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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

New lightsaber colors?


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any solid color could make a viable color crystal. now, which colors would actually be visually appealing is another matter...


Magenta colour crystals are a shade of pink. Unless you mean light pink which would be hard to do because the glow would make it practically white.


I've always pondered on the black lightsaber that one of the ancient sith lords once had (I don't mean the darksaber with it's black blade and white glow), it'd be kind of cool in dark rooms 'cos you'd only hear the sound, but no light would be emitted unless it emitted black light (which is a long drawn out scientific theory which may not actually be possible.)


A Burgandy colour crystal would be interesting.

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It would be cool to have two crystal slots in each weapon, outer and inner color. Only one of the crystals' stats would count though. This would allow us to create a variety of combinations without it getting too spaced out, I'm not a fan of additional effects and such that possibly could come in to play when BW runs ouf ot solid colors to add.


If a two slot system was a reality I'd probably go with red as inner and white as outer. Inner yellow and outer green would look cool too.

Edited by MidichIorian
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I think Artificers should have the capability to combine crystals with the same stats kind of like a color pallete.


Want a purple endurance crystal? Combine a blue endurance crystal with a red endurance crystal and get 2 purple endurance crystals.


Think that shade of purple should be a little more blue? Take one of the purple crystals and combine it with another blue endurance crystal.


Of course, this should also work with dropped or ripped color crystals. Oh, and it shouldn't give any crew skill levels. It's just something estra to make more people want to be/use Artificers.


I also like the idea of an inner and outer crystal slot for lightsabers. Maybe they could make it so that the 2 crystals have to have the same stat on them and you get an average of their bonuses?

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