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PvP from a Sage's PoV


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This may come off as a rant, but whatever.


Ok here are a bunch of facts about sages/sorcs. This is coming from someone who was gladiator multiple seasons in WoW. You don't have to like the game to know that means I have a skillset that roughly transfers to this game.


The game is really really rocky for Sages in PVP (dps sages). Against a geared opponent a sage should lose a 1v1 vs every class that knows what they are doing. The two exceptions seem to be Snipers/gunslingers (abuse LoS) and Mercs/Troopers that spam tracer missile because they apparenty universally don't know how to fake cast (interupt tracer missile and they don't know what to do).


I cannot explain to you how frustrating this game gets when I have a BM pyro powertech on me. My tele throw hits them for ~350 per tick ( I am not saying it hits like this on all classes) and I am in a mix of BM and Champ gear. On the other hand the Powertech can chain crit me for 4200-5k with rail shots with other skills like rocket punch critting me for 3k+. I am forced to cc and sprint away in almost every situation. Our single target dps seems to be terrible considering we have to stay mobile and kite or we will get steamrolled. The biggest problem in my mind causing this is the hybrid spec. The AOE dmg completely inflates our stats, and when you also consider we are almost always in combat casting our damage is actually low.


The solution in my mind would have to be to buff top tier of tele and balance and break the hybrid spec. Additionally powertech pyro burst damage needs to be addressed


Below is from a WZ today. You might think they are fake numbers but any sage that has faced geared BHs can confirm that the same happens to them.

4600, 3400, 4400, + 1-2k in dots. There are three powertechs I face on my server almost all the time that are able to do that to me in probably 3 seconds in almost all of our encounters. For the record I can to 2k in response. If I am lucky and have a pom proc I can do maybe ~4k. My only choice is to force lift and run and hope others target him.


Before you comment:

If you are sub 50 you're opinion doesn't really matter. Everyone knows casters are the least gear dependent so of course you have a problem with sages/sorcs.


I don't care about your screenshot of a sorc doing 700k in a warzone. That's almost all AOE damage.

Edited by Rekios
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You are definetly right mate,and NOT only Powertech full geared,im having problem and im forced to stun and force speed away v every class whoss geared like me and who know whats doing,this rly started to pissing me off,and even worse theere are R E T A R D S who even QQ about sorc/sages thats how the community is so suck...btw im sorcerer..but same problems..we definetly need some dps buff cause its good damn 2low...my higheast his is 2,5k *** cause everyone is in bm i feel like nothing,i feel like I cant do nothing but im very skilled player idd...i pwn eveyone of them idd but ALMOST.I want to say if another marauder/bh/Ia is same skilled like me they would **** me. I wish i've choose some other class....shadows seem to be very strong...idk but please buff sorc/sages cause im bored of running away and killing 1v1 situations where im like "omg that was so close"
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poor sorcs/sages, they must be terrible because hardly anyone pays them, it's like every 5 or 6 warzones that i even see another sorc/sage......they are that bad! :(


imo sorcs/sages need buffs across the board:

- bubble absorption increased from 3.5 k to 5k so we have a little bit better survivability.

- project & telekenetic throw (and the sorc equivalents) need their dmg increased probably 2 fold and the cd needs to be reduced by 50%, so we have much better single target dps.

- our base heal needs a 50% buff too so we can stand a chance when those PT's come at us.


our aoe dmg seems fine and so does our aoe heals.

Edited by Evuke
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Amen dude,


I was having this exact conversation this morning and couldnt believe that nobody else was outraged at the broken (dps) Sorc/Sage class. Our only viable option in pvp is to run away? Which doesnt even work because people leap to us and root us even with full resolve bars. We also have absolutley no control worth a crap. So here is my burning question in caps for dramatic effect.



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Amen dude,


I was having this exact conversation this morning and couldnt believe that nobody else was outraged at the broken (dps) Sorc/Sage class. Our only viable option in pvp is to run away? Which doesnt even work because people leap to us and root us even with full resolve bars. We also have absolutley no control worth a crap. So here is my burning question in caps for dramatic effect.




Best question ever ,but seriously dude! Heavy armor can outdps lighting thats just SAD

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When they pop their relics, adrenals, etc... cc, force run away, shield yourself...


Why would you take it in the face. You are a clothie, you need to keep your head on a swivel... Oh yah, useful players have someone guarding them...

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When they pop their relics, adrenals, etc... cc, force run away, shield yourself...


Why would you take it in the face. You are a clothie, you need to keep your head on a swivel... Oh yah, useful players have someone guarding them...


Heaven forbid you use a defensive adrenal... guess what, rail shot and high impact bolt are ranged attacks which means they can be heavily mitigated...


Please keep in mind that pretty much everyone is gunning for a clothie sorc...

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Sages have the lowest single target damage in the game, that is a fact.


However, we were designed this way on purpose. We have great utility, and our primary role is that of a support class.


If we could keep up with the dps of marauders, mercenaries, operatives, snipers etc... then we WOULD be massively overpowered.


If a glass cannon is what you're after, you chose the wrong class.

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pvp is so *********** broken in this game....its a cc fest, vast majority of dots arent cleansable, Ive constantly had a 50 percent healing debuff on me for the last 6 months because, well im infamous (which means in full BM or full rakata my st big heals hit for 1k, *********** nice), its unreal. Edited by Bluetickone
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Heaven forbid you use a defensive adrenal... guess what, rail shot and high impact bolt are ranged attacks which means they can be heavily mitigated...


Please keep in mind that pretty much everyone is gunning for a clothie sorc...


First of all adrenals are not the answer to sub-par DPS. I picked a clothie knowing i would die fast but expected my DPS to be inversely proportional and it is nothing close.


Everyone guns for cloth sorcs because they know we dont hit hard and die fast. Think they would come after us if they knew we could burst them dead?

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Amen dude,


I was having this exact conversation this morning and couldnt believe that nobody else was outraged at the broken (dps) Sorc/Sage class. Our only viable option in pvp is to run away? Which doesnt even work because people leap to us and root us even with full resolve bars. We also have absolutley no control worth a crap. So here is my burning question in caps for dramatic effect.




Heals, utility, and ranged. I also doubt they out dps you, more like they can do more burst in certain situations. Sages have good burst under certain circumstances as well from the procs they can get. But most of you are probably right that Pyrotech burst is too high. To try to spin that to mean Sages are weak (lol) is just crap.

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Mercs/Troopers that spam tracer missile because they apparenty universally don't know how to fake cast (interupt tracer missile and they don't know what to do).


I love a sage talking about tracer/grav round like telekinetic throw is any different and in many ways worse. 99% of every sage/sorc in the game play by planting face on their channel ability button in exactly the same way grav/tracer is spammed and for exactly the same reasons.


Sorry that you have a problem with power tech... you know like the rest of us do as well? If there was a tiny violin emoticon I would play you a sad song.

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Sages have the lowest single target damage in the game, that is a fact.


However, we were designed this way on purpose. We have great utility, and our primary role is that of a support class.



This is another retarded argument i hear every time, please tell me what this amazing utility is that we bring to the table that nobody else gets?


A damage bubble that is stripped off in 1 hit every 20 seconds?


Force speed? no wait assassins get that also.


once every 60s stun? nope everyone gets that also.


a pull that is only useable on friendly people that is only ever used in frogdog ball?


Umm am i missing something? Where is the great utility? A marauders damage buff is a more useful utility than anything we have and they are the highest dps in the game? go figure.


30m snare and interrupt? Root on knockback that ignores all immunities regardless if kb works? 3s mez every time your shield breaks? Insta 45s cd 8s mez that stuns for 2 seconds upon damage? And while it's not exactly utility, perma 50% slowing a target while waiting for a 33% chance proc so you can insta 2500 aoe anyone around isn't strong? And yes, all this is available in imo, the best sorc dps spec.


Sorcs/sages sustained is strong as hell, while they maintain a crazy amount of tools to survive. A good sorc should not ever die barring assist trains of GOOD dps on you. Your kb and shield mez can get you out of pretty much every assist train. Since day one I've believed sorcs/sages need no nerf whatsoever, same thing 3 months later. Good ones hurt and survive, bad ones don't.. just like every class. I posted this wall though cause you said they don't bring utility.. they bring a combination of everything that no one else has.

Edited by Reenolols
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Sages have the lowest single target damage in the game, that is a fact.


However, we were designed this way on purpose. We have great utility, and our primary role is that of a support class.



This is another retarded argument i hear every time, please tell me what this amazing utility is that we bring to the table that nobody else gets?


A damage bubble that is stripped off in 1 hit every 20 seconds?


Force speed? no wait assassins get that also.


once every 60s stun? nope everyone gets that also.


a pull that is only useable on friendly people that is only ever used in frogdog ball?


Umm am i missing something? Where is the great utility? A marauders damage buff is a more useful utility than anything we have and they are the highest dps in the game? go figure.

Okay fine. Let's compare their bubble to the one Ops get.


Static Barrier - 20 sec cooldown, usable on anyone

Shield Probe - 45 second cooldown, only usable on Op


So what the heck are you whining about?


Now what else are you missing?


What about AoE KNOCKBACK ROOT. On a 20 second cooldown. The strongest heals out of the three heal classes. Main attack also a 50% slow.


Honestly, Sorcs should have NO RIGHT to whine about their class. Do you know what this looks like to the rest of us? It's like the rich kid who complains he doesn't know which toy he should play with. Quit whining.

Edited by hulkweazel
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