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Meh, I was the main tank for a highly competitive raiding guild when I played WoW from Vanilla through Burning Crusade, and I am a clicker. Being a clicker was just as viable in WoW as it is in this game.


i doubt you was a keyboard turner.



And tanking is not that hard.

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Could say teh same thing about you?


Are you in a top raiding guild?


are in the top 10 damage or healing of your class in the world?


No.. oh wow then dont really want to hear you opinions


ALl the TOP guilds in the world!

if you talk to any of them they will LAUGH at your face if you call yourself a clicker

or a keyboard turner


Simple as that


numbers dont lie


but have fun with ya angry birds style of play GG and burn in fire when you keyboard turn to run out of it lol


You are ignorant beyond belief. ALL the TOP guilds in the world?

Do tell. You talked to all of them I'm guessing, and they personally told you that eh?

Like i said before, it's a personal preference. You can be in the top as a clicker, but it takes practice, lots of it. Just like it takes lot's of practice to be one of the best binders.

The only difference is, as a clicker the learning curve to that top is a little more difficult.


Here's some info on the clicker in my guild. Due to privacy i won't give up the name of the person. All i'm saying is, he's on Neptulon EU and he's a DPS warrior.


no 4. on Halfus HC 25

no 24 on Nefarian HC 25

no 26 on Argaloth 25

no 46 on twilight council 25

no 82 on Rhyolith 25


and a few others in the 100s range. And these are the old parses he had back when the content was still new. (once we beat normal we moved on to HC)

Some of these statistics might actually be worse now than they were back then.

I had a few parses on those fights as well, but due to the way World of Logs records the data, your top parses can be "dethroned" by newer players running the old content with better gear.

Aside from him, my guild has several other top parsers.

No the best players don't care about clickers or binders.



Edited by Frozenshiva
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I would say Keybinds are dead now too aswell as clickers.Naga mouse is the best way to play any MMO no keybinder can keep up with me......he is moving his fingers to this key to that keyy all I have to do is move my thumb.....and I can do everything they can do but waaaaaaaaaaaaay faster.


Naga >>>>>>>>>>>>Keybinder>>>clicker is how it is nowadays.


That's still keybinding.

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When I was a clicker I used to move with a combination of the mouse and the keyboard (somehow I moved forward and back with the keyboard, mouse turned, and clicked abilities, it was wierd but felt good at the time). I was also one of the top 50 Hunters in the world in WoW on several different ICC fights (can't comment before that because I didn't look up World of Logs info until someone dragged my self critical butt in there to see I wasn't a bad player when we were in ICC). This was when the content was still competitive and current and I was undergeared compared to many people because our loot system favored other members of the guild at that time (didn't get a 2nd piece of heroic 25 tier until 2 weeks before Cata came out). I will say as a footnote that after I attained such a status I started training myself to mouse move and keyboard use abilities to see if I could be even better. For Cata, I bought a Razr Nostromo because for some wierd reason I couldn't get over looking at my action bars for abilities even when using the keyboard to use abilities (used addons to set up my action bars to look like my Nostromo buttons which I don't have to do in SWTOR because of the 2 bars we can have on the bottom).


All that being said, it wouldn't suprise me one bit if being a clicker was mostly a detriment to people with bad responsiveness of their computer to the server or something like that, and that a majority of the time mouse turning and keyboard use of abilities ended up superior. My system isn't the best out there by far, and wasn't when I was a world class Hunter, but was still better than many gamer computers.

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if thats how they choose to play who cares?

and to say it is less efficent you should see my wife.. shes a clicker..and one of the best healers i have ever seen. and in pvp shes always hovering around the mid range of players in a game and she doesnt even like pvp i drag her along to heal me...


so some clickers can get pretty damned efficent with clicking


Your wife has not reached her full potential and she never will as long as she's clicking.

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Your wife has not reached her full potential and she never will as long as she's clicking.


And she shouldn't.

Unless you're planning to play with the best. like the top 1-10% there is no point in being 100% optimal.

And even then you won't be 100% optimal, regardless if you were a clicker or a binder.


There is no POINT in them trying to be the best, if they aren't going to be playing in that kind of environment.

Most player's are playing at 50% of their potential and most of the top guilds are around 70- 90%.

The top 1% are around 95% of their potential at best.


The only benefit of binding is that its easier to improve at than clicking.

That is really the only thing. It leaves more room for errors.

In most cases, and by this i mean the average player, a binder will do far more mistakes than a clicker and still perform "better".

If anything binding leads to bad play.

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And she shouldn't.

Unless you're planning to play with the best. like the top 1-10% there is no point in being 100% optimal.

And even then you won't be 100% optimal, regardless if you were a clicker or a binder.


There is no POINT in them trying to be the best, if they aren't going to be playing in that kind of environment.

Most player's are playing at 50% of their potential and most of the top guilds are around 70- 90%.

The top 1% are around 95% of their potential at best.


The only benefit of binding is that its easier to improve at than clicking.

That is really the only thing. It leaves more room for errors.

In most cases, and by this i mean the average player, a binder will do far more mistakes than a clicker and still perform "better".

If anything binding leads to bad play.


have fun stagnating. I'm off to be the best i can be at everything i do.

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have fun stagnating. I'm off to be the best i can be at everything i do.


Thank you for your wonderful and constructive post.

When you have anything to back up your statement of limitless epeen let me know.

Like i said so many times before, i don't care if you're a binder (or not), if you're not good/skilled enough for the content no amount of key-binds will save you. Most people applying for hard-core guilds are binders (since the majority of the players are binders) and they get rejected/fail trials on a daily basis like flies to a light bulb.


There is no point to being a binder if you're not efficient, and most binders aren't.

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Thank you for your wonderful and constructive post.

When you have anything to back up your statement of limitless epeen let me know.

Like i said so many times before, i don't care if you're a binder (or not), if you're not good/skilled enough for the content no amount of key-binds will save you. Most people applying for hard-core guilds are binders (since the majority of the players are binders) and they get rejected/fail trials on a daily basis like flies to a light bulb.


There is no point to being a binder if you're not efficient, and most binders aren't.


Binding or not, being fine with not being the best is lowering your "skill-ceiling," if you will. Skill ceiling, being defined as your top potential ability to play.


Now, i am not content until i have become the best. While i may never acheive my top, maximum potential, my ceiling is higher than yours, thus so is my potential.


and saying a binder is inefficient is also a baseless and ill-informed claim.

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have fun stagnating. I'm off to be the best i can be at everything i do.


Oh, aren't WE all edgy an' stuff.


I'm too busy getting my second masters degree to worry about some stupid computer game. I have fun, that's all I care about.

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Good way to find and avoid all inferior players. Nice..


What do you mean? I just want statistics. I'm a clicker myself and I do perfectly fine in PvP and PvE. You should see my hands fly across the keyboard jumping around and stuff lol .You'd be surprised at how mobile I am as a clicker.



Good idea Stupiddrummer, thanks :)

Edited by Meluna
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Clicking < Keybinds




lol this has been stated many times..


But I tried in the past few days to get used to keybinds and I simply cannot. I'm so used to clicking. I've been clicking ever since I started MMO's (Guild Wars beta). I really cannot be a keybinder xD But its good to see so many opinions here.


People have the right to play they want to play. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean they have to do what you want them to do. Everyone has the right to play the way they feel comfortable to.




And yes I was thanking you xD no sarcasm

Edited by WNxAres
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lol this has been stated many times..


But I tried in the past few days to get used to keybinds and I simply cannot. I'm so used to clicking. I've been clicking ever since I started MMO's (Guild Wars beta). I really cannot be a keybinder xD But its good to see so many opinions here.


People have the right to play they want to play. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean they have to do what you want them to do. Everyone has the right to play the way they feel comfortable to.


i totally agree with your last statement. everyone play how they want.


But seriously, you use no keybindings? You just use wasd on the keyboard and that's it? Not even numbers 1-5? Not criticizing just curious.

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Are people still defending keyboard turning/clicking? Here, let's do an exercise.


Press S, A, or D, and keep your finger on that button. Now, try to hit the 1-6 keys while holding those buttons. Not impossible, but it certainly doesn't feel comfortable, does it? Keep in mind that while doing this you are also moving your mouse around the screen trying to click abilities.


Now hold your right mouse button and hit your Q of E keys, and keep your finger on one of them. Now try hitting your 1-6 keys. Much easier, and grants you the ability to move around faster by using your mouse for movement.


If you are clicking the abilities then you are forced into keyboard turning (backpedaling, turning camera with keyboard) which severely inhibits your mobility. So not only is using the strafe keys + mouse more efficient for casting spells quicker and moving while casting, you are also moving faster because you never have to backpedal or stand still while turning the camera! In addition, when clicking you constantly have to look at your bars to click your skills, where as with keybinding you can always keep your eye on the battle.



For those that are still arguing for the "Clickers":


Tell me which method is faster. This one?


1. Move your mouse to an ally, or their party frame

2. Click the target

3. Move your mouse to your heal ability

4. Click the ability


OR, this one:


1. Press F2

2. Press your keybind


Those of you saying "Clicking is just as effect! Look at me, I do just fine!" are pretty much saying that the first method is faster. The second method literally takes have a second. It's not a matter of opinion. Keybinding is faster, and every Clicker on this thread is in denial if they are arguing otherwise.


Now, I understand that not everyone wants to "be the best." But if you care about becoming a better player, then switching your keybinds is the absolute best thing you can do to achieve that. If you aren't concerned with optimizing your playing ability, that's fine. You can enjoy the game plenty while clicking your abilities, and that's really none of anyone's business. However, stating the clicking is just as good is simply false.

Edited by Samwiseee
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lol this has been stated many times..


But I tried in the past few days to get used to keybinds and I simply cannot. I'm so used to clicking. I've been clicking ever since I started MMO's (Guild Wars beta). I really cannot be a keybinder xD But its good to see so many opinions here.


People have the right to play they want to play. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean they have to do what you want them to do. Everyone has the right to play the way they feel comfortable to.


I totally agree with your statement but I wouldn't want you in my guild. We could be friends though =)

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i totally agree with your last statement. everyone play how they want.


But seriously, you use no keybindings? You just use wasd on the keyboard and that's it? Not even numbers 1-5? Not criticizing just curious.


I have E set to my spam and I may hit 1-5 here and there if I'm in a rush to kill someone. Other than that I'm a pure clicker lol. I've been getting top 3 in damage in all the wz's I've been in.

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Oh, aren't WE all edgy an' stuff.


I'm too busy getting my second masters degree to worry about some stupid computer game. I have fun, that's all I care about.


Funny, I'm graduating with mine in May and already applied to several schools for my phd... Oh, I dont keyboard turn either.

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I have E set to my spam and I may hit 1-5 here and there if I'm in a rush to kill someone. Other than that I'm a pure clicker lol. I've been getting top 3 in damage in all the wz's I've been in.


so you do understand there is definite value in keybinds, as you dabble in them.


What if you're always in a rush to kill someone, wouldn't keybinds be the way to go?

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I have E set to my spam and I may hit 1-5 here and there if I'm in a rush to kill someone. Other than that I'm a pure clicker lol. I've been getting top 3 in damage in all the wz's I've been in.


I suggest you ask others in Warrior Nation, I have played several MMOs with WNx and I doubt too many of them would advocate clicking.

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