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@OP - why do feel the need to start a thread to justify yourself for being a clicker? Doesn't it mean that at some level you feel that clicking is inferior to playing with key-binds and hence the need to come out and defend your play style?
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While I am really enjoying playing this game, I do sorely miss aspects of ffxi, aside from a wonderfully easy to use interface. The story was FANTASTIC and I'm hoping for some story-fights similar to it. So far I'm still not 50 (43 boo I'm slow) but I guess I'll stick with my clicking for now since I finally got used to using WASD for running around, heh.
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I mix it up.


I usually use 1-4, Shift + 1-4, Q, E, Shift + Q, Shift + E for casting important abilities, with my hands. The shift key is mapped to one of my mouses thumb buttons, the other to ctrl. Everything else is pretty much with mouse clicking.


That's pretty much what I do too. 1-5, Shift + 1-5, Ctrl + 1-5, Alt + 1-5, Q, E, Shift + Q, Shift + E, Alt + Q, Alt + E, and some abilities to Y, X, C (German Keyboard layout). But there's too much crap to bind everything. Hell, there's not even enough room in the bottom bars for everything more or less important.


With such a long global cooldown, tho, it's usually pretty easy to click abilities on the sidebars when needed without it being a big deal.

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I'm a clicker. Back in WoW, I was a Death Knight, clicked then too. Not that hard or different. It's very similar, really. Either glance at your keyboard, or glance at the screen. It's just prefrence.


As for the whole "mobility" issue, I manage pretty well with it too. As a Powertech, I'm all about mobility. Very few casting times too. So yeah, I can pull off some great damage. However, I do use the tab key for targets. So yeah.



But, like I said, it's not a bad thing, nor is it a good thing. Neither is usign a keyboard. When it all boils down, it doesn't even matter in the real world. But, that is just my two cents. Have fun arguing, won't be back to this thread, unless nothing else on the internet is funny. Later :cool:

Edited by Kikilicious
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I played against a really good shadowblade in DAOC one of the only shadow baldes that could come close to killing my scout 1v1, one day i watched a video he made and i was shocked that he was a clicker. Then i laughed, if he wasnt a clicker he would have been an amazing player and probably would have kicked my *** regularly.
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Its honestly a no brainer, binds are faster, easier and better in every way.... you only gimp yourself and your team mates by clicking.


1-2-3-4-5-q-e-r-f-g-c-v and (shift)1-2-3-4-5-q-e-r-f-g-c-v theres the majority of your abilities bound within easy reach of your left hand so not only can you react faster but you are using your mouse to move your character instead of keyboard turning like an absolute helmet.


clicking is bad srs


its like getting out your chair, walking to the telly, changing the chanel and walking back to your chair when you can just use the remote

Edited by rizBRAH
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what a bunch of BS.


play how you want, it isnt a gamebreaker.


I've been playing at lvl 50 endgame for a long time with the default key settings.


no problems. no gimps that keep me from completing 'anything' with any problems. Can hold my own, weird huh? I know right?


nada. Very successful in using defaults in my experience.



play how you want,

this argument is just another stupid thing giving players something to whine about.

Just another thing to try and discredit other players about...... just like public combat logs.


default settings dont gimp you, but other players do it seems.


I used to be a clicker now I keybind but I agree with what you said :) Who cares how one plays as long as they play well? If you want to keybind then do it. If you dont well... then dont.

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I dont click if the ability


-is an attack that I frequently use as my rotation

-is an attack that I can use when ever its avaible or more beneficial to use on a specific time

-is a low cooldown defensive or offensive buff

-stun , snare , interruption

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Not a big deal.


I half-click half-keyboard my abilities. With liberal use of my mouse-4 button, maneouvering is still really not that hard.


Even if clicking abilities does give you a skillcap below that of a pure keybind user, it doesn't really matter if you don't need to be at the skillcap to perform.


Which I guess is a slightly less blunt form of:


Skill required for this game:




Although I think it's possible that it needs a little more than implied.

Edited by ConspicuousTree
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I just played three wazrones in a row where I finished first in kills, first in damage and 2nd, 3rd and 5th in objective points. And..psst..I clicked.


Oh I could see those keyboarders hopping and spinning and circling. Wow they were fast. They spent so much time on thier uber mouse/strafe moves that more often then not, they ended up dead at my feet.


It's ridiculous to say that it's fact that a keyboard binder is always gonna be faster than a clicker, or that a clicker is always gonna be faster than a keyboarder. You have no true evidence..you just have a preference and, for some, an elitist attitude.


Some are more comfortable keybinding and mouse moving and some are more comfortable clicking and keyboard moving. You really don't need that fine of movement controls to keep a target within your attack arc....

Edited by tmadpoet
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I just played three wazrones in a row where I finished first in kills, first in damage and 2nd, 3rd and 5th in objective points. And..psst..I clicked.


Oh I could see those keyboarders hopping and spinning and circling. Wow they were fast. They spent so much time on thier uber mouse/strafe moves that more often then not, they ended up dead at my feet.


It's ridiculous to say that it's fact that a keyboard binder is always gonna be faster than a clicker, or that a clicker is always gonna be faster than a keyboarder. You have no true evidence..you just have a preference and, for some, an elitist attitude.


Some are more comfortable keybinding and mouse moving and some are more comfortable clicking and keyboard moving. You really don't need that fine of movement controls to keep a target within your attack arc....


hear hear.

also when you have a cool down time like the one in SWTOR doesnt matter how fast you circle or how fast you press the keys... they all need to respect or wait for global cool down... and since every one can beat the gobal cooldown even with clicking... well its just left to us to do the math :p

In the end its a matter of preference , i use a controler, and at first isnt easy, but one get used to it, pretty much the same with any interface you chose.

It is a preference.

Edited by Spartanik
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Naga mouse

-thumb button 1-12




Other random keybinds


I use all my skills and move with my mouse. Really too easy ^.....^

Edited by Vibby
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so by clickers you mean a person who clicks on their abilities with their mouse instead of using the numbers on a keyboard or buttons on a mouse.


i use my keyboard for moving and have a cool gaming mouse to use my abilities with, what does this make me?


also was the first reply in the thread saying that people use their mouse to move around (like runescape?) and the keyboard purely for abilites?

that sounds really cool

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I don't see the big deal with clickers. I'm a clicker and I always get great stats... it could be that I'm extremely fast with the clicks and I know my rotations and I beat the global cooldown tenfold. Is the term "clicker" aimed towards people who are more slow or everyone who clicks in general?


I can understand if its towards the slower clicking people because I know a few people like that and it annoys me to watch them play :p


In SWTOR your not nearly as handicap'd as if you play SC2 as a clicker.


in fact, I don't know a single Diamond player who only uses his mouse.

Though I think perhaps a Pro player might be able to win a diamond match with only a mouse.

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Try going from clicking to keybinding. It takes some practice, and its easier to just start a new character so you're not overwhelmed with abilities. It really is much quicker and more comfortable to play. As a Merc healer, i'd be toast if I clicked. I have so many damn abilities on my bars.
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I just played three wazrones in a row where I finished first in kills, first in damage and 2nd, 3rd and 5th in objective points. And..psst..I clicked.


Oh I could see those keyboarders hopping and spinning and circling. Wow they were fast. They spent so much time on thier uber mouse/strafe moves that more often then not, they ended up dead at my feet.


It's ridiculous to say that it's fact that a keyboard binder is always gonna be faster than a clicker, or that a clicker is always gonna be faster than a keyboarder. You have no true evidence..you just have a preference and, for some, an elitist attitude.


Some are more comfortable keybinding and mouse moving and some are more comfortable clicking and keyboard moving. You really don't need that fine of movement controls to keep a target within your attack arc....


Annnnnnd, guess what? I'll wager 4 million credits you're a ranged class. They are the only ones (including healers) who can get away with clicking in pvp (although you're still at a disadvantage and will die against a keybinder).


I played WoW for just over six years. It was my first MMO. I used the arrow keys to move, and the mouse to click my abilities. The only keybind I had was Mouse 5, which is the thumb button. It was set to auto-run. For the first five years, I played this way, as a Hunter, and I destroyed people in raids, and usually dropped people in PvP before they could reach me. I thought this meant I was good. I was so, so wrong...


PvE content is, for the most part, clickable. It's so predictable (not to be confused with boring, mind you, I do enjoy a good OP) that any reaction time lost from clicking rather than keybinding can easily be overcome.


But......if you come at me in PvP and try to click, I will kill you. Hands down. Even a ranged class. You simply are too clumsy, unwieldy, slow to respond/recover, etc. I'm closing in on my 8th year of playing MMO, and I can say this:


1-5 years - Moved with arrow keys, clicked ALL abilities.


6th year (last full year of WoW) - Learned to use WASD, and bound my six most important abilities to Q, E, R, T, D, F. Even this baby step, once mastered, utterly overhauled my ability to play the game well.


8th year - I've forced myself to relearn it all, I now move with ESDF, and I have over 30 core abilities bound between my keyboard and mouse, and Shift modifiers. I even use my scroll wheel up, scroll wheel down, shift-scroll wheel up, shift-scroll wheel down. I can now respond to any situation that arises in real-time without hesitation, as smoothly as playing a console action game with a controller. Effortless (sort of).


TL;DR: Coming from somebody who evolved over time from a complete clicker to a complete keybinder, the only people who would defend clicking in PvP (PvE is fine) are people who have yet to try keybinding, or people who downright fail at it. Keybinding is superior in all aspects and the only time a clicker will beat a keybinder is when the best clicker faces the worst keybinder. An 'equal' keybinder vs. an 'equal' clicker...there is no contest. It's laughable to even contemplate.

Edited by Mal-Sharran
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Good God, I did not expect this thread to get such a response. But thank you everybody for your responses. I have another question:


Which class do you think is best to practice keybinding/strafing/whatever else on? I currently have a 50 vanguard and I'm doing fine with clicking. I get anywhere between 1st and 4th in damage + protection.

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I used to be a clicker. And I have to admit, though I found it hard at first, using key bind was more efficient for me. It let me move around faster and I could heal better since I don't have to look at my quickslots to see what skills I'm clicking. Just knowing the keyboard and pressing the keys saved my a** a lot of times in PvP.


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