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Force Leap


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This is what is ruining huttball not force pull. The ability makes playing defense nearly impossible for some classes. They can't go to knock pullers/receivers off the ramps, they get leaped to. They cannot try to play a goaline D, they get leaped to.


Make it so that anyone carrying the ball cannot leap. Otherwise leave it unchanged. That may fix the problem.

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This is what is ruining huttball not force pull. The ability makes playing defense nearly impossible for some classes. They can't go to knock pullers/receivers off the ramps, they get leaped to. They cannot try to play a goaline D, they get leaped to.


Make it so that anyone carrying the ball cannot leap. Otherwise leave it unchanged. That may fix the problem.

Everyone knows that you don't have to stay on the line if the ball carrier is a Warrior/Knight, if they managed to get there with a W/K, it's your fault because you didn't stop them earlier, also fight not on the line and knock down enemies, not that hard at all

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Everyone knows that you don't have to stay on the line if the ball carrier is a Warrior/Knight, if they managed to get there with a W/K, it's your fault because you didn't stop them earlier, also fight not on the line and knock down enemies, not that hard at all




Either you have never played against a good team or you have never seen a good tank. I'm not sure which.

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Either you have never played against a good team or you have never seen a good tank. I'm not sure which.


Maybe it's you who doesn't play in a good team, because if the enemies get the ball it's the team fault, the jugg can't do all the field running, huttball ball carrirers are very easy to counter, knock them off bridges, snares, kill healers, if the team is focused and play well there are no problems, to me it seems you have been in bad teams......

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Force Leap/Charge has a min range. If you are closer than that, they can't jump to you. I'm a Juggernaut so I have it. People just LOVE to stand up top shooting down, as if they get some kind of advantage doing that. If you're 1m away or 30m, you can still shoot. The fact you can't be engaged in melee has a drawback: people can use you as a teleport point. Just because you can't stand on the goaline doesn't mean there's no defense. It means there's no defense by standing at the goaline.


When people gang up on me, I look to jump out, cuz I'm puttering along at 1m an hour. If they are right on me, I either have a pass or I'm eventually going to die. And in a big cluster, there's a chance for interception.


So, man up, and get off your perch.


The classes that can jump don't have any sprints (other than the generic lvl 14). They can only escape if you give them an out.

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Hmm, let's see, how can I counter a charge...


Knockbacks? maybe... Pull back? Maybe... Not stand on the edge? Maybe... Whine about it on forums? Ye sure!


The problem is, when you single out one ability and say it is too strong, ofc it seems that way, but when you factor in everything else it is actually in line. The only class that should be annoyed is operatives and their mirror as I THINK they are the only ones who can't knockback, pull or charge, correct me if I am wrong. But everyone else has an equal counter that can be used.

Edited by Hahkil
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Hmm, let's see, how can I counter a charge...


Knockbacks? maybe... Pull back? Maybe... Not stand on the edge? Maybe... Whine about it on forums? Ye sure!


The problem is, when you single out one ability and say it is too strong, ofc it seems that way, but when you factor in everything else it is actually in line. The only class that should be annoyed is operatives and their mirror as I THINK they are the only ones who can't knockback, pull or charge, correct me if I am wrong. But everyone else has an equal counter that can be used.


Mara/sent can't knock back either but just not standing on the line is the best way to counter that

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Behind every good leap there is a moron on your team who has no situational awareness and decides to place themselves in the direction the ball carrier wants to move.


My favorites include:

- standing behind the last fire on the middle platform so that the carrier can leap over the fire and your team who was dps'ing him can't traverse the fire.

- standing on the ledge in the spawn area while the ball carrier is in the pit getting heals and taunts effectively tanking half your team.

- standing near the boxes at the top platform surrounding the middle, so that a juggernaut can charge you from the ball spawn, push you past the first fire down to the middle platform and leap to you with only one fire left to traverse before the goal line.

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Mara/sent can't knock back either but just not standing on the line is the best way to counter that


Ah ye, and I been playing only my mara last few days >.< silly me. But ye, if the mara is standing on the goal line, and same with operative than they aren't doing their job as a melee properly anyway :p (and healer ops who do it should just get better)

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Behind every good leap there is a moron on your team who has no situational awareness and decides to place themselves in the direction the ball carrier wants to move.


This is true. If you see that a JK or a SW is carrying the ball, don't let them charge where they want to. Stay behind them or jump down. Even if you do no damage to him if you land in the pit, it's better than giving him a free score. There are also pulls, knockbacks and all sorts of stuff to counter them. It's all about teamwork.

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Behind every good leap there is a moron on your team who has no situational awareness and decides to place themselves in the direction the ball carrier wants to move.


My favorites include:

- standing behind the last fire on the middle platform so that the carrier can leap over the fire and your team who was dps'ing him can't traverse the fire.

- standing on the ledge in the spawn area while the ball carrier is in the pit getting heals and taunts effectively tanking half your team.

- standing near the boxes at the top platform surrounding the middle, so that a juggernaut can charge you from the ball spawn, push you past the first fire down to the middle platform and leap to you with only one fire left to traverse before the goal line.




That is the entire point. It isn't about situational awareness. Sure someone can LoS and let them pass to the guy on the ledge. That isn't defense. You are basically saying a non stealth class should not be able to stand in front of a leaper class as defense. That is ridiculous.

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This is true. If you see that a JK or a SW is carrying the ball, don't let them charge where they want to. Stay behind them or jump down. Even if you do no damage to him if you land in the pit, it's better than giving him a free score. There are also pulls, knockbacks and all sorts of stuff to counter them. It's all about teamwork.




Listen to yourself...


You are telling people not to play defense becuase of force leap. That is what it amounts to.

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Listen to yourself...


You are telling people not to play defense becuase of force leap. That is what it amounts to.


Standing on the touchline is not "playing defense", it's being an idiot.



Leap is fine. Bad players are bad and help the enemy scoring.


If the ball carrier cannot leap then the same thing will still happen, except a jugg will leap to him, force push him away, then receive a pass instead of having the ball before leaping.

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No, they're saying to attack the guy, but not from the ledge. Jump down into the Pit and get to work on him there.


But I do feel that Force speed, jet charge, force leap, and sorc pull should not be usable on/by the ball carrier, force him to plod along and pass it. Saying this as a 50 Jugg where Huttball is the only map I really excel on.

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People who whine about certain classes being better in the ball carrier role tend to be the same people who think that the only thing that matters in Huttball is how good you are at carrying a ball.


They're the same people who don't realize that the team needs to be able to support the ball carrier and also control the middle of the map ready for the ball to respawn, it's pointless all madly rushing forward and shooting everything if the other team will just score immediately afterwards.

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Force leap can be bittersweet in huttball. Its by far the easiest way imo to put points on the board with a lil bit of luck I can score 3 times and still have no medals...


Also worth mentioning, for every 10 nice leaps that ppl rage about in huttballs, theres at least 5 or so that horribly go wrong, ie: leaping at somebody and getting your torso wedged in the floor somehow, leaping and not going anywhere at all, leaping at somebody and teleporting under them in the pit and on one occassion i did a force leap at somebody and just didnt stop flying, flew straight into their lil spawn gate room thing and exploded instantly (juggs will know this kills you instantly) then i respawned back at my teams side behind the barrier with the ball still.

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Meh, engage in pit, sorcerer/sage in end zone pulls. Engage sorcerer/sage in endzone warrior/knight leaps. Either way, huttball is all about who has the most "teleportation" (for my half asleep inability to think of a better word) moves. It's great when it's your team, unfair when it's theirs. Such is life :p
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This is what is ruining huttball not force pull. The ability makes playing defense nearly impossible for some classes. They can't go to knock pullers/receivers off the ramps, they get leaped to. They cannot try to play a goaline D, they get leaped to.


Make it so that anyone carrying the ball cannot leap. Otherwise leave it unchanged. That may fix the problem.


Ok. I played BH, Operative and after re-roll - Juggenout and I use force leap a loot !

So if you want to take away my only gap closer then please:


~ remove knockbacks fromy EVERY class

~ remove pull

~ remove push

~ remove force sprint


For EVERY class that carry the ball. More to that. Nerfing in hutball ONE class just make people focus on ANOTHER class and another complains.

That would force people to move into position and pass the ball :p


So nerf hutball experience for everyone or no one. What is the difference if I can jump to idiot who didn't expect JK/SW to jump than guy who was pulled because everyone ignored Inq/Cons ? No idea...

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Honestly, don't nerf anyone. Make the huttball map bigger. Leaps and Pulls have cooldowns, bigger map = more selective usage. As it stands, it's just too quick/easy to get ball, get pulled, leap, get pulled again, score.
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Huttball is most dependant on class composition. Thats why it usually sucks the most if you queue solo. If you dont have enough classes with this kind of abilities its almost impossible to defend/score.


Good idea woul be to make it premade WZ only.

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the only change i would like in huttball would be crates in the starting zone ala FE that give grenades that do a small KB (smaller than the normal skill one) on a 2min cd.


because frankly, playing this map when i dont have any sprint, knockback, push, pull, charge is just an exercise to patience...


OR change the map so that on this map only, knockbacks, pulls, charges give you full resolve. cause a knockback is the hardest CC here.

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it's your fault because you didn't stop them earlier


Problem is right that ^


If there are a couple of classes who basically only need to bring the ball half way before it's too late.... that's ridiculous.


Then again, in my opinion being able to use force speed with the ball is even worse than leap.

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Honestly, don't nerf anyone. Make the huttball map bigger. Leaps and Pulls have cooldowns, bigger map = more selective usage. As it stands, it's just too quick/easy to get ball, get pulled, leap, get pulled again, score.


I'd be up for a bigger Huttball map.


Although with a bigger map I'd like them to encourage passing more without setting a static limit like a shorter ball carrier debuff (the one that kills you if you hold the ball for to long).


But most of the ways that I can think to do that involve more raised walkways and while I don't complain about knockback I wouldn't want to see it being made even more important.

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