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Legacy System: New Abilities Topic.


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Whats up SWTOR folks. I don't like really starting Threads like this due to the trolling, qq'ing and other stuff that happens in them but I did'nt see a discussion on them like I see about character unlocks and others. I hope to have an intelligent discussion because I think it's one of the many issues we have with the Legacy System.


Currently as we heard at the Guild Summit. You will now be able to earn new abilities from other classes you play on your server. Not only will you be able to earn new abilities you can also earn buffs for those abilities.


We heard about this earlier regarding the Legacy system but apparently people had some fears about this. Many folks felt that using these abilities in pvp and operations would cause balancing issues and favortisim in grouping due to certain abilities.


I want to start by saying I understand. I think most understand that balancing something like this could be a nightmare. But when I heard this was the only excuse, I can't help but wonder, how do other MMO's do this? Because they have.


Some of the folks I know thought it was gonna be a means of covering certain weaknesses of certain classes so you could gain abilities based on certain combinations on the family tree giving you a new power you can use anywhere that is now proven to not be the case.


Rather than go on some qq'ing rant and telling bioware that I know more than them, I want to hear from the brightest and intelligent minds of the community how to make this feature more fesible if they had the choice so we can use some of these powers anywhere and not just solo pve. How can we balance it is the question because I think it's possible.


And you probably wondering why do I care? Well to be honest, it's a worthless feature. Ok so I can kick an operative boss between the legs......I still need a companion and I still need to use a very specific buff with a long cooldown to use it. If these restrictions are already there, why restrict it to Solo PvE? So it's kind of a pointless ability and the very fact that you have to use it with a companion out loses the ability to "show off" as they advertise. How can we make this more useful?


We alrleady know this can cause problems balance wise. bit what are some ideas YOU might have that can possibly balance this feature. I know we don't know how it works live yet so most of this will be speculation.

Edited by Shonuff
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"Many folks felt that using these abilities in pvp and operations would cause balancing issues and favortisim in grouping due to certain abilities."


From what I heard many (all?) of the abilities will get a 'need companion' tag meaning they can't be used most teaming situations.

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"Many folks felt that using these abilities in pvp and operations would cause balancing issues and favortisim in grouping due to certain abilities."


From what I heard many (all?) of the abilities will get a 'need companion' tag meaning they can't be used most teaming situations.


Yes, all of those legacy abilities will require an active companion. They even explicitly said what goes and what doesn't:


Can do:

- Questing or not in full group

- Flashpoints solo or not in full group (explicitly given example: 3 players + 1companion doing a hardmode flashpoint, the guy with the companion out can use the legacy skills)

- Open world PvP outside of designated zones


Can't do:

- Operations

- Warzones

- Open-world PvP in designated zones (i.e. Ilum PvP area)

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The need to have an active companion makes absolutely no sense.


If they dont want it used in PvP - then code it that way.

If they dont want it used in Operations - then code it that way.


Dont put it ridiculous, nonsensical solutions.



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Whats up SWTOR folks. I don't like really starting Threads like this due to the trolling, qq'ing and other stuff that happens in them but I did'nt see a discussion on them like I see about character unlocks and others. I hope to have an intelligent discussion because I think it's one of the many issues we have with the Legacy System.


Currently as we heard at the Guild Summit. You will now be able to earn new abilities from other classes you play on your server. Not only will you be able to earn new abilities you can also earn buffs for those abilities.


We heard about this earlier regarding the Legacy system but apparently people had some fears about this. Many folks felt that using these abilities in pvp and operations would cause balancing issues and favortisim in grouping due to certain abilities.


I want to start by saying I understand. I think most understand that balancing something like this could be a nightmare. But when I heard this was the only excuse, I can't help but wonder, how do other MMO's do this? Because they have.


Some of the folks I know thought it was gonna be a means of covering certain weaknesses of certain classes so you could gain abilities based on certain combinations on the family tree giving you a new power you can use anywhere that is now proven to not be the case.


Rather than go on some qq'ing rant and telling bioware that I know more than them, I want to hear from the brightest and intelligent minds of the community how to make this feature more fesible if they had the choice so we can use some of these powers anywhere and not just solo pve. How can we balance it is the question because I think it's possible.


And you probably wondering why do I care? Well to be honest, it's a worthless feature. Ok so I can kick an operative boss between the legs......I still need a companion and I still need to use a very specific buff with a long cooldown to use it. If these restrictions are already there, why restrict it to Solo PvE? So it's kind of a pointless ability and the very fact that you have to use it with a companion out loses the ability to "show off" as they advertise. How can we make this more useful?


We alrleady know this can cause problems balance wise. bit what are some ideas YOU might have that can possibly balance this feature. I know we don't know how it works live yet so most of this will be speculation.


The legacy system is non consequential fluff. it will have no impact on your CHR for end game content . It is nothing like AA in EQ 1 or 2 that increased you chrs power in a certain direction. the more we know the less it looks appealing to the the end game player that likes to have a main.

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