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New updated sub numbers (Official)


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I expect population/subcriptions to cut in half within a month of 1.2


I'm calling it now.


Let's wait and see and enjoy the show.


There's no prize if you win.



Internet pundits. Even worse than TV pundits and even more know it all. Didn't think that was possible.

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When you have players playing EverQuest instead of this game you have failed. EQ is 13yrs old and we have lost most of our members to it. Out of boredom of what SWTOR is at end game.


BioWare is just moving to slow on everything from fixing content to adding new content. I really dont have much faith in BioWare at this time. I dont get the feeling they even know what they want end game to be in this game.


I believe patch 1.2 might be the final nail if they take this long to add stuff and it comes out with bugs still.


The Re-Population looks intriguing and Wildstar looks like it could be fun.


Guess I could go play some SWTOR but think I will go do yard work instead.


The guild I am hasn't lost players to EQ but has gained upwards of 10 people from WoW.


Bioware has hotfixed issues since pre-release and taken down servers for emergancy fixes when need.


New content can only be added at the pace in which people work. Which other MMO added more content in it's first month ?


I presume Bioware are taking some extra time with 1.2 to make it is good quality. People will whine if it takes too long(see you own point above) or they will whine if its pushed to early and has some bugs.


You can't have it both ways and either wait for a more polished patch or you want a rush released patch. Which would you prefer ?

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Cant be all that bad, on Tomb of Freedon Nadd - EU its now a FULL server at peak time. Ok thats probably because theyre rerolling on a more populated server than from the one they just left, But this far into the game its got to say something about the rerollers. The game they enjoy so much to reroll and play all the way to 50 again...
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I expect population/subcriptions to cut in half within a month of 1.2


I'm calling it now.


Let's wait and see and enjoy the show.


There's no prize if you win.


Enjoy what show? Seeing a game tank and burn? Whats fun about that?


Also, games been out 3 months, and cost upwards of billions of dollars. They aren't going to abandon it until they at least recoup costs which would require at least 2 years of subs from 2-3 million players concurrently.


Until then, the game lives, otherwise BW/EA would most likely have to cut loose a few of their studios to recover costs.


Also, the games making profit, and rising into profit, and aside from all this gogglybanging jolly whocker behaviour, it's a great game and im having a lot of fun each night playing it. Glad you aren't, cause it means you will eventually chunder off, back to Adiboo MMoing for Juniors.


In short, ****, no one cares.

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Cant be all that bad, on Tomb of Freedon Nadd - EU its now a FULL server at peak time. Ok thats probably because theyre rerolling on a more populated server than from the one they just left, But this far into the game its got to say something about the rerollers. The game they enjoy so much to reroll and play all the way to 50 again...


They don't have a choice, they either re-roll or stop logging on

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I expect population/subcriptions to cut in half within a month of 1.2


I'm calling it now.


There's no prize if you win.


I'll take that call.


I don't care for a prize if I win, but if you lose, will you stop posting?

Edited by Kthx
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Don't know why I bother since I know how some people will spin this and call it a conspiracy because obviously there isn't a third party agency that signs off on these to make sure they're accurate /sarcasm


But here you go:




As of March 1st the game is still at 1.7 million subs now with the vast majority beyond the first month.


By the end of June the game is estimated to have 2 million active subs if it continues expanding at this rate.


It's not official if a third party is reporting it, it's speculation.

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So you call a loss of subscriber's "expanding"? Well I have news for you this game is way too casual friendly to have people play for the long run.


What does this even mean "too casual friendly"? I suppose you're the 12 hour a day "finished all content" type? Do you mean casual as in, it would be less casual if the game levelling was longer and more "grindy", thus making it "hardcore" like some like to believe?


People calling this game casual, I'm not sure what you mean. But the one's calling it casual are the 12 hour everyday types.

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300K loss? Last months sub numbers were 1.7, this months sub numbers are 1.7( or ALMOST 1.7 depending on the article). Where is this 300K coming from?


1.7 million? how many people are online per server at a time? 200-300? With that many people that are still subscribed you'd think the server populations would be fine.


Raising the bu..sh.t flag on this...


I see more people on Rift than on this game anymore.... shame...

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Enjoy what show? Seeing a game tank and burn? Whats fun about that?


Also, games been out 3 months, and cost upwards of billions of dollars. They aren't going to abandon it until they at least recoup costs which would require at least 2 years of subs from 2-3 million players concurrently.


Until then, the game lives, otherwise BW/EA would most likely have to cut loose a few of their studios to recover costs.


Also, the games making profit, and rising into profit, and aside from all this gogglybanging jolly whocker behaviour, it's a great game and im having a lot of fun each night playing it. Glad you aren't, cause it means you will eventually chunder off, back to Adiboo MMoing for Juniors.


In short, ****, no one cares.


300 Million was the cost thrown around a lot, though that may even have been exaggerated for marketing purposes.


With 2 million box sales or slightly, more, at a maximum of maybe 20 bucks per (the rest goes someone else), we would still be looking at recouping around 250 million atm. Which would mean, once again assuming that 10 bucks go to BW from each subscription, which I heavily doubt: 2 Million players would have to be subscribed for more than a YEAR for this to go profitable.


Somehow, I dont believe that this game is intended for the short run, and somehow I also dont believe EA/BW really rely on a 12 month sub time per player.


I dont think anyone knows even remotely the right figures to calculate these numbers.


And as to why people want to see games tank, burn, and their developers fail, go bankrupt and everything? And all that since before the days of WoW (though that did a LOT to increase these sentiments)? Personal Vindication.

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1.7 million? how many people are online per server at a time? 200-300? With that many people that are still subscribed you'd think the server populations would be fine.


Raising the bu..sh.t flag on this...


I see more people on Rift than on this game anymore.... shame...


On a normal weekday, even after primetime, my server (EU, T3-M4, Imperial Side) has a solid 150 people in FLEET alone. About 30-40 on each planet, with the lower ones going higher, and Quesh/Voss usually ranking lowest at just about 25. Most warzones are always up to 30, huttball 60 people. Now, Republic side obviously has only about 2/3s of that number if we are being pessimistic. It still comes down to, and that isnt including the TON of instances where people hang around in, Space, personal ships etc.: An easy 1600. Probably quite a bit more.


Of course, you just claimed those numbers entirely arbitrarily to slander the game. We all know that, and you ll likely claim it was "sarcastic" anyway, as is the custom in the interwebz. However, maybe next time you actually do some basic math (you know, the stuff they teach at schools!) before throwing around .... ********.

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So you call a loss of subscriber's "expanding"? Well I have news for you this game is way too casual friendly to have people play for the long run.



There is more gamers out there then the select few on the fourms who **** & moan and state I quit at every little thing.

All MMOs loose subscribers. But here is the catch, they also gain subscribers. Crazy i know...

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Yes this game doesn't go down because:


1) Casuals keep playing because they like the easy mode

2) People just want to play with glowsticks and that's all they care about in an MMO


The people who actually came to play a good MMO, have all left or are about to.




I like the fact that this game is aimed at casual players like me. I think that the casual market is frankly far larger than the self-proclaimed hardcore market.


Bioware does too, and I hope they're right.

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It's not official if a third party is reporting it, it's speculation.
That's not speculation. That's a secondary source document. This level of source is actually what Wikipedia requires in order to add something to an article, because it is deemed more accurate and free from bias than a primary article, such as an official announcement from the developers.
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This predicting the future doesn't say anything. "At current rate we expect..."


My bro and I extended our playtime in januari with a GC, which ends 20 march.


He already quit, i'm quitting the 20th. And so are many more people on my server.


Also can anyone tell me how it's possible the servers were heavy/full all the time during 1st month now all are low/standard even though EA claims there was no drop? :rolleyes:


good luck on the next game you play for 2 weeks and "quit"

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