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Color Wars!


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Funny I don’t remember seeing 1 white lightsaber in the movies.



Go look up precedent so you can understand its meaning. And as stated it goes far beyond the movies.


If your starting your argument that the precedent doesn’t exist you’ve already lost. Because its been that way for decades to even today. There’s nothing you can point to that wouldn’t be a rare and unique occurrence across a long time line where some force user went against the traditional colors.


Read my post above. Like I said, this game is putting us in a unique occurrence, it is irrelevant that this game is an MMO. It doesn't matter what everyone else has, as far as I am concerned, my character is the center of this story, this time line, and that puts my character in a position to be one of those unique occurrence of using a light saber color not with tradition.

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WoW love how you just come in after the OP's argument's already been discrecited. It has nothing with uniqueness. Last i looked thousands of lighsabers running around means they aren't unique even with restrictions.



Straw Grasping circle round ridiculousness continues. There's a reason the OP doesn't post anymore. Because he disproved his own case from the get go and loanstar is simply out for his own personal agenda so his argument really doesn't mean anything. Yours just makes as little sense as the OPs.


You can't just put in arbitrary rules without there being some good reason. Kinda the nature of game design on that one.


"your opinion doesnt agree with mine so therefore its discredited, straw grasping and doesnt mean anything. that's how i win arguments but i can't figure out why no one takes me seriously."


btw the rule set is already IN the game. If you think BW would make that up on their own for no reason I can tell you anything at this point and you'll believe it

Edited by loanstarr
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I'm convinced hes trolling, hence why I stopped arguing with him. Doesn't matter, he can post till his little hearts content or he gets the attention he needs. Point is, Bioware already made the change, gg.


/agree. I'm actually a little embarrassed I continued for as long as I did.

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If your starting your argument that the precedent doesn’t exist you’ve already lost. Because its been that way for decades to even today. There’s nothing you can point to that wouldn’t be a rare and unique occurrence across a long time line where some force user went against the traditional colors.

Luke's New Jedi Order as a whole, and the entire list I posted previously. They all point to color being a personal choice.


It doesn't matter at all if this EU character or that EU character is 'one-in-a-million' or not (most of them aren't, really; and the fact that Luke's ENTIRE ORDER has freedom of choice gives us one concrete era where color is 100% personal preference). Our own player characters are 'one-in-a-million', too. The fact that there's 50 more of them hanging around the GTN and vendors on the Fleet doesn't make one bit of difference, as this is a story-driven MMO.


1) Class stories say we're exceptional, so we fit the 'special' qualifications of an Exar Kun or Kyp Durron.


2) NPCs sporting 'narrow-minded movie-only colors' outnumber players by a significant margin on every server.


3) The EU has far more than 3 colors. Throughout the span of the history of the Republic, into the New Republic and Galactic Alliance and beyond, with ONLY one small chunk of about 1,000 years between the Ruusan Reformations and the deaths of Palpatine & Vader where red, green, and blue are the encouraged norm. Thousands upon thousands of Jedi and Sith; we don't meet all of them, we don't SEE all of them. So outside the Banite era, color is completely up for grabs.

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because no one gives a sod about blasters. They appear in hundreds of different movies. The lightsaber is iconic to starwars. get it?


Oh I see you get to pick and choose what feels like Star Wars. There are several people who have posted about blasters. You obviously did not read or chose to ignore all those posts. So the people who play blaster classes can go to hell? You are going to ruin their immersion because you don't care about blasters in Star Wars.


In other words you are picking and choosing what should be in the game based on what you believe to be right. Sounds like opinion and not fact.


FYI The OP in his own original post has already proven that in the SW universe there is no restrictions on color. He gives several examples of it happening. If there were restrictions in SW universe there would be no examples of other side using the other sides colors.


It does not matter if it is rare or not it could not happen if there were restrictions but since it has happened in the movies and EU then it proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that no restrictions exist.


You either apply the rules to all or none end of story.



Edited by Lord_Scythe
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Luke's New Jedi Order as a whole, and the entire list I posted previously. They all point to color being a personal choice.


It doesn't matter at all if this EU character or that EU character is 'one-in-a-million' or not (most of them aren't, really; and the fact that Luke's ENTIRE ORDER has freedom of choice gives us one concrete era where color is 100% personal preference). Our own player characters are 'one-in-a-million', too. The fact that there's 50 more of them hanging around the GTN and vendors on the Fleet doesn't make one bit of difference, as this is a story-driven MMO.


1) Class stories say we're exceptional, so we fit the 'special' qualifications of an Exar Kun or Kyp Durron.


2) NPCs sporting 'narrow-minded movie-only colors' outnumber players by a significant margin on every server.


3) The EU has far more than 3 colors. Throughout the span of the history of the Republic, into the New Republic and Galactic Alliance and beyond, with ONLY one small chunk of about 1,000 years between the Ruusan Reformations and the deaths of Palpatine & Vader where red, green, and blue are the encouraged norm. Thousands upon thousands of Jedi and Sith; we don't meet all of them, we don't SEE all of them. So outside the Banite era, color is completely up for grabs.


everything you mention is unique and rare. gather everything together that exists for starwars and you'll have your answer. The theme is everywhere, even on this very website.


i get what your saying about "special" in the story but its not the reality in the game though. Your still going to be put together with large groups of players that will destroy the reality that your special color lightsaber has any meaning for you.


what about the basics of the game? choices are supposed to have meaning, why strip that away just because you want to. The starwars story doesnt belong to any player, it belongs to George Lucas. You can take part in it but you cant change core elements of it.


Sorry but seeing a rainbow of colors across the battlefield is stupid and thats why the color theme exists.

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everything you mention is unique and rare. gather everything together that exists for starwars and you'll have your answer. The theme is everywhere, even on this very website.


i get what your saying about "special" in the story but its not the reality in the game though. Your still going to be put together with large groups of players that will destroy the reality that your special color lightsaber has any meaning for you.


what about the basics of the game? choices are supposed to have meaning, why strip that away just because you want to. The starwars story doesnt belong to any player, it belongs to George Lucas. You can take part in it but you cant change core elements of it.


Sorry but seeing a rainbow of colors across the battlefield is stupid and thats why the color theme exists.


No the color theme exists because they thought it looked cool that way when they were in post production. Original lightsabers were to be colored white. There was never meaning behind it, it was simply a device used to differentiate characters end of story.


You can't dictate meaning of Star Wars to other people. The original OP has already proved it can happen. That means if it has happened before it can happen again.

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Oh I see you get to pick and choose what feels like Star Wars.

This thread is about the color of lightsabres and its attachment to lore, created by the OP, not me.


There are several people who have posted about blasters.

Yea because their trying to use it to support their weak argument, not because it has any meaning. The ships have different colors in the game too, did you want to try and shoehorn that unrelated topic into this thread as well?


You obviously did not read or chose to ignore all those posts. So the people who play blaster classes can go to hell? You are going to ruin their immersion because you don't care about blasters in Star Wars.

An attempt to compare blasters that appear in 100’s of other movies to a lightsabre that only exists in starwars makes no sense. You only want it too because it might give some angle on an already poor argument.


In other words you are picking and choosing what should be in the game based on what you believe to be right. Sounds like opinion and not fact.

Accept for the fact the distinction exists and I’ve yet to see any proof or evidence otherwise


FYI The OP in his own original post has already proven that in the SW universe there is no restrictions on color. He gives several examples of it happening. If there were restrictions in SW universe there would be no examples of other side using the other sides colors.

Yea its rare, which has been stated repeatedly.


It does not matter if it is rare or not it could not happen if there were restrictions but since it has happened in the movies and EU then it proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that no restrictions exist.


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2) NPCs sporting 'narrow-minded movie-only colors' outnumber players by a significant margin on every server.


Heh, the quote right there kinda sets the tone for this entire discussion really.


if you say that "well, most jedi used green and blue colours on their lightsabers" youre just "narrow minded".

funny that...

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definition = "precedence"


by your own admission. whether George Lucas did it intentionally or not doesnt really matter.


Change has happened. Why because the lore proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that there are no restrictions. How do we know this because it has happened. We see examples of Vader lighting Lukes Saber. If there were restrictions in the movie he could not have lit the saber.


Anakin uses his own Jedi saber after becoming Darth Vader! If there were restrictions this would not have been possible.


Technically there are no crystals in the movies if we want to get lore specific. First mention of crystals came in an EU book.


No crystal restrictions holds to canon there is proof the OP has posted it. We are the Lukes, Vader, Windu and Kun's of this universe. We get to make our choices. This is my story and no one is going to tell me I have to put a red, blue or green crystals in my saber when canon dictates that exceptions happen and that I am an exceptional character in this universe.


You want your vision of Star Wars pop in the movies.


The only thing you and the OP might get is an option to filter other peoples sabers. This is the only solution as it gives the OP his immersion while not infringing on other peoples immersion coming from choice! Guess you could start that thread!!!

Edited by Lord_Scythe
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I'm a huge Star Wars fan..and I some what agree with the OP. But you used examples from the EU a few times in your post..so then you shoud know..that while Palpatine regained control of Illum when he became the Empror and had Vader destroy most of the Jedi. You forget that Luke was able to use a Green cyrstal..it was a sythntic crystal..Luke made it and it took on a green hue..while Luke Medatated on its creation. It has been explained in the EU that the color of a sythinc crystal is deterimined by the Jedi or Sith's medatation while crafting the crystal. It is because of this method..that years after Return of the Jedi..when Luke had created a new Jedi Order..and the fact that he discovered crystal bearing caves..that allowed future Jedis to use varrying lightsaber colors. In the EU Han Solo and Leia's daughter used a purple lightsaber when she battled and killed her twin brother who at the time had become a Sith.
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I'm a huge Star Wars fan..and I some what agree with the OP. But you used examples from the EU a few times in your post..so then you shoud know..that while Palpatine regained control of Illum when he became the Empror and had Vader destroy most of the Jedi. You forget that Luke was able to use a Green cyrstal..it was a sythntic crystal..Luke made it and it took on a green hue..while Luke Medatated on its creation. It has been explained in the EU that the color of a sythinc crystal is deterimined by the Jedi or Sith's medatation while crafting the crystal. It is because of this method..that years after Return of the Jedi..when Luke had created a new Jedi Order..and the fact that he discovered crystal bearing caves..that allowed future Jedis to use varrying lightsaber colors. In the EU Han Solo and Leia's daughter used a purple lightsaber when she battled and killed her twin brother who at the time had become a Sith.


Read the part about jedi making synthetic and some Jedi did make them but Luke did because he had no choice but each person that infused a synthetic depend on affiliation. Luke was good and all about peace it showed in EP6. That is why his synth was green, a huge statement for the return of the Jedi and faction affiliation. Also dark jedi hide there by minipulating the color to hide there true intentions.

Edited by Asturias
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The point remains, that the trends in color use between Jedi and Sith are just that. . . trends. There is nothing in-universe physically preventing them from using whatever color they want, ergo there should be no game mechanic to prevent same.

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Long thread is long.


SW:TOR takes place in the KotoR lore/reality. By definition, as a game, it is not part of the movie-verse. It is classified as EU. It currently follows EU rules. Arguing for faction restrictions because of movie-verse lore when this ISN'T movie-verse does not make a lot of sense. The "iconic" look is satisfied in that the first lightsabers force user characters get have the "appropriate" colors. As do the ships and blasters. However while certain colors are encouraged, EU-verse (the verse this game falls under) does not prohibit the use of other colors.


Remember, the lore of Star Wars according to George Lucas *excludes this game because it isn't a movie*. What the prequels and original trilogy did is not a strong argument. Now, move along. There is nothing to see here.

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OP's post was very well-written and thought out. Definitely a lot of effort went into it.


But, at the end of the day, it's only a series of facts supporting his personal opinion that uniformity is superior to diversity. You can throw out words like "tradition" and "norm" and "rarity" all day long, but it won't change the fact that it's a minority opinion.

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OP's post was very well-written and thought out. Definitely a lot of effort went into it.


But, at the end of the day, it's only a series of facts supporting his personal opinion that uniformity is superior to diversity. You can throw out words like "tradition" and "norm" and "rarity" all day long, but it won't change the fact that it's a minority opinion.


The OP has proved there are no restrictions.


If there were restrictions then there would be no rarity. He has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that no restrictions exist in the SW universe. If they did we would see zero exceptions!

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I applaud the lifting of the restrictions, and for very pragmatic reasons. I don't know how many times I would look for a new crystal on the GTN, and the ONLY thing keeping me from being able to upgrade was the color and subsequent restrictions. I ran around for ages with sub-par stats on my weapons simply because I had the unmitigated temerity to be too far above or below an arbitrary line.


It always struck me as odd why my agent, bounty hunter, trooper and smuggler would give two craps what color their blaster fire was; so long as it made stuff dead, it could be schitte-brindle for all they cared. What colors those fanatical Jedi and Sith choose for their flashy cheese-slicers is of no concern.


My Sith sorc, on the other hand, has lusted after a purple blade for ages and finally got his. And seeing as he now sits on the Dark Council, he refers all complaints about his flaunting of Sith tradition to his assistant, Helen Waite. Got a problem with it? Go to Helen Waite. :cool:


I am primarily a game-player, not a Star Wars fan. While "lore" is all fine and well, it can't be used as a cudgel to artificially punish players. Games are a completely different medium compared to movies, books, etc. Games are participatory. You aren't merely a spectator, you're an active agent in the unfolding narrative. And if BioWare (or any other company) wants to continue to derive profit from their investment, they have to balance the ire of the lore "purists" with what will attract and retain a customer base on an ongoing basis.


Ha! I like Helen Waite, I may have to steal that. (Hey, I am a smuggler after all.) ;)


I agree with your point about adapting IP for different mediums. I am a pretty big Tolkien-nerd, I love the books, I love the films, and I love Lord of the Rings Online. Now, there is no question that both the films and the game take pretty significant liberties with the source material. The film left huge chunks out (Barrow-downs, Tom Bombadil, etc.), drastically changed Faramir's character, changed Glorfindel into Arwen, and so forth; the game has been pretty faithful for the most part, but has expanded on things only tangentially mentioned in the books (such as specific types of ancient evils, and the ice-people of Forochel) and added in the rune-keeper class, which is...a stretch, at best.


Now, part of me wishes they could have kept things more strictly to the books. 'Rune-keepers don't belong!', a little voice in my head says; 'What did they do to lovely Faramir?? (And why is he blonde?!)" But ultimately, I have to appreciate them for what they are. As fun as it is for me to join in the speculation on just what the heck is Bombadil's deal, it would have dragged the movie out to an unfeasible degree to have his chapters in there. Yes, Arwen should be Glorfindel at the Fords of Bruinen, but there are so many characters in LOTR that keeping track of them all in a film, where you don't have access to indecies and footnotes and glossaries, would be almost impossible for all but the most hardcore fans. And in the game, well, holy-trinity based MMOs need healing classes, and if there isn't a mechanism for that in the book, the developers have to invent one, through the healing power of song and carved magic rocks.


The upshot is, while I see the point that in the films there is a general red/blue split, it's a lot harder to justify and maintain in a gaming setting, particularly when our characters are de facto meant to be exceptional rather than ordinary.


And I'm a smuggler, so nobody cares what colour my gun is and it barely even shows up, so I have no dog in this fight - before someone accuses me of just wanting a funky lightsaber to be a special snowflake.

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Read the part about jedi making synthetic and some Jedi did make them but Luke did because he had no choice but each person that infused a synthetic depend on affiliation. Luke was good and all about peace it showed in EP6. That is why his synth was green, a huge statement for the return of the Jedi and faction affiliation. Also dark jedi hide there by minipulating the color to hide there true intentions.


there are no synthetic crystals in this game. the jedi/sith had to use those in later times because the crystal caves were destroyed. again, an eu point.

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This debate would be much better if the arguments were "no restrictions" vs "an incentive to take the tradition color" (through buffs, etc)..


I'd still be firmly in the "no restrictions" camp, from both a lore and a gameplay perspective, but I would at least admit the opposing argument has some merit.


But saying it should be restricted to one side or the other is just asking Bioware to absolutely violate the lore to protect the possibility of players maybe violating lore. That makes no sense to me.

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haha found this. Shows that the original idea was to use white sabers, not colored.



You can dispute it all you want but facts are facts. I understand the original idea was white but when it came to final production in every film made RED was the color of the Sith and BLUE/GREEN the color of the Jedi. Everything else was exotic or one of a kind and all I am saying is if BioWARE wants to unrestrict these colors than make the players earn them.

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there are no synthetic crystals in this game. the jedi/sith had to use those in later times because the crystal caves were destroyed. again, an eu point.


This is not the first schism between Jedi vs Sith and many wars happend before this timeline, enjoy! Oh and yes Synthetic crystal did exist in this time frame how else do you think all those Sith had red colored sabers. Red crystals are a rarity naturally made.




26,000 BBY


Jedi vs Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force (Del Rey/Ballantine)


Part Three: Dark Jedi



25,200 BBY


The Pirate Prince (Xim Week: The Despotica: Part II: The Pirate Prince; Hyperspace)




24,500 BBY


Jedi vs Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force (Del Rey/Ballantine)


Part Three: The First Dark Legion




15,762 – 15,609 BBY


Xim at Vontor (Xim Week: The Despotica: Part III: Xim at Vontor; Hyperspace)




7000 – 6900 BBY


Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force (Del Rey/Ballantine)


Part One: History and Holocrons: The Hundred Year Darkness


Part Four: The Conquest of Sith Space




5000 – 4999 BBY


Tales of the Jedi: The Golden Age of the Sith (Dark Horse)


#0: Conquest and Unification


#1: Into the Unknown


#2: Funeral for a Dark Lord


#3: The Fabric of an Empire


#4: Pawns of a Sith Lord


#5: The Flight of Starbreaker 12


[issues 0-5 collected in Tales of the Jedi: Golden Age of the Sith and Omnibus: Tales of the Jedi Volume 1]


Tales of the Jedi: Fall of the Sith Empire (Dark Horse)


#1: Desperate Measures


#2: Forces in Collision


#3: First Encounter


Crosscurrent (Del Rey/Ballantine)


The Past (in chapters 1–4, 8)


Lost Tribe of the Sith (Del Rey/Ballantine ebook)




Tales of the Jedi: Fall of the Sith Empire (Dark Horse)


#4: The Dogs of War


#5: End of an Empire


[issues 1-5 collected in Tales of the Jedi: Fall of the Sith Empire and Omnibus: Tales of the Jedi Volume 1]


Lost Tribe of the Sith (Del Rey/Ballantine ebook)




Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force (Del Rey/Ballantine)


Part One: History and Holocrons: The Great Hyperspace War


Part Four: Sith Alchemy


Galactic Timeline: Record 012: The Great Hyperspace War (swtor.com)




4985 BBY


Lost Tribe of the Sith: Paragon (Del Rey/Ballantine ebook)




4975 BBY


Lost Tribe of the Sith: Savior (Del Rey/Ballantine ebook)




4904 BBY

Galactic Timeline: Record 11: Rebirth of the Sith Empire (swtor)




4006 BBY


Knights of the Old Republic #33: Vindication (pages 2–11)


[Collected in Knights of the Old Republic: Vindication]




4000–3998 BBY


Tales of the Jedi (Dark Horse)


#1–2: Ulic Qel-Droma and the Beast Wars of Onderon


Tales of the Jedi Companion (West End Games)


Chapter Four: Sith Reborn


Tales of the Jedi (Dark Horse)


#3–5: The Saga of Nomi Sunrider


[issues 1-5 collected in Tales of the Jedi: The Collection (re-titled Tales of the Jedi: Knights of the Old Republic), audio drama, and Omnibus: Tales of the Jedi Volume 1]


Tales of the Jedi: The Freedon Nadd Uprising (Dark Horse)




#2: Initiates of the Sith


[issues 1-2 collected in Tales of the Jedi: The Freedon Nadd Uprising, 30th Anniversary Collection and Omnibus: Tales of the Jedi Volume 2]


Tales of the Jedi Companion (West End Games)


Chapter One: An Era of Conflict


Chapter Two: Jedi


Chapter Five: Sith Powers (reprinted as A Tale from the Dark Side: Hyperspace)


Chapters Six to Twelve (Chapter headers)


Chapter Thirteen: Ruins of Kabus-Dabeh


Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force (Del Rey/Ballantine)


Part One: History and Holocrons: The Shadow of Freedon Nadd


Tales of the Jedi: Dark Lords of the Sith (Dark Horse)


#1: Master and Students of the Force


#2: The Quest for the Sith


#3: Descent to the Dark Side


#4: Death of a Dark Jedi


#5: Sith Secrets


#6: Jedi Assault


[issues 1-6 collected in Tales of the Jedi: Dark Lords of the Sith, audio drama, and Omnibus: Tales of the Jedi Volume 2]


The Most Dangerous Foe (flashback) (Adventure Journal #11: West End Games; Hyperspace)


Tales of the Jedi: The Sith War (Dark Horse)


#1: Edge of the Whirlwind


#2: The Battle of Coruscant


#3: The Trial of Ulic Qel-Droma


#4: Jedi Holocaust


#5: Brother Against Brother


#6: Dark Lord (pages 1–11)


[issues 1-6 collected in Tales of the Jedi: The Sith War and Omnibus: Tales of the Jedi Volume 2]


Light and Shadow (Adventure Journal #18: unpublished; available online)


Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force (Del Rey/Ballantine)


Part One: History and Holocrons: The Sith War


Part Three: Four Stages of the Dark Side


Part Four: The Fall of the Sith Empire


Part Four: Sith Weapons


Part Four: Sith Spirits


Knights of the Old Republic #33: Vindication (pages 12–19)


[Collected in Knights of the Old Republic: Vindication]


Tales of the Jedi: The Sith War #6: Dark Lord (pages 12–end) (Dark Horse)


Galactic Timeline: Record 010: The Exar Kun War (swtor.com)






Jedi Protector (Galaxy Magazine #13: Topps)




3993 BBY


Tales #23: Shadows and Light (Dark Horse: collected in Tales Volume 6)




3986 BBY


Tales of the Jedi: Redemption (Dark Horse)


#1: A Gathering of Jedi


#2: The Search for Peace


#3: Homecoming


#4: The Trials of a Jedi


#5: Master


[issues 1-5 collected in Tales of the Jedi: Redemption]




3980 BBY


Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force (Del Rey/Ballantine)


Part Three: Ulic Qel-Droma’s Return to the Light




3968 BBY


Knights of the Old Republic #33: Vindication (pages 20–21)


[Collected in Knights of the Old Republic: Vindication]




3964 BBY


The Secret Journal of Doctor Demagol (a Hyperspace exclusive)


Entry #6005: I am recognized.


Entry #6019: Flashpoint attained.


Entry #6025: The first arrivals.


Knights of the Old Republic #0: Crossroads (collected in Knights of the Old Republic: Volume One: Commencement; Dark Horse)


The Taris Holofeed: Prime Edition (included exclusively in Knights of the Old Republic #0; Dark Horse)


Knights of the Old Republic #1–6: Commencement (collected in Knights of the Old Republic: Volume One: Commencement; Dark Horse)


The Secret Journal of Doctor Demagol (a Hyperspace exclusive)


Entry #6062: The crusaders.


Entry #6066: Squint.




3963 BBY


Knights of the Old Republic #7–8: Flashpoint (collected in Knights of the Old Republic: Volume Two: Flashpoint; Dark Horse)


The Secret Journal of Doctor Demagol (a Hyperspace exclusive)


Entry #6087: The Onslaught has begun.


Entry #6093: An interesting delivery.


Knights of the Old Republic (Dark Horse)


#10: Flashpoint


#9: Homecoming


[issues 9-10 collected in Knights of the Old Republic: Volume Two: Flashpoint]


The Secret Journal of Doctor Demagol (a Hyperspace exclusive)


Entry #6107: Emergency!


Entry #6108: (untitled)


Entry #6109: In hiding.


Knights of the Old Republic #11–12: Reunion (collected in Knights of the Old Republic: Volume Two: Flashpoint; Dark Horse)


The Secret Journal of Doctor Demagol (a Hyperspace exclusive)


Entry #6124: Somewhere.


Labor Pains (a Hyperspace exclusive)


The Secret Journal of Doctor Demagol (a Hyperspace exclusive)


Entry #6130: Another planet.


Knights of the Old Republic #13: Days of Fear (collected in Knights of the Old Republic: Volume Three: Days of Fear, Nights of Anger; Dark Horse)


The Admiral's List: Jimas Veltraa Memorial Edition (included exclusively in Knights of the Old Republic #13; Dark Horse)


Knights of the Old Republic #14: Days of Fear (collected in Knights of the Old Republic: Volume Three: Days of Fear, Nights of Anger; Dark Horse)


The Adjudicator Special Report: The Outer Rim (included exclusively in Knights of the Old Republic #14; Dark Horse)


Knights of the Old Republic #15: Days of Fear (collected in Knights of the Old Republic: Volume Three: Days of Fear, Nights of Anger; Dark Horse)


The Taris Holofeed: Siege Edition (included exclusively in Knights of the Old Republic #15; Dark Horse)


The Secret Journal of Doctor Demagol (a Hyperspace exclusive)


Entry #6144: An important day.


Knights of the Old Republic #16: Nights of Anger (collected in Knights of the Old Republic: Volume Three: Days of Fear, Nights of Anger; Dark Horse)


The Admiral's List: Remember Serocco! Edition (included exclusively in Knights of the Old Republic #16; Dark Horse)


The Secret Journal of Doctor Demagol (a Hyperspace exclusive)


Entry #6168: I am a colossal fool!


Knights of the Old Republic #17: Nights of Anger (collected in Knights of the Old Republic: Volume Three: Days of Fear, Nights of Anger; Dark Horse)


Adascorp Fiscal Period Financial Report and Outlook: Message from the Chief Executive (included exclusively in Knights of the Old Republic #17; Dark Horse)


The Secret Journal of Doctor Demagol (a Hyperspace exclusive)


Entry #6174: Calamity compounds calamity.


Knights of the Old Republic #18: Nights of Anger (collected in Knights of the Old Republic: Volume Three: Days of Fear, Nights of Anger; Dark Horse)


The Taris Holofeed: Invasion Edition (included exclusively in Knights of the Old Republic #18; Dark Horse)


The Secret Journal of Doctor Demagol (a Hyperspace exclusive)


Entry #6181: Stranger and stranger.


Knights of the Old Republic #19: Daze of Hate (collected in Knights of the Old Republic: Volume Four: Daze of Hate, Knights of Suffering; Dark Horse)


Adascorp Fiscal Period Financial Report and Outlook: Field Report: Project Black Harvest (included exclusively in Knights of the Old Republic #19; Dark Horse)


The Secret Journal of Doctor Demagol (a Hyperspace exclusive)


Entry #6208: Too close for comfort.


Knights of the Old Republic #20: Daze of Hate (collected in Knights of the Old Republic: Volume Four: Daze of Hate, Knights of Suffering; Dark Horse)


The Adjudicator Special Report: Tools of the Trade (included exclusively in Knights of the Old Republic #20; Dark Horse)


The Secret Journal of Doctor Demagol (a Hyperspace exclusive)


Entry #6213: My Edessa!


Knights of the Old Republic #21: Daze of Hate (collected in Knights of the Old Republic: Volume Four: Daze of Hate, Knights of Suffering; Dark Horse)


The Taris Holofeed Special Proclamation (included exclusively in Knights of the Old Republic #21; Dark Horse)


Knights of the Old Republic #22: Knights of Suffering (collected in Knights of the Old Republic: Volume Four: Daze of Hate, Knights of Suffering; Dark Horse)


The Admiral's List: Karath Home Safely (included exclusively in Knights of the Old Republic #22; Dark Horse)


Knights of the Old Republic #23: Knights of Suffering (collected in Knights of the Old Republic: Volume Four: Daze of Hate, Knights of Suffering; Dark Horse)


The Adjudicator Special Report: The Colonies (included exclusively in Knights of the Old Republic #23; Dark Horse)


The Secret Journal of Doctor Demagol (a Hyperspace exclusive)


Entry #6235: A reversal.


Knights of the Old Republic #24: Knights of Suffering (collected in Knights of the Old Republic: Volume Four: Daze of Hate, Knights of Suffering; Dark Horse)


Galactic Republic Defense Ministry Daily Brief #KD0092 (included exclusively in Knights of the Old Republic #24; Dark Horse)


Interference (a Hyperspace exclusive)


The Secret Journal of Doctor Demagol (a Hyperspace exclusive)


Entry #6272: In transit, again.


Knights of the Old Republic (Dark Horse)


#25–28: Vector (parts 1–4)


[issues 25-28 collected in Vector: Volume 1]


#29–30: Exalted


[issues 29-30 collected in Knights of the Old Republic: Volume Six: Vindication]


The Secret Journal of Doctor Demagol (a Hyperspace exclusive)


Entry #6305: Progress.


Knights of the Old Republic (Dark Horse)


#31: Turnabout


#32–35: Vindication


[issues 31-35 collected in Knights of the Old Republic: Volume Six: Vindication]


The Secret Journal of Doctor Demagol (a Hyperspace exclusive)


Entry #6358: Ruination avoided.


Knights of the Old Republic #36–37: Prophet Motive (collected in Knights of the Old Republic: Volume Seven: Dueling Ambitions; Dark Horse)


The Secret Journal of Doctor Demagol (a Hyperspace exclusive)


Entry #6378: Success Delayed.


Knights of the Old Republic (Dark Horse)


#38: Faithful Execution


#39–41: Dueling Ambitions


[issues 38-41 collected in Knights of the Old Republic: Volume Seven: Dueling Ambitions]


#42: Masks (collected in Knights of the Old Republic: Volume Eight: Destroyer)


The Secret Journal of Doctor Demagol (a Hyperspace exclusive)


Entry #6429: Disaster, again.


Knights of the Old Republic #43–44: The Reaping (collected in Knights of the Old Republic: Volume Eight: Destroyer; Dark Horse)


The Secret Journal of Doctor Demagol (a Hyperspace exclusive)


Entry #6447: Patience has paid off.


Knights of the Old Republic #45–46: Destroyer (collected in Knights of the Old Republic: Volume Eight: Destroyer; Dark Horse)


The Secret Journal of Doctor Demagol (a Hyperspace exclusive)


Entry #6469: They live. They all live.


Knights of the Old Republic #47: Demon (collected in Knights of the Old Republic: Volume Nine: Demon; Dark Horse)


The Secret Journal of Doctor Demagol (a Hyperspace exclusive)


Entry #6477: The last step.


Knights of the Old Republic #48–50: Demon (to page 16; page 88, trade paperback) (collected in Knights of the Old Republic: Volume Nine: Demon; Dark Horse)


The Secret Journal of Doctor Demagol (a Hyperspace exclusive)


Final Entry


Knights of the Old Republic #50: Demon (page 17‒end; page 89‒end, trade paperback) (collected in Knights of the Old Republic: Volume Nine: Demon; Dark Horse)






Knights of the Old Republic: War #1-5







Lost Tribe of the Sith (Del Rey/Ballantine ebook)










Onderon Cutoff (Wizards of the Coast)




3964‒3960 BBY


Galactic Timeline: Record 009: The Mandalorian Wars (swtor.com)




3959–3956 BBY




Iridonian Darkness (Wizards of the Coast)


Czerka 431 (Wizards of the Coast)


Permanent Demotion (Wizards of the Coast)


Korriban Creatures (Wizards of the Coast)


The Betrayal of Darth Revan (Wizards of the Coast)


Opportunities (Wizards of the Coast)


Part 1: Crossing Paths


Part 2: Misinformed


Part 3: Destiny Awaits




3956 BBY


Knights of the Old Republic (Lucasarts home video game)


Galactic Timeline: Record 008: The Jedi Civil War (swtor.com)






Payback (Wizards of the Coast)




3956–3951 BBY


The Old Republic: Revan (Del Rey/Ballantine)






3951 BBY


Tales #24: Unseen, Unheard (Dark Horse; collected in Tales Volume 6)


Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords (Lucasarts home video game)


The Sith Lords Chronicles (Knights of the Old Republic II website: Lucasarts)


Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force (Del Rey/Ballantine)


Part One: History and Holocrons: The Second Sith War


Part Three: The Reformation of Revan


Part Four: Darth Revan’s Sith Holocron




3756 BBY


Galactic Timeline: Record 007: Peace for the Republic (swtor.com)




3681 BBY


Galactic Timeline: Record 006: Onslaught of the Sith Empire (swtor.com)


The Old Republic: The Third Lesson (Insider #124; Titan)




3678 BBY


The Old Republic: Blood of the Empire (webcomic; swtor.com; Dark Horse)


Act #1: Shades of the Sith


Act #2: The Broken World


Act #3: Burn the Future


[Reprinted in The Old Republic #4-6: Blood of the Empire; Collected in The Old Republic: Volume 1: Blood of the Empire]




3671 BBY


Galactic Timeline: Record 005: The Battle of Bothawui (swtor.com)




3667 BBY


Galactic Timeline: Record 004: The Empire Changes Strategy (swtor.com)


The Old Republic: Smuggler's Vanguard (starwars.com)




3661 BBY


Galactic Timeline: Record 003: The Return of the Mandalorians (swtor.com)




3660 BBY


Galactic Timeline: Record 002: Mandalorian Blockade is Broken (swtor.com)




3653 BBY


The Old Republic: Threat of Peace (webcomic; swtor.com; Dark Horse)


Act I: Treaty of Coruscant We are here

Edited by Asturias
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