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Free transfers in the future?


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Varying thoughts on this-


I would like to see Free Transfers as are available in Rift... so if one community doesn't do it for me... I can go somewhere else. This benefits BW too... if folks have a choice between suffering and quitting... most will quit. Folks that quit don't play subs.


However, there's already been plenty of grief on forums... too much to be complete BS about faction imbalances... that could instantly become much worse if all Republic opted to consolidate on a handful of servers.


Which isn't that far fetched a notion, especially if PVP is your thing.

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Sounds like I've been lucky but I've not experienced any queuing to log on since I started a week ago. That said I probably would take the opportunity to transfer servers at some point if only to gain access to preferred guilds.
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I'm looking for my low population server to be merged with another. Right after the free subscriptions were up my server became barren. I haven't been able to find anyone for a heroic mission or flashpoint for days :jawa_frown::jawa_frown:. I've been moving through my story and PVP only. MAKE IT HAPPEN (bioware) PEOPLES!!!!!!!!!
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It's frustrating to pay for a game and not get what you want out of it. All we want is to be with more players on the lower population servers. It's merge or lose subs, what's it going to be Bioware? Can you at least acknowledge that there is a potential problem and you are looking into it?
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A server merge would be much needed when you look at the servers daytime and there's only for pvp servers, 2-3 thats heavy pop on and the rest are between light and standard. I mean wouldnt it be cheaper for BioWare as well to have less servers up and merge the low and standard ones togheter + implement free character transfer so if/when more people come to the game and servers become full, put up 2 more and people that want can just switch to that server and even out the numbers. Feels like this would be alot better for the game in general so the game dont die out because servers have no population and people dont whana restart on new chars and just quit and goes back to WoW.


Then make it that you'd have a cd for changing servers again within 2 weeks. In the end it would be of benefit to SWTOR when people get to know that the game has free character transfer + merged servers, alot of people that probobly already quit would come back and move to servers where their friends play. Think the servers would even themselfs out in the end as well with the transfers + SWTOR would get a bit more of a reputation towards new players. Like RIFT said about their free transfer and why it is free, it was so that friends wouldnt be kept from playing with eatch other just because they started on different servers at the start or later on as long as they were on the same side.


I mean if two (or more) new players would buy the game, they are friends but they dont know that they started and gone on different servers and get quite high level before they realise they both play the game. With the free transfer they can just switch to the others server (which ever they chose) and all will stay happy and think its awesome.

Then that awesomeness will spread to friends of them and it just creates a positive chain reaction!



But this is just my view tho, feels like it would be of more benefit in the end.. I'm just hopeing BioWare will think the same considering I've already feelt how my server is starting to die out piece by piece.. Just remember, people that are happy will stay with the game.




Edited by bushkalle
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C'mon Bioware, this is starting to become ridiculous!


67 pages of people asking nicely just to not be left alone on dying servers and NO ONE OF YOU could spare FIVE MINUTES to answer your community saying what are your plans about this??


I've been asking in this thread since I was 25 or so, I believe, and now I'm hitting 41 hoping not to have wasted all this time waiting for nothing to happen!


We need some kind of feedback! Or you want to make us think that you only listen just to people who rant, kick and scream more than us???

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C'mon Bioware, this is starting to become ridiculous!


67 pages of people asking nicely just to not be left alone on dying servers and NO ONE OF YOU could spare FIVE MINUTES to answer your community saying what are your plans about this??

Relax man - there were around 1500 pages in the "Space Combat in SWTOR" thread on the pre-launch forums. And not a single answer from the devs.

Edited by GinnoTaki
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C'mon Bioware, this is starting to become ridiculous!


67 pages of people asking nicely just to not be left alone on dying servers and NO ONE OF YOU could spare FIVE MINUTES to answer your community saying what are your plans about this??


Go to the WOW forum. Three years that ppl in server sporeggar asking for Server merge or similar solution... and no answer (i dont count - we are aware of - answers... I think Biowere made a big mistake in opening such a mass amount of server... but i dont expect an answer about it before 2013.

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"Oh Okay, we'll raise the server cap"-dev






"that...whaa???..it doesnt"-dev



I think all servers being at Standard is fine. What did you guys expect? Obviously when they raised the server caps this would happen. Like they said before, servers populations will even out.


While I want server transfers too (because they're really no reason NOT to have the option). I'm not an insane person who is too hot and cold at the same time.

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I want to add my voice.... yes, please: Free transfers in the future.


For me it's not about server population being too high or too low or goldilocks right. I want the option to move my characters from server to server as bests fits how, where and who I want to play with. Just re-roll isn't the problem for me, cause I am an altoholic. Without server transfers, my altoholicism results in dozens of nearly identical low level characters on a variety of different servers that leaves me thinking what's the point in leveling anything if I'll just end up doing it over and over again. That kind of thinking makes me want to quit. Give you my stuff? I would, but because of this I have none.


If there were free server transfers, I'd worry less about what server I should have rolled on, and could level a character knowing that I can easily transfer that character once I know what friends or guilds I want to play with.


A certain unnamed MMO had free server transfers with a 7 day cooldown, so I could try out new servers and guilds without a big investment, and could move lesser-played characters to a second server to make room on my main server without having to delete any of them. It was a good system. In so many ways:



  • Stronger attachment to your characters
  • Change your mind, without being punished for doing so.
  • No transfers to dead servers or those with max population
  • Took into consideration faction balance
  • You have to change your name if it's taken = easy way to change your characters name
  • Friends and guilds come and go, but now it's easier to find new ones
  • FREE


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Funny part about this thread is it started with people wanting off high pop servers and is now people wanting off low pop ones.


I can almost with 100% certainty promise you you will be able to level a character on a new server (probably several of them) before server teransfers/mergers happen.


I fear EXACTLY this.... I started to grow affection on my toon, I really like the gameplay of my Jedi Shadow.. But Tott Doneeta (EU) is practically empty.. Last night I spent two hours looking for imps to fight with and I found just THREE.. In the meantime I was queued for WZ and just got into ONE, wich was semi-empty.. Pubs were four plus me and we got our arses smacked pretty hard.


Unbalance it's not a problem, it's not something that can be fixed and I don't mind losing a WZ because there are too many imps on a certain server. I just care about playing with people..


I'm level 42 and I play with a friend of mine wich has less time than me, so he's stuck at 35.. Last time we tried an heroic it was about the first week of January. Just one time I found another group of players for a Heroic 4 but with no healer we just couldn't make it even through the first part of the quest..


When my toon will be 50 MAYBE I'll reroll another char on a more populated server. But I've spent more than 7 days of playtime on this toon and I'm starting to know how to fight properly and I really hate to have him collecting dust.


Usually I don't spend so much time on a single player game and by now this game has felt almost as a single player experience for me.


I REALLY hope that BW helps us out on this matter because the end of my main quest is getting nearer every day and the plot is the only thing that is keeping me coming back nowadays!

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Please add my request to the pile as well. There was some mis-communication between our guild members and we all wound up on three different servers. The guild has around 50 core members and 15 of us are on one server, 25 on another, and 10 on yet another. No one had realized the situation until launch day (many of us had early access and were well into our 30th level). We have patiently been waiting for the ability to transfer servers so that we can kick off some nice raids, but no word yet. We had heard something about it being a work in progress some time ago, but have not had any updates yet. We are all in agreement that we are willing to pay for these transfers if that is the route you need to take. Honestly we are looking into just dropping our subscriptions soon. We are all 50 and are far too heart-broken to re-roll new characters on a new server.
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