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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Will your guild be ready for Rated?


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Can somebody please post a link where it says that there only will be 4 man grps during pre-season?


On Darthhater it says:

"Will be able to queue with a full 8-person group for Warzones. Will also allow groups to persist between Warzones so you don't have to re-form every time."




If my guild cannot join with an 8 man grp from the starts, I think the majority might leave the game... I´m so happy 1.2 is not that far in the future - lost so many ppl already.

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Our guild Matchless will be fully functional and ready for rated warzones come patch 1.2


This is another thread to get a headcount on how many guilds are getting pumped for participation in such epic action.


Can check my stream link down below to check up on our progress.


Who are you trying to kid? Your guild is terrible homie.

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Marcellus/Advisor montague here, of brutality. Sucks alot of our group left ( i miss double operative opening with smooches.) but we are working on getting back in action. Lately been recruiting some new 50s that shown skill in the 40s. I play against you guys solo queue and group queue. In solo queue your premade usually wins because of heals. Its about even win/loss if i have my group facing you. You have good heals and team comp usually, most of us right now are just tryig to get geared/helping fresh 50s gear.



On an individual skill level i really have not seen anything special. Ive seen a bunch of your members talk sht in wzs, then i find same person later in ilum and roll them ( not all the time though, no bm gear.) As long as that trash talking does not carry over, we look forward to facing you in ranked. Rumor has it you might be seeing smooches again soon ;).




Oh also slugs or slugz whatever that vanguard's name is, is a bag of female hygeine product.

Edited by Ouza
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What are yalls make ups going to be?


My guild is probably thinking about rolling


Guardian/shadow tank ( i think guardian is mandatory for huttball)


Dps smugg/sage/sentinel/random


sage/commando heals



The only debate we have is 4 dps or 3 healers, or perhaps just 3 dps, 1 hybrid, 2 healers.

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Well I'll be taking my free TF from HoG server to the AU PvP server... so Ranked WZ's will be fairly lack-luster for quite a while, I assume it'll consist of 90% solo queue and dependant on whether or not some already established geared players get PuGd onto your team or not.
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What are yalls make ups going to be?


My guild is probably thinking about rolling


Guardian/shadow tank ( i think guardian is mandatory for huttball)


Dps smugg/sage/sentinel/random


sage/commando heals



The only debate we have is 4 dps or 3 healers, or perhaps just 3 dps, 1 hybrid, 2 healers.


Our thinking is for 8 man a good balance of melee, ranged and healing. Cuz you may not know which Rated WZ you are going to get and better to have all your bases covered.

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Dont be modest now Glory. Tell us all how you really feel.


How do I really feel? Concerned. I'm not sure any other guild on the server will have a full 8 man. I'm thinking the rated system will probably create a lot of merges.

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Rated teams will consist of:


2-Sent/Mara (Smash spec)

1 Guard/Jugg (Smash spec)

5 Sorc/Sage (Heal Spec)


GG, neverending match.


What makes you think you can join a rated wz with an 8 man grp? Not in pre-season (1.2) it seems. And with pre season taking anywhere from 2 to 4-5 weeks (it´s just a guess - maybe longer), it´s not until mid may, that we´ll have the opportunity for 8vs8 pvp in wz.

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