plain fun.

I have played a lot of MMO's and have found that they all evolve for the better or worse. I hope that BW will weigh all the decisions they make carefully. Please do not fall prey to quick fixes in an attempt to satisfy overly negative gamers.


I would like everyone who would like, to to post some positive comments about the game.

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^I agree


I enjoy it as well and do not understand why people are getting all upset over nothing. Bioware is on top of everything and the game has only been out for 3 months. NO MMO is good in the beginning, WoW sucked in Vanilla. SWTOR will improve for the better I am sure. People need to stop getting all upset and just play the game. If you don't like it take a break from it for awhile or leave. Bioware and the people who like the game are tired of hearing Negativity and Doomsayers in the Forums

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I agree. Overall, for a just launched MMORPG, it is an astounding success (this from someone who has been in beta / launch for many of the genre right back to UO beta). the 1.2 patch also promises to be one of the biggest first patches from an MMORPG (and no, I'm not a fanboy before anyone says it, if it didn't work for me, I wouldn't be here)


You will always get people that vent on these type of forums. It's the nature of the beast and will never change. Everyone has different points of views and opinions : some like it, some hate it, most for personally valid reasons, some purely because that's what they like to do.


Going back to the open stress test beta weekend, I remember someone complaining that lag etc caused by way too many people in the starter zones shouldn't be there and that the game shouldn't still be in beta at that point, BW are **** etc when the whole point was to test at what levels the instancing should be set / how many people a zone or instance could take. Still makes me smile now :-)

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Bottom line, TOR is a great game and it’s only going to get better. There is no denying that the game’s production value, popular IP, and experienced development team will lead the game to be a front runner in the MMO industry. I’ve played pretty much every post-WoW MMO, and no game could even hold a candle to the likes of TOR in terms of being the best and most polished emulation of WoW (Rift was polished as well, but it literally did NOTHING new for the genre.) Beyond that, the game strays just enough away from your traditional fantasy MMO grind by providing a game for both sci-fi lovers and people that love story, not to mention the ridiculous number of Star Wars fans.


I see the future of the MMO community divided into 3 primary groups: WoW players, TOR players, and GW2 players. The added competition is going to be fantastic for the industry and we’ve FINALLY got a game that can stand up to the juggernaut that is WoW. I’m happy to be here, and I can’t wait to see the game evolve, just as I saw WoW evolve over the course of 7 years. The game certainly has problems, but I feel that the Guild Summit was awesomely informative about the future of the game and where the devs want to take it.


I predict a huge population surge when 1.2 is released. It sounds like Bioware is predicting 2 million active subscriptions by years end, and I’m inclined to believe that this is a feasible goal for them. The population will take hits when Diablo 3 and GW2 come out, but I would bet that many people will keep their subscriptions as both of those games are free to play. I know that I’m planning on playing all 3 games :D


I just realized that I sound like a raging fanboy in this post, which I’m not. I’m well aware of the glaring issues that plague TOR, but I’m also a realist. I realize that these games take time to grow. I’m just happy that an MMO has finally come along that could keep my attention for longer than the trial period (besides WoW.)

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But I thought all of the servers were going to merge and the game was going free to play. I've been told so many times that this game sucks I was starting to believe it! Now I don't know what to think! Is the game heading for a catastrophic failure or is it growing?! Am I supposed to like it or not?! Aaaahhh! My head is going to explode!! I'm sheeple!!! I'm supposed to be a sheeple!!! Damn you all!!



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But I thought all of the servers were going to merge and the game was going free to play. I've been told so many times that this game sucks I was starting to believe it! Now I don't know what to think! Is the game heading for a catastrophic failure or is it growing?! Am I supposed to like it or not?! Aaaahhh! My head is going to explode!! I'm sheeple!!! I'm supposed to be a sheeple!!! Damn you all!!




I see what you did there :cool:

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It is an awesome game and the beauty of it is that it will only get better as they fix bugs and add additional features and stuff. It was a very stable launch, matched only by Rift.


I love it and have recommended it to everyone I know.

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I like to read the forums,....a lot of great info and insight into play style. I have however, become frustrated with all the negativity.


I would just like to see a few players admit that even with all the flaws and "in process fixes" , over all bioware has done a great job and the games is just plain fun.

I have played a lot of MMO's and have found that they all evolve for the better or worse. I hope that BW will weigh all the decisions they make carefully. Please do not fall prey to quick fixes in an attempt to satisfy overly negative gamers.


I would like everyone who would like, to to post some positive comments about the game.


Are you level 50?the game is fun until you spend a couple of days at 50

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I've been level 50 for over a month and I still feel like I have plenty to do and look forward to. I can't wait for 1.2! :cool:


Ok dont take this the wrong way but if you've been 50 for over a month and you still have a lot to do you don't know what your doing. Swtor is a hand holding guide you through everything for the masses mmo

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Ok dont take this the wrong way but if you've been 50 for over a month and you still have a lot to do you don't know what your doing. Swtor is a hand holding guide you through everything for the masses mmo


Ok, don't take this the wrong way, but if you're level 50 and you've ran out of things to do, you don't know what you're doing. Swtor is a wonderful experience that should be taken in small strides rather than giant leaps. Take your time and breathe it in, son.

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Ok, don't take this the wrong way, but if you're level 50 and you've ran out of things to do, you don't know what you're doing. Swtor is a wonderful experience that should be taken in small strides rather than giant leaps. Take your time and breathe it in, son.


Yes, don't forget to inhale.

Edited by Blotter
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I agree with you OP. Star Wars TOR is a fantastic game. I think the people who don't like it, just aren't able to appreciate what is in front of them. Do they realize just how many years it took to come up with this type of MMO. Just think of how many hours it took alone to record the dialogue.


I still think its funny when players complain about the graphics and how stiff the world is. There are times when I just stop to take in the scenery. If you guys havn't yet, sometime just stop what you are doing and look up. There is a lot of cool stuff going on if you just slow down and take things in. I remember the first time I saw the air battles going on in the skies of Balmora. I was like woah this is cool.


It took me a while to find the class that I really enjoyed, but when I did, I started having a blast.

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