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Free transfers in the future?


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I would pay 15 dollars for server transfer with complete loss of legacy or 25 dollars to carry over the legacy with me. Personally I think they shouldn't worry about carrying legacy over. I would rather re-level legacy than re-level a character. My server died too btw 50 bh on veela looking to go to The Swiftsure server.


This sounds like reasonable pricing. Profitable to BW, and worth all the hours for us. +1

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Kinrath Spider is a disaster. Our server is the Brazillian national server now... and everyone left except the Brazillians. They're nice but... I'd like an english speaking server please...





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I can't take, I lvl up 3 50's my server dies, that is stupid I just need a transfer so I may play with my friends and go to a good server, Canderous Ordo populated that's how I like it. Bioware you need to fix this right away please!
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I think I'll be taking a break from the game until char transfer is implemented coz the server are dead and I like my char to much to give up on him.

Also it should be free to start off with, I'm seeing loads of my friends going back to WOW due to the server population. Why have so many servers if they not near to full capacity might as well reduce the servers hence increasing the population on the server that are left.......

Hope they sort this out soon

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Are you at valor 57 and logging into a fleet of 20 people (imperial side)?


That's what I thought.


Did you have ample opportunity to reroll, yet chose to stay and grind rank on a low pop server?


Yes, you sure did. No point crying about it now, time to lay in the bed you made.


Or you can reroll, the choice is really very simple.

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No, sugar - my server was 180 at peak for the first month and a half.


I did re-roll, on two different servers to future-proof myself.


The problem is that my first two 50s have a lot of time and effort invested in gear and valor, only to be utterly useless and unplayable.


You try finishing hoth 5 times and tell me how you don't mind doing it a sixth.

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Did you have ample opportunity to reroll, yet chose to stay and grind rank on a low pop server?


Yes, you sure did. No point crying about it now, time to lay in the bed you made.


Or you can reroll, the choice is really very simple.



Yeah sure, reroll, pay for another month, that sounds reasonable.



You work for BW, dont you?

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I have two 50's on one server that are shelved because I log on and the fleet has 50 people in it. That's down from about 100 this time a month ago.


I have rerolled on another server where at the same time the fleet will have 150 people in it.


Am I happy about it? No. I'm pretty much fuming.


Should I HAVE to go do it all over again on another server like this? NO.


Free do-it-yourself transfers are the way to go. Trion made it easy. It works pretty darned good over there.

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I have two 50's on one server that are shelved because I log on and the fleet has 50 people in it. That's down from about 100 this time a month ago.


I have rerolled on another server where at the same time the fleet will have 150 people in it.


Am I happy about it? No. I'm pretty much fuming.


Should I HAVE to go do it all over again on another server like this? NO.


Free do-it-yourself transfers are the way to go. Trion made it easy. It works pretty darned good over there.


50 people, blimey id be happy if my server had that! :/ Id love to see a migration or merge, I haven't touched the game for longer than 20 mins this month as it just feels like a single player, not an MMO, i'm not giving up on the game yet, but would love to see a solution that makes it a MMORPG instead of a ORPG.

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Stop complaining and creating drama where there is none.


Hobnobb, trolling doesn't help anyone so please attempt to refrain from doing so in the future.


Ninety-seven (97) pages of posts is not unnecessary drama, it is an outcry from the community. This is a legitimate problem for many people and is probably the single largest Customer Service issue SWTOR has at this time. It needs to be addressed immediately and really should be BioWare's primary concern right now. I personally feel that this is MUCH more important than pushing out v1.2 as this is a serious risk to the game community as a whole.


Just FYI, I am on Vrook Lamar, which is not even a very low population srever. Off-peak (weekday morning to afternoon), my fleet has about 50 people in it, during peak, that number jumps as high as 150+. I just recognize how serious of an issue this is and that it should not to be taken lightly. The community exodus is what killed SWG, so I have first-hand knowledge of what happens to an MMO when its community vacates.


I love SWTOR more than any other game I have ever played. It is the most seriously awesome Star Wars experience I have had in a game and I do not want to see it diminished in any way.


BioWare PLEASE, for the love of the Force, assign a dedicated team to deal with this and have a CSR post in this thread immediately to address this issue that not only continues to gain momentum, but feels close to reaching critical mass.



"It was as if a million voices suddenly cried out for transfers, and then, silence." - (what Obi-wan Kenobi might say about this)



May the Force be with us all,

Edited by KonaiNobi
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Any word from the Devs on when server transfers will be available? I would be happy with a "soon" or "not anytime soon"...I ask becuase I found the server im gonna stay on with a good population but my 41 trooper is on a fail, uber low pop server (20 on fleet usually...) and wanna know if I should just start hitting a new toon on my new server hard, or simply wait a short while for my trooper to be able to transfer (I wanna take advantage of the legacy system asap) ty to anyone who has any info.
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Anyway, I have asked this on twitter as well but I am curious if anyone knows if they plan to allow some free server transfers from some of the full servers to the newer, lower pop ones. I for one (and I am sure others have this issue) ran into the problem of making a character on one of the "Unofficial Oceanic Servers" and have over an hour que last night. I am not QQing, I have launched many MMO's and ques are to be expected. My concern isnt ques right now, but post launch. I think it would be a great thing to allow these transfers from full servers to low/standard pop to allow less ques and more evenly distributed players.


What are you talking about?


This game has 1.7 million ACTIVE subscriptions.


That means 7,000 players + for almost each server.


Are you trying to say you don't see more than 1,000 players at any given time?


You should check your Fleet list again. If you see there is only 38 people online at peak hours like I do, then it's an error. The game isn't counting all the people that cancelled their accounts after the free month.


There are no "low" population servers. Only standard.

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What are you talking about?


This game has 1.7 million ACTIVE subscriptions.


That means 7,000 players + for almost each server.


Are you trying to say you don't see more than 1,000 players at any given time?


You should check your Fleet list again. If you see there is only 38 people online at peak hours like I do, then it's an error. The game isn't counting all the people that cancelled their accounts after the free month.


There are no "low" population servers. Only standard.


An active subscription does NOT mean the player is active. A majority of my guild logs in once a week to do Ops, we are on for 3 hours a week and we all are part of the ACTIVE subscription number. Just because there are currently 1.7 million accounts with a sub tied to them does NOT mean there are 1.7 million active players.

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Add me to the pile. Rolled on a server with friends, several quit playing. Not a problem at the time, the server pop was heavy, finding groups was easy. Then it fell off a cliff.


Re-rolled on another server, heavy during peak, now it's fallen off the same cliff. roughly 1/3 the population there was when I rolled, it takes hours to find a group, etc. It was fine up until a couple weeks ago.


I don't want to re-roll again. I'll happily wait it out for a bit if something is officially announced, and if not, I'll see everyone when server transfers open. I don't even need them to be free, I'll toss in a few sheckles. but starting again at square one just to risk it happening again I have to pass on.

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What are you talking about?


If you see there is only 38 people online at peak hours like I do, then it's an error. The game isn't counting all the people that cancelled their accounts after the free month.


What are you talking about?




Yeah, what are you talking about

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