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Its just so much easier to move using the mouse instead of keyboard turning. This is my first mmo and when i started I cliccked all my abilities and even playing as my fav class jedi knight which has tons of abilities I came in top 3 in almostt every warzone I played in. The problem is that when you encounter someone else who mouse turns they just run circles around you as you try to back peddle. I never really noticed this and resisted using keybinds because I was good but seriously just got totally shut down by people who really know how to strafe and move with the mouse.
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Its just so much easier to move using the mouse instead of keyboard turning. This is my first mmo and when i started I cliccked all my abilities and even playing as my fav class jedi knight which has tons of abilities I came in top 3 in almostt every warzone I played in. The problem is that when you encounter someone else who mouse turns they just run circles around you as you try to back peddle. I never really noticed this and resisted using keybinds because I was good but seriously just got totally shut down by people who really know how to strafe and move with the mouse.


Not true if you have twitchy hands...but the keyboard turns are smooth and precise

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Not true if you have twitchy hands...but the keyboard turns are smooth and precise


Thats sort of like saying using a ps3/xbox controller is better for FPS's than a keyboard and mouse :confused:


Kb turning and moving view with a controller both have a finite speed, your arm really doesn't...

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What are you trippers talking about?


It make zero difference in a game like this, you dont keyboard turn if you click, you just use right mouse button, or keyboard if you only need a slight angle adjustment.


The global cool down in mmo's are so long time is of little importance.


I see some people talking about accuracy? ***, you auto attack whatever is selected. And you hit tab to select.


Any skills in a mmo come from stretegy, rotation, and quick thinking......not some awesome keyboard skillz.



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And you still can't be doing two things at once with your mouse. How do you plan to kill someone you can't attack. Again, I challenge anyone to meet me somewhere in-game and stay facing me for just 20 seconds with keyboard turning.



So despite scientific studies proving divided attention can make a gorilla invisible you think somehow this doesn't apply to standing in AOE. That's it. I'm done. Just keep ignoring science and basic common sense. It's obviously a waste of time to argue with someone so determined to ignore reality.


Again, 40% saw the gorilla, that is no small number. What we need is the same study done with gamers, I have a feeling that more then half will see the Gorilla, if not more.

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And you still can't be doing two things at once with your mouse. How do you plan to kill someone you can't attack. Again, I challenge anyone to meet me somewhere in-game and stay facing me for just 20 seconds with keyboard turning.



So despite scientific studies proving divided attention can make a gorilla invisible you think somehow this doesn't apply to standing in AOE. That's it. I'm done. Just keep ignoring science and basic common sense. It's obviously a waste of time to argue with someone so determined to ignore reality.


My god you really are slower then i thought. For one that study does not prove that a clicker is worse. In fact it proves nothing, as most gamers are aware of their Surroundings.


Second, you claim as fact that clickers are worse, yet you still have not given any solid evidence too that claim.

Edited by Bladedakoda
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Players seasoned with mmos are always goibg to nove away from such behaviour as soon as they are confortable enough to try.


Your use of the word "always" is an overstatement. ;)


I've been playing mmo's for nearly 10 years. Quite comfortable with the genre. I keybind and click, whatever suits me at the moment. In fact, this is the first game that I ever used keybinding for attacks, mainly because it's the first mmo I've played without an auto attack. It seemed more efficient this way.



And I know what the typical response will be to the following statement, but I'm going to make it anyway because it's still true: I can understand why people personally choose one or the other (or a combination, like myself), but I fail to truly understand why anyone so passionately cares about another person's playstyle. Mind your own. That's all the really matters because at the end of the day, it is just a game.

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I use to be a very fast clicker. I switched to a razer naga mouse and once you get the hang of its certainly faster.. BUT there are very fast clickers out there that you honestly cant tell much difference when grouped with them.
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Maybe..but you and others are acting like it actually makes a difference in this game. Your trying to min/Max a game where even the min is overkill. As a pure clicker using the hot. Bar i can 1v1 pretty much anyone. Those i can't are because of mechanics..outhealed so i run out of energy or that operative CC takes half life and fades away..rinse and repeat.


For healing..its not difficult to click a frame and heal. I don't need search the map looking. If you think that extra 1/4 of a second makes difference between life and death..then your already bad.


So yes..most times keybinding is quicker and more efficient ..after you learn to never click wrong key and memorize where you.bound 30 keys. But the efficiency difference has literally no impact in this game.


It has nothing to do with Min/Maxing. Once you keybind, doing anything else feels awkward.


Its like learning how to type properly and then deciding to bring up the on-screen keyboard and clicking all the letters to form sentences. Can you? Sure. Is it as fast as typing? Not by a long shot.


And uh, yea, there are plenty of situations where 1/4th of a second can mean life or death in this game. That quarter second it takes you to move your mouse to your interrupt button could make a huge difference.


Look, no one is insulting you. Click all you want, I don't really care. What I said still stands. Clicking works, just not as well as keybinding.

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I used to agree about the keybinding thing (I use a hybrid method + gaming keyboard) UNTIL I realized that my former guildie in WoW, the GM and main tank, AND raid leader of the server's #2 progression guild was a clicker, and keyboard turner.


So its really BS, i bind 8 abilities, click the rest, which are all situation and still pwn in PVP.


Sorc "thats the first time i lost a duel in a long time"


Me (sniper) "thats cuz u cant run from my gun"


i agree with you off cours eis BS, in the end its up to the player to adapt, and learn what suit him best.

I used hybrid metod and i fared pretty well, i laugh when i see someone runing in circles arround me, when i can swicth, to keyboard and move backwards or foward, and i have no trouble keeping up to those guys, also i like to point the turning is never with keyboard is always in the mouse, so whatever you do, you will always keep up to those guys with the keyboard, and mouse turning just saying.

Allthough it is irrelevant, since swtor is launched i play it with a PS3 controler lol. It works even better. But again its a matter of geting used to, a good player will adapt and learn whataver is keyboard or mouse, or controller doenst matter.

Edited by Spartanik
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Everyone who clicks because you have 0% chance to turn your character/strafe whilst clicking abilities. Players seasoned with mmos are always goibg to nove away from such behaviour as soon as they are confortable enough to try.




The problem with clicking is that you can't react fast enough.

You can apply any rotation with clicking as fast as key bindings by dragging your mouse over the next ability and spamming before the cast bar or CD is done.


But when/if you come across anything unusual and need to use an non-rotation ability such as a big heal, interrupt or cure (e.g. triage) it takes around 0.5-1 second for you to take your mouse to the required button. Another 0.5-1 sec to move it back. It may be too late to react some times.


Also keybinding brings another advantage. All of us have no-GCD ablities, such as consumables, energy regen, usable relics etc. If your mouse is free from your basic rotation, you can use these abilities without losing even 0.2 second.

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I have seen great players that were clickers, and great players that were keyboarders.


The only poor players ( and the ones we kick from our groups ) are the ones that insist how others play.

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You can click your way to better stats than 99% of players, clicker/keybinder- because 99% of players are bad. It's really only when you get into that top 1% that there's no such thing as a clicker, but, as that's 1 in 100... you'll face one of those every dozen matches, so it's no biggie.
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But when/if you come across anything unusual and need to use an non-rotation ability such as a big heal, interrupt or cure (e.g. triage) it takes around 0.5-1 second for you to take your mouse to the required button. Another 0.5-1 sec to move it back. It may be too late to react some times.


Hhahahahahaha, better dont try any shooter. 2 seconds in css, hl2dm, quake3 or whatever is like an entire life.... :p


A good clicker can click on 6/7 abilities on 2 seconds without look at the speel bar.. a good clicker can do two headshoots in 2 seconds... with moving targets...


If u dont have the ability to do it, dont claim there is not people that can do it.


My 2 cents.

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I'm a clicker and I know it....

clicky cliky clicky clicky clicky yea

clicky cliky clicky clicky clicky yea

clicky cliky clicky clicky clicky yea

clicky cliky clicky clicky clicky yea yea


When I click on by, keybinders be acting like damn he fly.

Edited by OldBenSmokin
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I'd pay to see that.

Expecially in a game with a 1.5 sec global cooldown.


Im talking about "the speed he can achieve" not taking into account the gdc.


1.5 gdc is like a joke.. in 1.5 sec a normal clicker can click on at least two points on the screen without too much effort.



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Im talking about "the speed he can achieve" not taking into account the gdc.


1.5 gdc is like a joke.. in 1.5 sec a normal clicker can click on at least two points on the screen without too much effort.




But NOBODY is clicking 6-7 in 2 seconds with any kind of consistency. NO ONE.

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I am a clicker. I understand how this can be thought of as a handicap. But in all walks of life there are people who do things unconventionally very successfully. Whats best for one person is not what is best for another.


Also, strangely enough, on my Hunter in LOTRO, I am a Keybinding guy. I am sure if I use a class in SWTOR that I feel more comfortable using keybinding instead, I will.

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I use the keyboard for moving and it works fine. I move faster and more smoothly than if I was using a mouse to move. People who think in order to be good you need to use the keyboard to use abilities and the mouse to move are wrong. If you are good with the using the keyboard for movement and you aren't the weakest link then you are fine.
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Im talking about "the speed he can achieve" not taking into account the gdc.


1.5 gdc is like a joke.. in 1.5 sec a normal clicker can click on at least two points on the screen without too much effort.




For standing still fights and all you have to do is mash your rotation, it does not matter.


However if you add in factors like moving, having to interrupt abilities etc. clicking will lose (unless the keybinder is bad ofc :p)

Edited by Tekkoclarky
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I use the keyboard for moving and it works fine. I move faster and more smoothly than if I was using a mouse to move.


If you learned to move with your mouse, you would regret saying what you just said.


There is just no way, and I mean no way, that keyboard turning is more efficient and smoother than using the mouse.


Try turning 180 degrees, with a keyboard and then with the mouse. Tell me which was faster and if content was harder, just saved your life.

Edited by Tekkoclarky
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