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If you knew about the legacy system race unlocks would you have leveled differently?


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So now that we know how the species unlocks are going to work with the legacy system I'm curious if anyone would have leveled characters differently had you known about it before hand?


I certainly would have. I have a 50 Human Sith Warrior and a 36 Mirilian Jedi Consular. If I'd know how the species unlock was going to work with the legacy system I probably would have first leveled a Twi'lek Jedi (doesn't matter if it was a Knight or Consular) to 50, leveled a Sith Pureblood Inquisitor to 50 and then when the legacy system came out leveled a Twi'lek Sith Warrior and a Pureblood bounty hunter or something.


It's a bit annoying that BioWare kept the whole legacy thing hush hush so we couldn't plan for future characters. Why it all had to remain a secret is beyond me.

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So now that we know how the species unlocks are going to work with the legacy system I'm curious if anyone would have leveled characters differently had you known about it before hand?


I certainly would have. I have a 50 Human Sith Warrior and a 36 Mirilian Jedi Consular. If I'd know how the species unlock was going to work with the legacy system I probably would have first leveled a Twi'lek Jedi (doesn't matter if it was a Knight or Consular) to 50, leveled a Sith Pureblood Inquisitor to 50 and then when the legacy system came out leveled a Twi'lek Sith Warrior and a Pureblood bounty hunter or something.


It's a bit annoying that BioWare kept the whole legacy thing hush hush so we couldn't plan for future characters. Why it all had to remain a secret is beyond me.




I say that because the options will be purchasable and making credits, well I find it easy.

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No. I made two of every class across two servers (one all Rep, one all Imp) so that I could see wich ACs I preferred and which species I liked. And to play around with all of the crew skills.


I never intended to take them all up to 50 and expected that I'd be deleting more than half if I ever needed the extra slots when they get around to adding in new species or classes.


I got one character on both servers up into the 30's to unlock Legacy and since then I've been playing around with the rest to see what suits me. I'll most likely keep the two that I have in the 30's and get them to 50 first. I'm deciding this week which of the others I'll keep and which will get the axe.


I may only end up killing off one character since the only combination that I care about is a Twi'lek BH. My Merc isn't very far along and my Powertech is technically my "main" so the decision is easy if I want one on my Imp server.


On the other hand my main on the Rep server is a Twi'lek so I'll be able to unlock the species quicker over there. And I did want a blue Twi'lek for my BH like the one I had in SWG. Hopefully unlocking a Rep Twi'lek will allow me to use those colorations on the Imp side and vice versa.

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Can someone explain how you unlock the races for future alts? Do you have to level the race to 50 before you can make lets say a miraluka sith inquisitor? I'm just a bit confused and if so yes I probably would have, however if this is how you unlock races I am wondering what happens if you delete an alt? And how that would disrupt any race choices.
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Eh, I might have been more tempted to level on the Imp side first because I find those races to be more vidually interesting.


But I'm fine with how this was implemented. Granted, I don't have multiple, max level alts like some folks do.

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Can someone explain how you unlock the races for future alts? Do you have to level the race to 50 before you can make lets say a miraluka sith inquisitor? I'm just a bit confused and if so yes I probably would have, however if this is how you unlock races I am wondering what happens if you delete an alt? And how that would disrupt any race choices.


Essentially, yes. Leveling any species to 50 unlocks that species for any future toon.


AFAIK, there were no specifics around mechanics like deletion or transfers, etc.

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Essentially, yes. Leveling any species to 50 unlocks that species for any future toon.


AFAIK, there were no specifics around mechanics like deletion or transfers, etc.


Well then yes I would have decided to role a Miraluka even though I only wanted to play Imperial. This sucks ha would not have rolled out with common race characters such as humans and cyborgs that gain no benefit from this set up. Why can't I "adopt" an alien orphan baby into my family lol

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Why can't I "adopt" an alien orphan baby into my family lol


Lol! They could even make it a quest. Instead of finding a Flesh Raider baby on Tython, Jedis could find a Pureblood! :D

Edited by Dayfax
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So now that we know how the species unlocks are going to work with the legacy system I'm curious if anyone would have leveled characters differently had you known about it before hand?


I certainly would have. I have a 50 Human Sith Warrior and a 36 Mirilian Jedi Consular. If I'd know how the species unlock was going to work with the legacy system I probably would have first leveled a Twi'lek Jedi (doesn't matter if it was a Knight or Consular) to 50, leveled a Sith Pureblood Inquisitor to 50 and then when the legacy system came out leveled a Twi'lek Sith Warrior and a Pureblood bounty hunter or something.


It's a bit annoying that BioWare kept the whole legacy thing hush hush so we couldn't plan for future characters. Why it all had to remain a secret is beyond me.


It's three months into the game- you may just have to spend a month playing a game that's intended to be played for years to get your new class/race combo you want.


Doesn't seem like it's the biggest inconvenience ever to me.

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If i read it correctly you can buy the unlocks through credits or something else ingame, so even if you don't level up a chiss you could still pay to unlock it and then make one.


I hope that this is true but I'm also a bit confused on the payment system guess we'll have to wait another month.

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It's three months into the game- you may just have to spend a month playing a game that's intended to be played for years to get your new class/race combo you want.


Doesn't seem like it's the biggest inconvenience ever to me.


I would agree with you but why should anyone have to level up an alt to unlock a race for a new alt. It just takes up space so hypothetically if you wanted very advanced class imperial side you could not make the race combo without having to make a republic toon. Which is a lot of investment just for one race unlock and it really only benefits people that choose a cross faction race. I'm guessing people will rather spend the exp or legacy points on an unlock rather than leveling a toon to lvl 50.

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Lol! They could even make it a quest. Instead of finding a Flesh Raider baby on Tython, Jedis could find a Pureblood! :D


That would be so much fun lol if they did something like this for the characters main of the legacy. Or some case for sith you kill a bunch of force sensitives but keep one infant as your apprentice or servant. So much story potential here for fun and it could break non alt players into making at least one alt.

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That would be so much fun lol if they did something like this for the characters main of the legacy. Or some case for sith you kill a bunch of force sensitives but keep one infant as your apprentice or servant. So much story potential here for fun and it could break non alt players into making at least one alt.


I agree, there tally could be some pretty cool stories around this.


Or, they could just pepper the worlds with alien baby spawns. Make em like Datacrons. There would be guides online showing you where you could find the specific baby you wanted, and people would be standing around spawn points on Voss and Dromund Kaas waiting for their baby to show up. :D

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If i read it correctly you can buy the unlocks through credits or something else ingame, so even if you don't level up a chiss you could still pay to unlock it and then make one.


I could be wrong but i believe they said you could buy features that required Legacy levels with credits instead. However, the race unlocks are not tied to legacy levels. So i don't think you can buy them with credits.

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Yes, I definitely would have leveled differently. :(


My one level 50 is a human. If I had known this about the legacy system, I would have focused on leveling my Miraluka first, not the human!


I have been hoping to make a Miraluka Sith since I first saw the beta, and really want to get started on an Inquisitor, but it looks like I will have to wait until I get my second level 50. Not a huge deal, but still rather irksome.

Edited by Gwena
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Nah, I don't see a problem with my leveling, since Species will be purchasable unlocks as well.

I'll level the twi'lek inquisitor I have now to 50, purchase another one or two species for new alts.

I think I'll manage :p

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