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So... Do Champ Bags drop Gear?


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Because I'm 0 for 22.


Surprisingly, when I mention this in chat, there are people claiming they've even higher, 0 and 32.


It HAS to be broken. I hit level 50 3 days ago, opened 6 bags once I hit 50. Didn't get anything. 8 dailies, 2 weeklies later... Still not ONE drop?


It takes like 70 tokens to get 1 piece. I'm already rank 55 valor. I WILL have BM before I'm even close to full champion gear.


Your system is broken Bioware. Please fix it.

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wow... three day old 50 and complaining about not getting gear faster? really?


if u opened 22 bags, u should have 154 tokens right now. only ONE piece costs 70+, and thats the weapon. sooo, take ur 154 tokens, get urself some centurion gear and stop complaining. They're like, 22 and 30-40 sumthin (i cant recall im not in game right now). if u went n just got ur most expensive pieces first, ur not playin it very smart. you could (should) have your entire left side of ur equipment geared out by now, and maybe even a shiny new belt! :D


you dont need the "armor pieces" just go buy the stuff already.




I just realized my math was "slightly" off, as i was counting the 7 CHAMP tokens per bag, rather than the 15 CENT tokens, per bag... which makes ur argument even more ludicrous... you have 330 cent tokens to spend on stuff. go spend it. save the champ ones for when u are fully cent'd out and get started on ur champ gear. or, like i sed above, go buy the champ pieces you CAN get now. You've only been 50 for three days! what are u expecting here??

Edited by Pullzar
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equipment tokens still drop but very rarely. But at least you get champ comms now.

Before you didn't get champ comms till bm bags.

So please don't behave like a spoiled brat.




Win!!! :D



I've opened a total of 54 champ bags and havent get a single bean.


You've gotten 810 cent comms

You've gotten 378 champ comms


thazza lotta beans

Edited by Pullzar
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Because I'm 0 for 22.


Surprisingly, when I mention this in chat, there are people claiming they've even higher, 0 and 32.


It HAS to be broken. I hit level 50 3 days ago, opened 6 bags once I hit 50. Didn't get anything. 8 dailies, 2 weeklies later... Still not ONE drop?


It takes like 70 tokens to get 1 piece. I'm already rank 55 valor. I WILL have BM before I'm even close to full champion gear.


Your system is broken Bioware. Please fix it.



Every champ bag gives 15 centurion AND 7 champ comms. Meaning if you got 22 bags opened, you have:


330 centurion comms

154 champ comms (as stated by someone else in an earlier post.


centurion pieces cost:

14, 21, 24, 25, 39 or 72 comms. This means:


Full set cent: 5x 39 comms= 195 (head, chest, hands, legs, boots)

Offset cent: bracers and belt: 2x 25=50

Offset cent: earpiece and implants: 3x 21=63

Offset cent: relic: 1x 14 or offhand 1x 21


Total cost:

+ relic=322



This means you get 11 pieces of gear in 3 days ONLY from cent comms!!


Now let's move on to champ:

Champ wpn: 1x 123

Offset champ: relic 1x 24


Total cost: 147 champ comms


A FULL PvP set in 3 days is what you call bad???? The next best thing would be to ding and have it mailed to you straight away. It amazes me how little effort some people want to put in a game and yet expect to get everyhting.


It's working as intended. On top of the crazy amount of comms you get from bags in 3 days, you ALSO want a higher droprate on gear tokens?


If you are rank 55, that means you had rank 50 when you dinged. So yes you might get BM faster then you get full champ, but we are talking about 3 days here THREE DAYS!!!

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Because I'm 0 for 22.


Surprisingly, when I mention this in chat, there are people claiming they've even higher, 0 and 32.


It HAS to be broken. I hit level 50 3 days ago, opened 6 bags once I hit 50. Didn't get anything. 8 dailies, 2 weeklies later... Still not ONE drop?


It takes like 70 tokens to get 1 piece. I'm already rank 55 valor. I WILL have BM before I'm even close to full champion gear.


Your system is broken Bioware. Please fix it.

Champ bags drop champion tokens. Take you a few weeks and you can BUY all the champion loot you want. No RNG involved.


Bags also have a very small chance of champion drops. I think it is close to 2% per bag. This is just bonus.


The old system had a higher chance of drop. Say 25% per bag. But what happend was that you would end up with duplicate items. I had four main hand weapons... but no boots and no gloves. Two weeks after they changed the system I could BUY gloves and boots. No RNG.

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I got 1 during my transition from 50 to 60. ( 5 bags bought exactly when you hit 50 included )


I played a lot of warzones and always done my dailyes/weeklyes. So I got about 1 token (relic) in about 70 bags.


Fortunately now I am BM. With BM i got 1 token from my first 2 bags.


IMO gear progression is fine, with only 1 token received in 70 bags, yesterday when I hit BM I had full champion, with only earpiece + the 2 implants Centurion, which i replaced with Batllemaster earpiece + 2 implants as soon as I hit 60 Valor Rank spending 600 mercenary & 600 warzone commendations.


I was rank 49 Valor when I hit lvl 50.


Bottom line, progressing from rank 50 Valor to rank 60 Valor couldn't be better designed at the moment in terms of gear progression.

Edited by ntyzor
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I am rank 59 now.

Opened bags every day for about 2-3 weeks.

Received 2 token: Chest and Helmet


Still running around with my centurion sword as I bought all the rest with the chips from the bags.

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Lol. 3rd month of an MMO's release, people are already fully geared in the highest tier, and people hitting fresh 50s complain that it takes time to get gear.


you guys must of not played warhammer early on then :p or even WoW, lol.

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Not complaining. Don't really care since I get Champ Tokens but I have probably opened 60 bags and I still haven't received one single piece of gear.


Again I dont care but I was really starting to wonder if there were anything in those bags other than the Cent / Champ tokens and credits.

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I've had two tokens for gear out of maybe 30 bags since the change. Honestly you gear fast enough as is.


The only downfall to my case is the tokens I got were for pieces of gear that I already had.

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I remember back when I dinged level 50 and opened up my initial 6 bags, along with 6 more from dailies and weeklies and the 1-2 additional I was able to buy from those weeklies and all 13-14 of them gave 3 centurion commendations. Edited by MatchpointServe
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