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Companions take the EPIC out of SWTOR.


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Just saying, the game premise is for YOU to feel like the focus character.


For you to feel like the head hancho, the boss, the guy who takes names and rocks face.


An enemy will say "Right now, lets duel, 1v1 combat. Lets decide who the true "Sith" is. Lets find out how you stand up as a Jedi.


Then the camera zooms out, and your character cant fight anyone at level without a buddy to help you.


You end up group stomping every pve mob. Like a noob.


I cant feel like the Sith Lord/ Jedi Master/ Ace Sharpshooter when I need a grunt to follow me around holding aggro/shooting people because I cant.


So yes, this doesnt feel like the box description. It feels like Final Fantasy.


And before anyone says it, yes, in KOTOR you had a party. But in KOTOR you were playing a party centric story. In this game, your companion is just canned one liners.

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Right Click -> Dismiss Companion


I know what you are going to say. "This was designed for companions to fight with you" Yes...it was. Companions rock and expect more and more companions or "followers" in mmos from now on.


Majority of people love me, they help, you can dismiss them and tell them to craft and sell your stuff. I think that's pretty epic :cool:

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There was a time that developers could barely make a companion function in a video game.


Bioware poineered functioning companions in video games.


I never saw misses pac-man help mr pac-man eat squids ,belch and discuss their relationship afterwards lol.

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Hero without sidekick = more epic?






Plus, the game becomes more fun with companions as even the solo content is designed around small group dynamics to an extent - meaning you can play the class similarly to the way you'd play it in a group. Obviously not as much of course, but enough.

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I enjoy running around with just my Sniper and only have a companion out if I am taking down a champion or few levels higher than me Elite and my shadow solo's on her own to and can take down champions etc. that are higher than her,she has decent gear mind but that is about it.


Yes the game may be designed with companions in mind but it is down to you to use them,I do agree that they can make the game just way to easy but sometimes they can be very useful as well.


The choice is yours use them or not



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Qui-Gon had Obi Wan (in Ep 1) and they fought Darth Maul

Anakin had Padme (in Ep 2) and they fought the Geonosians

Luke had R2 and they destroyed the Death Star

Han had Chewie and they... fixed the Millenium Falcon everytime it tried to go FTL


Everyone had their companion in Star Wars, and usually the companion was the only real difference between evil and good. Often having these companions says: Good has friends that stand up for them, that is why they will always win.


Now, it sucks that evil also has companions in these games, but when it comes to storytelling a companion is often a very important tool to mirror the protagonist towards and help define the main character even more as a person.


I thank Bioware for companions!

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Who said anything about any other game or movie?


When a bad guy says "I challenge you to a duel!" and my companion kills him, the premise of that fight is broken.


And for the people saying to just fight without your companion...


Good luck past level 40 unless you are a sage/inquisitor, or 5 levels above your quests.


Edited to Add:


Companions would be pretty cool if they evolved based on your decisions like the Website says they do.


They don't. They just "like you more" and get your more mats when you send them to do your trade skills for you.

Edited by Halofax
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Just saying, the game premise is for YOU to feel like the focus character.


For you to feel like the head hancho, the boss, the guy who takes names and rocks face.


An enemy will say "Right now, lets duel, 1v1 combat. Lets decide who the true "Sith" is. Lets find out how you stand up as a Jedi.


Then the camera zooms out, and your character cant fight anyone at level without a buddy to help you.


You end up group stomping every pve mob. Like a noob.


I cant feel like the Sith Lord/ Jedi Master/ Ace Sharpshooter when I need a grunt to follow me around holding aggro/shooting people because I cant.


So yes, this doesnt feel like the box description. It feels like Final Fantasy.


And before anyone says it, yes, in KOTOR you had a party. But in KOTOR you were playing a party centric story. In this game, your companion is just canned one liners.


Characters in Star Wars movies had sidekicks. Argument fails.

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The OP does have a point.

Don't misunderstand me, i love the companion mechanics, and think they should be expanded and improved upon.

But, needing to have a companion for most fights can cheapen the feel of having an "epic" duel with a strong enemy.

Not an issue in general gameplay mind you, it's you, and your sidekick against large numbers of enemies, all great, but then comes this one fight, a duel against a known and hated enemy, sometimes you even agree to a duel, and then, it's not, it's 2 against 1, and it can feel a bit cheaper than it would if you had killed your enemy on your own.

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And before anyone says it, yes, in KOTOR you had a party. But in KOTOR you were playing a party centric story. In this game, your companion is just canned one liners.


I see that the fanboys are already making what they believe to be hash out of your arguments, but I completely agree with you, OP. There is nothing epic about a tag-along pet, particularly when he/she represents upwards of 40% (or more) of your total strength.


But, again, in a lot of these people's books, Bioware simply can't do wrong; the game is flawless, and you're a monster for even suggesting otherwise. :rolleyes:

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I know what you are going to say. "This was designed for companions to fight with you" Yes...it was. Companions rock and expect more and more companions or "followers" in mmos from now on.


Flat on your face as usual, eh Sarfux?


No other MMO will be repeating this shabby mechanic. Why? Because they A) want pet classes to feel like pet classes, and because B) as the OP pointed out, the presence of a constant companion drains all the epic out of a confrontation.

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And for the people saying to just fight without your companion...


Good luck past level 40 unless you are a sage/inquisitor, or 5 levels above your quests.


I think this is actually the main problem: The game is designed in a way that you actually depend on the presence of your companion. Without a healer around my Sniper would be a smear on the ground.

Don't get me wrong, coming from KOTOR and not WOW I like the general idea of the companions but the epicness is lacking. With the first character I played (a JC-Shadow), I never felt like the "Hero". Especially in later stages the constant MMO-style grind-battles, leave you behind feeling less than special...

In KOTOR I had my force lightning queued up 4 times and afterwards there were no Sith left standing...

Edited by ConnorSalak
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If you want more challenge do without companions. I often send all companions out gathering and crafting and solo content for the challenge. Because Im crafting so much in cybernetics I keep myself in blue mods. Same is possible for biochem, armortech, synthweaving and artifice. See how strong you can make yourself and don't rely on companion.

Now Epic is suddenly back.

Edited by KangasCollective
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I see that the fanboys are already making what they believe to be hash out of your arguments, but I completely agree with you, OP. There is nothing epic about a tag-along pet, particularly when he/she represents upwards of 40% (or more) of your total strength.


But, again, in a lot of these people's books, Bioware simply can't do wrong; the game is flawless, and you're a monster for even suggesting otherwise. :rolleyes:


Or maybe, we actually like companions in this game. Fancy that.

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Just saying, the game premise is for YOU to feel like the focus character.


For you to feel like the head hancho, the boss, the guy who takes names and rocks face.


An enemy will say "Right now, lets duel, 1v1 combat. Lets decide who the true "Sith" is. Lets find out how you stand up as a Jedi.


Then the camera zooms out, and your character cant fight anyone at level without a buddy to help you.


You end up group stomping every pve mob. Like a noob.


I cant feel like the Sith Lord/ Jedi Master/ Ace Sharpshooter when I need a grunt to follow me around holding aggro/shooting people because I cant.


So yes, this doesnt feel like the box description. It feels like Final Fantasy.


And before anyone says it, yes, in KOTOR you had a party. But in KOTOR you were playing a party centric story. In this game, your companion is just canned one liners.


Sooooo, you game was supplied with a free USB shotgun which you mount on your monitor, pointed at you head, just waiting for you to dismiss you companion so it can blow your brains out?




In that case I fail to see your point...

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The point of companions is not to take away the epicness from you, but to enable healers and tanks to be viable in single player content ( 99% of the game, feels like... ).


Dismiss him, if you are tough enough to duke it out by yourself.

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I want to know why I can't even pick up scrap metal if my companion's busy-let him tank for 2 seconds while I get the node, or am I somehow ninja'ing the metal from myself?


I also wonder why my companion who is apparently an expert at treasure hunting can't still do that without me having to choose the skill. Since I don't actually craft/gather/run missions anyway why not have Vette gather gemstones while Quinn makes medpacs and someone else makes me a new robe?

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The point of companions is not to take away the epicness from you, but to enable healers and tanks to be viable in single player content ( 99% of the game, feels like... ).


Dismiss him, if you are tough enough to duke it out by yourself.


So does that mean they will be pointless when the inevitable dual spec is available?

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