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Patch 1.2 We will be able to buy champion gear for credits.


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I'm torn. On one hand PVP will now be more accessible. That's a great thing.


On the other hand while I was grinding towards my PVP goals the PVE peeps were grinding towards theirs. So if I wanna tag along in their games I have to have the proper gear or else I don't get invited to the party. However they can get invited to my party by just queuing up for a WZ. I dont mind as I need more peeps for PVP. However now they get access to my gear for Credits while I don't get access to their gear with credits, which would allow me to participate in their high end content. Seems there isn't an equitable distribution of access here.

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I'm torn. On one hand PVP will now be more accessible. That's a great thing.


On the other hand while I was grinding towards my PVP goals the PVE peeps were grinding towards theirs. So if I wanna tag along in their games I have to have the proper gear or else I don't get invited to the party. However they can get invited to my party by just queuing up for a WZ. I dont mind as I need more peeps for PVP. However now they get access to my gear for Credits while I don't get access to their gear with credits, which would allow me to participate in their high end content. Seems there isn't an equitable distribution of access here.


You can buy pve gear with credits. With that gear you can do hardmodes. Join a guild that runs hardmodes and pvp. Yes pve is more harder and this is more pve game.

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all the crybears and whiners are going to be butt hurt again when the new patch comes out and champ and BH gear that was just given to them is replaced both more advanced gear that requires a time sink. Then the grinders will grind gear up better once again and we wil be back in the same boat.


Rinse and repeat

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Is this confirmed? If so.. I am EXTREMELY HAPPY!!!


I had all but given up on SWTOR, namely because as a parent - gamer, and working person I do not have the time to compete with kids that can spend hours and hours a night grinding out gear. Frankly, it was getting to the point where I just didn't want to bother anymore. My son said the same thing, busy with school, no time to grind out 50's pvp gear, and no interest in getting facerolled in every Warzone.


We both cancelled our subs, but if they implement this, and make the prices reasonable, I will surely be back, and subscribing for a long time!


Thank you Bioware.


Nothing wrong with what this guy said, but this is an exact example of how this game caters to the weekend warriors.

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everyone will have the same gear


every class will look the same


you are going to see how unblance the class really are, and then the nerf/boost is going to come in patch after patch, I'm a pvp for me there is nothing more to do in this game MMO was meant to be a game were the guy that spent most time hade the best gear, this is to much sims online for me now.


so now plz explaine for me what do you get for pvp couse there is no reward? you pvp for fun?!? yes you can do that till terra online come or GW2 couse this ship is sinking this game is not fun everymore, this game is easy mode on, and im a guy that likes game a la lineage 2/SWG were you have to spend alot of time to get things done ing.


So being fully geared and owning low geared players is hard mode, while equal gear and needing skill is easy mode.


Herp derp.



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why does it have to be one extreme or the other? you can shorten the gear gap without completely closing it. For one example, lower the valor level required to get battlemaster, or make champion gear cost less commendations.


P.S. level 60 valor takes ridiculously long to get and there is no benefit for getting level 1-59 valor.... idk how to say this, uhmm, gay

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why does it have to be one extreme or the other? you can shorten the gear gap without completely closing it. For one example, lower the valor level required to get battlemaster, or make champion gear cost less commendations.


P.S. level 60 valor takes ridiculously long to get and there is no benefit for getting level 1-59 valor.... idk how to say this, uhmm, gay


lvl 60 takes no time at all post 1.1.5, not as fast as all those who exploited illum but still plenty fast enough

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Champ gear for credit. Battlemaster gear for wz comm.


What is this? Paid beta?


Bioware, of course it's your game to patch or ruin, but I think your PvP lead is unfit for duty after all these blunders, especially for a game of 1.7M sub.

Edited by Astridd
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i think it is sad when people cant play a game for the challenge anymore.. People want everything handed to them with out effort. Would you give an astronaunt a spaceship without training first?? the old addage of working hard for what you get is completely being ignored by the snobby spoiled kids that play mmo's now adays. They just want everything handed to them , and they cry because its not fair.. Put a tampon in and go back to wow if your gonna cry about unfair gear or advantages in swtor . Just unsuscribe so i can stop hearing your crys .... Grow some balls and grind a little .
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Yeah congrats everyone!!! Free items with no effort!! It should be like this in real life so that homeless people can have free Masters degrees!! That'll show those stupid hard working individuals!! See how stupid that sounds?


How is that even the same? Do you think grinding warzones is similar to earning a master's degree? rofl



PVP would be A LOT better and competitive if everyone had access to the same gear without grinding for a month.


If someone hit 50 TODAY, they would have to grind for a month just to compete with battlemasters. That's stupid.


All gear should be the same in pvp because pvp is about competition and you can't have competition when you can get huge advantages because of the gear you're wearing.



so now plz explaine for me what do you get for pvp couse there is no reward? you pvp for fun?!? yes you can do that till terra online come or GW2 couse this ship is sinking this game is not fun everymore, this game is easy mode on, and im a guy that likes game a la lineage 2/SWG were you have to spend alot of time to get things done ing.


In Guild Wars 2, there isn't tier of pvp gear. Everyone has the exact same stats from thet get go, like all PVP should be.

Edited by KhealThar
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everyone will have the same gear


every class will look the same


you are going to see how unblance the class really are, and then the nerf/boost is going to come in patch after patch, I'm a pvp for me there is nothing more to do in this game MMO was meant to be a game were the guy that spent most time hade the best gear, this is to much sims online for me now.


so now plz explaine for me what do you get for pvp couse there is no reward? you pvp for fun?!? yes you can do that till terra online come or GW2 couse this ship is sinking this game is not fun everymore, this game is easy mode on, and im a guy that likes game a la lineage 2/SWG were you have to spend alot of time to get things done ing.


ummm i dont think this ship is sinking and i dont care for guild wars 2.... i bet there going to be stuff wrong with that game. I dont tend to go towards guild wars 2 when it releases because i dont like it ..... I will stick to this game it will improve ....

Edited by ninjashadowdark
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I could honestly care less... Heck, I'd be cool with gear not being a factor at all. Who cares?

And if people want something to display epeen then let it be titles, leaderboards, and different looking gear.


Yeah, it took me a while to get my full champ set... But most of the people I fight now are Champ/BM anyway.

It took me a while to get my HWL gear too. Then they made it so you could just buy it with honor. Whatever. This is the nature of online games. Still had my title.

/flex :D


If implementing something like this makes PVP more accessible to more people, I say that's good. There'll be more people to fight and maybe... just maybe something other than Huttball will pop a little more often.



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Yeah congrats everyone!!! Free items with no effort!! It should be like this in real life so that homeless people can have free Masters degrees!! That'll show those stupid hard working individuals!! See how stupid that sounds?


Hard work. LOL


Hard work is what I do for a living and get paid pretty damn good for it. You're video game is hard work? Sounds like you need to unplug man.

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Hard work. LOL


Hard work is what I do for a living and get paid pretty damn good for it. You're video game is hard work? Sounds like you need to unplug man.



Agreed. It is so damned sad that so many pathetic individuals keep trying to paint these games as hard work, or comparable to a real job/life/responsibility/accomplishment/etc.


What has happened to people.

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Yeah congrats everyone!!! Free items with no effort!! It should be like this in real life so that homeless people can have free Masters degrees!! That'll show those stupid hard working individuals!! See how stupid that sounds?


Homeless people get exactly what they pay for, nothing. You get exactly what you pay for, entertainment. In the end it is about money, you do not pay anymore than anyone else so why should others be required to be at a disadvantage just because they do not have as much time as you do? What makes your $15 worth more than another? The answer is nothing.

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What's with all these folks oh so desperately trying to say "I have serious job and responsibilities" in a gaming forum? It's not like you have the guts to prove it or something.


This is a game and it is built on and around Rules. Players have every right to upset when the host fail to uphold the rules. Whether you have 3 serious kittens to feed or not.

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This was written by some preschool "author" with no works cited whatsoever.


What are you talking about? The writer clearly stated up front that all the information had been gathered from the guild summit event via the live stream.

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Congratulations everybody.


Now we will show those premades what pure skill and real pvp is. I bet they will all rage quit when we bet them so easy.


lol, this is so funny i cant stop laughing free gear why pay for if your so good you should be able to beat them in greens

Edited by EpikWang
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