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I just have to bump this because I posted when this was on page 17 (or 37 ...) and it's still going! Definitely cool to see a 50/50 perspective on this. OP should consider a poll to see just how many folks keybind versus pure-click.
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Someone mentioned clicking in SC2. I have that game and never saw any other way to play but click. Same for any RTS really.


Actually, clickers in SC2 are laughed at even more than clickers on MMOs. Go to a Starcraft tournament and you'll find it literally impossible to find a single pro player that clicks a single thing in that game, except for selecting units and where to move/attack.

Edited by Samwiseee
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Good God, I did not expect this thread to get such a response. But thank you everybody for your responses. I have another question:


Which class do you think is best to practice keybinding/strafing/whatever else on? I currently have a 50 vanguard and I'm doing fine with clicking. I get anywhere between 1st and 4th in damage + protection.


No one is saying you can't "get by" or "do okay" with clicking. The argument is the keybind is faster and more efficient. So if you care about becoming a better player, then switch to keybinds. If you don't, then just keep enjoying the game as you have been. Easy as that.

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Hello, my name is Kilmar. I used to be a clicker/keyboard turner.


Once I started PvP'ing at level 50, I learned how inefficient it was. I was always accidentally clicking the unlock button and accidentally moving/deleting skills and then taking 10 seconds of finding a place to hide to put the skill back in the bar. As an Inf Shadow, this was debilitating considering the amount of skills we have and the amount of mobility we need to be effective.


I was awkward. I was just plain bad. Then I unbound my keyboard turns and mapped A/D to strafe. I bound my main attacks to Q, E, R, F, C, G, V, T, X. It became a whole new game for me. I was effective. I was actually having fun.


I am sure there are clickers/keyboard turners that are good. Are they effective? Probably. Are they efficient? I can't see how.


Play how you like. Don't let anyone tell you how to play. I only suggest you try it for a little bit and if you don't like it, switch back. However, I think many will be surprised.


Once again, my name is Kilmar and I used to be a clicker.


T his sounds like a great idea. Might try it some time :)

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if thats how they choose to play who cares?

and to say it is less efficent you should see my wife.. shes a clicker..and one of the best healers i have ever seen. and in pvp shes always hovering around the mid range of players in a game and she doesnt even like pvp i drag her along to heal me...


so some clickers can get pretty damned efficent with clicking


You're biased because it's your wife!


I've been in many top end raiding guilds, even a top 100. The recruitment officers would sometimes get so anal they'd require video proof or screenshots if they heard you're a clicker. A bit extreme if you ask me, but the point is still there.


I do however think that clicking is suitable for casual non PvP related gameplay.

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Someone mentioned clicking in SC2. I have that game and never saw any other way to play but click. Same for any RTS really.


Lol, just.. Lol. Maybe you should do some research on top tier SC2 gamers? You're just spilling out nonsense with no actual facts.

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Skill-cap of a clicker :




Skill-cap of a keybord-binder :




point in post where it legally became a ***** waveing contest.

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Skill-cap of a clicker :




Skill-cap of a keybord-binder :



The skill cap doesn't matter


Skill cap for a clicker:


Skill cap for a binder:


skill cap to be in the top 1%:


skill cap needed to play the game efficiently (highest content available):


skill cap needed to play most aspects of the game (not including highest content available):


skill cap of most players in an MMO:


Edited by Frozenshiva
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No matter how anybody tries to shape and spin the arguments in favor of clicking a player will never be as efficient using this method as they will be with keybinding.


The mouse is for moving.


The keyboard is for your abilities.


If you aren't playing this way you are punishing your own efficiency.


It's a personal choice but make no mistake about it, if you choose to use the keyboard to move/turn and the mouse to click your abilities on the action bar you will be at a distinct disadvantage when playing against a person who uses the mouse to move and binds their abilities to their keyboard.



Clueless guy here.


I played using both ''techniques'' and I can tell there is absolutly no difference as long as your are fast enough to beat GCD's

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Clueless guy here.


I played using both ''techniques'' and I can tell there is absolutly no difference as long as your are fast enough to beat GCD's


Could say teh same thing about you?


Are you in a top raiding guild?


are in the top 10 damage or healing of your class in the world?


No.. oh wow then dont really want to hear you opinions


ALl the TOP guilds in the world!

if you talk to any of them they will LAUGH at your face if you call yourself a clicker

or a keyboard turner


Simple as that


numbers dont lie


but have fun with ya angry birds style of play GG and burn in fire when you keyboard turn to run out of it lol

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could say teh same thing about you?


Are you in a top raiding guild?


Are in the top 10 damage or healing of your class in the world?


No.. Oh wow then dont really want to hear you opinions


all the top guilds in the world!

If you talk to any of them they will laugh at your face if you call yourself a clicker

or a keyboard turner


simple as that


numbers dont lie


but have fun with ya angry birds style of play gg and burn in fire when you keyboard turn to run out of it lol


lol sunday lifeless *** roaming the forums are always cool


Also, just by how you are reacting, its easy to realise you are doing bad in this game or maybe in others before and you are now only trying to push someone down to make you appear better. Im almost feeling bad for you.

Edited by crazysam
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Could say teh same thing about you?


Are you in a top raiding guild?


are in the top 10 damage or healing of your class in the world?


No.. oh wow then dont really want to hear you opinions


ALl the TOP guilds in the world!

if you talk to any of them they will LAUGH at your face if you call yourself a clicker

or a keyboard turner


Simple as that


numbers dont lie


but have fun with ya angry birds style of play GG and burn in fire when you keyboard turn to run out of it lol


why yes I am, and it gives me great pleasure to think this keybinding nerd ragers can get outplayed by a clicker. They aren't superior..then just want to think they are.

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why yes I am, and it gives me great pleasure to think this keybinding nerd ragers can get outplayed by a clicker. They aren't superior..then just want to think they are.


My opinion of Preqzul or whatever his name is, would get me an infraction if I spoke my mind. However, you can't compare clicking to keybinding. I thought like you do, for a very long time. I clicked forever, and I got so 'good' at it, I deluded myself into thinking that keybinding was just some way for elitists to look down on me. In PvE content, clicking is fine. But you cannot PvP while clicking and expect to do well, unless facing equally bad opponents.


Just open your eyes man, it's hard to accept when hearing it from other people, but clicking and keybinding are night and day. You canNOT click abilities without LOOKING at said abilities. It's impossible, you can't even deny it. And while you may have a general idea of what's happening from your peripheral vision, it's no substitute for keeping your eyes glued to your opponent. You miss too much detail, and you can only follow a set rotation. Trying to frantically move your mouse to respond, in real-time, to ever changing PvP conditions is simply impossible. I would utterly destroy a clicker, no matter the class or gear difference. Simple as that. If you deny this truth, you are burying your head in the sand on purpose...pull your head out.

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that reminds me my nephew telling me that console gamepad is by far and without argument, the absolute best, most efficient controller for FPS game, far better than mouse and keyboard will ever be.


Surely you agree with him right? What would you tell him to convince him that you have way more reactivity and accuracy with a mouse than with an analog stick?


I you find a way to convince my nephew of this, then you can convince MMO player that keybinding is far more efficient than clicking for abilities.

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that reminds me my nephew telling me that console gamepad is by far and without argument, the absolute best, most efficient controller for FPS game, far better than mouse and keyboard will ever be.


Surely you agree with him right? What would you tell him to convince him that you have way more reactivity and accuracy with a mouse than with an analog stick?


I you find a way to convince my nephew of this, then you can convince MMO player that keybinding is far more efficient than clicking for abilities.


again, speaking for PvE only, since I despise PvP in anything ( I don't even like team sports like soccer, football ect, hehe). Anyways, if it wasn't for the 1.5 second cool down you would have a point, but there is, which is why being a clicker is just as viable as being a key binder.

Also, to those speaking about being a keyboard turner, granted there are people who do that, but being a clicker doesn't mean that one is being a keyboard turner, I'm a clicker, but I don't keyboard turn, I mouse turn.


Also, yes a mouse keyboard is better for FPS. But at the same time there are genres that are better with a gamepad over a mouse keyboard. Now with this MMO, if there was no GCD, then keybinding would be better hands down, but because there is a GCD, the difference is next to nill between 2 equally skilled people with their chosen controls.

Edited by Wolfeisberg
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I would say Keybinds are dead now too aswell as clickers.Naga mouse is the best way to play any MMO no keybinder can keep up with me......he is moving his fingers to this key to that keyy all I have to do is move my thumb.....and I can do everything they can do but waaaaaaaaaaaaay faster.


Naga >>>>>>>>>>>>Keybinder>>>clicker is how it is nowadays.

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Wow... people really are defending clicking? I personally pick on people I see keyboard turning. It is def less efficient. "My wife is the best healer and she clicks!" Is she looking over your shoulder as you type it? Sure she can sit still and heal. Then again, the content currently a joke and doesnt punish bad players.


Am I elitist? Yeah, pretty much. It is a fact that clicking is less efficient than mouse turning and it annoys me that people will argue otherwise.

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I play a mixture of clicking and binds, this game is the 1st MMO ive come across this though, before this game was released i was a pure binder, playing at a high level.


The problem is this game is very very forgiving and with the long GDC/cast time on ranged you will never fail to make your rotation. The game's mechanics are very very simple and rotations are not complex in the slightest. I play as a IA-Sniper and it has to be the most laziest game play and rotation ive ever seen. Games like Rift where you had a huge amount of casts and ability's NEEDED binds no other way around it, ToR doesn't have half as much complexity.


ToR is a clickers paradise due to the game being so casual, unless its a major overhaul of mechanics is just gonna get worse.

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I play a mixture of clicking and binds, this game is the 1st MMO ive come across this though, before this game was released i was a pure binder, playing at a high level.


The problem is this game is very very forgiving and with the long GDC/cast time on ranged you will never fail to make your rotation. The game's mechanics are very very simple and rotations are not complex in the slightest. I play as a IA-Sniper and it has to be the most laziest game play and rotation ive ever seen. Games like Rift where you had a huge amount of casts and ability's NEEDED binds no other way around it, ToR doesn't have half as much complexity.


ToR is a clickers paradise due to the game being so casual, unless its a major overhaul of mechanics is just gonna get worse.


Ill agree with that.. this game is very forgiving and is very very simple.


Its a shame its not like RIFT or WOW


would really show the masses what a real binder can do.

most of the people playing SWOTR is there first MMO

so they dont even know what AOE Aggro or DPS stands for lol

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Ill agree with that.. this game is very forgiving and is very very simple.


Its a shame its not like RIFT or WOW


would really show the masses what a real binder can do.

most of the people playing SWOTR is there first MMO

so they dont even know what AOE Aggro or DPS stands for lol


Meh, I was the main tank for a highly competitive raiding guild when I played WoW from Vanilla through Burning Crusade, and I am a clicker. Being a clicker was just as viable in WoW as it is in this game.

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