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How many Subscriptions do you think this game has right now


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I know of one person's nasty comments I like to flag: yours.


Kinda off topic and all but just curious. Do you take comments like his about a game personally? The word 'nasty' got me thinking.


Being nasty (in the sense you used it for) usually implies the person was being nasty to a person or group of people personally. Being he was talking about a game, which is a non emotional entity and not a person, why would you use that particular term?

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Well then how do you explain 3 weeks ago a topics moving as fast off the front page as the WOW forums (On of any of the sub forums as well) to the same threads sitting there for weeks at a time and hardly even being updated?


Many reasons for that actually.

People are working.

People are playing.

People are tired of forums (either the negativity or personal attacks)

People are unsubbing.


Could be a combination of all of these things together. But generally forum activity means very little in regards to actual subscription numbers.


I do think the subs are dropping, but just can't view the forums as any kind of indication of it.

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Well...considering the forums have coime to a carwl in regards to activity and I am guessing only Active Subs can post...that says something right there.


That coupled with the "Hey get your friends to play for Free!!" Promo has already launched I think it is safe to say the number of active subs had dropped DRAMATICALLY!!!!


You mean the crawl as in posts don't make it front page more than 10 minutes? Go to any other games forums and see posts from yesterday on the front page. Just because you want the game to fail so you can boast at how bad it sucks like you said, the game ISN'T going to fail in a few months time.


Any person is plays MMO's knows you have to give a game 6 months to monitor it's direction. If after the 6 month mark you are seeing dead servers and nothing new on the horizon, THEN you can declare it dead. Look at Rift for a example of a game bleeding massive subs. It has lost nearly 90 percent of its launch numbers and it's still going strong. This game is a LONG way from the bargain bin haters.

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Clearly this game has 3 million subscribers.


Thats why a whopping 20 thousand people watched the Guild Summit Live Stream...


And thats why..


Bioware actually put a vendor in the fleet selling all the vanity and VIP items.




These are the actions of a Developer whose mmo just doubled its population.


I saw stuff like this being said before they said 1.8 million subs, anything they do will make people like you say stuff like this, its going to happen!


But seriously why make this thread? to figure out who doesn't like the game and who does?


people who REALLY like the game are going to say something like 3 mill, people who hate the game are going to say under 1 mill, people who think nothing has changed much are going to say about 2 mill.


and no one will ever know until they release this quarters numbers.

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I saw stuff like this being said before they said 1.8 million subs, anything they do will make people like you say stuff like this, its going to happen!


But seriously why make this thread? to figure out who doesn't like the game and who does?


people who REALLY like the game are going to say something like 3 mill, people who hate the game are going to say under 1 mill, people who think nothing has changed much are going to say about 2 mill.


and no one will ever know until they release this quarters numbers.


I know because I have special mental powers of awesomeness. Ok, maybe not. But I have a good hunch =)

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Well then how do you explain 3 weeks ago a topics moving as fast off the front page as the WOW forums (On of any of the sub forums as well) to the same threads sitting there for weeks at a time and hardly even being updated?


Because the forums have become a pointless whine-fest on which the same 3 topics are discussed over and over again, and people are tired of trying to have a sensible discussion.


Incidentally I would guess that the current population is somewhere between 12 people and 900 billion, since we're offering opinions based on nothing at all.

Edited by Mr_Jonse
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Well...considering the forums have coime to a carwl in regards to activity and I am guessing only Active Subs can post...that says something right there.


That coupled with the "Hey get your friends to play for Free!!" Promo has already launched I think it is safe to say the number of active subs had dropped DRAMATICALLY!!!!


Actually forum's tend to get quiet when the vocal people leave, not when the game itself drops dramatically in subs, though i like how you try to make a connection to the fact they have opened up trials for friends as a reference, considering every other mmo has stuff like that.

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Because the forums have become a pointless whine-fest on which the same 3 topics are discussed over and over again, and people are tired of trying to have a sensible discussion.


Incidentally I would guess that the current population is somewhere between 12 people and 900 billion, since we're offering opinions based on nothing at all.


nothing at all.


nothing at all.


I'm sorry when i read that it started looping like Flanders voice "it feels like im wearing nothing at all, nothing at all, nothing at all."


don't kill me.

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Bottom line.


All EA cares about is total subs.


All players care about is total active players.


When was the last time you heard EA or BW give any idea of the number of active players?


Whoa active subs don't give a indication? not everyone play's all the time, even if they play 1-2 hours a day they are still active players, oh and last earnings call it was "average session was 4 hours"


obviously that doesn't say if everyone logged on every day but there you go.

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Whoa active subs don't give a indication? not everyone play's all the time, even if they play 1-2 hours a day they are still active players, oh and last earnings call it was "average session was 4 hours"


I understand players don't play all the time, neither do I.


Averages are a good gauge to measure activity but not absolute. Many different factors come into play but perception is something to consider. Times people are on and the number of players, level breakdowns, goals of players that are on, etc. Many players have either 1) quit, 2) cut back on playing time or 3) rolling alts. EA/BW only worries about #1. The rest of us care about all 3.


EA/BW can throw out numbers all day long, but I put more credence in what I see in the game and not what they publicly publish. At least on my server it's not a ghost town, the volume of players has noticeably dropped. EA/BW is only going to emphasize the positive and downplay or just not even talk about negatives. They don't want to go on record admitting activity is dropping, but their actions speak louder than their words.

Edited by Ozzone
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I'm guessing 2 mil with the Asia Pacific now. They were 1.8 mil before, so...


I am unsure if there has been a bigger influx with oceanic servers, I dont think the gain has been as big as would have liked. Due to most from the region already playing.

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Why? This is great fun, it's like watching a slow-motion train wreck. If this was a Roadrunner/Wiley E. Coyote cartoon, the safe is in mid-fall sloooooowly heading for the coyote's head, and he's looking up at it, knows it's coming. Meh, they took my money allotted for "entertainment" this month, I might well get something out of it.


The REAL fun is going to come when all the investors and stockholders demand to know where all the years and big honking wads of money went. Heads will roll, blood will be in the streets, careers destroyed...real Wrath of God type stuff. Who sez SEC filings can't be fun?


Lolz... I gotta get me a live cam to watch it all from.... could be even better than Walking Dead Season 2... with the zombies replaced by decaying Biodrones.... :cool:

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