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Valor 65 Sniper Explaining [In Detail] State of Snipers in PvP atm -->


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I am tired of seeing threads of Snipers and Gunslingers telling me that my class is completely fine.


I am also tired of people telling me that Melee classes are hard to play. I have a Marauder that is 60 Valor, and aside from the initial learning curve.. its really not difficult at all. You don't have to manage your resources, and you do incredible damage with [on average] four abilities.


Try a Sorc/Sage as a dps. You need to offheal, grip, and dps multiple targets the ENITRE time you're qued up in a WZ.


Moving on to my actual points:





Do any of the other Snipers/Gunslingers that are 65+ Valor in Full BM/Rakata Gear with 1700+ Cunning also lol'ing at the kids that are telling us to L2P?


The people claiming to hit targets for 5k+ aren't trolling or lying.. [btw, ArPen is broken; its been tested]. On targets w/out Expertise [i generally use about 8-10%] i Ambush Crit for about 4-4.5k on Full BM targets.. ExplosiveProbe for around 2.5-3k [these are Crits mind you].


*note- i have a full BM set of gear, but i only run with about 8% expertise [since that is roughly the soft cap] and i would rather have 1700 unbuffed Cunning+the added Endurance of PvE gear.


I Run Engineerling/Leth for the sole reason that Cull does absurd damage, and Imperial Methodology is pretty nuts as well. If also allows you to use Countermeasures to remove movement impairing effects [which lets you go back into cover if you're rooted].


Snipers/GS main issue is that they have ZERO self peels.


Our class can be replaced by ANY ranged dps class in the game ATM and do better.. while having a lower skill cap.


No one plays Snipers/GS atm.. b/c the class is aweful. I spent MILLIONS of credits and tested for days to Min/Max my Sniper.. and my damage still comes no where close to equally geared Marauders, Powertechs, or Assasins.


Sorcs aren't really an issue.


1v1 our only real issues are Geared Assassins, Merc Healers and Marauders.


We melt Sorcs, DPS Mercs, and Op Healers.. Juggs aren't an issue, and Leth/Engin wreck Marks Snipers.



But we DO have issues.



2 Fixes.. [whoever said give us 45m of range is *********** insane. that WOULD be OP].


-Give us a Vanish .


Maras have a vanish, and a cheat death that they can use anytime they want.


We're SNIPERS and we don't have a Camoflauge ability.. rediculous.


-Give us a portable piece of cover we can throw out [at a 20m range] and roll to it.


That would give as a peel that would allow use to create distance from Melee, or LoS the other Ranged DPSers..


also-- allow Leth to make their DoTs undispellable. If you have an ability [CULL] that is your MAIN SOURCE OF DAMAGE and it doesn't less damage than your other channeled ability w/out DoTS [soS] then theres an issue here.. or give our DoTs a shorter CD...


Last Talent in Madness Roots its target for 2 sec, does a TON of damage and is a NINE SECOND Cd.


Corro Nade is a 15sec cd...


Interro Probe is a 15sec cd...






btw.. we're a RANGED DPS CLASS without a slow.






thats all i have to say about that.


btw. a 30% slow we have tos spec into, in our tree is USELESS.. you know.. when Sorcs have a 50% SLOW on a short CD.. and the melee dps classes have a 50% SLOW on no cd.





Not even worth it to spec into.



ps.. if you're in a good group on a server with MOSTLY BMs.. then as a Sniper that is trying to win [since sitting around tunnelvisioning damage is easy and shows that you're bad if you're claiming that kills/damage make a player good] you're going to be behind the Maras, and Powertechs in Damage. Thats just the way it is.


But who cares.



Our root goes through Resolve.. but anything you can do as a Sniper can be done better by a Sorc.



except this..


and only this.



You have BY FAR the most burst in the game.


If i target a healer that is being guarded... i can kill them [if i can interrupt their heal, and no one else is heailng them] by popping ALL of my CDs [trinkets/adrenals] with an ExplosiveProbe [assuming you're specced into imperial Methodology] on them w/ Dart/Nade/InnteroProbe/+Cull/SoS.


Thats like.. seriously 20k+ Damage.



If you don't believe me i'll post a vid.



You're a glass cannon with no peels.



I would also care to mention that we are the ONLY ranged class without a RANGED STUN.






spec into the CD reduc, and a 30% movement speed boost is not only good, but amazing/needed.. and ofcourse its only on a 30sec cd.. again... very nice, but on a RANGED CLASS not really the best implimented idea Bioware.




Three more changes I'd like to see...


1- Change "Laze Target" to make the next offensive ability unavoidable [resist/dodge/ect] instead of the 100% crit to Snipe.


2- Make Dehibiliate Ranged [or atleast change the NINETY RESOLVE to be on par with other stuns and make it 40]


3- Give Snipers a Talented ability [remove the 4% Alacrity/or CoverScreen] that makes it whenever you leave cover, you gain 15/30% Movement speed increase [cannot be activated more than once every 4sec].







Fix us !



<3 Snipers/GS



Chozette [65 Valor Sniper]

Chozeqah [60 Valor Mara]

Chozenone [45 Valor Sorc]


Iron Citadel <Bad Reputation>




note- Here is an example of Sniper Burst + Gameplay as Lethality/Engineering. 5.4k Ambush Crit just to prove that Snipers DO NOT hit like a truck [wtb Railshot]




Edited by TehChozenOne
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Im a 63 valor Assassin, 4/5 BM set pieces, all rest BM gear.


So, i decided to run a Sniper. Honestly i´ve been havin blast in PvP ( still lvl 46, so cant tell about the expertise and how it affects snipers). playing MM, tho gonna change when lvl capped to the leth/ eng hybrid.


What i can tell, is that there is no match for me in my server. Not trolling or /flexing, neither bragging off about what i do. Fact is, theres really no match for me 1v1, and i

even 2v1 plenty in WZ's, something i had NEVER did with my assassin.


On top of that, i also achieved a 136 killstreak in 3 consecutive warzones, (got witnesses on that too).


Obviously you´re know what you´re talking about, and what comes to Snipers who am i to judge, but so far i´d have to say with no irony whatsoever that the class is just fine.


PS : Agreed on the vanish thing. It would change a lot, even a 10 sec (ish) vanish, whatever, call it camouflage as you said. Rly BW.


Nice post. Have a good one



Dux, Sith Assassin (rank 63)

Duxwins, Sniper (rank 44)


The Shadow Runner, EU.

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there are a lot of things to do on these AC ( a lot more than othesr imho ) ... but jahdux though you're partially right Warzone 1-49 and warzone only 50 are two diffrent things ,especially for snipers/GS . Edited by Tsubibi
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Im a 63 valor Assassin, 4/5 BM set pieces, all rest BM gear.


So, i decided to run a Sniper. Honestly i´ve been havin blast in PvP ( still lvl 46, so cant tell about the expertise and how it affects snipers). playing MM, tho gonna change when lvl capped to the leth/ eng hybrid.


What i can tell, is that there is no match for me in my server. Not trolling or /flexing, neither bragging off about what i do. Fact is, theres really no match for me 1v1, and i

even 2v1 plenty in WZ's, something i had NEVER did with my assassin.


On top of that, i also achieved a 136 killstreak in 3 consecutive warzones, (got witnesses on that too).


Obviously you´re know what you´re talking about, and what comes to Snipers who am i to judge, but so far i´d have to say with no irony whatsoever that the class is just fine.


PS : Agreed on the vanish thing. It would change a lot, even a 10 sec (ish) vanish, whatever, call it camouflage as you said. Rly BW.


Nice post. Have a good one



Dux, Sith Assassin (rank 63)

Duxwins, Sniper (rank 44)


The Shadow Runner, EU.


Why the hell are you posting on a level 46 when Cho is talking about the end game PVP balance?


I agree snipers need loving, peels is particularly important. Right now, Snipers don't have nearly enough control or survivability to be able to stick on people or be as useful as other classes in WZ due to their stationary nature.

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I tried to make out what you were saying, but I couldn't.


It looks like you're quoting things people have posted on these forums over the last few days, but it's hard to tell when the quotes begin and end, and which parts of the post are your input. Perhaps try using the

tags to make it easier to follow.
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I was actually taking about 90% of a post i made in the PvP thread "Snipers are 100% not competitive in ranked wz".


All of these are my personal thoughts, but i suppose i should better organize it for this thread, however all of the points still stand.


If it looks like im taking over ideas, then alot of snipers are probably saying the same things about our class.



I'm actually posting this per a large amount of PM requests

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Here is the tl;dr version of the OP:


GS have great burst

GS need some ways to escape damage such as being able to roll into portable cover

Some of our cds need to be reduced like sab charge since 30s is too much for an ability that only does like 3k maybe 3.5k damage


Some of my own suggestions:


Adjust the energy cost of wounding shots to 10

Make hot persuit do something

Fix not being able to enter cover when rooted

Fix not being able to enter cover close to a ledge

Replace the 3 point alacrity skill in Sharpshooter for instead an increased effectiveness for the armour debuff

Replace the 45% accuracy debuff in SS/MM with a 50% ranged snare

Increase the snare duration in lethality/dirty fighting off shrap bomb to 12s and make it 50%

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I am tired of seeing threads of Snipers and Gunslingers telling me that my class is completely fine.


I am also tired of people telling me that Melee classes are hard to play. I have a Marauder that is 60 Valor, and aside from the initial learning curve.. its really not difficult at all. You don't have to manage your resources, and you do incredible damage with [on average] four abilities.


Try a Sorc/Sage as a dps. You need to offheal, grip, and dps multiple targets the ENITRE time you're qued up in a WZ.


Moving on to my actual points:





Do any of the other Snipers/Gunslingers that are 65+ Valor in Full BM/Rakata Gear with 1700+ Cunning also lol'ing at the kids that are telling us to L2P?


The people claiming to hit targets for 5k+ aren't trolling or lying.. [btw, ArPen is broken; its been tested]. On targets w/out Expertise [i generally use about 8-10%] i Ambush Crit for about 4-4.5k on Full BM targets.. ExplosiveProbe for around 2.5-3k [these are Crits mind you].


*note- i have a full BM set of gear, but i only run with about 8% expertise [since that is roughly the soft cap] and i would rather have 1700 unbuffed Cunning+the added Endurance of PvE gear.


I Run Engineerling/Leth for the sole reason that Cull does absurd damage, and Imperial Methodology is pretty nuts as well. If also allows you to use Countermeasures to remove movement impairing effects [which lets you go back into cover if you're rooted].


Snipers/GS main issue is that they have ZERO self peels.


OP hit the nail on the head.


Our class can be replaced by ANY ranged dps class in the game ATM and do better.. while having a lower skill cap.


No one plays Snipers/GS atm.. b/c the class is aweful. I spent MILLIONS of credits and tested for days to Min/Max my Sniper.. and my damage still comes no where close to equally geared Marauders, Powertechs, or Assasins.


Sorcs aren't really an issue.


1v1 our only real issues are Geared Assassins, Merc Healers and Marauders.


We melt Sorcs, DPS Mercs, and Op Healers.. Juggs aren't an issue, and Leth/Engin wreck Marks Snipers.



But we DO have issues.



2 Fixes.. [whoever said give us 45m of range is *********** insane. that WOULD be OP].


-Give us a Vanish .


Maras have a vanish, and a cheat death that they can use anytime they want.


We're SNIPERS and we don't have a Camoflauge ability.. rediculous.


-Give us a portable piece of cover we can throw out [at a 20m range] and roll to it.


That would give as a peel that would allow use to create distance from Melee, or LoS the other Ranged DPSers..


also-- allow Leth to make their DoTs undispellable. If you have an ability [CULL] that is your MAIN SOURCE OF DAMAGE and it doesn't less damage than your other channeled ability w/out DoTS [soS] then theres an issue here.. or give our DoTs a shorter CD...


Last Talent in Madness Roots its target for 2 sec, does a TON of damage and is a NINE SECOND Cd.


Corro Nade is a 15sec cd...


Interro Probe is a 15sec cd...






btw.. we're a RANGED DPS CLASS without a slow.






thats all i have to say about that.


btw. a 30% slow we have tos spec into, in our tree is USELESS.. you know.. when Sorcs have a 50% SLOW on a short CD.. and the melee dps classes have a 50% SLOW on no cd.





Not even worth it to spec into.



ps.. if you're in a good group on a server with MOSTLY BMs.. then as a Sniper that is trying to win [since sitting around tunnelvisioning damage is easy and shows that you're bad if you're claiming that kills/damage make a player good] you're going to be behind the Maras, and Powertechs in Damage. Thats just the way it is.


But who cares.



Our root goes through Resolve.. but anything you can do as a Sniper can be done better by a Sorc.



except this..


and only this.



You have BY FAR the most burst in the game.


If i target a healer that is being guarded... i can kill them [if i can interrupt their heal, and no one else is heailng them] by popping ALL of my CDs [trinkets/adrenals] with an ExplosiveProbe [assuming you're specced into imperial Methodology] on them w/ Dart/Nade/InnteroProbe/+Cull/SoS.


Thats like.. seriously 20k+ Damage.



If you don't believe me i'll post a vid.



You're a glass cannon with no peels.



I would also care to mention that we are the ONLY ranged class without a RANGED STUN.






spec into the CD reduc, and a 30% movement speed boost is not only good, but amazing/needed.. and ofcourse its only on a 30sec cd.. again... very nice, but on a RANGED CLASS not really the best implimented idea Bioware.









Fix us !



<3 Snipers/GS



Chozette [65 Valor Sniper]

Chozeqah [60 Valor Mara]

Chozenone [45 Valor Sorc]


Iron Citadel <Bad Reputation>




Great post imo.


I really like the idea of that cover that can be rolled to.

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Overall I agree with the OP(though I've mostly got a lethality perspective of things).


I agree on the lethality DoTs, perhaps put it into one of our talents. For example, Lethal dose adding 33%/66%/99% resistance to dispells per rank. Perhaps a "full" resist is too powerful so instead make it 25%/50%/75%.


Alternatively, reduce the energy cost of corrosive dark and cool down on corrosive grenade.


As for defencive methods I'm a big fan of the "throw cover" but I do not think vanish is our thing. I'd like something like "Escape" which would be an ability which removes all movement impairing effect and grants a short duration movement speed boost(during we're immune to CC). Much like the "throw cover" it gives us a way to more effeciently reposition plus it works for leth specs(who does not use cover, well, mostly).

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What i can tell, is that there is no match for me in my server. Not trolling or /flexing, neither bragging off about what i do. Fact is, theres really no match for me 1v1, and i

even 2v1 plenty in WZ's, something i had NEVER did with my assassin.


Oh goddamnit. You're playing a ranged burst class at low level warzones. Of course you rule. Besides, remember that you're now more experienced than when you were leveling your Assassin but most people in the zones are not. I started a Shadow and I'm doing pretty damn good at level 15... because most of the opponents have no clue whatsoever.


Obviously you´re know what you´re talking about, and what comes to Snipers who am i to judge, but so far i´d have to say with no irony whatsoever that the class is just fine.


Snipers are *********** ludicrously, ridiculously, incomparably overpowered in below level 50 warzones. If you aren't absolutely ruling the zone with a Sniper you suck. If you're only doing 1v2, you suck a lot, you should be doing 1v3 and coming out as the winner.


That is because Snipers have the best ranged burst and everyone at sub 50 warzones has 11-12k hitpoints and most people do not have their full set of defenses and gap closers available so ramged burst damage rules the warzones. What happens when people reach 50 is that they get a lot more health from a few pieces of gear while your damage doesn't go up as fast with gear and suddenly everyone in the warzones has all their defensive skills. Snipers are genocidally overpowered when they get to pick on low hitpoint targets that cannot pop a cooldown to negate the burst.


On top of that, Snipers have a huge amount of exploitable weaknesses (like cover not working when immobilized) and level 50 warzones typically have more people who know how to exploit them. At level 50 there are a lot more tanks and a Marksman Sniper can barely tickle tanks. The worst part is, as an un-chargeable ranged burst DPS your ideal team role would be a defender bursting on ball carriers and what do you know, your damage on geared tanks is so bad that they can basically ignore you so you're useless in what should be your main role.


The second you hit 50 your Marksman Sniper goes from godmode to joke mode. The quick burst no longer auto-kills most people in the zone, outside of popping relic + adrenal which is great, and people suddenly react to that giant Ambush warning side on them with a deflection cooldown or losing. Your sustainable damage is OK when the opposing team has no one that knows how to harass a Sniper and a few clueless targets who don't know how to los and that's all.


And then Lethality does great numbers but most of that damage is useless meter padding.

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ya the snipers need a buff or somthing I am mm and when ya got 3 melee running around ya knocking you out of cover chain stunning ya what can ya do. and when ya get one snipe off for 1k damage the melee has already hit ya 3 or 4 times for 2-4k damage. and if ya do manage to hit someone from distance ya hit them for 1-2k then they run out of sniper range so now what snipers are stationary dps'rs. they need to be helped. my server almost every wz i go into i am the only sniper because no one else wants to play a gimped class.
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ya the snipers need a buff or somthing I am mm and when ya got 3 melee running around ya knocking you out of cover chain stunning ya what can ya do. and when ya get one snipe off for 1k damage the melee has already hit ya 3 or 4 times for 2-4k damage. and if ya do manage to hit someone from distance ya hit them for 1-2k then they run out of sniper range so now what snipers are stationary dps'rs. they need to be helped. my server almost every wz i go into i am the only sniper because no one else wants to play a gimped class.


So first:

If 3 melees jump you, you're most likely dead, like most other classes except for tanks.

If one melee jumps you, you where in the wrong position, and should be struggleing too.

MM Sniper is about positioning, getting first hit, kiting and once more positioning.

Your target runs out of los? Good, then your target is no where near an objective of the warzone... if - again - you were positioned right.

Your target stays in los? Good, your target will die (again except for tanks).


I'm not saying MM sniper PvP is the way it should be, but it is no where as bad as you make it sound, you simply are doing it wrong.


Also sniper is no where as stationary as you make it sound. I'm constantly repositioning, looking for targets and avoiding the pathes the enemy team will take. If you can't stay in cover, because you have to follow an enemy player, then you still have plenty of skills to deal damage, even if you're on the move. Drop cover and insta snipe then move. Followthrough does not need cover. Frag Grenade does not need cover. Leg Shot, Cover, Explosive Probe Ambush, move again Followthrough. Playing turret is nice if it works, but if it doesn't you'll have to adapt.

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The only thing i can advise is to get a better group or stop rolling soloQ


As a Sniper from Beta to Release with full BM gear i have seemingly zero issues in group play.


I am 95% of the time top dps/kills

I have no problems with any class except Geared Assassin Tanks.

I have very little Energy concerns when played right.


The only changes sniper need is more Tech abilities in Marksman Tree, that's it.

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I see a lot of posting from loosers they say their class is not competetive at the end game pvp. They reroll another and see the same situation. Because issue is not about class but about skill.

End game pvp requires more skills because people at 50 has way higher averadge skill than people at low levels.

It is not a sniper isuue, sniper is great class.

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It is EASY to top charts with ANY class. If you play the objectives, and look at utility it is an entirely different story. I can tunnel vision damage all day, and end with 600k + in a WZ.. but will i be playing to win?.. or to stroke my epeen...


Sniper issues have to do with a lack of utility, and gear scaling. Because half of our damage is ranged it kills us against 1/2 the classes.

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I'm not saying MM sniper PvP is the way it should be, but it is no where as bad as you make it sound, you simply are doing it wrong.


Also sniper is no where as stationary as you make it sound. I'm constantly repositioning, looking for targets and avoiding the pathes the enemy team will take. If you can't stay in cover, because you have to follow an enemy player, then you still have plenty of skills to deal damage, even if you're on the move. Drop cover and insta snipe then move. Followthrough does not need cover. Frag Grenade does not need cover. Leg Shot, Cover, Explosive Probe Ambush, move again Followthrough. Playing turret is nice if it works, but if it doesn't you'll have to adapt.


I agree with you on most of these things.


The issue that I have, and the reason ppl who say Sniper/GS is great are wrong imho, is that we don't get anything in the exchange when we have to avoid actual 1vs1 combat and stay out of enemy path. F.ex. we don't get any better damage for it or any nice tricks that would make it worth it. I like the challenge though, but most of the time - although I can stay alive and help my team - I still feel more like an annoyance than a real threat, and I have to do a lot to be even that.

Edited by Krystaf
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I see a lot of posting from loosers they say their class is not competetive at the end game pvp. They reroll another and see the same situation. Because issue is not about class but about skill.


Or perhaps the issue is that all these people saying they're doing fine with their Sniper have never tried another class. I'm gearing up my Powertech and in mostly Centurion gear he's already more effective than my Sniper in Battlemaster gear. Insane mobility, great damage, great burst, good ccs, taunt utility, grapple and most attacks going through defenses.


Given how easy it is to gear now, I'll probably have a Sniper, a Powertech and a Marauder ready for rated zones. Unless they change the classes a lot in the balancing patch, the Sniper's going to have to retire while the Marauder and Powertech will keep getting whispers on if I want to join someones PvP guild. I enjoy the Sniper the most but I have to admit they're complete garbage for high ranked play right now.


It is not a sniper isuue, sniper is great class.


Snipers are garbage.


The reason I'm gearing other characters is because I'm planning for rated warzones with a few seasoned PvPers and basically we all agree that at the moment anyone playing a Sniper is just not going to get invited into our premades. It doesn't matter how good they are when the class offers mediocre damage with low utility, loads of exploitable weaknesses and a complete inability to perform in the role they're supposed to be meant for ("area denial defense" - deflect deflect deflect and then hit for 800 on that ball carrying tank).


You can be the best player in the world but as a Sniper you're just not welcome.

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The only thing i can advise is to get a better group or stop rolling soloQ


As a Sniper from Beta to Release with full BM gear i have seemingly zero issues in group play.


I am 95% of the time top dps/kills

I have no problems with any class except Geared Assassin Tanks.

I have very little Energy concerns when played right.


The only changes sniper need is more Tech abilities in Marksman Tree, that's it.



I'm not even well-geared and I'm fine playing solo. People think that not being able to beat everybody = overpowered. I'm using a mix of Rakata, Columi and a few bits of Champion and I have no problems. My spec is 23/16/2.


EDIT: Guy above me, we're not supposed to destroy tanks. Every class has its limitations. We cannot and should not be able to do everything. Notice how Sorcs are even EASIER to take down than we are? That's one of their limitations.

Edited by VampireGranny
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I have a 50 slinger and 50 sniper atm playing sniper. Im eng/leth cause after many tests is the best pve/pvp. My only problem as eng/leth is the energy management . and i mean it. if im not carefull i just end myself using rifle shots long time. sometimes i just prefer to go die and come back fast in battle . sniper is good how it is and if they give us more options to regen energy it will be a beast. and remember ur best skill is the lovely grenades :D (sorry my english ..)
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What if we didn't get a "vanish" really, but something that would appear to be a vanish. I'm thinking some ability where we can do an area target (similar to what you do when throwing the Hutt ball) that once we click, we see our selves do a tumble into cover at that position; but to the other people, they don't necessarily get to see us tumble.


Just a though. Some sort of way to stay elusive as we certainly are better when the enemies don't have a bead on us.

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I have a 50 slinger and 50 sniper atm playing sniper. Im eng/leth cause after many tests is the best pve/pvp. My only problem as eng/leth is the energy management . and i mean it. if im not carefull i just end myself using rifle shots long time. sometimes i just prefer to go die and come back fast in battle . sniper is good how it is and if they give us more options to regen energy it will be a beast. and remember ur best skill is the lovely grenades :D (sorry my english ..)


this tbh


i consider myself to have good energy management but the problem occurs so much when you play against players who actually dispell or get dispelled


you can weaking dart corrosive and just start to cull and see dispell go off youve just spent 80 energy done sod all damage and are basically going to be spamming auto shot for sometime because if you dont you gooner be spamming it for even longer as you hit the 1 bar regen.


i cant beleive for such a simple solution it hasnt been implemented weaking blast on target stops dispells, so at least you can get some dots ticks of + regen crits whilst the 10 stack lasts.


and mm change the top tier talent for godsake its dump rubbish sos hits like a wet noodle

change it to ambush and and followthrough can no longer be deflected, can still be mitagated absorbs etc just not deflected

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btw.. we're a RANGED DPS CLASS without a slow.




I would also care to mention that we are the ONLY ranged class without a RANGED STUN.


Dude, I really don't know what you're complaining about. Snipers have the most CC's in the game. Snipers have flashbang, which is a ranged AoE stun. They have debilitate, which is a melee range stun that can only be broken by using your CC breaker ability. They have legshot, which roots enemies in place. They have a 30% slow on interrogation probe that you spec into. They have cover pulse, which knocks all enemies at melee range back.


In response to the rest of your post - You're wrong. I'm a valor 61 sniper battlemaster with only 2 pieces of BM gear, the rest champion, and I still get top damage in about 80% of the warzones I enter. So once I get to full BM gear, I suspect I will be getting top damage about 90% of the time. You're doing it wrong. Sniper does huge damage - has huge AoEs - good burst for single targets - and plenty of CC's. Snipers are fine.

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Notice how Sorcs are even EASIER to take down than we are? That's one of their limitations.

They're not.


They have a 50% slow.


A spammable bubble [on a 30sec cd, NOT 45sec, which absorbs decent damage].


A speed increase.


A channeled 50% slow.


A RANGED stun.


Self Heals.


Those are just a few of the things they have which Snipers have NOTHING similar.



LegShot=Crushing Darkness [btw, CD is much better than Legshot seeing as it is a 9 sec cd, instead of 15].


Anything else that i'm missing?


Oh yes, i forgot.. they have better AoE, no resource management issues, and the ability to pull friendly teammakes out of harms way...


Did i mention better damage output?


Dude, I really don't know what you're complaining about. Snipers have the most CC's in the game. Snipers have flashbang, which is a ranged AoE stun. They have debilitate, which is a melee range stun that can only be broken by using your CC breaker ability. They have legshot, which roots enemies in place. They have a 30% slow on interrogation probe that you spec into. They have cover pulse, which knocks all enemies at melee range back.


In response to the rest of your post - You're wrong. I'm a valor 61 sniper battlemaster with only 2 pieces of BM gear, the rest champion, and I still get top damage in about 80% of the warzones I enter. So once I get to full BM gear, I suspect I will be getting top damage about 90% of the time. You're doing it wrong. Sniper does huge damage - has huge AoEs - good burst for single targets - and plenty of CC's. Snipers are fine.


Snipers aren't broken.. they're the most balanced class in the game. The issue is that the other classes are completely overpowered... or perhaps you can translate that into every class is fine and Snipers are UP?


The Issue is not CC. However a 30% slow means nothing to pretty much every class in the game. It actually hurts you to spec into it, because it fills your target's resolve bar faster [due to the slow]. 30% is laughable. 50% would put you on Par with the rest of the classes in the game.


I never claimed that Snipers had a lack of CC. They have no escapes. CC is nice and dandy, but due to the LARGE number of CC effects in SwToR, resolve is a large factor in our class, and more-so the game. You need a reliable way to remove yourself from bad situations if your target IS at full resolve.


Sure you can claim that "x" Sniper/Gs is bad b/c they allowed themselves to be put into a poor position due to positioning.. however GOOD players will


a- find a way to get around your good positioning/predict where you're going to locate

b- train you anyway because they have charge/stealth/ranged dps


*note- if you're going to now respond by saying.. "how are you getting charged if you're in cover dummy! u bad". that sir, would be due to the fact that this is PVP. You cannot stay stationary and not be punished. You have to move sometime.


The reason Snipers won't find themselves in Ranked WZs in the future [i plan to play mine, but only until i get my Sorc in full Rakata/BM] is because they cannot heal their teammate, grip them, or Spam TracerMissle/Grav Round and tank a ton of damage.. or have a reliable pushback [that is not required to be in Melee range for].


As a ranged dps class we are no where near as good FOR A TEAM as a Sorc, or Merc.


We bring nothing to the table, and are trained too easily by melee/stealth


Also.. scattershot is pretty much useless b/c ArPen is bugged / NOT working as intended, so i would also suggest that they remove that for us, and give Snipers a healing debuff / silence ability.


**also note- if you're worried about your number of kills/damage in a warzone they you're worrying about the wrong thing. I do great damage/KdR too, however it is irrelevant. Winning>Statistics.


You can't help your team if you're dead. Hence why Snipers need a buff.

Edited by TehChozenOne
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the class offers mediocre damage


I LoL'd when I read that and then disregarded anything else you had to say...sorry.


Let me ask everyone something...What kind of "utility" does an assassin, marauder, or operative bring to the group? They basically do the same thing that snipers do, just at a melee range. They do absolutely nothing but kill things. The marauder is able to leap to enemies which makes them better at running the ball but in terms of utility...none of them bring anything else to the table. If you want utility, then roll one of the utility type classes.


Anyone who says that snipers will be useless in rated WZs is just guessing because no one has played one yet. Rated WZs do not exist so you are all just making stuff up. I play premade vs premade all the time (which is the closest you will get to rated WZ) and have no problem clearing out the targets...especially when I am playing the personal protector to a healer. I usually go untouched while they try to focus him down. You have a sniper standing next to a sorc healer...which one do you try to kill first? Either way, we win the skirmish.


I think everyone can agree that the sniper can use some love (every class has its weaknesses) but to say that they are so bad and worthless to bring over the other classes just makes me laugh. Don't play the class then and get off of the forums. There are plenty of snipers out there who know how to play and are doing just fine.

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You just quoted some useless scrub who thinks being "top of kills" in a warzone means something. Yea, me too, I'm running Leth/Eng and with the grenades and dot spam it's literally impossible to not be top of kills unless there's another player doing the same in the zone. The only specs that can be any competition are other dot and aoe spamming Snipers and Sorcs.


Sniper are great fun for solo queuing and making big damage numbers and useless for competitive play.


EDIT: Guy above me, we're not supposed to destroy tanks. Every class has its limitations. We cannot and should not be able to do everything. Notice how Sorcs are even EASIER to take down than we are? That's one of their limitations.


Our supposed best role in PvP as stated numerous times by Bioware is in "area denial" type defense. Lethality Snipers are actually *very* good for that as long as there is no cleanser as they can take down tanks and they still have cover for charge immunity. Marksman Snipers on the other hand are completely useless for their supposed role as the ball carrying tank can just ignore you. Unfortunately, against a competent premade with cleansers the Lethality Sniper is not good either.


Of course, you can do good damage numbers if you run around plonking shots into Sorcs while the tanks are scoring but you know what? That's not being useful. If you don't have the firepower to drop tanks, you are a sucky defender. If you don't have mobility, you are a sucky attacker. The MM Sniper is both a sucky defender and a sucky attacker. Inviting a MM Sniper to plonk plonk on Sorcs is just pointless when you can invite a lot of specs that can do that and still be a strong asset on offense or defense.


The problem with Snipers is that a Marksman Sniper cannot perform in the one role that such a low mobility class could be good for. A Lethality Sniper could but their burst is completely neutralized by any Op/Merc that actually has cleanse button bound. The specs would need only minimal tweaks (like make Weakening Blast give a brief window of dispel immunity on the target) to be useful but as it is, the Sniper is a class that's close to greatness but still completely useless thanks to those few but absolutely critical flaws.

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