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Queue growing and growing and growing...


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80 minutes isn't much?

Are you crazy?

One hour and twenty minutes is highly unacceptable.


Full servers have the benefit of a robust economy, easy grouping, and the feeling of an active world. Chill. If you think it's bad now, wait till after Christmas when all the kids who open up their SWTOR gift try to log in. Stand in line and pack a lunch lol.

Edited by LogosPathos
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There was like some secret nationwide meeting about which servers to roll on for them. I have an Aussie in my guild and there's an actual website telling them where to all go.


the funny thing is, most of "us" from SWG days who have stayed in close contact, split up into 2 groups, one group that wanted pvp, and the other group that wanted pve. we didn't care where we landed, we simply migrated to whereever the EGA deployed most of us.


BW put us into Harbinger, and Swiftsure...


you think BW is just trying to mindf**k us? :confused:

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EA, Bioware, Lucas Arts...


This is ignorant and unacceptable. You lured me in to purchase your game early with the thought of being able to get in before the masses and get some levels in before everyone jumps in at launch... now I can't even play the damn game (or have to wait an hour to do so).


Get this fixed ASAP.


I waited in queue for 30 min's only to get in game and have no sound. I had to restart my game and now back in queue that is now 45 minute estimated wait time.


Someone should have made an SWG II. Used the old pre-cu/nge platform, updated the graphics and just made it kickass.


This experience makes me think SWTOR is broken from the start. How many strikes will people give it before they decide enough is enough?

Edited by Scane
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Look man, I had to do a 100 hour queue just to get into the game , a one hour queue is nothing. Stop being an entitled umad whiny child , and whatever else you guys were calling us for the past 3 days.



haha, "getting in before the masses" we had 2 million people pre order, I seriously doubt there is gonna be some huge spike on the 20th.

Edited by Stantz
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queue's in general are a joke. I understand the need for them, however it's something holding MMO's back. Go talk to your friend playing Skyrim right now, and tell them that you paid 150 bucks for a CE and then have to wait in line for an hour and a half every time you start up the game...and they'll laugh their asses off on you.


Honestly, I don't know what to make of this. My server only has a roughly 15 minute wait...but it's frustrating all the same. If it were any longer, I would close out of the game and go back to my Xbox. I'm still buying my CE, but after my "free" trial goes, we'll see how long I subscribe for.

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Look man, I had to do a 100 hour queue just to get into the game , a one hour queue is nothing. Ttop being an entitled umad whiny child , and whatever else you guys were calling us for the past 3 days.


you are awesome.



Edited by oredith
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The First Server I started on the 15th, got my Jedi Knight to 13 then the next day the server was full with 50minute wait. Then I went to another server, got another character to 10, then that server got full with another queued wait. Now looks like I have to start all over again on a new server. :mad:


I think Bioware greatly underestimated the population and server sizes and right now it's discouraging me from subscribing after the 30 day free period (which is likely going to be wasted since I cannot get on at all).


Sure that may change, but right now I'm one unhappy customer.

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queue's in general are a joke. I understand the need for them, however it's something holding MMO's back. Go talk to your friend playing Skyrim right now, and tell them that you paid 150 bucks for a CE and then have to wait in line for an hour and a half every time you start up the game...and they'll laugh their asses off on you.


Honestly, I don't know what to make of this. My server only has a roughly 15 minute wait...but it's frustrating all the same. If it were any longer, I would close out of the game and go back to my Xbox. I'm still buying my CE, but after my "free" trial goes, we'll see how long I subscribe for.



I'm guessing you've never experienced an MMO launch before? This is par for the course.


It's due to player stupidity, not BW. The new players coming in choose a high/full pop server because they're paranoid that if they don't, any other server is going to be a "ghost town" after launch. But what's really happening is BW is releasing new servers slowly, precisely to get people to spread out more without making ghost town servers.


Blame your fellow gamer.

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Your crying over a 15 min queue? Maybe you should not be playing MMO's. The SwitftSure is at hour and a half right now because its the "unofficial oceanic pvp server" which is horse ****. Only reason I am waiting for this queue is because thats where our guild was placed.
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I'm guessing you've never experienced an MMO launch before? This is par for the course.


It's due to player stupidity, not BW. The new players coming in choose a high/full pop server because they're paranoid that if they don't, any other server is going to be a "ghost town" after launch. But what's really happening is BW is releasing new servers slowly, precisely to get people to spread out more without making ghost town servers.


Blame your fellow gamer.


Problem is most people want to play with people they know. Bioware should have realized this....especially since they were pushing guilds so hard.

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Hi there, Community!


Please be aware that a great many posts have been removed from this thread due to violations of the forum Rules of Conduct. When participating in a thread, please keep the following in mind:


1. Making rude, disrespectful, or insulting remarks to or about other community members is a violation of the Star Wars: The Old Republic Rules of Conduct. When replying to a thread, please ensure that your post is authored in a respectful and constructive tone.


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We understand that log-in queues can be frustrating. However, please do not allow your frustration to manifest in inappropriate behavior here on our forums.


Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this matter.

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Frustrating to be suddenly disconnected and then forced to wait 45 minutes to wait. I wonder if my group will still be there waiting for me to reconnect(?)!!!


BW, seriously, the server caps need to be increased. This is the second time today the game has suddenly crashed. Each time I have had over a 30 minute wait to get back into the game. Not cool.....



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Actually, i have no issue with any glitch in a game especially at launch but queues are something i won't tolerate very long. If queues persist for more then a week or so past launch when the final numbers are in it will be the end for me. my R&R time is far too limited to waste sitting idly by. Anyway, just my opinion not pitching a fit just stating an opinion.
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This is really ridiculous. Restarting on another server won't matter because it'll just end up being one with a queue.


is it because your milkshakes bring all the boys to the yard?.. :D


this long queue gives me ample time to watch tv and read forums, at least.. :p

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Your crying over a 15 min queue? Maybe you should not be playing MMO's. The SwitftSure is at hour and a half right now because its the "unofficial oceanic pvp server" which is horse ****. Only reason I am waiting for this queue is because thats where our guild was placed.



Oceanics have nothing to do with it. Oceanic prime time is opposite of American prime time. Swiftsure was in hour long queues while Oceanic players were sound asleep in bed.

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As a long time MMOer I'm pretty use to seeing these sorts of messages on the forums come time to launch any majorly anticipated MMO. WoW, Planetside, Earth and Beyond, LoTRO, WAR, AoC, Aion; all these MMOs had queues for EGA and launch. The queues generally die down after a week or two when players relax a bit more and carry on a bit more with their daily lives instead of all logging in wanting to play.


This is no different with TOR, especially since it's the MMO that will have the biggest launch in history. Did you lot not expect to wait in line? I'm still waiting for a queue and will probably be waiting another 20-40 minutes. All I have to do is CTRL+ALT+ESC and I can roam the internet freely while waiting..;)


It sucks to wait I know, but this is how major MMOs have to start out. Don't like it? Nobody's putting a gun to your head. That's my take on it at least. Feel free to flame.. :rolleyes:

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the game has a memory leak apparently and after having it turned on for a certain period of time, your computer WILL shut down....happened to me and now *edited* I'm ~600 with a "<55 min" wait...course this also would be less of a problem if there were more than 2 RP-PvP servers.


the game also seems to like to DC me after being idle for like 5 minutes, ridiculously frustrating when I have to poo or get food to come back and have been DCed....MAYBE after an hour they should DC you, but even then, nope, you're paying to play/take up server space, you should be able to be idle as long as you want.

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As a long time MMOer I'm pretty use to seeing these sorts of messages on the forums come time to launch any majorly anticipated MMO. WoW, Planetside, Earth and Beyond, LoTRO, WAR, AoC, Aion; all these MMOs had queues for EGA and launch. The queues generally die down after a week or two when players relax a bit more and carry on a bit more with their daily lives instead of all logging in wanting to play.


This is no different with TOR, especially since it's the MMO that will have the biggest launch in history. Did you lot not expect to wait in line? I'm still waiting for a queue and will probably be waiting another 20-40 minutes. All I have to do is CTRL+ALT+ESC and I can roam the internet freely while waiting..;)


It sucks to wait I know, but this is how major MMOs have to start out. Don't like it? Nobody's putting a gun to your head. That's my take on it at least. Feel free to flame.. :rolleyes:


I expected them to learn from past releases and not underestimate what was obviously going to be a major release.

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As a long time MMOer I'm pretty use to seeing these sorts of messages on the forums come time to launch any majorly anticipated MMO....


they knew exactly how many people were pre-ordered and how many they were letting in on which days, there's no reason they should not have been prepared for peak time server capacity

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